Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Romantic Horror, London, circa 1800

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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

There being as of yet no evidence that this incident is of a preternatural nature, the Demon Hunter will not receive the +1 bonus for track, based solely instead on WIS = 12[dice]0[/dice]
Miss Davenport is able to successfully determine the direction in which the unknown persons made their way. It leads to the door of Charlotte's bedchamber.
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by Rooter »


"It must be as I initially suspected," Lila whispers. "Well, it is no great surprise. Perhaps her partner is one of the servants for I cannot think of anyone else. I am going back to bed." Heading back, she nevertheless glances at the doors of each of the men's rooms.
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by SunlessNick »


Just to be sure, Ines briefly listens at Charlotte's door for sounds of trouble. Should she hear sounds that are .. not of trouble, she will retreat quickly.
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

There being no indication that anything of an unwanted nature is occurring within, the ladies retreat to their various rooms quietly.

Upon the morrow, the guests are greeted by the Baron and the Baroness. The Baron is a man in late middle years, his head nearly bald, only a few wisps of brown hair speckled with gray remaining. Despite his age he is in vigorous good health. His manner is somewhat distant, as if he has many matters of concern occupying his attention, as is not uncommon for a man of property.

The Baroness is a few years younger than her husband and retains the rich, deep brown color of her hair. She is friendly and charming, but in a courtly, old-fashioned manner that is not overly familiar. Her primary concerns are ensuring that her daughter is properly educated, to prepare her for a worthy marriage, and encouraging her younger son to make his way in the world. It seems that Stephan does not wish to emulate his brother and serve in the Army, nor does he express much interest in the Church.

With these preoccupations, as well as preparations for the birthday celebration, the Baron and the Baroness are afraid that they may seem to be not as attentive to their guests as they might wish. The adventurers will have much free time on their hands for about a week or so, during which time they are free to explore the Chateau and its estate, and engage as freely in conversation as the activities of the de Hautommes allow. They are cautioned that the part of the Chateau which has remained unoccupied for some years is not in the best possible condition, and may prove hazardous to the curious.

During the next few days Isaac is busy with his reluctant, if not unintelligent, pupil. Raquel occupies her time practicing her social graces in conversation with the other guests. It may be noted that, on occasion, she sets aside her prayer book and takes up one of Charlotte's many sensational novels, which she reads with eyes wide open and a gasp now and then. Stephan is often absent, and is said to be fond of wandering through the surrounding hills. On returning from one of these excursions, he relates that he caught sight of a woman on horseback far from where one might expect a rider. From his description, it is clear that this is Macaria. Upon questioning the servants, the guests, and the family, it seems that no one else has had a glimpse of her.

-- It is not safe for a young woman to be alone in such wild country, -- he says, -- particularly with those two dastardly soldiers somewhere in the area. --
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by Mr. Handy »


"That is all too true," says Henry. "Though the soldiers, to their credit, kept their word and did not harm us when we allowed them to take our carriage. She does seem capable of taking care of herself, but it does go against my chivalric nature to leave her devoid of protection. We met her on the road, as it happens. She followed us to Toulouse, but had kept her distance until we met her there, and then she journeyed with us to the Chateau. However, when the soldiers showed up, she made herself scarce. We have not seen her since until now."
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by Rooter »


"From the map we recovered, the soldiers evidently have some interest in the unoccupied part of the Chateau," Lila puts in.
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by SunlessNick »


Ines, having never seen mountains on the scale of the Pyrenees, is also interested in walking in the hills (whether this means accompanying Stephan, some other escort or alone). However, when the subject of the map is raised, she asks whether the company means to investigate.
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Stephan, overhearing some of these remarks, seems slightly agitated.

"I would not go into that part of the Chateau if I were you," he remarks (displaying an impressive familiarity with the English language.) "Aside from the fact that time has brought disorder to the unoccupied rooms, leading to many dangerous weaknesses in the floor and walls, it is always extremely cold there." He emits a laugh which is more like a cough. "It will not have escaped your notice, although you are all too well-mannered to say anything about it, that even this part of our home is unusually cold, despite the fires constantly tended by our invaluable servants." He nods to the young manservant who allowed the party to enter, currently engaged in such a task. "A peculiarity of the structure and the wind which constantly howls through the surrounding hills, I imagine. In any event, even in summer there is often a chilly draft from some source or another." He rubs his hands together vigorously, as if the topic of conversation has taken hold of his imagination. "Charlotte and I would sometimes play in the abandoned rooms as children, until we were forbidden to do so, due to the injuries we sustained, and the fevers we acquired from exposure to the cold." For a moment his eyes seem to lose their focus on the guests, as if he were looking inward. "On one occasion I was very frightened, and had to be confined to my room for a full day and night, although I cannot now recall what, if anything, caused such terror. The unfettered imagination of youth, I suppose, which often flies to places it would not wish to be." He stands. "In any event, I should be pleased to escort any of you who wish to explore the environs."

Isaac indicates that he would not object to Raquel accompanying the young man, as long as she is properly chaperoned. The young Spanish lady shyly nods in agreement. The adventurers may choose to join their company; or, if some prefer, to remain behind. It cannot be denied that this excursion would provide an opportunity for discreet exploration of the abandoned rooms, if anyone were to be so inclined, the rest of the household being busy with their own concerns.
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Thank you, I'd like that," says Henry.
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by Rooter »


Stephan's account and mention of the unnatural cold, which often accompanies the presence of evil spirits, makes Lila immediately wary. She agrees at once to accompany the expedition and not simply to chaperone Raquel. At the earliest juncture she must find an opportunity to question, if not Stephan then the Baron himself, as to the history of the Chateau.
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by SunlessNick »


Ines agrees readily. Apart from any more practical concerns, Ines has never been in such a castle as this, and it will be evident that her wanderer's spirit is eager to see more of these new environs.
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

All being agreeable, the party sets out on an excursion on a day which is sunny but still cold. The walk through the wild country that lies between the Chateau and Pyrenees is invigorating, a chill wind stirring the low grasses, now brown and sere, that cling to life in the rocky soil. Stephan indicates a path, hardly more than a deer trail, that leads along the foot of the mountains to a small village where basic provisions may be obtained. Descending from the Chateau is the steep and twisting road to Toulouse. There are small caves in the sides of the hills where it is possible to find temporary shelter from the elements. In one of these the party finds evidence of a recent fire.

Upon being questioned about the history of the Chateau, Stephan is pleased to supply such information as he can.

"The origin of our family's prominence in this area is lost in the mists of history. I imagine that some medieval toiler, discovering that no one else cared to work this unpromising land, took claim to it, establishing the baronetcy. Since that time many generations of de Hautommes have slowly built a modicum of wealth and a facade of dignity." With a wry smile, he continues, "Forgive my cynicism, but I have observed that my father has the soul of a usurer, and I assume that is an inheritance from thrifty ancestors. Witness his disinclination to make repairs to the abandoned part of the Chateau."

It can be seen that, indeed, the rear of the building bears the scars of time. One of the windows of an unused room is broken, no doubt by some mischievous village child.

At one point during their time out of doors the party observes Macaria at a distance, riding upon her black stallion. She carefully maintains her distance from the others, a task made possible by the fact that her steed is exceptionally well-trained and nimble upon the difficult ground. Stephan raises his hand to her and cries out, to which she replies by lifting her own hand, but she does not otherwise acknowledge any greeting.

During much of the excursion Stephan and Raquel are engaged in light conversation, the reason given that he might practice his Spanish, and she her French.

Upon returning to the Chateau hot coffee, tea, and chocolate are a welcome sight for the party. It must be admitted, however, that these are served at a lukewarm temperature, despite that fact that they have been fetched with great haste directly from the kitchen.
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by Rooter »


Lila wonders at Macaria's behavior. "Perhaps she is residing in the village," she speculates. "Or else the fire in the cave was hers. But then perhaps it is more likely those two soldiers are hiding out in the caves."

She believes it may be necessary before long to venture into the abandoned part of the Chateau in spite of any warnings but Stephan's comment about his father leads her to speculate why, if the Baron has the means to throw a lavish birthday celebration, he will not make repairs to the derelict sections. Is he afraid of something there? Perhaps, if they are available for an audience, the Baron or Baroness might know something more than Stephan.
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

The day before the birthday celebrations, the Baron and the Baroness have some small amount of time to spend with the party. The Baron may be interviewed at late morning in his study, whilst he sees to business affairs, and the Baroness in the drawing room, where she habitually takes a small glass of sherry in the afternoon and busies herself with needlework. The adventurers may address such inquires to them as they see fit.
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by SunlessNick »

Wruter wrote:Image

Lila wonders at Macaria's behavior. "Perhaps she is residing in the village," she speculates. "Or else the fire in the cave was hers. But then perhaps it is more likely those two soldiers are hiding out in the caves."

"That broken window may be their work," says Ines. "They would need to gain enty to the Chateau somehow, and of course they could not pass through the inhabited areas. If it was they who cut the horses free from the coach, I also wonder how they mean to leave when they have accomplished whatever they came for."
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by Mr. Handy »


"The servants may know more about what's going on even than their masters," says Henry. "I could send Ivan among them to try to suss out what they know about the abandoned part of the Chateau. He's gotten quite adept at that sort of thing."
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by Victoria Silverwolf »

CHA = 9[dice]0[/dice]
Ivan engages himself in conversation with the servants. As luck would have it, the Chateau's cook is of Russian ancestry, and takes to him at once. After some reminiscences about that distant land, they engage in gossip about her masters.

-- They are afraid! -- she says in their shared Slavic tongue. -- As well they might be! That part of the estate is haunted, I tell you. I would not venture into there for all the treasures of the Tsar. Some say that it contains the riches of the de Hautommes, but I do not believe it. The Master is not one to let a sou slip through his fingers. --
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by SunlessNick »


"Riches," says Ines when Ivan reports his findings. "I think we can assume the soldiers have heard and believe this tale, whether or not it is true."
Question,Do we still have the mirror?
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by Rooter »


"A valid supposition," Lila says. "And the window may indeed provide a point of entry. But this tale of a haunting... I think I should like to call on the Baroness this afternoon."
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Re: Chapter the Tenth: The Road to Toulouse

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Yes, we need to inform the Baron and Baroness about our suspicions of the soldiers' intentions," says Henry. "The soldiers need to be stopped for their own good. They are likely to get themselves hurt or killed."
OOC,My plan was to use the Illuminator to render the mirror harmless, but I don't think we've actually done it yet. We may want to hold off until we've dealt with whatever's in the abandoned part of the Chateau.
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