
It's the summer of 2017 in small town Virginia. The tranquility the residents take for granted is shaken by disturbing news: Karen Parker is missing. To some she may be a friend or neighbor. To others, a daughter. But regardless of the relation, the investigators set out to bring her home. But ancient evils lurk everywhere, and as the investigators are about to discover, some are very close to home...

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Re: Roots

Post by HelplessBystander »

"Thanks for the help." Tobias said appreciatively at the man, as he realised that he may have walked in too late to learn of any other information.
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Re: Roots

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"Yes, thank you," says Catherine, heading back to the cars with the others.
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Re: Roots

Post by Silver Priest »

OOC:   So, to Geverlon, back to the campsite or town, or something else?  
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Re: Roots

Post by HelplessBystander »

OOC:   Geverlon  
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Re: Roots

Post by Silver Priest »

The investigators continue north. A few miles later they happen upon another two bus stops, along with a little used road that juts off west of the main route. A cracked and fading sign indicates that it leads to Geverlon.

Instantly it becomes apparent that this road lacks the care and upkeep of the main path. The team has to drive slowly, for in many instances the path is nearly overgrown with foliage and the surrounding woods. It seems unlikely it is used often. The further down it they drive, the stronger a scent becomes, even with the windows up. It is wild and musky, and none of them can quite place it. But it surely belongs to some sort of animal that marks its territory around here.

Around five minutes down the road another sign is seen. It too is faded, but can just be made out:

Welcome to Geverlon, Virginia

Where Family Still Means Something.

Less than a minute later, the town comes into sight. The woods give way to a large open space, in which the small town has been built. It appears for a moment as if the road leaves the woods, but the trees still stretch away to either side, curving around to line the horizon in each direction, with the town actually being in
the center of a large clearing. The town looks idyllic, houses largely painted white, with large front lawns facing the road. The whole place has
the appearance of perfect small town America, although it seems to be a little dated. It's on this street leading into town that the the first non residential identifiable building is spotted. The sign reads Althea's Diner, and it seems to be just that. Further down the path seems to be the Main street of the town. It's a good bet City Hall would be there, if Geverlon did in fact have one. Other roads branch off to the east and west, leading to more residents and from them to farmland.
OOC:   What would the investigators like to do first? Explore the town further, head to City Hall, stop at the diner? It's around dusk now and rapidly turning towards pitch black. Even if you all wanted to, getting back out of the town the way you just came would be tricky until the light of morning.  
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Re: Roots

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Maybe we should stop at the diner and ask around about Karen and Joy," suggests Catherine. "Supper wouldn't be bad either."
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Re: Roots

Post by Cotton »

Daniel follows his companions lead and turns into the dinner. He'll go ahead and head inside to look around for Karen.
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Re: Roots

Post by HelplessBystander »

Tobias followed suit.
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Re: Roots

Post by Silver Priest »

The diner is charmingly old fashioned, with 70's decor and a jukebox blaring classics in the corner. There are about a dozen booths lined up against the wall here, but only around three are occupied. The one nearest the entrance is home to six teenagers, four girls and two boys, all of whom look up as the newcomers enter. Daniel notices he gets more than one whisper and some giggling from the females. None of the girls are Karen, unfortunately. The other two booths are occupied by older pairs. They too look up, their gazes curious but not hostile.

Two pretty college aged girls are manning the counter. One of them, hair in a bun and dressed in an only slightly dirty waitress uniform, smiles at the new group and reaches for the menu.

"Well hi there! What can I get ya folks?"
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Re: Roots

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"Hi," says Catherine. "We'd like some dinner, please, with a side order of information." She shows the girl a picture of Karen. "This is Karen Parker, and she's missing. We believe she may have come to Geverlon."
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Re: Roots

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The girl leans in close, getting a good look at the picture. "'Fraid I ain't seen her. Hey Abbie, you seen this girl?"

The other waitress also inspects the picture, pausing only briefly in chewing her gum. ""Nope. I'll check with Althie though, maybe she has." She disappears into the back of the restaurant,while the other girl leads the three tourists to a booth and hands out menus. "Just give a yell when you pick something." The food itself is typical diner fair, only interesting in that it's really cheap.

The other thing of interest is that the rest of the diners are still checking out the newcomers, trying but failing to be subtle. It seems likely that Geverlon does not get many visitors.

One of the girls catches Daniel's eye. She looks to be in her mid teens, 16 or so at most. "YYou're looking for a girl? Will I do?" Her friends giggle.
OOC:   Everyone can make a psychology roll.  
Before it can go much further, the door to the kitchen opens, and a plump matron emerges. Seeing the giggling girls, she shots them a stern look that silences them before making her way to the trio's table. Even though it's in the heat of summer, she's dressed in a long sweater that shows off very little flesh. Her expression is presently guarded.

"Well howdy folks, welcome to Althie's. Heard you're looking for a girl?" If offered, she looks at the picture before shaking her head. "Never seen her, I'm afraid."
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Re: Roots

Post by HelplessBystander »

"Also, she may or may be accompanied by a middle-aged woman who shares an uncanny resemblance with her. The woman, I believe, goes by the name Joy and are a member of the town." Tobias added, looking with a strained smile. The events of the last few hours are a bit...taxing to say the least.
Psychology 60%,[dice]0[/dice]
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Re: Roots

Post by Silver Priest »

Tobias,Maybe it is just because Tobias was raised in a different era, but the girl seemed rather forceful in her flirting. This is not playful; She seems to honestly be attempting to seduce Daniel, and it's a bit unnerving to see. What's more, the other girls seem to be similarly interested. The boys though are averting their eyes and seemingly wanting no part in the matter. Something about that strikes him as strange, and somewhat unfitting with what he knows about teenagers.
"Joy?" Althie's eyes widen in surprise. "Yeah, I know her. But she's a bit of a spinster. Doesn't have a car either. Still, you folks need her address?" She grabs a napkin and begins to draw a picture. "Here,I can tell y'all are new to town so I'll go head and draw you a map."
"Aside from Joy, you might want to check with the sheriff in the morning. My cousin works there. If there's any hint of trouble in town, they'd have heard about it. 'Course, I hope you folks will stay for supper first."
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Re: Roots

Post by HelplessBystander »

"Sure, absolutely no worries. We would go and have a little chat with Joy tomorrow morning." Tobias said, and stared coldly at the teens. Blocking the way between Daniel and the teens slightly. Meaning to make sure these young women knew when to back off.
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Re: Roots

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Thank you," says Catherine, perusing the menu while she surveys the people with more subtlety than they display.
OOC,Psychology roll (65% skill) about the people in the diner: [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: Roots

Post by Cotton »


Upon hearing that no one in the diner has seen Karen, Daniel turns his attention to the menu in his hand. He hadn't realized before now how hungry he was, what with skipping out on the barbecue and all.
psychology 5%
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Re: Roots

Post by Silver Priest »

Tobias finds the girls undeterred. Their stares are nearly predatory, but Althie's chastisement seems to keep them in line, and they gradually go back to their own dinner, only occasionally shooting looks Daniel's way.

"Speaking of, you folks have any accommodations set up for the night? Geverlon doesn't have a motel or anything of that sort. We don't get too many outside visitors. Tell you what though, You folks enjoy the meal, and I'll arrange for y'all to spend the night at Father Allberry's house. He puts travelers up now and again, and should have room for all of you." Althie waits to see if this is acceptable. Assuming it is, she goes off to make a call. A short time later one of the girls brings the investigator's orders out. It's typical dinner fare, though the produce is of exceptional quality. If asked, the waitress gives the credit to the local farms in Geverlon.
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Re: Roots

Post by HelplessBystander »

Tobias nodded agreeably. Deciding that this choice of accommodations is fine with him. However, he did wonder why there's a lack of motel, though. It is extremely unusual to see a town in the 21st century to be without a motel or any temporary lodging. Through experience and a sixth sense he had honed over time, he could tell that something is going on in this town that isn't quite right.
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Re: Roots

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Thank you, that would be great," says Catherine in response to Althie's offer. She is glad she ordered the steak, as it both tastes wonderful and is affordable.
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Re: Roots

Post by Silver Priest »

After a nice and leisurely meal (Alfie insists on everyone trying her 'world famous' pie. And if it's not, it should be.) The trio leave and head a few blocks to Father Allberry's home. It's an unremarkable home in a street full of them. A statue of Mary sits in the yard, the figure looking radiant. A mat on the front door welcomes visitors to the home.

As soon as one of the investigators knocks, the door opens almost immediately, and a man pokes his head out. He's dressed in a priest's flock and has wispy grey hair,a long beard, and a wide grin that seems to light up his elderly face.

"Hello there. I assume you're the newcomers to town? I'm Father Allberry. It's good to meet you." He shakes each of your hands in turn.
OOC:   Tobias only can make a 1d100 roll. Everyone can make a hard spot hidden roll at half.  
"Now, come on in. I'll make you some coffee and you can tell me about this girl you're looking for. I'm not sure I can be of service, but my faith dictates I provide shelter for travelers."

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