See No Evil

The year is 1999. A group of agents with the FBI quickly discover a routine case is anything but. Thrust into a world that's as incomprehensible as it is deadly, can this team hope to hold back the darkness?

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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Wow," says Vanessa. "Yeah, we'd better stay on his good side. Is anything more known about him? How old is he, what's his background, how did he rise to power?"
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

Not much. We do know that The Fate has been around longer than him. Apparently Alzis just showed up one day- reports as to when exactly vary- and declared he was in charge. He looks to be in his mid 30's. I want to stress to you that he looks human, but I don't believe he is for a second. You saw what a powerful 'wizard' looked like in Stromm. But even he did not come back from the dead.”

They arrive at the address. Dwarfing everything else is the company headquarters for the Teese Tissue Building. The brand was ubiquitous with tissues, and it was all but a certainty that the agents had seen and used the brand. Even now perhaps the irritating jingle was coming back to them. McRay leads them out and points at a small set of stairs that is off to the front doors of the building. There is no placard here marking them, and had they not been pointed out the team may have just assumed they were a maintenance area for the building.

The stairs lead down in a sharp curve to a landing. A dozen or so people are waiting in line in front of two large, blue-steel doors. It's only around seven at night though, and the two large and eerilly identical bouncers do not seem to be letting anyone in. McRay cuts through the line and urges the others to follow, ignoring the complaints.

The first bouncer looks him over for a second before nodding. Then he opens the door, and the agents are allowed access to Club Apocalypse.

The foyer immediately inside offers a coat check off to the right, but presently no one is there. Past here is a bar. It's a large room, classically styled in reds and dark earthen tones. Around fifteen tables are placed near the wall, With many stools also placed at the bar itself. Many of these are filled, and as the group enters, one of the patrons notices them.

Agent McRay! So glad you could make it.”

The woman is one of the most beautiful everyone present has ever seen. looking to be in her mid to late 20's, she wears a black cocktail dress and expensive jewelry. Her short blonde hair is immaculately styled and her skin carries a healthy tan that suggests an active lifestyle. Taking a final sip of her drink, she places it on the bar before rising to greet McRay.

These are the newcomers, I take it?”


The woman throws her head back and laughs. “Curtis, please! We've known each other long enough now. Loosen up a bit, love. There are worse members Stephen could have sent to greet you.”

Is he ready for us now?”

He should be shortly. But I regret to inform you i'm under strict orders to only take the newbies up to meet with him.” She dazzlingly smiles at both of them, Nik especially. “You two are quite lucky, you know.”

That's not part of our agreement, Brennan!” McRay cuts in angrily. In response, the blonde smiles sweetly.

I'll be sure to convey your thoughts to him. In the meantime, have a seat. Drinks are on the house, of course. Would you like me to send someone down to keep you company?”

McRay ignores her and looks towards Nik and Vanessa. “Remember what we talked about. It's in your hands now.

Lovely! Shall we get going, then?”
ooc,Make a HUMINT check. A success tells you that "Brennan" is a beautiful woman, but something about her eyes profoundly unsettles you. She reminds you of a predator looking at her prey.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

Nik is too unsettled by the whole scenario to pay much attention to the woman, despite her looks. Those kind of charms are lost on him anyway, especially as he’s become quite fatalistic. This Alzis character sounds like a complete nightmare. Nik wishes he was back in the desert.
HUMINT,HUMINT 71: [url=]HUMINT[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]96[/b]
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »


Vanessa can't get a good read on Brennan as she goes along with her to meet Alzis,
OOC,HUMINT roll (53% skill) about [b]Brennan[/b]: [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

The woman seems disappointed that neither of the two agents engage her, but she quickly beckons them forward. A velvet curtain is pushed aside, and behind it is yet another double door, which she quickly opens. Immediately the trio are assaulted by the sound of loud, intense music. It's mechanical, hard and aggressive, and yet there seems to be an almost primal quality to it.
Walking within they find themselves in a large dance hall, liberally sprinkled with chairs and tables. To the side a second bar is located, staffed by a single bartender. Although the club does not seem fully open yet the floor itself is about a quarter filled with dancers, many of whom seem intoxicated. And at one of the tables the agents can spy an open flaunting of hard drug use, as a woman rolls up her sleeve as her partner injects a syringe in her. It would seem that the ordinary rules did not apply to Club Apocalypse. On a raised platform is a DJ booth, and overlooking it all is a second floor.

The agent's guide leads them through the dance floor and up to this second level. Here too are several tables and a small ball. At the end of the hallway is a big red unmarked door. Brennan does not lead them here however, instead gesturing to a table overlooking the dance floor below.

Quite a look.” She says, looking down at the gyrating crowd. “ Never gets old. Well, almost.”

Anyway dearies, Stephen's in a meeting at the moment, so he left me instructions to entertain you until he's done. It should only be a few minutes. In the meantime can I get either you a drink? Perhaps some pretzels? “ As if on cue a waiter brings her a drink, and looks to the agents for their orders.

Regardless if they order, the woman continues. “ Allow me to introduce myself. I am Megan Brennan, Member of the Fate and Servant of the Lord of Sleep. From my experience with your organization, you all insist on code names. But would you grace me with your actual ones? I don't think there's really a point of keeping secrets from one another.” She takes a sip and nods approvingly.

In any event, while we wait, why don't you tell me: Is your group everything you expected it to be? From what I've heard you are dedicated to fighting the so called 'unnatural', keeping the world safe or such. Quite a lofty goal, especially as we approach the new millennium. I ask this in all honesty: is it worth it?” She looks to the agents with genuine curiosity.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »


Vanessa orders some pretzels, but she prefers not to drink. She's going to need her wits about her when they speak to Alzis. "Yes, I do believe it's worth it," says Vanessa, answering the last question and leaving the others aside for now. "There are dangers out there most people can't even imagine, and someone has to protect them. Nobody's ever going to acknowledge what we do or pin medals on our chests, I know that. I don't do it for the glory. If we do our job right, nobody will ever know what we've done, and that's for the best. Most people wouldn't be able to handle it. I can, so like the little Dutch boy I stick my fingers in the dike to keep the floodwaters from washing everything away."
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

Nik ignores the woman completely and looks elsewhere, watching the dancers. He finds her unsettling and is glad that Vanessa is doing the talking.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

The dancers look like they're enjoying themselves. The only noteworthy thing is the sort of diversity among them. A lot of them are the young adults one would usually seen in a club playing the sort of aggressive music this one seems to specialize in, but Nik sees more than one dancer that looks to be in their forties if not older. Some look rich, others as though they barely can afford the clothes they're wearing; it's a rather diverse crowd. What's more, there's just something that seems unusual about the whole scene. The longer nik watches, the more ritualized the dancing seems, and he's not sure if the crowd knows it. Or if they'd even care.

Megan meanwhile smiles sweetly at Vanessa's answer. 'I see. Truth be told, I truly do find your optimism interesting. We get our share of your type in here, and they largely come in two groups. They're either bright eyed and dedicated to holding back the evils that prey upon the innocent for one more day, or they're very fatalistic yet for some reason continue to persist in their cause. I truly hope you both survive long enough for us to speak again in the future. Your work sounds fascinating, even if it's largely irrelevant." She says this last part lightly, as though it's self evident.

The pretzels arrive. They're not the best Vanessa tasted, but they're not the worst either. And Megan seems willing to pick up the tab.

"So, since you indulged me, I'm willing to indulge you. You both can ask me one question. If can be about anything. The Fate, Stephen, even little old Me. I'll answer. Of course I don't promise to answer truthfully, but you both strike me as the type who know how to tell when a girl's not being truthful. So, what's it going to be?"
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

"Why are they dancing like that?" asks Nik, indicating the dance floor. "There's some kind of pattern to it."
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »


"What motivates Stephen Alzis?" asks Vanessa, figuring it will be useful to know when they meet with him.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

Oh, them?” She looks down. “This place is a focal point of magic. It's history was one of the reasons it was picked. Those who find themselves here tend to be overcome by the feelings that it brings forth in them. In essence, each and everyone of those dancers is engaged in worship,whether they know it or not. Their naked, primal energy is unleashed and utilized by The Fate. They get something out of too, of course. Being engaged in such communion tends to give quite a rush. Focus on the music intently, and you too will feel it. If you want to.” She seems to be almost daring them both to.

As for Vanessa's question, she looks thoughtful. “What indeed. I've sometimes wondered that myself. I know Stephen better than most, and even I don't know the answer to that. Why does he do all this? What does he hope to gain? Many among our ranks view him as the avatar of a god, fulfilling his will. Others think simply that he is god. I'll tell you my own thoughts, but I'd prefer you both determine that for yourselves.” She smiles. “I don't want to bias either of you.”

But I think he enjoys it all. Running the club and The Fate, being worshiped... Your organization in particular. He loves interacting with agents of it. I think for good or ill he has a certain fondness for your group and its doomed efforts. It explains why he didn't crush it like a bug when they killed him.”

Having said that, she rises. “I think Stephen is ready to see you now. If you will follow me.” She leads the group towards the door, and through it down a carpentered long hallway. No sound can be heard from the club within here. She stops at a set of old oak double doors, and delicately knocks twice.


Megan opens the doors, and the agents find themselves in Stephen Alzis'.

It's a nice room, large and well furnished. The walls are a deep shade of red, the carpet the color of dark wine. On the walls are plaques for golf tournaments, of all things, all won by Alzis. Sets of expensive golf clubs complete the impression he enjoys the game. The walls also hold several pictures of an unidentified man with famous celebrities. Elvis, Jimie Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Steve McQueen, Tupac Shakur, Kurt Cobain. All the pictures are inscribed with a date, and anyone who knows their celebrity history realizes these pictures were taken just a few weeks or days before their deaths. The most recent one is the man with JFK Jr, who had died only a month prior. In all of them the man looks the same, and wears an enigmatic smile on his lips.
OOC:   San roll for Unnatural 0/1  
Said man is sitting at the large desk when they enter the room.

Mr. Alzis, your guests.”

Thank you Ms. Brennan.” Alzis rises to his feet. He is a tall man, dressed in what looks to be an expensive green suit. He looks slightly Arabic, and his voice carried with it a hint of an accent that neither of the agents can place but both can't help but to find familiar. “That will be all for now.” Taking the hint, Megan leaves, casting a final smile back towards the pair.

Agents, so glad you could come,” Alzis says, holding out his hand for a shake. “Stephen Alzis. I cannot express how glad I am that you have finally decided to take up my invitation. I've been looking forward to this meeting for some time now.”
Picture,[img][/img] I had the perfect pic of him on my other computer, but sadly never backed it up. He's a little older than here, and his skin is a bit darker, but otherwise that's the general idea.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

SAN,SAN 65: [url=]SAN[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]42[/b]
Nik gives a start when he sees the pictures, but puts it out of his mind and concentrates on Alzis. He looks like what Nik had expected, handsome and suave. How could he not be?

Nik takes the proffered hand and shakes firmly. He says nothing.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »


Vanessa is definitely weirded out when she sees the pictures. Was that a picture of Stephen Alzis with Alan Funt dated just a few days ago? But he was still alive - at least for now. She also shakes Stephen's proffered hand. "Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Alzis," she says. "How may we be of service?"
OOC,Sanity roll (current level 65) for seeing the pictures: [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

When both agents shake Alzis' hand, they feel the slightest shock for a brief second. It's not harmful or even uncomfortable, and can be easily dismissed. Alzis for his part does not seem fit to address it.

No need to thank me. This is my club. And you both are my guests. I trust the lovely Ms. Brennan kept you both entertained?” He gestured for them to have a seat before he returned around the other side of his desk.

Before we conduct our affairs, I wish to inform you that I am really not as bad as you have no doubt been told. At heart I am a businessman and a collector. Unlike many of the opponents your organization faces, I've no wish to hasten forth the end of the world or other unpleasantness. Of course Delta Green has always been rather zealous. It's one of the many reasons it's facing all the problems it is now... ah, but perhaps I should say no more.” He smiles that enigmatic smile, the same one as in the photographs.

As such, I never had trouble with them. But Delta Green decided to kill me. And, well... I had to react then, if only to avoid seeming weak in front of my subordinates. Surely you both can understand my predicament? Regardless, I cannot help but find your group fascinating. It's cause is a hobby of mine, I suppose you could say. They continue to fight against insurmountable odds, an ant against annihilation. It is fascinating, to me. And rather entertaining to watch.

“Do not mistake me, of course. More than once Delta Green has delayed the inevitable. And before them, other brave groups and coteries of investigators. It's a fascinating struggle to watch play out. But then, you are not here to here me bloviate about things you barely understand. So let us get down to business

Mr. Colm, through a quirk of fate- pardon the pun- has ended up in my organization's hands. I'm willing to turn him and the book he carries over to you, in exchange for a fair trade. Say, that bottle you recovered from Mr. Stromn. It will have limited use for you, but would be a wonder to add to my collection.”

Do you need time to think it over? Let me assure you, I am not an unreasonable individual. You are entirety free to decline my offer and propose a counter one. Or you could leave here empty handed, with my blessing. One in my position has no need for threats. And despite what you may have heard, I do truly enjoy cultivating a mutually beneficial relationship with Delta Green.”

He awaits the agents response.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

“Is that it?” thinks Nik. “Nothing else?” He doesn’t know if he should be relieved or not.

“You only want the bottle?” he asks. “You don’t want anything from us personally? You could have asked McRay for the bottle.”
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

"But then how would I have met either of you? In truth, that was half the reason I invited you both here. You see, I am all about building relationships. Agent McRay is sadly biased against me. The man simply cannot let bygones be bygones. I prefer to conduct business with those who don't possess the same aversion to working with me. So we aid each other in this matter, and I believe it will lead to positive things down the line."

"Besides, the bottle was found by you, and I'm not so gauche as to go over your heads. That would be counterproductive
." He smiles. "As for what I want personally, let us say... consideration."
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

Nik frowns, despite himself.

“Consideration for what? For our organisation to leave you alone?”
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

"Oh no. Your work is dangerous, and there are times in the future that you may find yourself desperate for assistance. I hope you will be willing to contact me if such a situation presents itself. I am sure we can work out an equitable exchange that satisfies us both."
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

“I understand, but you didn’t answer my question Mr. Alzis Nik presses, although not aggressively. “What do you mean by consideration?”
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »


"I believe by 'consideration' he means that we consider contacting him again if we need help in the future," says Vanessa to Nik. "I think the exchange is a fair one. How about you?"
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