IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Story and his friends investigate and soon identify those behind the monster's appearance, which leads to a deadly confrontation for Brook and Eugene and the arrival of something truly horrific.

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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by andyw666 »

Archie nods happily to Eddie. "Much appreciated Eddie, although if there is anything more urgent you need to do, I believe I could get this young man to the station safely by myself. Nonetheless, your company would be very welcome."
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by Thorn »

Brook also nods at Tinker's offer to help recover the Tardis. She glances at Elizabeth, worrying a little that they'll be stuck here during the wartime. Stuck with no modern conveniences like cellphones, computers, internet, television....She shudders briefly.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by HelplessBystander »

After a while, Anna cooled down, took control of her emotions, and decided to go and find something to do. First, she decided that eating breakfast was probably a good idea at the moment, and decided to carefully head upstairs to go and get some food to eat while waiting for the time to pass. The ancient stairs creaked and groaned in protest as they endured the weight of yet another person that is, by no means, 'slim and slender'. Granted, Anna wasn't exactly portly, but she also wasn't exactly the poster child for a willowy figure either.

She winced slightly as the stairs creaked under her weight, and headed upstairs to go find some food to eat before the Sunday Service. Anna believes in having a religious experience every once in a while. Besides, there's free food.
Last edited by HelplessBystander on Tue Sep 19, 2017 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by Mr.Green »

Seamus decided to follow Anna up the stairs and outside the church. “Want a fag luv?”, he offered the packet before lighting his cigarette.

Squinting in the morning light his hangover throbbed as he caught himself up against a wall. He decided to tail the ‘lords’. Seems there may be a way to turn a profit, if they think their small scepters are screwdrivers, he might be able to swindle them away from them.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by HelplessBystander »

"Sure." Anna said, looking directly in the eyes of the criminal, and chose to accept the cig. Normally, she doesn't smoke. But ever since the war started, she felt like she's starting to pick up a few vices or two. "So, what do you plan do after all this is over? The war, I mean. The men on the radios had been talkin' and recently about how it'll end soon. 'The Axis power will never triumph against Great Britain'; I may be paraphrasing a bit, mister, but I assure that I sincerely doubt the war will bring about anything good for us in a short amount of time. What do you think have in stock for you in the future?" She chatted idly with the man, maintaining a friendly manner whilst doing so.

She took a breath of sharp, fresh air as she stepped out of the musty church basement. She hoped she won't have to endure the smell of a haphazardly prepared war bunker anytime soon as she went and picked up an apple from the breakfast table. The fruit are a warm welcome to the beginning of her morning as the distinctly sharp flavours of the apple felt...heavenly after a long night.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by yockenthwaite »

Elizabeth notices Brook's glance, and is unsure what her friend is thinking. Oh if only the TARDIS is safe though, Elizabeth thinks to herself. This era is familiar to Elizabeth, but it's not one she particularly wants to be stuck in. She might never see her family again for one thing, or at least if she did she couldn't tell them who she is. At least while they have the TARDIS - and oh please let them still have that marvellous machine! - there is hope she could get home at some point.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by Mr.Green »

"War, war never changes", Seamus told Anna in a hush,"It took my parents, and now it's taken poor Nell". "Of course you'll be busy in tha crazy houses. It's been hard, but I think it's harder on those that think they come from 'galley-fey' ".
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by HelplessBystander »

"Aye. If it's one thing we could all agree, Mister Seamus, I believe it would that war is bad." Anna said, taking a good, long drag of the cigarette for good measure. She stared vacantly up at the ceiling above before whispering back at Seamus, "You know, this would be a pretty great time for the lord to come down and help us with this whole 'war' thing, wouldn't it? People suffer, and there's not an awful lot you could do about it. War; war is a monster, it reduces countless innocent lives to mere statistics emotionlessly processed by our leaders every morning. Now, I see this war has transcended Good and Evil altogether, it has morphed into a petty fight of ideals; the winners will get to write history regardless of whether they are right or wrong. The Jews are the unwitting sacrifices." After a brief moment of silence, Anna clenched her fists in anger with some force placed behind it.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by DrPeterson »

'That is the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time, lady.'

John had been ignoring Anna, but this had triggered something.

'In case you hadn't noticed this war is one against the very ideology of evil, of the very conscious and thought-through destruction of people, and of the idea's, morals and values that make us human. To stand by and not take action is to approve of this horror. Everyday we go out there, unsure that we'll ever return, to try and stop this unstoppable wave of hatred.'

John breathes deeply, getting a grip of his anger.

'The true monster is complacency. Think about that when you're enjoying your breakfast.'
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by HelplessBystander »

"What is evil? What, exactly, will this war stop? Racism? Discrimination? Hah." Anna said, a slightly mocking smile was painted on her lips. "History is written by winners. What they consider as 'justice' one hundred years ago is way different what we would consider 'justice' today. This war is merely a clash of ideals. It does not reflect the will of the people. Not all Germans is a Nazi, and not all of us are as welcoming to the Jews as we would like to be. Don't get your blood boiling just because there's evil in this world; you can't stop it. No one man or woman ever could. In a war, everyone is involved and we all contribute. Do you think the best way for people to serve is to give everyone a gun and then throw them into the trenches?"

With tired eyes, Anna stared at John in the eyes. An unreadable expression flashed across her face. "I am who I am; a doctor of psychiatry. I've seen more horrors and depravity in only a few years of residency than you ever would on the front lines. Every morning, I wake up knowing it's going to be a day that's going to be filled with discrimination towards both my gender and my lineage. Yes, I came from Australia, and my ancestors were almost certainly criminals; but that doesn't mean I have to go down that path too, yet there are people out there who treated me as such. I have seen people tortured by demons that haunts and plague them every time they close their eyes; people who live their days in endless pain. Those people also needs help, do you accuse me of complacency when my vocation requires me, by nature, to assist those in need of help and to swear under the Hippocratic oath?" She shook her head in disappointment at the soldier, "The problems plaguing this world can't all be solved with a .66 gun and handful of bullets. It's not that easy. People who do their part by working their jobs knowing their doom may come at any given moment and donating their time to the government should never be accused of complacency, Soldier."
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by DrPeterson »

John listens to Anna with an almost slackjawed look on his face.

'Have you ever listened to yourself? This war is preventing the damned Nazi's from taking over the damned world. And if you have any doubts as to their degree evil, lady, I would kindly suggest you have your wits checked.
Duty to government? Really? If I was doing my duty to my government, I probably wouldn't even have been here.
I'm doing my duty to humanity, and that's worth a whole lot more than wha...'

He stops, checking himself as he suddenly realises he's shouting at a woman.

'I'm going out, this place is way too crowded.'
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by HelplessBystander »

Anna stared at the retreating figure for a while before shaking her head in disappointment. "I think I've managed to piss him off." She said to Seamus.

The soldier projects an aura of nobility to his vocation and, clearly, he believes that he is fighting for the 'greater good'. Something Anna most certainly do not believe exists. There will be good people and bad people on both sides, as some of the higher ranking members of the Third Reich has now been exposed to be Jewish sympathisers, she believes there's quite a few more of these within the ranks of the atrocious order as well. Why can't this soldier see that they aren't alll fighting for same thing? There are nations that are only opposing Germany through circumstance, not choice.

Anna doesn't believe that she knew everything, but she felt like she's entitled to her right to express her ideals and beliefs. Respecting the job of a soldier does not necessarily mean it is contradicting her belief that innocent lives will be lost as the 'good guys' fight for the 'greater good'; regardless of the outcome of the war. To her, Justice, with a capital J, is merely a knee-jerk response to evil. There's nothing inherently noble or righteous about any of this.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,[b]Story[/b], [b]Elizabeth[/b], [b]Brook[/b], [b]Seamus[/b], and [b]Tinker[/b] are moving to the thread linked below:
Among the Ruins
OOC,[b]Lord Rufus Colville[/b] is moving to the thread linked below:
Home Again
OOC,[b]Eddie[/b] and [b]Archie[/b] are moving to the thread linked below:
Escort Duty
OOC,[b]Benjamin[/b], [b]Eugene[/b], and [b]Anna[/b] are moving to the thread linked below:
The Morning After
OOC,[b]Phyllis Cruckshank[/b] is moving to the thread linked below:
Keep Calm and Carry On
OOC,[b]Group Captain John H. Barrow[/b] is moving to the thread linked below:
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