IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Story and his friends investigate and soon identify those behind the monster's appearance, which leads to a deadly confrontation for Brook and Eugene and the arrival of something truly horrific.

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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by HelplessBystander »

"I don't, as a matter of fact, carry around prescription medicines in my handbag." Anna said politely towards Eugene politely, "I feel slightly offended that you think I would be as shameless as our insufferable neighbours from across the pond. Their doctors have an unfortunately loose definition of 'Clinical Prescription', I try my best to not act like one of them." She frowned somewhat disapprovingly, referencing a few controversial incidents she had heard of from acquaintances in her circles concerning the casual referral of addictive substances by doctors without proper diagnosis. "I get the joke, Eddie, I really do, but I'm afraid that's going to be where I draw the line."
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by ZadokAllen »

"My apologies, I didn't mean to offend you" Eugene murmurs: "Just a silly joke."
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by HelplessBystander »

Anna sighed, "It was. I got the joke, and I didn't mean to ruin it for you. It's just that, the work I do forces me to take these jokes in context." She said apologetically. She did, after all, illness as such should be made mockeries of.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by CrackheadC. »

Tinker sighs and shakes her head clearly unsatisfied with her conversation, "Perhaps you're right maybe the stresses of war are getting to me, I did just spend time in Korea with their resistance only to come here and find London under siege - that would get to most anyone."

Turning to the upset Lord Colville, "My Lord, perhaps you should wait for something more suspicious before you begin these accusations. No doubt espionage is a real problem and I applaud your desire to protect things at home, but sowing unnecessary chaos and paranoia can do more bad than spy at times. Be alert - not angry and afraid. And cheer up, even if you think the massacred woman was some sort of ruse to get you out of the shelter, you all came back safe and managed to collect yourself a handsome airman to boot."

She tilts her head at the mention of monsters, "I have had my share of experiences with monsters, more often than not they are man or man-made, but sometimes they are something else and something horrible. Either way, they are something that needs to be dealt with - but perhaps all we can do now is talk to the German and ride out the air raid."
OOC,Made it back in one piece. Stinks that I had to go during that conversation, but I think it worked out in the end.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by aine »

Phyllis Cruckshank mumurs in a low voice, "If you ask me, Mrs Duncan, the air raid upstairs has addled their wits; barmy, the lot of them!"
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by yockenthwaite »

"It sounds like you've had a hard time," says Elizabeth to Tinker, reaching out to hold her hand briefly, then let go. "I'm sorry that you went through what you did." She hopes that her meaning will be clear enough, without causing further alarm to the others present. Like Brook she is baffled by what is going on. Is Tinker really another Time Lord? Is she really Raymond that they met?
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by HelplessBystander »

Anna quietly finished the small packet of fava beans and discreetly tossed the empty bag towards a dark corner of the room where no one was watching.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by Mr.Green »

Seamus mopped his brow. He went to take another sip from his flask, only to find it empty. Yes, he was in shock, but the warmth in his belly soothed him. "At least I'm not see'n flying beasts, nor pretend'n to be a lord from some imaginary place...", Seamus muttered to himself, "Oh Ma, you made the best rabbit stew, why'd they have to go an blow ya up?". The explosions brought back memories, he'd have the nightmares again tonight.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by HelplessBystander »

Anna looked at Mr. Seamus with some degree of worry and polite concern, "Mr. Seamus, are you okay? It seems like you have something weighting in your chest." She said proverbially, as she attempted to look professional and failing, due to the ruckus going on outside.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by jaysun81 »

Having had some time to think Story moves back over to his companions and Tinker. He studies the female for a moment, clears his throat, and says, "I truly am sorry for leaving you behind, though in my defense I never knew you were there in the first place."
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by CrackheadC. »

"I appreciate that. To be honest, at the time I just wanted to use you to get out of there, but I figure the ones keeping me grounded would have found a way to keep me stuck and probably punish you in the process. Turns out if you do enough favors for the council they will place you on probation and you can get a little bit of travel time. I can't really blame you all I suppose, I never told you who I was and I was worried how UNIT would react... but then the whole OP went sideways and that wasn't a concern anymore." Tinker gives Story and his friends a once over, "I'm sorry for overreacting about you leaving, it couldn't be helped. Besides, it isn't everyday you are forced to stop and smell the roses." Tinker smiles weakly.

She turns the group, "So did you all actually see the woman attacked or any evidence of a creature?"
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by HelplessBystander »

"Operating under the assumption that there's monsters out there, how likely is it that they will attack us?" Anna said with a hint of resignation creeping into her voice. She knew there's nothing she could do anything except to play along at this point.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by Mr. Handy »

"Oh, aye, Mrs. Cruckshank," said Maggie to Phyllis, nodding. "This air raid's got everyone's nerves all jittery. It's likely to go on a while yet. I think I'll get some more shuteye. The all clear will wake us when it sounds."
Anne Jerkins,[b]Seamus[/b] seemed to be haunted by traumatic things that have happened to him, and he had obviously suffered loss, but he was mentally sound.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by andyw666 »

Archie has been busily handing out tea and biscuits and basically ignoring the conversation (unless anyone looked set to go to pieces). He happily hums "All Things" to himself as he works.

Finally contented with his efforts, he returns to Benajmin's cards. "Anyone for a slightly occult hand of cards? We're playing for matches."
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by HelplessBystander »

"Sure. Why not?"
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by Mister Ginge »

Eddie could do with some shuteye too.

"If you lovely people are playing cards, would you mind keeping an eye on Rufus, I mean Friedrich, while I get some kip? Maybe he plays cards as well. Wake me in few hours and I'll take second watch."

He tickles Felix behind the ears. "Best stick close little fella. There's monsters about."
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by ZadokAllen »

"I'll play, I don't understand anything about this gibberish anyways" Eugene sits down at the table.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by Pastiche »

"Feel free to use my cards," says Benjamin, "but after our trip to surface, I feel quite exhausted. I think I'll lie down here on one of these pews and try to make myself as comfortable as possible..."
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by HelplessBystander »

"I'm used to long nights working at the sanitarium anyways. Alright, who starts first?" Anna said with some enthusiasm as she took a seat near the table as well. After all, nothing quite says comfort in an abandoned basement storage room deep under a church while German airplanes fly overhead and bombs the place she call home. She just hope that she still have a place to work by daylight. Playing card games seems like a good way to stop thinking about that, and to temporarily ignore all the questions building up inside her about the curious conversation between Tinker and the others; she got the feeling that something terribly wrong is going on, and no one seemed to be in any hurry to explain everything to her. Card games are famous for being a good way to pass time.
ooc,we are not [i]actually[/i] going to play a card game, are we? Because that would be too meta, playing a game inside a game through the medium of an online forum. I can't believe I just typed that.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Long Night(Everyone)

Post by Mr.Green »

Seamus grins back at Anna. "Ya, weight on my chest could be just what tha doc ordered. That and I would share some of me warmth with a pretty little thing?", whispers Seamus. He has a quick look amongst the stuff for something to rest his head against (always with an eye for anything valuable), then sets himself down quietly near Laura. He wiggles his finger, and mimes, beckoning Anna to come, and rest her head on his chest. With a sigh he checks his guilt, closes his eyes and tries to turn his dreams sweeter.

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