See No Evil

The year is 1999. A group of agents with the FBI quickly discover a routine case is anything but. Thrust into a world that's as incomprehensible as it is deadly, can this team hope to hold back the darkness?

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See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

The next few months find the agents resuming their usual routine. It is perhaps a welcome change. After the San Carlos business, they had been viewed as rising stars in the bureau, but the lack of results in the Glendridge investigation slowed this speculation down. Their careers had not been too damaged by their failure to identify the culprit, and maybe it was better this way. A shooting star burns out twice as fast, or however the saying went. So despite all they've seen, the agents try to get back to their daily lives, and some sense of normalcy.

Vanessa begins a new relationship with an assistant district attorney. Like herself, Malcolm Devane is ambitious and committed to the cause, and the pair have several passionate discussions. It helps that he is also quite attractive. The pair become close very quickly, and he seems really interested in Vanessa. Unlike many of her old flames she also knows he understands her job. But that's her official job, not the one she does for Delta Green. She thinks about the things she's seen, the things she may very well see in the future, and she pulls back. Malcolm notices, but seems willing to give her the space she needs for now, and things continue on as they were before. But she wonders how long this is possible.

Nik in turn throws himself into his relationship, perhaps masking the horrors he's experienced by committing to Debbie. She seems grateful for the extra attention, and things are good between them. Though she does chide him for not sticking to his diet.

Rue largely keeps to himself, but he seems to be trying to lay low as well.

August 17th, 1999

And so their routine continues for nearly three months, until August. It is then that one day an email arrives for the three of them. As usual it is from a throwaway account, and labeled a Night at the Opera.

An operation has come up that requires S-Cell's skills.

Effective tomorrow you will be assigned to the FBI office in New York City. You'll be conducting an operation under one of our agents, whose name will be given to you by your superiors within the FBI. Ensure you are ready for the trip.

Due to recent events and in an effort to avoid telegraphing operations, agent SCOTT will remain within the Phoenix field office so as to give deniability. Additional agents will be assigned to S-Cell to assist STANLEY and SALLY if it is deemed necessarily.

Be Seeing you,


Rue seems half relieved, half disappointed that he won't be joining the others, but promoises to keep his head down. He does tell the team to contact him if things become dicey, however.

Sure enough, halfway through the day Vanassa and Nik are called into the SAC's office. Their boss gets straight to the point.

“I won't mince words, agents. There's apparently a big operation being conducted in NYC. It's very hush hush, all I could get was that it's some sort of counter terrorism operation, whatever that means.

"You two have been specifically requested. Guess someone on the team appreciates your work. You'll be leaving early tomorrow, the 18th. Once you arrive at New York headquarters, you'll meet with special agent Curtis McRay, who will fill you in on what exactly this mission will entail

Though the SAC does not say it, both agents know that NYC is one of if not the most prestigious postings in the FBI. Depending on how things go on this mission, their careers may very well see a boost, and maybe even a permanent reassignment should either want it.
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Re: See No Evil

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Nik receives the news without enthusiasm. Last year, he would have been ecstatic at the news of a NYC assignment. But lately he is much more fatalistic. It's easier to assume that he won't survive the mission.

After arranging his current cases with other agents, he returns home to pack and let his girlfriend know the news. He wants to spend time with her before he leaves.
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Re: See No Evil

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"Thank you, sir!" says Vanessa with a broad grin. "It's been an honor to work with you." She knows what this posting can mean for her career. She wonders what it will mean for her new relationship with Malcolm. It's unlikely that he can move to New York to be with her, but he would probably be happy for her. She hopes that they can make a long-distance relationship work.
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Re: See No Evil

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Both of the agents loved ones are a bit surprised by the abrupt departure, but know that it happens in this line of work. This is a big move, and neither of the agents know exactly what sort of experience they're being signed up for. Given their past work it would seem to be some sort of serial killer case, as those have been the two investigations they've dealt with that are the most high profile. But Delta Green may very well have pulled strings and assigned them to something else entirely.
August 18th, 1999
The flight the next day is delayed by an hour, but the team touches down in New York City early in the afternoon. It's a quick trip made long by the city's famous traffic, but they eventually make it the city's FBI headquarters. It's a large and imposing building, and the facilities seem far more up to date than the Phoenix office. Even entering the lobby finds the team in the midst of frantic activity, and it would seem that while they are here there will never be a dull moment. If either of them read up on the office they know that there are over 1200 special agents assigned to this branch, a number that dwarfed the resources of Phoenix. Based on the resources at their disposal it seems a bit unusual the branch would need to go out of "house" but no doubt their other affiliation played a part.

Identifying themselves gets the agents directed to a meeting room on the 7th floor. It's a plain room, the only features of note being a large table with a dozen unused chairs surrounding it, a potted plant in the corner (likely fake) and a projector. it's empty when they enter, and they're made to wait a few minutes before the door opens and a man joins them. He looks to be in his early 40's, and is dressed in a nice suit. He's thin, almost skeletal, with shaggy brown hair that's half way to gray and severe blue eyes. He wears Buddy Holly type glasses, and looks them both over before offering a thin smile.

"You're my team then? Well enough. Agent Curtis McRay. Normally we'd use code names while on DG business, but the special nature of this assignment makes that unpractical, at least from my end." He offers his hand and gives them both a firm handshake, and both agents get the impression he views this as a sort of test.

Placing a large brown folder down in front of both agents, he retreats to the far end of the table and takes a seat.

"I won't waste time with small talk, let's get to the heart of the matter. Tell me, are any of you familiar with The Review for Historical Accuracy and Accountability? The Review for short." He continues before either can answer. " It's a holocaust denial group." He opens his own folder, and begins to read.

"Brief history lesson. The group was founded in 1952 by 'Dr.' Herman Sawyer. At the time it was virulently white supremacist. Its members were connected to at least a few murders down south. Still, like a lot of such groups it was never all that influential in the grand scheme of things. It was plagued by vicious infighting between all factions of the far-right, which generally hampered its effectiveness. Sawyer himself cut ties with the group in the early 70's, after he was forced out of his leadership role in a purge. He went on to form a society calling for race war, but died of Lung Cancer three years later and that group died with him.

"The Review however continued to grow. By the early 1980's it had become more 'respectable'. It officially denounced violence and white supremacy, and removed the rest of its members who held to these tenants. It reinvented itself as a group focused on combating what it sees as historical inaccuracy. Namely that the Holocaust happened and that World War Two was necessary. To do so, it uses pseudo scholarship and all sorts of questionable sources, but it's earned a degree of respect that many similar organizations do not enjoy. Reports indicate its membership has steadily grown since this reorientation, and recently the group's findings were cited in the work of a prominent conservative thinker. It may be only a matter of time before it becomes mainstream in certain circles.

"Put bluntly, the FBI is concerned that the group still has hidden ties with extremists, and may be either directly or indirectly backing them. Our organization agrees. Given its increase in strength and prominence, we are concerned it's become a prime target for subversion by individuals or a group that has been known to operate within the far-right spectrum in the past. That's where you come in. The FBI is putting together a team of four rookie agents to monitor prominent members of The Review during an upcoming conference they'll be holding in the city, on the 24th. This Friday. You have been selected to oversee these agents. Using the cover of the operation, you're to search for any signs of involvement between Review members and groups or individuals that would be of interest to our organization. Namely those using or aware of prenatural phenomena. "

McRay pauses, apparently opening the floor for questions before he continues.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »


“What the fuck is this?” thinks Nik.

“How are the aliens involved?” he asks, in all seriousness. “Are they goddam white supremacists now?”

He feels himself getting angry, but he doesn't really know why. He knows he shouldn’t, but he can’t help it.

“What the hell does ‘prenatural’ mean anyway?” he snaps.
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Re: See No Evil

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"Have there been any efforts to infiltrate the Review, either using an undercover agent or trying to recruit an informant within the group?" asks Vanessa. "If not, are there plans to do so? It seems to me they'd be pleased to have new members."
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

Agent McRay smiles. It contains no mirth.

"Aliens, as you put it, may not be involved at all. This is a fishing expedition. It's entirely possible you'll be spending the week doing nothing more exciting than camping out in a van. But just in case there's more to it, we want our people overseeing things."

He looks down at his folder. "You both were responsible for cleaning up that mess in over in Glenridge a few months ago, yes? The culprit there was suspected of utilizing unnatural phenomena and weaponizing it to satisfy their very own human grudges. I assure you, that culprit is not the first person to try and use the things we fight for their own ends. And they won't be the last. Based on these reports you've encountered Majestic's goons, so you know that even parts of our government is in on it.

"Well bad as they all are, there exist groups in recent history that have attempted to control these sort of things and turn them to their benefit. And that's a very dangerous weapon in anyone's hands, but especially terrorists. There's no proof of prenatural involvement within The Review, but given its increasing prominence within far-right circles we believe it to be a prime target for organizations that are a threat to national security. As for the group's themselves that may be involved, that's classified. From top levels. We don't want you jumping at shadows out there.

"Preternatural phenomena is what our group exists to destroy. It's a lot like pornography. You know it when you see it."

He turns to address Vanessa. "We have a few moles in the organization, but they're all low to mid level. They report nothing out of the ordinary. If The Review has become co-opted by anyone of interest to our organization, the taint currently remains at the highest levels."

"As for your objective here, there are three. I'll sum them up in order of importance.

"Of paramount concern to us is finding any evidence that any of The Review members under surveillance are engaged inactivities or affiliated with groups that are in the know about what we fight. If any are we'll need to use whatever means are available to stop them. Legal, if possible, but if there's a risk that they will continue to spread their knowledge while incarcerated and recruit others, other measures will be authorized.

"As mentioned, your team for this are rookie agents. This is thought to be an easy assignment, a sort of final test before they prove themselves capable of being full agents. Legally, the FBI only has the authority to monitor the targets while they're out in public. The agents under your command will be briefed that the mission has tasked them with finding out who these men meet up with and if any of their contacts are affiliated with the white nationalist movement, specifically the violent part of it.

"Neither of you are to operate under such strict parameters. The organization gives you full permission to break into their hotel rooms, bug their communications, and anything else you cna get away with. You're also able to remove any incriminating evidence if it comes to it. National security trumps the need for a warrant. You learn that early in this line of work." McRay trails off for a moment. "Just don't get caught.
" McRay almost seems blase about the law breaking he has just authorized the team to perform.

"Regardless, you should take care to avoid engaging in any blatant lawbreaking in front of the rookies. We can't bail you out of trouble without risking our secrecy, and secrecy is paramount. However, a secondary assignment is for you to examine each of the team you're assigned and determine if any of them have the qualities that an organization such as ours looks for. If so, we may look into recruiting them at a later date."

"Third and least important, do whatever you can to kneecap The Review. If we can find an excuse to arrest some of the ringleaders it will go a long way towards crippling the organization, and prevent it from being a target for subversion in the future, even if it's not already."

"Now, let me show you what we have on your targets, and we can proceed to any final questions you may have and the final part of the briefing
." He opens the dossier and slides for the agents to do the same. Inside are four profiles.
Peter Hames,Aliases: none Age: 76 Occupation: Retired Description: White male, 5'9", 150lbs. limp right leg, tattooed right arm, "B-17 Delightful Dora" far-sighted (glasses). Military Rank: Major in Air Force. Family: Wife Evangeline, Son Patrick (Both deceased) Notes: Bore Fairview, Ohio. Served in Air Force 20Sep43 to 29Aug63. Married wife Evangeline 27Jun55. arrested three times for assault, no charges ever brought. Wife died 25July63. Author of three books:[i] Air Power[/i](1960 Gerwin, republished 1965 Hewlitt) [i]Hitler's Germany[/i] (1968 Hewlitt)[i] Rise of the Reich[/i](1974 Hewlitt) Associations: Former Chairman Fairview Ohio John Birch Society. Former member Fairview Veterans Association.
Michael Drinkwater,Aliases: None Age: 51 Occupation: Professor of History(unemployed) Description: White male, 6'1", 180lbs. birthmark orange right thigh., scar left temple. Immediate family: Wife Dorothea. Notes: Born Deepdeene, Massachusetts. Educated Boston University 1971, Reading University, England, 1971-1975. Married wife 5May70. Criminal Record: Arrested and convicted of DUI 1982. Author of two books: [i]Hitler and the Nazis[/i](1978 Godwin) [i]The Jewish Problem in Germany 1933-1945[/i](1986 Bhrunt) Author of numerous historical articles published in History Today, Times of Conflict, Military Historical Quarterly, among others. Last employer Boston University, 1985-95.
Allen Bhrunt,Aliases: Alexis Bellman. Age: 41 Occupation: Publisher Description: White male. 5,2', 208 lbs. scar right leg, asthmatic. Immediate Family: none. Notes: Born Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Educated Florida State,1981. Criminal Record, Arrested forgery 1982, acquitted. Arrested assault, 1983, convicted and sentenced to one month. Arrested possession of narcotics 1985, convicted and sentenced to two months. 32 parking citations. Editor/owner Review Press. Publisher [i]Truth[/i] newsletter and website. Currently under investigation for mail fraud.
Stephen Colm,Aliases: None. Age: 55 Occupation: Accountant. Description: White male, 5,11", 165lbs. near-sighted (glasses.) Immediate family: wife Wilhelmina( divorced) son Andrew, son Brian. Notes: Born Barlow, Missouri. Educated Missouri State, 1967. Criminal Record: none. Married wife 8Apr1972, divorced 19Jun82. Current Employer: Harwick, Chadderton, and Merlo, New York City, New York.
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Re: See No Evil

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opens his hands in a gesture of submission. “Okay McRay. Subverting Nazis plus training rookies it is.”

He feels relieved. Maybe there won’t be so much supernatural alien shit after all. And going up against Nazis – how can you go wrong?

He looks through the files; they look like standard Holocaust deniers to him. Dressing up a predetermined subjective conclusion in an argument which sounds convincing to the person giving it, but which is unsustainable when confronted with facts.

“Goddam it” he says. “I hate these assholes even more than those alien assholes.”

He looks directly at McRay.

“We’ve come up against these ‘Majestic’ people as you call them before. Are you going to start telling us more about who they really are?”
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Re: See No Evil

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"Can we see the files of the rookies we'll be supervising?" asks Vanessa. "The more we know about them, the better."
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

That's not relevant to this investigation,” McRay says when Nik questions him about Majestic. “But I'll make you a deal; once this op is over you can ask me anything about them and I'll fill you in. But right now I want you focused on this.

“I share your feelings with these types. You do this job long enough, you start to realize humans are half the problem.”

“As for the agents dossiers, they start on page 12
.” If the agents flip to this page, they see what they have to work with.

David Faulkner, 33, is an attractive man with All American Boy looks. He looks more like a model than an FBI agent. A graduate of law school, he's been an agent for ten months and has earned nothing but praise.

Samantha Lynn, 30, is a petite and delicate looking woman with bright blue eyes and brown hair. She's been an agent for seven months, investigating crimes for the navy prior to joining the FBI. Her record is also spotless.

Steve Udagawa, 29, is Japanese-American, with a military grade cut and a strong stocky build. He did two tours in the Army after officer training school and has been in the FBI for six months. He's praised, but there are a few notes made that he's not much of a people person.

Eric Taylor
, 31, is a very handsome African-American with model features. He entered the FBI fresh out of Law school and has been in it for eleven months. His record is good, but he's been chided for occasionally being looser with the rules than he should be.

Once the agents finish reviewing the files, McRay rises and makes his way to the projector. “As for information on the four targets," He flips it on and a man's face appears on the screen.

"Peter Hames. A WWII veteran and once noted historical scholar.  He became active in Holocaust denialism in the late 70's, which led to a shunning of his once respectable works. Hames will speak on the Nazi's party attitude towards the 'Jewish Problem' and argue that the Nazi's never intended mass extermination as policy.  He is booked on a 10 p.m. flight on the 22nd and has booked  a room at the Marriott from the 22nd to the 25th. Room 1126." He gives the address of the hotel.

He pressed the switch, and a a new face appeared. "Michael Drinkwater. A former professor of European History. Currently unemployed for reasons we've not been able to find out. He will focus on the gas chambers. He's booked on a 4.15 flight and will arrive tomorrow, the 19th. He's also booked at the Marriott, room 1210.

"Allen Bhrunt. The main publisher and editor of The Review's newsletter. Also the publisher of many of the group's texts. He'll be giving overviews of The Review's latest activities, fundraising, etc.. He'll arrive by train the day after tomorrow at 4:45 pm. He also is booked into the Marriott from the 20th to the 28th. Room 1708.

"Lastly, Stephen Colm. The Review's secretary and organizer of the conference. He's be ensuring everything goes smoothly and introducing the speakers. Unlike the other three, he lives in New York City." he gives an address.

"We've attained books and other publications of the members, along with television programs they've appeared on. You are free to peruse these or have the team under you do so, in an effort to learn more about the targets."

If there's no further questions, I'll send the other agents in and you can brief them on the federal aspect of this case. Remember that none of them are cleared to know of our true mission here, and care should be taken not to involve them in such matters unless there's no other option.”
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Re: See No Evil

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"Understood," says Vanessa. "Those materials will surely prove useful. We'll want to bug those hotel rooms and Colm's home and tap their phones. Since we don't have a warrant and aren't going to get one without evidence, we'll have to do that ourselves and not let the rookies know about it."
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Re: See No Evil

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Nik stands up. “If you give us what we need we can get on with setting the wires, then we can begin physical surveillance once we’ve briefed the rookies.”
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

McRay nods. "You'll be provided with parabolic microphones, cameras, and camcorders to observe the men in public, and electronic bugs and listening devices to utilize in the more covert part of the operation. The FBI's also willing to lend you up to three vehicles from our stock to keep track of the various targets.'

"As for bugging the rooms, that sounds like a good start. None of the targets aside from Colm have arrived yet, so it may be worth hitting the Marriott.There are also several hotels within a block of the Marriott our friends will be staying at. I believe there's also a dentist office/dance studio directly across the street. It has sight on some of the rooms, which may be helpful. Of course, you could assign someone a room within the hotel. It's probably the only place running into the same person a few times would not tip our guys off. But it's entirely up to your team."

He gets to his feet. "With that, I think we're just about done here. I'll send the team in. Keep me informed," he gives his number. "If you find anything, let me know immediately. Good luck out there."

He leaves, and shortly thereafter the four rookies enter. They all listen carefully as they're briefed on their part of the mission. All seem reliable, and the agents get a sense they'll be useful. At least for the non DG part of the assignment.

With the briefing over, it falls on the team to decide their preliminary moves.
OOC:   You've a lot of freedom here, but hopefully it does not overwhelm. Here are some but certainly not all of your options.

You could scope out the Marriott and attempt to access the rooms, or set up shop across the street.

You could head to Colm's home and see if you can gain access or what he's up to..

You could attempt to do some research on one of your targets by reading their publications/watching the recordings you have of them, then making a HUMINT roll to construct a profile based on that. I'll give a +20 bonus to these rolls, considering you can perform it at your leisure. But this takes time, and an agent can only conduct one of these evaluations before the day is out.

You can speak with one of the agents and get to know more about them and what skills they may have that are useful to the situation.

Lastly, recall that the rookies can be assigned tasks as well.  
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,Since we have four rookies and four targets, maybe we should assign each rookie to do a profile of one of the targets while the two of us get things set up. We should get our own room in the Marriot and set things up there as well as bug the three hotel rooms, especially since one of the targets is coming in tomorrow.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

OOC,Sounds perfect. Bugging the rooms will require access - a pass key and even hotel staff uniforms to avoid suspicion. We also might be better to rent a room under a false name too. Can we get all this stuff from McRay?
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

OOC:   I'll say McRay can provide you with fake Identification, but he cautions you that it won't hold up to serious scrutiny so to do your best not to push it. For now you're a newlywed couple from Boise, Idaho, checking out the big city.

As for keycards and hotel uniforms that's beyond what he's willing or able to provide. You'll have to figure out your own way into those rooms.

So, still heading off to the hotel while the rookies get to work?  
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Re: See No Evil

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OOC:   Sure, we'll do it that way.  
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

As the rookies get to work on the files, the DG agents head out.

The Marriott in question is a nice hotel located right in the heart of downtown. It offers easy access to the heart of city life, and has many amenities including a bar and restaurant. It's not quite as nice as the Glendridge hotel had been, but the agents would not be uncomfortable here. McRay had even offered to reimburse them for the room,s so they would not even be paying out of pocket for it.

The first objective would seem to book a room for the two of them, preferably somewhere they could keep an eye on their targets. This may prove difficult however, as they were all on different floors, the 11th, 12th, and 17th. More importantly, the team might want to figure out a way to get into those rooms and bug them, but this could prove challenging. They don't have a warrant and are currently using false identities.

Before they can do much but take in the lobby one of the hotel receptionist notices them and calls them over. "Good afternoon! Will you be staying with us today?"
OOC:   either of you can make an idea roll and ponder your options, but feel free to get creative. :D  
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Re: See No Evil

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“Yes, that’s the plan, but unfortunately we haven’t made a reservation. We were supposed to be staying with friends while we were in town, but they had a family emergency. Do you have a room for us?”
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »


"I hope there's a vacancy," says Vanessa with a smile. "Preferably not on too low a floor. I'd like a good view."
OOC,Idea roll (55% stat) about how to access the hotel rooms: [dice]0[/dice]
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