[IC - LA] Preparing for War

A decade ago, a band of occult investigators battled against the summoning of an ancient and monstrous evil. They failed. Now you must piece together the puzzle and finish what they could not. The stakes are high, and so is the price to pay. Can you do it?

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Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Post by Cearlan »

OOC:   What time of day is this as this may affect what I say below? Please feel free to modify accordingly.  
Clarence Lanalor
"Of course Cam." Clarence says, with a wide grin on his face, though the strain of this strange case are starting to show on his face. "Let's get to it then. The sooner we go the sooner we can be back and report on what we can manage to find out."

As they were descending the stairs Clarence asks, "Hey there Cam, being serious for the moment. Did you have anyone in particular in mind to read this letter? I mean can we trust some random passer by with this? Might a library, school or university or some other official body not be more appropriate? Think about the stuff we have seen and ask yourself if would it be fair to simply ask a total stranger to potentially be sent careering down the same path as ... Job or any of the other whackos we are having to deal with.

Now whether or not all this crud is real is a matter of personal opinion, but these loons firmly believe it, which in my book makes them even more dangerous. And by the way, I would have laughed in your face if you had suggested to me some of the things we have seen - but we have both seen and heard too much ... far too much to deny that there is something decidedly sinister going on here. And I don't mind admitting to you that I for one am as nervous as a turkey coming up to thanksgiving."

During this monologue, Clarence has slowed his pace down and is starting to punctuate his speech with jerky hand movements and wild eye movements. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.

"Look buddy, th - this case has really gotten to me," with a wry smile he adds, "as if you needed telling. I mean look at the state of me. A street hardened PI, and it turns out I knew jack! Part of me wishes I had never come across that Winston-Rogers broad. But I guess we're in it now, for good or bad. Just one thing, not a word of this to the others right buddy?"
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Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Post by HoneyDog »


“Sure Clarence, this is between us. But honestly, don’t feel that you need to see this thing through to the bitter end. You’ve been shot once already in this thing. You can still walk away. I certainly wouldn’t blame you if you did. You look like you could use a drink. I’m gonna pick up a bottle.”

He continues on.“Look, about the letter – I’m just going to show it to a street vendor, and pick up a tamale while I’m at it. The letter won’t have any context so it shouldn’t give too much away. I’ll give them some money, and then we’re gone. Should only take a few minutes.”

They reach the car and Cameron sets off to find some Spanish assistance.
OOC:   I don't know where they are so I don't know how long it would take I'm afraid.  
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Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Post by Overlord87 »

There's a large spanish-speaking community in Los Angeles, so it's not hard to find someone willing to translate a short letter for a few bucks - hopefully, someone that's not linked to the cult.

Once translated, the letter says:

"Ricardo, the situation is as bad as we feared, if not worse. Brooks has lost control of things here. I couldn't discover the current level of production, but surely selling is not going well. You asked me to investigate Luz Records, but I don't think they have something going on there, at least not anymore. I suggest to act quickly before the situation gets even more compromised. Please report this to the Captain. I'll be staying at the Victoria Hotel waiting for further instructions.

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Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Post by HoneyDog »


and Clarence return to the hotel with the translated letter, the contents of which they relate to the others.

“I’m guessing that production might refer to nectar production”
says Cameron, his inadvertently flicking over to Ian when he mentions nectar. “Then the stuff is being manufactured in Mexico. I say we head down there, and pay this Felipe guy a little visit. We could fly down there after visiting Clarendon.”
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Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Post by carnage_lee »

Christopher Fontana

Christopher considers the new information. "No doubt you're correct that this refers to the 'Nectar and that their operation in Mexico is in some kind of trouble' .. it's interesting that the writer exhorts 'Felipe' to report to 'the Captain ... Walker and not to Trammel. And Luz Records... Luz translates to Light ..." he tails off pondering.
Christoper,... is all for leaving LA and 'touching base with Winston-Rogers.. they've found out what her father was up to and ought to report back - also it might help 'take the heat' off out group. We do need to come back... and investigate Trammel's mansion but not at this time, we've lost the element of surprise we might have more success in three or four days time.
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Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Post by Mr. Handy »


"We also want to look at the farm," says Holly. "We may find new leads in Los Angeles at one or both places that we may wish to follow up on before we leave town. I'd also like to find a lab where I can analyze the sample, and we might be able to use one at UCLA. I don't think it's that unusual for Felipe to deal with Caotain Walker. Trammel is the boss, so it makes sense that he might delegate to a trusted underling. Pizner was aware of Trammel, but he reported to Walker too. Looks like Mexico City is our next stop after L.A., then. That's a more logical place to act, since that's where they make the Nectar. Even if we stop the distributors here, new ones can take their place. We have to cut off the supply."
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Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Post by HoneyDog »


“If you get the sample analysed Doctor, then some of us can attempt to speak to Clarendon. I doubt it will be that easy though. After, we can meet and investigate the farm. After that, I’m in favour of going down to Mexico. They won’t know that we have this new information, so they won’t be expecting us. We should get to Felipe soon. If he isn’t contacted by Ricardo Porta, he’ll know that something is wrong, and then they might take steps to change their operation down there. To be honest, I say we go down there first thing tomorrow, but I know that you all think that these other lines or enquiry are worth looking at.”
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Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Post by Mr. Handy »


"I had hoped to speak to Miss Clarendon myself," says Holly, "but I'm the only one who can do the analysis, and we don't want to take the extra time to do one and then the other. Christopher or Clarence should accompany me, as they've also been to UCLA before."
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Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Post by carnage_lee »

OOC:   How're we going to approach Clarendon?
How easy would it be to arrange to meet a movie-star? Via their agent? On what pretext?  
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Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Post by HoneyDog »

OOC:   It would be better to surprise her, just in case. Find out from her agent or studio where she might be if possible. Did they have Variety in those days? It would list all productions going on. I'll have a look.

I think the best way to get access to her is to just say that we have to talk about a matter relating to her past, and drop a few names to get her attention.  
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Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Post by Overlord87 »

OOC:   So, are we going with something like:

Holly and Clarence to the UCLA to find a laboratory.

Ian, Cam and Christopher trying to speak with Olivia Clarenfon.

If that's fine I'll proceed with the new topics.  
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Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Post by HoneyDog »

OOC:   Fine with me. Daily Variety began in Los Angeles in 1933, so that might have the details for any productions Clarendon is involved with.  
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Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Post by Overlord87 »

OOC:   Olivia Clarendon seems to be working on her new film, The Blue Moon. It's likely you can find her at the studios in Hollywood.  
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Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Post by leonardolad »

Overlord87 wrote:
OOC:   So, are we going with something like:

Holly and Clarence to the UCLA to find a laboratory.

Ian, Cam and Christopher trying to speak with Olivia Clarenfon.

If that's fine I'll proceed with the new topics.  
OOC:   That's fine by me.  
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Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Post by Cearlan »

OOC:   Back to UCLA it is then ;-)  
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