General and Additional Rules

March, 1945: the forces of the Axis are falling back on all fronts. After half a decade of bloodshed and destruction, the end of the war is finally approaching. Yet, unknown to the Allies, the enemy has one more ace up their sleeve. A routine investigation of an abandoned submarine base leads to the discovery of a massive Nazi secret operation in Antarctica. As the Allies gather whatever forces they can divert to this new front of the war, a desperate race against time begins in the heart of the frozen continent, one last clash under the shadow of the Mountains of Madness to thwart this final plot of horror and madness.

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General and Additional Rules

Post by Overlord87 »

So, first of all, we'll be using Call of Cthulhu 6th edition rules, which will be the baseline for the campaign. In addition to that, there are some additional rules from Acthung! Cthulhu (mostly new skills related to the setting) and also from Pulp Cthulhu. I'll summarize these additional rules in this topic.
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Re: General and Additional Rules

Post by Overlord87 »

New Skills

- Artillery [01%] - Only military characters
- Close Combat [25%] - Only military and espionage characters - Covers combat with bayonets or in general when using rifles and such as melee weapons
- Combat Engineer [15%] - Only military characters
- Command [05%] - Only military characters - Allows to give commands to military NPCs and NPC units met on field, provided one has a reasonable rank inside the chain of command
- Comptography [01%] - Gives competence in using the newborn computer technologies
- Cryptography [01%]
- Damage Control [15%] - Allows to keep fires under control, particularly useful aboard of ships
- Demolitions [01%]
- Diving [01%]
- Drive Tracked [10%] - Only military characters - This skill replaces Operate Heavy Machinery when it comes to military vehicles, in particular tanks and other tracked vehicles
- Espionage [01%] - Only espionage characters - Represents the character's knowledge of clandestine operations and the gathering of intelligence
- Fieldcraft [05%] - Only military characters - The Fieldcraft skill replaces Conceal, Hide, and Sneak skills for military characters, and represents the basic military skills required to operate in the field, such as stealth, camouflage, and observation
- Forgery [01%]
- Heavy Weapons [15%]
- Institutional Lore [01%] - Gives knowledge of the inner workings of an organization or government
- Jury Rig [25%] - Allows to create the right part or piece of equipment to fix something, even assembling it on the moment from raw material or other parts
- Mathematics [EDUx2%]
- Meteorology [10%]
- Military Doctrine [05%] - Only military characters - Military Doctrine represents a military character’s knowledge of the armed forces, including ranks and insignia, protocols and procedures, and concepts such as military strategy and the varying schools of warfare
- Photo-Interpretation [01%]
- Parachute [01%] - Only military and espionage characters
- Radio Operator [01%]
- Rope Use [10%]
- Sabotage [05%] - Espionage characters only
- Ski [05%]
- Spotter [05%] - Military characters only - The Spotter skill represents a character’s ability to work out firing coordinates for long-range weapons
- Survival [01%]
- Torpedo [01%] - Military characters only
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Re: General and Additional Rules

Post by Overlord87 »

Spending Luck

It is possible to spend points from your Luck ratings to improve your chances of success when performing tests, or avoiding a weapon malfunctioning after a fumble. If you do, the value of your Luck is adjusted, and when called to perform a Luck roll, you'll use the modified value, not the starting one. After each segment of the campaign, each player will recover 2D10+10 Luck points.

- Improving a skill roll: After the player has made a skill roll (using a skill or characteristic), Luck points may be spent to alter the result. The player can use Luck points to alter a roll on a 1 for 1 basis. The amount of Luck points that can be spent in this manner is limited only by the character’s available Luck score.
- Adjusting weapon fumble: When a roll indicates a melee weapon fumble or a firearms malfunction, 10 Luck points may be spent to ignore the result. The actual die roll result is not adjusted and the attack is still a failure. Luck is spent to avoid the dire consequences of the roll, allowing the hero to avoid a weapon breaking or a firearm jamming, and so on.

Blaze of Glory

Upon receiving a mortal wound, a character can perform one last heroic action before dying. This action is always successful, but in some situations a dice roll is still performed to determine the level of success.
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