Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

Romantic Horror, London, circa 1800

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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

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"Both are essential," says Henry diplomatically. "It was ancient Greeks such as Pythagoras who laid the foundation for mathematics, after all. Sir Isaac Newton, genius though he is, said that if he has seen farther, it is because he has stood on the shoulders of giants. To neglect either the wisdom of the ancients or mathematics would be like building a house without a foundation."
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

Post by Victoria Silverwolf »

Thoughtfully, Richard uses his index finger to inscribe AΓΕΩΜΕΤΡΗΤΟΣ ΜΗΔΕIΣ ΕIΣΙΤΩ in the dust of the table (it not being extremely clean, if truth be told.) In response, Thomas draws a diagram next to it.


As if a truce has been made between the two young men, they shake hands and slap each other on the back.

"Well spoken, friend," Thomas remarks. "Will you allow us to offer you a draught of this divine brew?" He indicates his own cup of coffee.

"Please do," Richard remarks before taking a sip of his own. "'Tis enough to turn a man Mohammadian, by thunder!"

Meanwhile, the rivalry between William and James has reached a troubling level. (It is probable that the two students have indulged in liquid refreshment of another kind before arriving at Pickering's.)

William stands up and raises his fists.

"Cease your cow eyes and mewling poesy," he says to his companion. "Disturb not this lady, and go back to your pox-ridden doxies."

James remains seated and places a hand in the pocket of his breeches. "Have a care," he says slowly, and with strange calm. "I would not wish to spill blood upon the floor of this establishment, even if it be the sickly ichor of a milk-fed infant." He withdraws a small knife from the pocket.
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

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"Thank you," says Henry, accepting the offer. "I will not turn down a gift of coffee from a friend, no matter the quality." He then turns to see if he can help prevent the looming fight. "Gentlemen, please, there's no call for violence," he says, hoping to placate the would-be suitors before his medical skills are required. "The lady would be most upset if the two of you were to fight, even if it were over her."
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

Post by Priest »


Elizabeth eyes the knife coldly, "Sir, myself and my companion came here in search of pleasant company, conversation and laughter" She raises her eyes to Jame's face as if to determine if liquor is indeed the cause of this burst of animosity, "Good Sir these past few days I have beheld horrors that you would but dream of, and the efusion of so much blood that you would not countenance. I have beheld dead men that walk, seen strange creatures that feast on human flesh, and seen a grown man torn apart. So..." and again she drops her eyes to the knife, "I beseech you put away your pretty blade, for my eyes have no wish to see more blood spilled"
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

Post by Rooter »


At the port, Lila regards the sea-captain levelly. "Sir, I very much doubt that you would believe me were I to tell you the truth of it. Although, it is said that sailors are a superstitious folk. Perhaps you are cognizant that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of. For indeed, such things I find of interest."
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

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The two would-be rivals gaze at each for a moment which seems longer than it truly is, then withdraw into silence. It appears that neither was quite so eager in engage in battle as might have been indicated by their mutual insults.

In an attempt to interrupt a possible disturbance of the establishment, one of the serving boys brings a pot of hot, strong coffee to the table. Having indicated a willingness to indulge, Doctor North takes a cup.

As if he wishes to makes amends for his hasty behavior, James offers to pour a cup for Miss Carrow as well.

"It is best I warn you that this is a powerful brew. Perhaps you would prefer tea or chocolate?"


Captain McRae's heavy black eyebrows jump up at Miss Davenport's words. "And here I thought it was evidence of a lover's quarrel. It may be that I have certain items in my cabin which would prove that I am not unacquainted with the bizarre." He looks around to make certain that he is not overheard. "I would not share such things with these sons of bachelors I pretend to command, nor even with the two gents you walk about with. But if you'd care to step into my cabin for a bit of private conversation . . ."
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

Post by Mr. Handy »


Henry inhales deeply from the coffee's aroma and then tastes it.
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

Post by Priest »


Elizabeth breathes a sigh of relief as the threat of violence seems to pass. She watches as Henry inhales then sips the coffee. "A cup of chocolate might be the best, for I fear that my mind does not need further stimulation"
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

Post by Rooter »


Lila hesitates, wary of the sailor's intentions. "Very well, but allow me a moment to apprise my companions." She steps away and quietly informs Witherly and Rachman of her destination. "If I do not return in ten minutes then you must come after me."
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

Post by Victoria Silverwolf »

Doctor North:
The coffee is delicious, "Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love." It is also very strong, with a great deal of caffeine.

For the rest of the day you will have the Asset Quick-Witted, adding 3 to Intelligence for any Ability Check. However, you will also have the Affliction Impatient, subtracting 3 from any ability when making an Ability Check which requires waiting.
Miss Carrow:
The chocolate is delicious, very dark, not very sweet, and quite hot. It has no other effect than to provide a pleasant taste and aroma.
Miss Davenport:
In Captain McRae's cabin he offers you a draught of arrack, a spirit distilled from the sap of the unopened coconut flower; a product of East Indies. Will you indulge?
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

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"Ah!" says Henry, licking his lips after he finishes the coffee. "That hit the spot! Truly, it was the best coffee I have ever tasted. I must thank you again, gentlemen."
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

Post by Rooter »


Perhaps recent events, in particular the death of Herr Hoffer for which she still blames herself, have left Lila with a reckless need to seek distraction: she accepts the drink from Captain McRae.
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

Post by Victoria Silverwolf »

The rest of the afternoon is spent in pleasant conversation with the students. They seem particularly impressed with Doctor North's intellect, although it must be admitted that once or twice he interrupts them before they have completed their statements. Miss Carrow is her usual charming self. Sooner than one might expect, it is time to walk to the Grand Theatre to meet with their companions.


While sharing a drink with Captain McRae ("My friends call me Black Pete," he explains, once he is in his cups) Miss Davenport's companions continue to investigate The Pearl of the East. It seems that Captain McRae is a great talker, regaling his guest with tales, possibly embellished, of narrow escapes from cannibals and pirates. He indulges himself in several cupfuls of arrack, eventually falling into a deep sleep interrupted by loud snores. Just before he does, however, he offers Miss Davenport a length of cord somewhat less than an ell long, tied into a dozen knots, and offers it as a gift, generosity while under the influence of strong drink apparently being one of his characteristics. Just as he is about to explain why such a peculiar object should be of any value, he is dead to the world.

Miss Davenport makes her way back to her companions. They are able to inform her that The Pearl of the East carries hashish and opium, along with its less dangerous cargo. Further inquiries are discouraged by the members of the crew.

It is about time to join the others at the Grand Theatre.
Due to the high alcohol content of the arrack, Miss Davenport will spend the rest of the day in a state of slight intoxication. The effects are as follow. She will possess the Assets of Brave (+3 against Fear effects and Morale checks) and Resistant to Pain (+3 against Pain effects) but also the Afflictions of Clumsy (-3 Dexterity), Slow-Witted (-3 Intelligence) and Easily Fooled (-3 to resist Fascination or Glamour.)
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

Post by Rooter »


As they leave the port, a somewhat tipsy Lila shows the piece of cord to Mister Rachman and asks if he knows anything of it.
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Let us go to the Grand Theatre," says Henry. "I simply cannot wait to see the performance!"
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

Post by Victoria Silverwolf »

Mister Rachman uses his dagger in a way which has become familiar to the others.
Casting Detect Magic. Wisdom = 17[dice]0[/dice]
The odd piece of cord seems to glow briefly with an eerie light, something like foxfire.

"This appears to be what is known to sailing men as a Knotted Wind. The legend goes that once it is unknotted, a wind will be created lasting several hours. As to how strong it might be, or in what direction it might blow, that is beyond my ability to determine."

The party makes its way to the Grand Theatre. Miss Davenport appears to require some small amount of assistance from her companions in navigating the streets. They find Miss Carrow and Doctor North waiting for them. Doctor North is pacing back and forth as they arrive. Entrance is purchased and the adventurers make their way to inside.

The stage, as is common, is built in the Italianate manner, with a raked stage surrounded by a proscenium, to create the illusion of depth. The party is seated in the first floor pit; less expensive than the private boxes to the side of the stage, but more costly than the galleries. There is much conversation in all areas. Fans are used by ladies of high station to communicate from the private boxes on one side to the other. The galleries are full of noise and rough talk, a natural effect of the fact that these are used by those of a lower class. Young women, often very pretty in an unadorned way, offer oranges and other treats. It is apparent that some of the male members of the audience believe that the fee for these comestibles allows them the freedom to flirt with these women, and even steal a kiss.

The play begins. The Belle's Stratagem (clearly an allusion to the well-known play The Beaux' Stratagem by Mister Farquhar, now close to a century old) deals primarily with a young woman engaged to a young man since childhood. He seems to have no interest in her when they meet again as adults, although she falls in love with him. She engages in an elaborate scheme to win his heart. As in appropriate for a comedy of manners, there are many subplots and a great deal of witty dialogue. The play is a great favorite of the Queen (which, of course, makes it very popular with her subjects.)

During an interval between acts one of the orange girls brings separate notes for Doctor North and Miss Davenport from the private boxes. That for Doctor North comes from a Mister Beddows, inviting he and his companion to his box for a medical consultation after the play has concluded. That addressed to Miss Davenport is more mysterious. It is unsigned. The message is hardly more clear.

One has fallen. There is another. Beware! A friend.
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

Post by Mr. Handy »


Henry shows his note to Elizabeth. "When the play is over," he says, "would you like to accompany me to see Mr. Beddows? I do not know what ails him, but it should prove to be interesting. How are you enjoying the performance so far?"
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

Post by Rooter »


Lila has been struggling to concentrate on the intricacies of the play as her attention drifts woozily hither and thither. She peers at the note for a long time, trying to make sense of the words. Eventually she decides someone of her acquaintance who is also in attendance must be trying to contact her. "It appearsh there ish a friend of mine here," she murmurs to Mister Witherly. "Let ush sheek them out in the crowd after the Bellesh Shta--Sha--after the play ish finished." She attempts to purchase an orange from the girl in hopes that the sugar will perk her up.
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

Post by Victoria Silverwolf »

The delicious and exotic fruit having been obtained and enjoyed, Miss Davenport notices a woman of advanced years, arrayed in fine clothing, seated in one of the private boxes. She seems to be directing her attention to Miss Davenport and her companions. When she has caught Miss Davenport's eye, she makes certain gestures with her fan.
As before, understanding the so-called language of fans requires an Ability Check against Intelligence, without the bonus for Gift for Languages, this being more a matter of familiarity with social customs. INT = 11 + 1 for TI - 3 for Intoxication = 9.[dice]0[/dice]
Despite being under the influence of spirits, Miss Davenport is able to remember her days in high society and recognize the message "Meet Me Soon" as conveyed by the fan.

The lamps are dimmed and the play continues. It is not much later when there is a disturbance. It seems that one of the gentlemen seated not far away from the adventurers has taken greater liberties with one of the orange girls than is normally expected. She lets out a little shriek and slaps the fellow's face. Some of the members of the audience are amused by the incident, others are outraged. The man in question seizes the girl and forces her into his lap. Her protests are in vain. Would it be wiser to allow this situation to go unnoticed, or to attempt to free the girl from the unwanted attentions of the libertine?
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Re: Chapter the Seventh: A Difficult Quest

Post by Mr. Handy »


Henry rises indignantly and confronts the libertine, unable to sit there doing nothing while he behaves in this abominable manner. "Unhand her this instant!" he demands, putting the full weight of his noble demeanor behind his words. "That is not how a gentleman behaves!"
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