Chapter 1: A Request

Arkham, Massachusetts, 1928. The last dying plea of an old friend and mentor leads to an encounter with a horror beyond description. Unwittingly released into the world nearly fifty years before, it is now time to finally confront the mistakes of the past. But it will come at great cost...

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Chapter 1: A Request

Post by HoneyDog »

Boston, Tuesday February 14th, 8 am.
Isadora Carmichael and her husband George Auden are enjoying their breakfast on a rare sunny February morning. It has been snowing this winter and is very cold, but the sunshine fills their breakfast room, promising a bright and cheerful day.

They are breakfasting in comfortable silence before George leaves for the office. Isadora plans to continue on a painting she has been working on for several months – it is almost ready and she hopes to exhibit it in the spring.

Life has been quieter since the events of 1920/1. She has not been near the site of the Corbitt House, and she has remained unmolested by any members of the Chapel of Contemplation. It is better to leave these matters well alone, for now at least.

In the distance the front doorbell rings. Shortly thereafter, the maid appears, brandishing an envelope.

“Ms. Carmichael, this was delivered to you by courier” she says, placing it in front of Isadora, who looks at it with interest.

“Why, I recognize this handwriting” she exclaims. “It’s from Professor Putnam.

Dennis Putnam?” enquires George. “I heard that he is quite ill now, poor fellow”.

Isadora opens the envelope, and begins to read.
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Re: Chapter 1: A Request

Post by evil_scientist »

Isadora's epxression gradually turns to a peculiar shade of sadness.

"And here I was thinking the good Professor just wanted some of his books back!" she says, glancing at a leather-bound tome on the table, one of the many she borrowed from Professor Putnam's extensive library.

"Yes, he is indeed very ill. Terminal stage of cancer, she informs her husband. "This certainly puts our recent discussion about reincarnation in a new light..."

"He is asking me to visit him, and he writes that he even has a request of some sorts. So I'm going to Arkham tomorrow."
"I feel as if my soul would be torn out of my body," she gasped. "I am being drawn into a whirlpool. What is happening? What does it mean?" - The Secrets of Dr. Taverner
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Re: Chapter 1: A Request

Post by HoneyDog »

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“Arkham?” George’s brow furrows in concern. “A request? What kind of request? Perhaps I should come with you. I can cancel the meeting with the Brazilian clients.” He sits up straight in his chair.
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Re: Chapter 1: A Request

Post by evil_scientist »

"There are no exact details. He hints that it's something about one of his past deeds, with a supernatural element. George, it's terribly nice of you to offer to accompany me, but it isn't necessary, and your meeting with Senhor Fernández and that other fellow is very important. Also, I don't want to be rude, but the Professor asked for only me. You two are on good terms as well, but I am closer to him, we share many interests, and I don't want to crowd his hospital room..."

Isadora studies her husband's face then smiles. George can be over-protective sometimes, especially after the incident at Corbitt House. Isadora understands this.

"Unless you want to make it a short holiday... We can go to Arkham together, stay the night, visit the Museum -- I've heard they put some new artifacts on display from the recent excavations of the Native burial mounds. I will go to Professor Putnam alone, though, after all, it's his request."
"I feel as if my soul would be torn out of my body," she gasped. "I am being drawn into a whirlpool. What is happening? What does it mean?" - The Secrets of Dr. Taverner
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Re: Chapter 1: A Request

Post by HoneyDog »


George looks conflicted. “It will be difficult for me to get away to be frank. But you must promise me Isadora – I’m fine with you doing some consulting, but it must be confined to research only! No more ghost hunting!” His face says that he means business.

Then his tone softens somewhat. “After that time before…” he pauses. “You really must be careful. I couldn’t stand to let anything happen to you. But I know that you must put your talents to good use.”

He walks to the door. “I’ll send the driver back after he’s taken me to the office, and he’ll take you to the station. That should give you plenty of time to get to Arkham by this afternoon. Contact me as soon as you arrive!”
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Re: Chapter 1: A Request

Post by evil_scientist »

"I promise, George," Isadora says. She folds the letter and places it carefully in her little purple notebook.

"Thank you, that would be great. I will phone ahead and reserve a room at the Liberty Hotel for the night."

"Poor Professor Putnam,"
she says. "A strong man, though. He kept his illness a secret until the very last stage, it seems. And kept working too, there is an article by him in the recent number of the Journal of Anthropology."

Isadora shares a few memories of discussions with Professor Putnam with his husband over breakfast, then goes up to her room to gather a small suitcase.
"I feel as if my soul would be torn out of my body," she gasped. "I am being drawn into a whirlpool. What is happening? What does it mean?" - The Secrets of Dr. Taverner
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Re: Chapter 1: A Request

Post by HoneyDog »

Henry Glynn

Arkham, Massachusetts, February 14th 1928, 8.15 am.

Henry Glynn sits at his writing desk in his draughty lodging room in one of the cheaper neighbourhoods of Arkham, his head buried in his hands. It’s a pose he’s been keeping for about an hour now, not quite a record, but getting close. The ideas just don’t come – they begin to form but then they slip away again, remaining just out of reach. He swears that his imagination is actively working to punish him, make him suffer. How long is this going to go on for?

Just then there is a loud knock at his door. He groans audibly. “Yes Mrs. Rourke!” he calls testily. "What do you want?”

“Letter for you Mr. Glynn!” comes the cheery voice from behind the door. Mrs. Rourke is never put out by her lodger’s moods.

Sighing, Henry rises to his feet and shuffles over to the door. He opens it to regard the diminutive figure of Mrs. Rourke, looking up at him. She hands him the letter which he accepts silently.

“Will you be coming to breakfast Mr. Glynn?”
she asks. He nods wordlessly.

“Ah, come on with ye! You’ve a face like a robber’s dog!” she exclaims. She closes the door, leaving him to wallow in his misery.

Henry holds up the envelope, which lacks a stamp or postmark. He recognizes the writing though, and tears it open eagerly.
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Re: Chapter 1: A Request

Post by innsmouth »

On reading Putnam's letter Henry is filled with a mixture of emotions. Sadness that the Professor's illness has taken a turn for the worse; a degree of pride that such a respected academic had read and 'rather enjoyed' his novella; and a great deal of interest about the incident concerning which his help is requested.

Henry puts the letter carefully in his pocket before heading downstairs. He prepares himself for the full force of Mrs Rourke's customary curiosity concerning the contents of his private mail.

As he shuts the door behind him the draught rustles the paper sheet protruding from his typewriter. On the sheet is typed:

The Footsteps in the Air
A tale of supernatural mystery
By Henry W Glynn
Author of The Ghastly Chamber
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Re: Chapter 1: A Request

Post by HoneyDog »

Rupert Marlow

Arkham, Massachusetts, February 24th 1928, 10 am.

Rupert Marlow is returning from his morning stroll around the Arkham neighbourhood in which he is currently resides. Despite the winter cold, he is cheerful and looking forward to the day ahead, which involves inquiring into possible post-graduate study at Miskatonic. Following in the footsteps of his mentor Professor Putnam would be a wonderful path to take, but there are no doubt going to be many more options open to him.

Despite a rosy future he is dismayed that the Professor has been taken so ill recently. It has severely limited the chances he’s had to converse with him. Hopefully the Professor is just experiencing a bad spell lately, although the long-term diagnosis is bad.

As Rupert lets himself into his boarding house, he notices an envelope addressed to him, laying on the table next to the front door. He picks it up and opens it.
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Re: Chapter 1: A Request

Post by domdombear »

Rupert sees the signature of Dennis Putnam at the bottom, it appears it was signed with a shaky hand. He finds this troubling so decides to take the letter back to his room so he can read in private. He sits down at his small desk and reads through the letter. Upon finishing he slumps back into his chair and rests the letter on the desk.

There was a lot to take in,
“Putnam is soon to die? I have a great mind? He needs MY help? What kind of catastrophic error?” He thought to himself.

He looked back at the letter ‘St Mary’s Hospital tomorrow at 1pm’, he pulled his pocket watch out, just gone 10 am.
“Long time to wait”
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Re: Chapter 1: A Request

Post by HoneyDog »

Alice Stanton

Alice arrives at her desk at 9am sharp, but with a heavy heart. After the jubilation of landing a position at the place where she's spent her most influential years, the knowledge that her mentor probably won't be coming back leaves her future at the university uncertain. Such positions rely a lot on patronage, and if your patron is no longer around, well...

Besides, Putnam was a major influence in her intellectual growth. For a young woman in the late 1920’s, outside of university there isn’t many places where you can engage in a discussion about the history of post-colonial New England. But she’s an optimistic person, something or somebody will turn up. Maybe?

"Hold on" she say to herself, as she regards the clutter on her desk. What’s this? An envelope, in the professor’s handwriting... that wasn't there yesterday.
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Re: Chapter 1: A Request

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Alice Stanton sheds a few tears when she reads the letter. She fishes a handkerchief out of her purse and dabs at her eyes. She'd known Professor Putnam was ill, but she hadn't known he was dying. He was such a kind old man, and she felt terrible for him and his family. The thought of finding a new job was secondary, and not something that truly worried her. It was awful to get such sad news on Valentine's Day of all days. She spends the morning getting the office organized and helping to put the Professor's affairs in order before heading to the hospital in order to arrive at the appointed time.
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Re: Chapter 1: A Request

Post by HoneyDog »

Arthur Vivar

Arkham, Massachusetts, February 14th 1928, 4pm

Bundled up against the winter cold, Arthur Vivar makes his way home to his room after teaching a couple of classes at the local junior high school. He enjoys the work, and the children are pleasant, but it is only part-time and he would like to have something more permanent. Then he would have more money, and be able to move into a less draughty abode. Still though, he has time to pursue his studies, and is becoming quite knowledgeable about the strange petroglyphs which can be found dotted around New England. He means to visit some sites around Narragansett Bay during the spring.

If only Professor Putnam was well enough to accompany him! Sadly that is not to be, and although they still correspond by letter, the frequency of the Professor’s writing has slowed lately, and he is not usually up to receiving visitors at his bedside. As he steps inside his front door though, he sees an envelope addressed to him in the Professor’s handwriting, which brings a smile to his face. He opens it in anticipation.
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Re: Chapter 1: A Request

Post by Wolf »

As Arthur finishes reading the letter, his thoughts spin. What sort of actions and what consequences could the Professor be talking about? What would be so lastingly imperious, that, even on his deathbed, he still regrets?
After a moment of reflection, Arthur rushes to his desk, and from the drawers he retrieves a small brush, a magnifying glass, an scalpel, a pocket journal and a pencil, as well as money and a pocket watch.
"Heh, Im being a bit ridiculous, but maybe the Professor needs my practical skills"
He phones his school.
"The doctor says I must rest for at least one week and a half."
Arthur dons his dusty fur coat, leaves the house and walks three blocks before finding a cab.
"South Station, please"
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Re: Chapter 1: A Request

Post by HoneyDog »

Henri Balzac

Arkham, Massachusetts, February 14, 10am

Henri Balzac sits at the desk in the office he shares with another guest lecturer at Miskatonic. He is planning a lecture for this afternoon on some of his favourite themes: the plants utilized by local Indian tribes for their medicinal properties. He has been doing a large amount of research on this topic and is eager to share his thoughts. If only Professor Putnam, another enthusiast on this subject, could attend! Alas, it will soon be time to return to Quebec – it doesn’t look like he will be able to discuss much with him at all. Perhaps there will be one more opportunity to see the Professor before he returns?

It is a shame as the Professor’s theories have had a large impact on his own ideas, and he feels greatly indebted to the Professor for his insights. If only there was some way he could show his appreciation?

Just then his mail arrives, containing an unstamped envelope – in Putnam’s handwriting.
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Re: Chapter 1: A Request

Post by andyw666 »

Henri is shocked as he reads the tragic news from the Professor. "Mon Dieu!" he whispers to himself.

Henri pauses to wipe his spectacles then fishes some Gauloises cigarettes out of a pocket and lights one to calm himself (absently flicking the spent match to the far end of the shared office). Distracted, he has to stand and walk around a bit, as his mind races (using one of his absent colleague's coffee mugs as an ashtray).

Well, until 1pm tomorrow, I must be patient. Henri returns to his preparations in a thick cloud of French tobacco smoke.
OOC,If he can, [b]Henri[/b] might check the University library and the Arkham newspaper morgue for any past endeavours or expeditions of the Professor's, particularly any disasters, trying to get some idea what wrong it is that the professor seeks to be righted.
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Re: Chapter 1: A Request

Post by HoneyDog »

OOC,[b]Henri[/b] is welcome to search, but bear in mind the university has a very large library (which does include past copies of the two local papers) and you have no real starting point such as dates to go from. It will take a long time to find anything at this point, and it will require rolls with extreme success!
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Re: Chapter 1: A Request

Post by andyw666 »

OOC,In that case, at this stage [b]Henri[/b] won't worry about researching, he shall hold off until he has more data to work with! [b]Henri[/b] will just concentrate on his academic duties until 1pm on the 15th.

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