IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

Story and his companions infiltrate the conspiracy and break into various houses in an effort to uncover evidence, and Senator Scaevola is implicated. Caelia Alba courageously visits Scaevola's secret lair to gather information. While their Roman friends spend an uneasy night dreading what may come tomorrow, the TARDIS crew bluffs its way in to Scaevola's villa to thwart his schemes, but all does not go as planned.

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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

Post by Ritterton »

"Well then couldn't the Senate just reaffirm and define the role of the consuls?" Seems like a fairly simple way to move on for the betterment of Rome?" Artemis took another bite of a delicious meat that he was offered. After swallowing the delicious morsel, "banishing Caesar would not be a wise move from this old soldier's perspective. Too many of us owe him too much to see that happen."
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

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"Nobody said anything about banishing Caesar," said Scaevola, "but you're right, it would be most unwise. He would just return to Rome at the head of an army loyal to him - again. I have no issue with Caesar being one of the two consuls. My problem is that he has the powers of a dictator in perpetua. In an emergency situation, when speedy decisions are needed, the Senate can appoint a dictator to serve for six months at a time. But when the emergency ends, the dictator needs to step down. The Senate could reaffirm the role of the consuls and command him to step down from his dictatorship, but it will not. It is too enamored of Caesar, and it has granted him these powers indefinitely over my objections and those of other Senators. I am not as skilled an orator as Cicero - who has also argued against the Senate's action - but I made a strong case. Unfortunately, the Senate refuses to do what is required."
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

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Caelia raises an artful eyebrow;
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

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Caelia Alba,[b]Caelia[/b] knew that [b]Scaevola[/b]'s argument was on solid legal ground. [b]Caesar[/b]'s appointment as dictator in perpetua was not strictly legal by Roman traditions, though one could make the argument that the Senate, in making the appointment, had in effect amended the law.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

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"I suppose, according to tradition, you are correct; but the senate put him there and it's they who decree the law. There must be a few unhappy people though; those who want Caesar removed from office, and I can appreciate the uneducated being worried about his close ties with Egypt. He could be treading a rather dangerous path." Caelia takes a sip of wine whilst watching Scaevola's face.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

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"Ah, you might indeed say that," replied Scaevola. "It is good that he is friendly with Egypt, but of course there must be limits. Queen Cleopatra should be an ally, but there are some who are concerned about her being more than that." His face was unreadable.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

Post by Ritterton »

"The Queen, truly beautiful, and the palace was remarkable for this old soldier to see," Artemis' voice trailed off in his effort to recall the events of earlier in the day. "But, she surely could not hold more power than the Senate of Rome?"
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

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Scaevola chuckled. "If you think that, you do not know the power of a beautiful woman," he said. "Why, just look at the beautiful Lady Caelia. Would you not do anything for her? Queen Cleopatra is likewise beautiful, and she is very skilled at getting men to do what she wants. She is also extremely intelligent, or she would not have survived to become Queen. Men think they are in charge, but it is women who wield true power."
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

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"But, Senator, what power could a foreign queen wield over the victor of battles such as Caesar? Plus, the Senate holds the power in Rome, does it not? So why would there be any worry about such as the Queen?" Artemis asked in puzzled response to the Senator's argument.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

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Caelia blushes at the praise. "You cannot compare me to the greatest queen that ever lived, Senator!

She did have his only son, that would count for something. And I'm sure it was her idea to put all these new statues up; they are very Egyptian in style. Maybe they plan to become King and Queen over all of the Roman and Egyptian empires; and as she is still very young, she'd be supreme ruler once Caesar died. She'd be mad of course; I would opt for a simpler life myself."
Caelia sighs.

"I suppose it will be interesting at the next games to see what the populace think of it all when Caesar starts the proceedings; they always tend to show their true feelings then. Will you be going, Senator?"

She wonders how Spurius is getting on in the servants' quarters.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

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"Indeed I will," said Scaevola. "I would not miss them. You have wisely identified the concern about Caesar and Cleopatra, and their son. Most people do not see this danger, and Caesar remains very popular. The Senate has given him all the power he needs, and all Cleopatra needs to do is exercise the power she has over him."
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

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Caelia looks at Artemis meaningfully, "It is all very complicated isn't it." An owl hoots in the deepening dusk and Caelia is startled. "Oh, what time is it?" she asks Scaevola.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

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"It is difficult to tell time at night," replied Scaevola. "It feels like it's been an hour or two since sunset. Don't feel you need to leave, however. The night is still young. You are right, Roman politics are extremely complex. You don't know the half of it. There are factions, and factions within factions. It is impossible to please everyone. Making a friend often means making an enemy, but the opposite can be true as well. Alliances shift, friends can become enemies - look no further than Caesar and Pompey - and enemies can become friends. Being a Senator is an incredible balancing act. It is much simpler to be a soldier, like your friend here." He nodded to Artemis. "You know who your enemies are, and there's always someone to tell you what to do."
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

Post by Ritterton »

"Yea," Artemis laughed in agreement,"sometimes it is easier being the simple line soldier, knowing your place and that you only have to follow orders. But, as time grows, even the simplest of soldiers tends to think of the best way to do what he is told. Those in the higher ranks learn that a simple order can have different meanings if the situation changes. "

Artemis took another sip of the wine. "But, enemies can be reconciled and wouldn't it be best if Caesar and Pompey just worked together without any fighting? Celebrations and alliances can be a lot better for the local merchants, I would think?"
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

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"I wouldn't worry about the merchants; they'll make a profit whatever way the tide turns, sharks that they are." Caelia smiles warmly at Scaevola,"Thank you, senator; it's just that I have a patient I must check on this evening; but we have some time yet. And I can always come back another evening. Please, tell me more of the initiation; what would Artemis or I have to do, should we wish to pursue the path for greater knowledge?"
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

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"It would have been better had Caesar and Pompey remained friends, as they had been once," said Scaevola. "When Pompey ordered Caesar back to Rome, he underestimated him. Alas, it is too late for Pompey. Caesar had no wish to see him dead, of course. The war continued on years after it should have been over, as Pompey's followers were loathe to surrender. Had Pompey been taken alive, I'm sure Caesar would have sent him into exile rather than taking his life, and granted amnesty to his supporters if they laid down their arms."

Scaevola smiled back at Caelia. "It is a wonderful evening, and I will be saddened to lose your delightful company when the time comes when you must depart, but your patients must come first. You will of course be welcome to return at any time. The offer of initiation is open only to you, dear lady, not to your friends. They are not prepared to walk this path. I cannot tell you what it entails, for the initiation rite itself is a secret, and only those who undergo it may know the details. Suffice it to say that there is no risk to your health, and it will not require too much of your time. We would go to the exedra to conduct the initiation." He referred to the indoor garden just off of the courtyard through which they had passed. "Your friends would be free to explore the grounds while they awaited us."
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

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"Lady Caelia, if you want to proceed with the induction, I can check on Spurius if it would be easier, however, I do believe that we have an early morning obligation that requires us to return in the not to distant future," Artemis smiled and looked back and forth between the Senator and the physician.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

Post by aine »

Caelia ponders. "I think... may Artemis and I have a moment alone, Senator? Maybe we can arrange for me to stay here." She stands gracefully and walks over to a quiet corner to have a private word with Artemis.
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Re: IC-Ep 2-The Mysteries of Egypt(Caelia/Artemis/Spurius)

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Artemis smiled and followed Caelia over to the corner of the room. "Well, what would you like to do at this point?

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