Timeline for the future

This is the end, my friend
The.... final countdown

The End


What comes after that we deem as life as we know it?

A game set in the End Time of Michael C. LaBossier.
2-5 players

Moderator: Dave Syrinx

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Dave Syrinx
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Timeline for the future

Post by Dave Syrinx »

2020: The first human moon base is completed, despite several mysterious accidents and numerous setbacks due to political opposition and financial difficulties. The moon base, which is run by the UN, is operated by international teams and helps enhance the level of international cooperation in space.

2030:Due to political considerations, NASA’s budget is threatened with a substantial reductions in order to fund a series of new welfare programs. Diane Saunders, the dynamic director of NASA, leads the fight against the budget reduction. Dr. Tensler, who is obsessed with reaching the moon, throws his considerable influence behind Director Saunders. In the end, the vote goes narrowly in favor of continued space development and Director Saunders is even able to persuade the UN into providing funding for a Mars mission.

2033: Director Saunders is assassinated by fringe elements of the Brotherhood of Christ. Without her guidance, NASA begins to flounder and the UN begins to cut back on its funding for the Mars mission.

2034: The testing of a prototype drive and power plant system for the Mars mission vessel goes horribly awry and results in a massive explosion. The Mars Mission Base is completely destroyed and the EMP produced by the blast destroys the life support systems in the UN Scientific Moon Base. The high radiation levels preclude any rescue attempt and all members of the UN teams are listed as killed in the line of duty.

2035: High level talks begin between the United States and China. The news media reports of a top secret meeting between NASA director David Lessarre and the Director of the Chinese space program, Dr. Wu.
2036: In a joint announcement, the US and China announce that they will be cooperating to produce a large space station. According to the governmental spokespeople, the US and China intend to use the station for “scientific research and to serve as a construction site for a Mars mission vessel.”

2038: Construction begins on the space station and proceeds at a very slow rate. According to various media reports, political pressure results in a further decrease in its funding. Further, an inspired piece of investigative journalism by Leslie Cantor and Daniel Hsu reveals that the project has been badly slowed down by “pork barrel politics” and defective equipment from governmental contractors.

2039: The moon begins to shift in its orbit. Minor coastal flooding and weather disruptions occur, killing several hundred across the globe. Statistically significant increases occur the the worldwide rate of insanity and the crime rates. Scientists announce that the lunar shift is due to some anomaly in the moon’s gravitational field and social scientists attribute the increase in crime and insanity to the fear generated by the news about the moon. Oddly enough, a privately funded psychological study reveals that most people who suffered breakdowns were not concerned about the moon, but about something else (exact details of the study are not available). China announces that it will be substantially increasing itsactivities in space while the United States announces only a modest increase in funding.

2040-2044: The moon continues to shift in its orbit and scientific and pseudo-scientific theories about why it is happening are published daily and espoused on talk shows. The coastal flooding and weather disruption worsens and becomes severe in many areas, resulting in thousands of deaths. The world rates of insanity and crime begin to clime at alarming rates and odd, inexplicable events occur on a regular basis. Most scientists are at a loss to explain Several other nations announce their commitment to space development and become involved in the construction of the space station. In 2042 construction begins on the Phoenix, a large vessel capable of carrying nearly one hundred humans in suspended animation to Mars.

2045: Amidst much celebration and media coverage, the Phoenix is completed and sets out for Mars.Each day, millions of people gather around their TV sets to follow the progress of the Phoenix. When the Phoenix reaches Mars months latter the crew and passengers begins the construction of a colony dome. One by one nearly all the industrialized nations join into the production of space vessels. Massive increases in crime, madness and riots become common in all major earth cities. Psychologists and sociologists attribute the problems to such things as fear of the moon, the proletariat uprising against the wanton excesses of capitalism, gravitationally induced hysteria, and so forth. The number of religious groups, especially those preaching that the end of the world is at had, increases even more. Nearly every talk show has some person talking about the worsening conditions and everyone of them has their own explanation.

2046: The situation on earth continues to deteriorate. Around the globe, contact is lost with many small coastal communities. Contact is also lost with some small communities further inland and bizarre rumors circulate about what is happening. According to newspaper and TV reports, ships at sea begin to vanish at a disturbing rate and some aircraft lift off never to land again. Fear and paranoia become the order of the day. New theories attempting to explain the various phenomena are produced hourly but no real answers are forthcoming. On Mars, the basic structures of the colony are established and construction of additional habitats begins at a rapid pace.

2047: A second space ship, the Argo, carrying 100 humans in suspended animation leaves for Mars. Dr. Harold Jarven presents a computer model that indicates that the lunar shifting may well result in the deaths of substantial portion of humanity and his research suggests that the extinction of the dinosaurs may well have been due to an earlier shifting of the moon. After the release of Jarven’s theory, construction begins on three more vessels as the world unites in response to the grave danger faced by humanity. Though the profiteering and sloppy manufacturing continues to some degree, desperation and fear work speeds up ship production greatly and shifts work round the clock on each vessel.

2048: The spread of madness infects nearly the entire world. many social scientists, biologists and psychologists advance theories suggesting that the madness is due to a genetic memory of the previous cataclysm. Other scientists denounce such theories as pseudoscientific bunk. Cities quickly degenerate into war zones as desperate people battle for food and material goods. The few surviving small communities close themselves off to outsiders. Martial law is declared by all surviving governments. All 3,000 members of a religious group, the Order of the Lunar Dawn, commit suicide in a public park on worldwide TV. Several other religious groups follow suit. Only in space does life go on with some semblance or normalcy.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Re: Timeline for the future

Post by Dave Syrinx »

2049: Amid the turmoil, China launches three rockets into orbit which are rebuilt into crude space stations. Afterwards two large space planes are launched into orbit. The United States launches two more rockets, three shuttles and a space plane and the European Economic Community and Japan each launch a rocket and a shuttle. Though conditions in the makeshift stations are terrible, they are generally regarded as vastly superior to those on earth.

2050: Two of the vessels are completed and the third vessel is stripped for parts. The two completed vessels set out for Mars, each carrying 300 humans in suspended animation. One vessel, the Ark, suffers a massive power plant failure and the crew and passengers are killed. The other vessel, the Hope, eventually reaches Mars and join the colony. Earth is in nearly complete chaos as almost no government authority remains. Rioting, crime, madness and worse become the order of the day for the entire world.

2051-2054: The Hope arrives at the Mars colony. A few desperate attempts are made to complete the final vessel through 2052, but by 2053 all launches cease when the last operating launch site in Florida is overrun by desperate mobs and destroyed. By 2054, all human governments have effectively ceased to exist.

2055 The year of our scenario...
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Dave Syrinx
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Re: Timeline for the future

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Location Specific Timeline

2024: The McKerna Missile Base was constructed in 2024 as a sort of “Cuban Missile Crisis” erupted when US spy satellites detected what were believed to be missile launch sites being set up just across form Alaska. To make matters worse, while a UN inspection team was on its way to the republic (to verify the claim that the launch sites were for space launches and not for ICBMs) a civil war broke out in the former republic, leaving the US with no single authority to deal with. Rumors abounded that one radical Marxist faction intended to launch missile at the United States and in the confusion and fear that followed, the US began the hasty construction of offensive and defensive millitary bases in Alaska and the US begin readying its forces for ashowdown. Fortunately, one faction soon emerged victorious and UN inspection teams were able to safely enter the country and verify that the missile sites had been launch sites for space rockets and not ICBMs. With this revelation, the world breathed a collective sigh of relief and the military bases, many of which were barely under construction when the crisis ended, were abandoned or turned over to local communities for their use.

The McKerna base was nearly finished during the course of the crisis and was latter taken over by a nearby town, also name McKerna, and the main structures were used as school buildings. The small town continued to grow until it surrounded the base.

2040: The small city that grew out of the town continued to have a fairly peaceful existence until 2040. There had been incidents of coastal flooding around the world as well as an alarming increase in crime and insanity rates around the world.

2044: The small city had been largely unaffected by these events, at least until 2044 when the government reclaimed the McKerna missile base. Without explaining anything to the city leadership, military engineers arrived and reclaimed the buildings. Over the course of a few months, the base was returned to operational status, houses and other structures were cleared off the base grounds with bulldozers and a heavy fence was put up. Finally, heavy trucks bearing mysterious cargoes arrived before the sun rose one morning.

2046-2054: While at first the local people were outraged at the government, in the years 2046 to 2054 they became very glad that the base was in their city. During these years madness and crime went through the city like wildfire and there were reports of things coming out of the see and down from the sky. Fortunately for the inhabitants of the city, the troops at the base were able to keep order through these years. Over these eight years, the population of MCkerna swelled as other cities and towns more or less ceased to exist as civilized areas. Streams and later torrents of refugees flowed into McKerna from nearby communities and were housed in hastily built barracks.

Finally, in 2054 all contact was lost with Washington and the base commander declared martial law in McKerna.

2055: In 2055, McKerna is an island of relative sanity and stability in an otherwise mad world. Surrounding most of the city are barricades and walls made from everything from old cars to mounds of trash. The perimeter of the city is patrolled by a mix of soldiers and armed civilians. Inside the city, strict and well armed military police maintain order. Conditions are harsh within the city as the food and medical supplies are nearly exhausted. Disease is very common, due to the crowded conditions and lack of medical supplies. In short, McKerna is very much like a medieval city under siege. Unfortunately, no one really knows what is sieging the city (and the entire world, it would seem).However, condition within McKerna are far better than those outside.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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