Picking Factions & Character Creation

You must either conquer and rule,
or serve and lose,
suffer or triumph,
be the hammer or the anvil.

- J.W. von Goethe

Join in on the book hunt of a lifetime. A new Reich is growing. Opposing forces amass. From this world and ... not.

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Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by Dave Syrinx »


Steven Alzis, owner of Club Apocalypse, NYC, also founder of the Fate, a semi religious following, has a purpose, a mission. He will use all his connections to chase what he wants his hands on he will also get his rivals to chase each other around the world. He will engage the insignificant rivals in a hammering dance of staccato international death to see which tool can bring him the most mythos tomes. This will allow him to compile the most complete and comprehensive grimoire of books on occult practices so advanced that they can only be known as magic. This is the Compendium, and it will become Steven Alzis' masterpiece and legacy to a doomed humanity. Such has it been written in the book.


The Karotechia has a destiny. Formed from the Thule Society (Gesellschaf) they will forge a glorious new Fourth Reich which will tread upon the inferior races of sub-men and raise the Aryan ubermenchen to ascended godhood. They will do this by using the ancient magics of Thule to kill and murder and destroy millions of expendable discards on the chain of existence. First, they must find and know the ancient magics. Find them and know them with an intimate and illicit passion which cannot be quenched, even by the silent horror of the grave.


The agencies of 'good' or what is considered good by some, work against the goals of millionaire Alzis and his network of music and dance clubs. Certainly they work against the coming of a new German overtake of the world. Forming a network of agencies fighting the common goal to protect what we know as our world against that which is not from-our-world. This is not spoken out aloud. This ain't X-files. This is scientific police work and counter terrorist measurements. The agencies work under the umbrella of LIBRETTO.
A word from the Keeper:
I've stolen, I've borrowed. The story is not my own, I'm but the vessel of its communication. There be Nazis and un-Christianity in this game. Be warned.
This is Dave, Keeper of the Compendium and brooding mind of the Apocalypse.

*Let's hold hands*
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by Dave Syrinx »

While having bits and pieces of the Delta Green universe, the players will not be acting as Delta Green (DG) operatives. They will be playing opponents or liaisons with Delta Green.
That being said, there's a possibility to actually play a DG agent. That is if you choose to play as part of the Libretto. You will then be working under Libretto directives and not the ordinary DG mission guidelines. Trust no one.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by Dave Syrinx »

You are hereby cordially
invited to a Night At The Opera!


Meaning small book. The essence of it being that the rule book is very short. The important thing is that the mission is completed.
The Libretto is a conglomeration of various forces from agencies all over the globe.

Malcolm Philpott (US)- founder and head of Libretto.
Mike Graham (England)- SAS operative.
Claire Wilkins Whitlock (Ireland)- Libretto researcher.
Sabrina Carver (Malta)- Libretto Liaison.

In all events, the Libretto has borrowed some parts from UNACO (Alistair MacLean). I even borrow some things from Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six.
If you need a character idea, follow this link to pick a character from: Roster

Annika Löfquist, Sweden; Nationella Instatsstyrkan. Born in 1966. Löfquist is an electronic genius, with her name on fourteen different patents of electronic eavesdropping equipment. Attended Stockholm University, graduated with a B.S. in physics. Served as an engineer in Microelektronik from 1988 to 1992, and still consults them from time to time. Recruited into Stockholm Police Department as an electronic specialist. Joined Libretto in 1994. Courageous and intelligent, but lack of military training makes her a little overconfident in some situations.
(Just edit the chronology to fit the year we play in.)

Many agencies and organizations have operatives inside Libretto, most of them don't advertise their origin, but Interpol (Europe), Gruppe Rubin (The Rubin Group) from Germany, DeltaGreen (US UFO-fanatics), Section Dispartu (France), Steering Group 4 (UK), GRU SV-8 (Russia), Bureau 11 (China) are some of the most well known agencies.

Without saying too much, US authorities have their fingers in the pie as well.
If you decide to play a US character, you most likely come from one of the following agencies.
FBI, DEA, ATF, CDC, CIA, NSA, US Marshals or Secret Service.

• The FBI has some of the best forensic labs and DNA databases in the world.

• The DEA can pull in most people on trumped up charges for an average of 12
hours at a time and can call in asset forfeiture at the drop of a dime.

• The ATF have the CEASEFIRE program, which gives it the ability to trace
firearms quicker than any other agency.

• The CDC can demand a quarantine for an area, with sufficient cause (and with
insufficient cause if local authorities are gullible enough).

• CIA agents can lay their hands on both law-enforcement and military materiel
(such as maps, transportation and surveillance equipment).

• NSA agents can get fast-talk their way into illegal wiretaps that can cover entire
cities, or use the astronomical power of the Puzzle Palace’s supercomputers to
crack codes or untangle alien languages.

• US Marshals can check up on witness protection records (or make up new
ones) and ride the ConAir express.

• Secret Service agents can track down financial information or tamper with
presidential authority (forge orders, warrants, security clearance, etc.).
Remember, these are rarely used and are always going to raise questions—but in
an emergency, calling in some favors may be all that stands between you and the end
of everything we hold dear.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Report from an informant inside Aktion Zeta

Eyes Only to Karotechia followers!
You have seen Adolf Hitler, risen from the dead. It's true. The second coming of the Fuhrer. It could be a trick, a trick to fool those idiots that believe blindly what is being said and written. But you know better. You have been taught better. And the great Olaf Bitterich walks among you proclaiming his scripture. Would he lie?

The Bauern needs unity.

The Bauern needs belief.

The Bauern needs stability.

The Bauern needs YOU.

The Karotechia is a group of Nationalists who want to see the German superiority grow and get hold wherever it decides to plant its seeds. As things are, this must be done in secrecy, to be disclosed when the world is ready. Those places scattered over the globe are called Bauerns.

The believes are based off of a mythological following called The Thule Society. The founder of the Karotechia is Olaf Bitterich (86) presumably at a Bauern in South America. His written work is considered a must read for anyone being a true member of Karotechia.

(The Thule Society was founded in 1918 by Rudolf von Sebottendorff. He had been schooled in occultism, Islamic mysticism, alchemy, Rosicrucianism and much else, in Turkey, where he had also been initiated into Freemasonry. The group started off researching German antiquity, but soon became invovled in anti-Semitic and pro-German propaganda. From these political activities grew the German National Socialist Party, the Nazis.)

Excerpts from Mein Triumph (By O. Bitterich):

The diversity of human form is obviously due to miscegenation and mongrelization between separate races. Those mud peop…er…cultures that don't value their precious bodily fluids will inevitably debase to a generic human-like creature suitable for manual labor, but without the divine spark of Destiny.

We of the North, forged by lightning-borne fire and tempered by the Ice Ages, are obviously the most advanced and pure of the races of Man. Providence provided us with natural barriers to mongrelization: formidable mountains and rivers of ice to keep the soft, thin-blooded degenerates of the South from polluting our bloodline.

Where they lazed in the sun, gorging on the fruits of the fertile land; we wrested a living from a hostile environment. We fought our way to the top of the food chain as they played in the "Circle of Life."

Of course they resent us. Their ancestors took an easy path and sentenced them to mediocrity. So long as they fear us, their resentment is moot.

The world of the living, according to Mein Triumph, is a thin veneer kept in place by the enemies of the Aryan race while they poison and destroy the true pillars of the world. Death is never permanent, though for most people, the afterlife is bleak and full of writhing maggots. The martyrs of national socialism and other incarnations of Germania's spirit stand ready to fight unblemished, but must be called forth by a ruthless triumph of will. Until then, they are sheltered by an essence at the center of existence:

What the beautiful Valkyrie showed me was only the faintest reflection of Its presence, yet I was sure. I had seen a valley of degenerates devoured in an instant. The Weltseele is pure power. It is incorruptible because It has no law or pity. It cannot be defeated, and whomsoever believes in It shall return when for one moment, It shall open Its eye upon the Earth. There will be no need for ovens. The enemies of the Aryan race shall burn where they stand.

Therefore, the Old World and the New shall not do battle, nor does communism threaten the victory of national socialism. Instead, the white masses of the colonies must be roused from their decadent complacency. The nearest world in which we win is one where the American Jews spend their ill-gotten clout bludgeoning the Arabs and Chinamen to a bloody death, while our secret champions reveal to the American people just how full of disease their ghettoes have become.
Mein Triumph

Headings in English

o Chapter I Looking Back
o Chapter II Betrayal at Stalingrad
o Chapter III In the Ruins of Berlin
o Chapter IV The Experience of Death
o Chapter V The Slithering of the Valkyries
o Chapter VI The Rotting Odyssey
o Chapter VII The Black Gates of Valhalla
o Chapter VIII The Line of Führers Past
o Chapter IX I Am Crowned
o Chapter X The Nature of Time
o Chapter XI Fruits of the Final Solution
o Chapter XII As I Watched from My Throne
o Chapter XIII My Return
o Chapter I Germany Reunited
o Chapter II The Husk of Communism
o Chapter III Weltanschauung and Millennium
o Chapter IV The Mongrels Among Us
o Chapter V The Jewish Agenda
o Chapter VI White Hope and the Colonies
o Chapter VII Secret Champions of the Masses
o Chapter VIII Worlds in Which We Fail
o Chapter IX Culling the Weak
o Chapter X Punishing Decadence
o Chapter XI Worlds in Which We Conquer
o Chapter XII Sacrifice for Immortality
o Chapter XIII My Triumph

After WWII, 37 members of the Karotechia escaped to the Middle East and South America with other Nazi fugitives. For decades they remained on the run, hiding and growing old in foreign lands. At least 17 were killed by the Libretto, or other Nazi-hunters.
That changed in 1975, when "Dr." Olaf Bitterich recruited two other Karotechia survivors, Reinhard Galt and Gunter Frank to become the core of the new Fourth Reich, which was headquartered at La Estancia in Brazil. Bitterich was inspired by dark gods, who appeared before him in the form of Adolf Hitler, claiming to have ascended to Godhood. Bitterich chronicled the revelations of Hitler in a book entitled Mein Triump. The Karotechia is particularly interested in re-obtaining a copy of the Necronomicon which they believe will let them duplicate Hitler's Ascension.
Since that time, the Karotechia network has been spreading its dark tentacles through the hate-filled corners of the world, preaching an Undying Reich. They have support and contact with a spectrum of right-wing groups, especially those with fascist sympathies. They refer to these groups as Bauern (Pawns).

The setting for the game we're about to play is Butte Flats, Oklahoma, USA. You will be part of the Aryan Resistance Movement (ARM) and your bosses at location are: Desmond Humbolt, Reinhart Galt, Paul Geiger and Aron Geiger. The Geiger brothers are the Bischoffes of Aktion Zeta, the Bauern you are part of.

During a neo-Nazi rally, in Oklahoma City, barely reminiscent of the great Nuremburg celebrations of the Third Reich, the dark skinned mercenary Desmond Humbolt was been placed in charge of security at the Karotechia's first experimental concentration camp. The illiterate members of the Bauer organizations did not take kindly to being subordinated to a black man. However, the urgency of the legendary Reinhard Galt and the subsequent appearance of Der Fuhrer and other prominent figures from Germany's folklore quickly silenced any vocal dissention.

"Tell me who's that writin',
John the Revelator.
Tell me who's that writin',
John the Revelator.
Who's that writin',
John the Revelator wrote the book of the seven seals."

The camp, operating under a program called Aktion Zeta, was built underneath an abandoned oil refinery once owned by New World Industries. This facility is located in a small oil town called Butte Flats.

Welcome to the new world!
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by Dave Syrinx »

What's known of the Karotechia by Alzis and Libretto?


The graph showing active leaders and those who led before. The names in white are the predecessors, obviously.
Exact locations of the Bauerns (small compounds of Aryan societies) are not known. One location has been almost pin pointed. One in Oklahoma, USA.

More on that later.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Character Creation

I'm trying something different this time. Though, I'm sticking to the % based Call of Cthulhu rules.
The Stats for your character is determined with allocated points.

It's a quick and dirty version, but I think it will work out nicely.

You have the following stats:


You get 77 points to divide up however you like. A stat of 3 will be considered as a challenge. You might be unable to perform normal tasks. A stat of 20 will be considered well above average, elite. The average being 11-13 for any stat.

For skills, you pick one PRIMARY skill. This skill will determine who you are as a character.

Further you have three secondary skills, skills that you have education in.

Skills are picked at your own discretion and can be anything you want to be proficient in.

You get 77% times 4 to put in skills %. If you put more than 100% in a skill you may divide the skill checks to twice the normal rate as you can work at double speed. A 120% skill in Sniper Rifle can either result in one secure hit. Or two shots at 60% each for two probable hits or even one secure hit and one maybe. (90 and 30)

Plus, I need a name and a picture for your character and some background information.
Thank you for playing!
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Being set in 1995, the current events are as follows:
In UK.

Also, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Downtown Oklahoma City, USA - got bombed recently.


To say the times are suspicious and hesitant towards anything not what's considered normal, is an understatement. But isn't that the case always?
When facing the unknown, you stick with what you know. Basic principle of survival.
I'm looking at a summer setting, a warm beginning to this campaign.
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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by kabukiman »

Name: Thomas Handson
Age: 25
Profession: Cultist/Librarian
St 8
Dex 9
Con 9
Siz 9
Int 12
Pow 16
Ed 14

Fast Talk: 100%
Occult: 77%
Latin: 60%
Handgun: 71%

Thomas Hanson was a normal boy. Smart but not brilliant. He loved read books, but that's not a reason to be worried, right? Since he didn't avoid doing sports, he made school without being much bullied. He liked anthropology, history and occult, but didn't believe much in it. When he entered college, a girl (Anna) saw him in the library reading a book about myths. She made him some questions and was impressed with his knowledge. So, she decide to invite him to a party dedicated to the "True Godess": he accepted, thinking that he would pass maybe a nice evening (sex). Well, there was indeed sex, drugs, ... and something else. Because Thomas didn't take drugs, and saw something that wasn't supposed to exist, he understood that this was a real thing.
That was a shock to him, he restarted to read all his book, trying to find some clues of what he saw. He discovered in old tomes strange names of forgotten divinities. On interested him, Tsathogua, the toad: he offered knowledge to his followers. He asked the girl for some information about the True Godess, but she didn't know anything else, only the leader of the cult could know something more.
Before he could contact the leader, most members of the cult were arrested in a party with several charges. Thomas helped saving Anna, since she was his only contact to the occult world, and maybe she knew something else.
After finishing college, they started living together: she didn't know anyone else (who wasn't arrested or dead), and he craved for more information. He found a job in a library: his boss is an incompetent who spends all time watching porn in the net, but is the nephew of a local politician. So all the job is done by Thomas (the other staff obeys him, without question, since he don't push them much). He has used most of the money to get books about occultism, but makes some activities with children, and that pleases the community, so everyone is happy.
One day, Anna appeared in his job with another person: his name was Alzis, and he had a proposition to make...
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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by krzyspmac »


Name: Henri Dupont
Age: 36
Profession: ex-policeman working for SD

DEX 10
INT 12
POW 18
EDU 12

Persuade: 90%
Spot hidden: 65%
Handgun: 70%
Martial arts: 53%
English: 30%

Born in Toulouse (Languedoc, France) Henri was always too curious for his own good. Spent his early days wondering around the ruins of the old Cathar castles, taking long solitary strolls during the moon-less nights through the countryside. Immersing himself in the history of the region got him hist first cognitive dissonance. The amount of blood, torture and blood spilled by the Church and king of France during the Albigensian Crusade shattered the mind of the young boy. His own countrymen were slaughtered by the thousands during a well prepared and coordinated attack yet offered little to no resistance. He came to regard them as weak and unworthy. "Filthy pacifist" he would later refer to them thus severing any and all connections to his ancestral home.

Upon coming of age he shortly pondered joining La Légion Etrangère but was, in the end, convinced by his grandmother (perhaps the only person to have any real influance on Henri) to get a university degree from the University Of Toulouse. He wasn't the best of students but that short period, before dropping out, enabled him to make a lot of great contacts, which finally landed him a job as a police officer.

One time he was investigating a rather gruesome murder near the famed Rennes-le-château where he met Gerard Barrès, with whom he quickly became friends. It was this man that introduced him to Section Disparu which in turn become a home he always wanted, even before he knew that. Those guys were definitely not weaklings. And the work had its benefits. He could travel a lot. Not the bond-esque style which was probably the only negative aspect of the work he did he could think of. Well... not to mention the unmentionable of course but every gig has its downside, right?

He was stationed in Montréal during the beginning of 1995 trying to contact the local separatist movement and cursing the weather for once wishing to go back to his warm countryside, when he received a new set of instructions. He booked a plane and immediately hurried to the airport. Payed off the taxi driver in a hurry and sprinted to the warm interior of the Elliott Trudeau Airport. "Why do we even want this goddamned country?" he though to himself as he boarded the place to Oklahoma.

Please let me know if you need to change anything to fit him into the story. I've included English in the skill as anyone should speak English to an extent and he's french. Let me know if that's ok. It lowers his skills but I made a call and now have to live with the consequences :mrgreen:
Just a cultist.
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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by Dave Syrinx »

You may proceed to Emerald Feast, krzypmac, may I call you Mac?
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by krzyspmac »

Dave wrote:(...)May I call you Mac?
Not a problem. That login works well only in my native tongue ;)
Just a cultist.
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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by Dave Syrinx »

The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by krzyspmac »

That's actually close :) I should have though about my internet handle usage in the real world before actually choosing one, but I got used to it.
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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by Snipersunset »

Name: Lars Daschner
Age: 41
Profession: Unknown, although links suggest some sort of deep government connections

DEX 11
INT 13
POW 14
EDU 14

Firearms 100%
Spot Hidden 77%
Locksmith 70%
Medicine 61%

Not much is known about Lars as his past seems to have almost completely erased. What is known is that he attended a very selective private school in Berlin until the age of 12 and then his records end. He only returns to anyones attention 1989 when he is accused of the shooting of two men in a bar inBasel, Switzerland, this however quickly became a classified case for unknown reasons and very little is known of his movments until 1993. At this point Lars began to be tied to some prominent members of the Karotechia organisation and since then these ties do not seem o have ben broken.

Hope this is ok, first ime i've done anything like this so any pointers or glaring mistakes please let me know.
Last edited by Snipersunset on Fri Feb 19, 2016 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by Snipersunset »

No, your reading it correct he is a baddie :lol:
The firearm thing is fine, just see that as being a large part of his "Job"
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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Name: Kathryn Petersen
Age: 27
Profession: FBI / Libretto

STR: 9
CON: 11
SIZ: 10
DEX: 14
APP: 11
INT: 16
POW: 10
EDU: 11

Primary Skil: (?) Handgun 80%
Secondary Skills: (?)Dodge 75%
First Aid 57%
Psychology 37%
(Adjustable per player)
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by Dave Syrinx »

The roster so far. Still some details to fill out.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by ghill »

David Owens, Compromised Federal Marshal

STR: 11
DEX: 10
CON: 10
SIZ: 9
INT: 13
POW: 12
EDU: 12

Persuade (P) 75%
Pistol (S) +55%
Drive (S) 55%
Psychology (S) 55%
History (ART) 45%
Shotgun +24%
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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by Mr. Handy »

I found my original character sheet for Kathryn Petersen in an old PM. The skills you've selected can work, but the skill points don't come close to the 308 (4 x 77) I'm supposed to have even if you start counting from 0% rather than from the base skills. Also, her stats add up to more than 77, even ignoring APP (which is not actually a stat you're using). I'm over by four points. I suppose I could lower INT if necessary. She should have 11 HP, not 10 (the average of SIZ and CON is rounded up). She should also be 24 in 1995, as she was born in January 1971.
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Re: Picking Factions & Character Creation

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Actually, you should only have four skills. I did add the ones I found highest in the PM. You can pick the primary and secondary and put 308 points the way you like.
(It was some digging in the old PM box, right?)

Well, let's drop App this game, how did I miss that(?).

Welcome back!
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)

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