[IC - PROLOGUE] The Invitation

A decade ago, a band of occult investigators battled against the summoning of an ancient and monstrous evil. They failed. Now you must piece together the puzzle and finish what they could not. The stakes are high, and so is the price to pay. Can you do it?

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[IC - PROLOGUE] The Invitation

Post by Overlord87 »

The woman sits in the dark. Only the weak light of the moon illuminates the room and the desk in front of her, where many letters lie in disorder. She rests with the elbows on the desk, hands covering her face, as if she's too tired to go on. Or perhaps, it is that she wish to erase those letters from her sight. She has been sitting in that position for hours now, since the sun set and she could no longer read. There is nothing more written in those lines, she is sure... and yet! Perhaps she had been overlooking that one crucial detail that could give her all the answers.

Finally she sighs. There is no use sitting there any longer. Things were already set in motion, days ago, to provide her the answers she needed. Perhaps other people would be more fortunate than her in the search. After all, the woman had always had everything other people could desire for: beauty, with and wealth. She lacked only that single quality, the most important one, luck.

The woman stands up and gathered the letters, careful not to ruin them. Some are more than ten years old. The car is waiting for her. It would not do for the host to arrive late at the meeting.
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Re: [IC - PROLOGUE] The Invitation

Post by Overlord87 »

Ian suddenly wakes up, covered in a cold sweat. His heart is pounding and he feels thirsty. As he reach for the glass of water at his bedside table, he looks at his wristwatch: "5:51".
- Damn nightmares...
He's been having this dreams for almost two years now. Sometimes two or three times a week, and then they just stop for a month or two. In a good day he's just startled and sweaty, but occasionally he wakes up screaming, feverish, with clenched fists and his jaw aching for gritting his teeth. And the worst part is that he can't even remember what he was dreaming. Knowing he won't be able to go back to sleep, he gets up.

He puts the kettle in the stove and lights a Lucky. Outside, the city is waking up. Sean and his father must be taking the first batch out of the oven by now, just a few blocks away. He used to go to the bakery every morning and take breakfast with them before go to work, but after come back from Los Angles he got the job in the Post and just kind of drifted away. They still see each other from time to time, but it is not the same now.

it was a normal day at work, except for Sophie, who was still shaken after covering that explosion in Texas. It has been on the headlines for days, and Ian is very pleased she got the story. He would like to invite her to have dinner, but for some reason he thinks it would be inappropriate and change his mind.

Late in the afternoon the phone rings. He picks up and a young woman is on the other side of the line:
- Mr. Morin?
- That's him.
- There's a limousine waiting for you outside the building. I've a job to offer you, with a generous payment if you're willing to accept. I'm looking forward to meet you in person.
- And who is th--?
He hears a click indicating that the conversation was finished. Bewildered, he gets up of his chair and go to the window. The limousine was there, parked in front of the Old South Meeting House. He lights another cigarette while observing the car outside. Invitations of this kind wasn't uncommon - politicians, labor union, bank union, informers, snitches, mob rats, etc. - but usually they weren't that intriguing and pithy. He meditate about it for a couple of minutes. "Well, let's hope it is over before the game", he thinks while grabbing his coat and leaving the office.
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Re: [IC - PROLOGUE] The Invitation

Post by Overlord87 »

Christopher Fontana finishes reading the preliminary report. He closes the buff folder, and makes a brief note on the paper pinned to the cover Ask Andrew to review the negatives, the prints look like a classic case of double exposure. he then initials his request. Christoper sits back in his chair, the phone on his desk rings... "Yes Mary.." he says as he pick up the receiver.
"I have Professor Dempsey on the line for you Professor." his secretary says.
"Put his through please." he replies. "Hello Adam, how nice to hear from you, how are you?" he asks idly wondering why his one time mentor and tutor was calling, especially as he saw the Professor at the weekend.
"Hello Christopher, glad I caught you .. everything is fine thank you.. I don't have long so I'll 'cut to the chase' .. I was telephoned earlier by the offices of 'Burke, Sandersen and Matthews' they're a big shot law firm in New York; hey were asking about you.. Prof. Dempsey says jovially.
"About me?" Chrisopher says a little perplexed, he'd vaguely heard of the law firm but was sure he hadn't had any dealing with them.
"Don't worry.. nothing to worry about. They were wanting ... well I guess you can say they wanted a reference on you. Of course I was happy to oblige.. seems they liked what I had to say too.. you can expect to hear from a.." Christoper hears some paper being shuffling ".. ahh yes here it is.. Thomas Foster I didn't get any more details.. Christoper hears some muffled words, ".. sorry Christopher I have to go, I am already late for a trustees meeting. It sounded urgent so I thought I would let you know in case this 'Foster' fellow gets in touch.. bye now Christoper. " Dempsey says before ringing off abruptly.

.. an hour or so later..

"I have reviewed that file Mary, could you make sure that Andrew gets it please, I want him to review the negatives before we write it up."Christopher says to his secretary as he hands over the folder. "Have a good evening.. see you in the morning" he says as the opens the outer door and heads off.

Christopher steps onto the side-walk and stops as he realises that the man walking towards him wants his attention... "Professor Fontana? Pleased to meet you, I'm Thomas Foster, personal secretary for Mrs. Winston-Rogers. My boss would like to speak with you about a job that requires your, let's say, peculiar skills. If you would like to follow me, I have a limousine ready for us".
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Re: [IC - PROLOGUE] The Invitation

Post by Overlord87 »

Clarence was sipping tea in his upstairs office. It was 5pm, he was wrapping up the last case he had covered, and was just about to call it a day, when he heard the letterbox clack. On the floor was a note, "I have a case for you. Limousine downstairs at 7 p.m." he noted the details in the diary, on the 23rd of march, 1937.
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Re: [IC - PROLOGUE] The Invitation

Post by Overlord87 »


Dr. Holly Chastain read the letter with growing interest as she sat at her desk. "She's certainly quick to assume that I'll accept her offer," she said to herself. While some people might think that talking to oneself is a sign of madness, she knew that it was no such thing. Speaking to herself helped her to organize her thoughts and work things out, and she wasn't worried what other people will think. After all, there was no one else around to hear her.

"She knows me too well, then. Not only am I intrigued, but this woman certainly appears to be able to pay handsomely. I've never ridden in a limousine before!" While Holly had gotten by better than many, the Great Depression hadn't exactly been easy on her. Any extra income would welcome, but she would have been interested enough even without it.[/quote]
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Re: [IC - PROLOGUE] The Invitation

Post by Overlord87 »

A knock at the door. Father Cecil Flanagan finished his prayers, then answered it. There on the steps of the church stood a tall, elegant-looking man in a black suit, umbrella in one hand. In the other he held an envelope, written on in a firm, looping script. Father Flanagan didn't recognise the man from either his sermons or around town, but he supposed it was always possible, especially in these turbulent times, to find religion later in life.

"Can I help you, my son?"
"Father Flanagan? I have a letter for you."

The man handed over his envelope and, relieved of his duty, nodded politely and briskly walked away. Father Flanagan eyed the envelope, noting by the singular stamp it hadn't travelled far, then brought it inside and closed the door.

The letter inside began as a welcome surprise, a greeting from an old friend, but quickly ended on a note that concerned the priest. A request for a favour, that may take some weeks to resolve.

Father Flanagan was loathe to leave his church, especially as the Easter season was fast approaching - but he had made a promise to a dying man. Father Flanagan always tried to be where he was needed most, and he felt deeply that where he was needed most at this time was Boston.

When the limousine arrived some weeks later, Father Flanagan was waiting, suitcase in hand. He said a quick prayer as he stepped into the car.
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