Strange Remnants

A cosmic alignment is coming, bringing with it humanity's doom. Singer Marie Lambeau, astronomer Norman Withers, politician Charlie Kane, and bounty hunter Tony Morgan must work together to try to save the world.

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Strange Remnants

Post by Tabs »



". . . So in love with you, My love, Am I," sings the "The Smoky Velvet," the final word a seemingly infinite decrescendo. And the spotlights are cut, the club erupts with applause and appreciative whistles, while she stands before the mic with her eyelids gently shut and with a happy smile upon her lips.

The Malay waiter touches her arm. "Miss Lambeau, someone wishes to talk to you. The gentleman said he has a message from your grandmother."

Marie Lambeau sits herself at the messenger's table. He is the most pasty-faced man she has ever met. He is scribbling away on some kind of contract, using his own blood as ink! and the well--a bleeding forearm.

She removes her paste tiara and drops it upon the table. "You have a scratch, sir?" she says nonchalantly, feeling anything but. "You wanted a word?"

"Your grandmother," he lisps, "wants you to sign this pact."

"Grand-mère has been dead this past year."

"Nevertheless . . ." he insists. Something in his objectionable manner convinces Marie that he is speaking the truth and that she should do as he asks, also, she feels that the pact is somehow connected with the coming eclipse which astronomers had predicted. Marie snatches his pen, jabs its nib into his forearm, and signs her name with a flourish.

Marie's chair is barged into. A Sister of Indolence, one of the peculiar local missionary sects, looks down upon her.

"Bless you," says the nun.

Image Image

Turn 1, Action Phase, space 20

Cast Voice of Ra for 1 extra Action, lose 1 Health (Sanity loss negated due to her passive ability).
Extra Action: Gain Focus.
Action 1: Travel to space 17.
Action 2: Travel (Component Action) to The Himalayas.

The nun apologises. "Not all who walk the Earth wish to see humanity survive the eclipse," she says cryptically.

"Sister?" questions Marie, hanging on the word "eclipse."

"Travel north, through India and Nepal to The Himalayas. Maybe you will find help there."

"But I catch the ferry to Bali in the morning; I sing on Tuesday night."

"Go north," is the unequivocal reply.
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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by Mr. Handy »


Tony Morgan looks up at the fleabag hotel in Bogota, Colombia where he has traced his man. Jimmy O'Bannion had fled from Arkham, wanted for the murder of a member of the Sheldon Gang in one of their eternal wars with the O'Bannion outfit. If his information is correct, his target is staying in Room 203. It's unlikely to be anyone else. There can't be too many ugly Americans staying in this dump. Any of his countrymen who came here would be living like kings - unless they were trying to hide.

Tony strides through the lobby as if he belongs here and up the rickety staircase that creaks with every step. He soon finds the door to Room 203 and raps on it.

"Yeah, who is it?" snarls a voice in English.

"Room service," says Tony in his best imitation of a Colombian accent.

A scar-faced, balding man with beady little eyes opens the door from within. He looks just like the mugshot Tony has. "I didn't order any-" he starts.

He doesn't get a chance to finish, as Tony sucker punches him and lays him out. "Yeah, you did," he says, whipping out his handcuffs and securing Jimmy's arms tightly behind his back. "One knuckle sandwich, delivered straight to your kisser. James O'Bannion, you're wanted for the murder of Archie Sheldon, and I'm taking you back to face justice. You are bound by law."

"You can't do this!" protests Jimmy. "Colombia doesn't have any extradition treaty with America! I looked it up before I came here!"

Tony snorts. "I'm a bounty hunter, not a cop." He hauls his captive to his feet.

"But Archie started it! He was trying to kill me!"

"Save it for the judge." Tony muscles Jimmy out into the hall.

"You're making a big mistake! I...I can help you! My family will reward you handsomely if you let me go. You can make a lot more scratch working for them than you'll get for my bounty!"

"Stuff it, you little rat!" Tony takes out his handkerchief and gags the man with it, then drags him downstairs. The clerk hadn't reacted when he entered, but now he comes out from behind his desk. Tony pulls out his wallet and flashes his driver's license, too quick for the clerk to read even if he does understand English. "Policia," he says simply. Jimmy's muffled words are stopped by his gag, and the clerk goes back to the dirty magazine he had been perusing. Tony drags Jimmy outside and heads to the nearby docks to book passage back to Arkham.

Turn 1 Action Phase
After a long but uneventful sea voyage, Tony arrives in Arkham, where he turns Jimmy O'Bannion in to the authorities and collects the bounty. Now flush with cash, Tony heads to Miskatonic University to look up his old friend, astronomer Norman Withers. A letter that had been waiting for him upon his return said that he wanted to see him urgently, something about cosmic alignments and the stars coming right.
OOC,Action 1: Prepare for Travel (Ship Ticket gained). Action 2: Travel: 7->8->Arkham [Ship Ticket]. I'm getting a Jack Walsh from Midnight Run vibe from this character! :)
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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by Quatermass »



Arkham, Mass.

Norman Withers stared at the mound of papers, diagrams, and pictures on his desk. A sense of anticipation and of dread welled up inside him. All the signs where there. But he had to be sure. He called out to his secretary. "Mable, I need you to cancel all my lectures for the next month and I need you to book passage on the first ship to London." Mable was about to ask why but then though better of if. She had seen him like this before. There was no use in asking why or trying to talk him out of something when he had that look in his eyes. She was about to go when she turned around. "What about Mr. Morgan. He telephoned and was to arrive within the hour. Do you want me to send him away?" Withers paused with a glint in his eye. "Morgan...Morgan....No! I will see him. Send him right in when he arrives." He begin to gather his papers and hoped that Tony Morgan would believe. He needed all the help he could get. The world needed all the help it could get.

Turn 1 Action Phase:

1) Gain a Focus.
2) Cast Feed the Mind - Lore 3 -1 [dice]0[/dice]


Success on Feed the Mind. Tony can increase a skill of his choice!!! Though I also lose one Sanity.
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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,Thank you! I'll increase Influence, of course! :D But how do I lose a Sanity point? I didn't see that anywhere on the Spell card. So you're not going to London this turn after all? Well, unless [b]Charlie[/b] gives you one of his Actions, but then he'll either have to not Travel or not Acquire Assets. It probably makes sense for him not to Acquire Assets this turn. That way he can still have a Research Encounter and you can still go to London and have an Encounter there. I already got my first increase, so it's not as urgent that I get the second one so soon.
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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by Tabs »

ooc,Excellent stuff!--there's a lot I want to comment on, I'll edit this post later on. One thing for now, I presume the Sanity loss is from the flip side of the Spell? However, we'll all use the cards I've drawn (they're downstairs at the moment), so I'll flip that one and post the consequences. Jack Walsh--The Dumbest Bounty Hunter. [youtube]HUmelrncGRc[/youtube] [quote] "Morgan...Morgan....[/quote] Norman also has a vibe, the scatterbrained academic type, focused on planets and stars, but little else? @DSIGFUSS, options, options! a) Aquire Assets and Travel, b) Travel and Component Action [1 additional action for Norman Withers], or some other combination. Now, I reckon that Charlie should Aquire Assets [gain Urban Guide] and gain a Focus [+1 Focus because of his Righteous Condition]. Your shout, DSIGFUSS. :)
Image--1 Sanity loss for Norman Withers.

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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Charlie Kane sits in the backseat of his black 1936 Cadillac Series 70 and puffs on a fat cigar. He adjusts his back slightly and winces. Between the Irish hookers, the Gin and all and this save the world from the forces of impending darkness, Charlie was dead tired. He unrolls the window and looks up the street and smiles as a shapely woman in a very conservative wool skirt and overcoat walks purposefully down the sidewalk towards his door. She opens it and slides into the backseat next to Councilman Kane.

Morning Phyllis! Did you get the mix?

That’s Miss Ashcroft Mr. Kane. You know how much I hate it when you call me Phyllis.

Charlie’s hand slowly slides towards Miss Ashcroft’s exposed knee but quickly pulls back. It was instinct for Charlie to womanize and carry on but Phyllis was important to him. She made things happen and Charlie had no idea how she did it.

Do you know how difficult it is to find Tom Collins mix at 6 in the morning Mr. Governor? I almost had to throw a rock through a storefront window.

Phyllis passes Charlie a brown envelope and Mr. Kane takes it greedily. In the envelope is a bottle of premixed Tom Collins and a dossier on a man named Wilber Zimmerman. He reads the file aloud.

Wilbur Zimmerman … PhD in Social Behavior and background in Educational Theatre. Really Phyllis… another Jew?

He’s good at what he does sir.

Charlie eyes Phyllis for a short moment and continues.

Have Mr. Zimmerman meet a colleague of mine in Arkham. A Mr. Tony Morgan… He’s a little rough around the edges and could do with a little social theatrical instruction if you catch my meaning.

Again Charlie’s hand moves towards his assistant’s knee but he draws it back. Charlie is fairly certain Phyllis caught it this time but he busies himself with pouring his first drink of the morning.

Phyllis ignores Charlie's advance and quickly exits the car.

Charlie sighs and then motions to his driver. A young man, nearly a boy, named Oliver Spratt.

Take me out of this damn town Oliver. My constituents can’t see me like this… and take the bridge… I’d like to see Goldie one last time before fire and brimstone swallow up the lot of us.
Action 1: Acquire Assets - rolled 1/4/4/3/6 - Acquires Specialized Training and sends it to Tony Morgan at Arkham.

Reroll the 1 – rolled 5

Rolled a total of 2 successes.

Action 2: Travel to Space 2 - collect the clue.

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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by Tabs »


Turn 1, Encounter Phase, The Himalayas


Marie Lambeau draws the fur-lined hood of her parka a little tighter around her face; the deadly snowstorm is whirling furiously. "A cave, thank God!" she says, stumbling across a shelter, and ducks into it.

Inside, tunnels twist and turn in the dark, making it almost impossible to navigate.

Observation 2 + Blessed [dice]0[/dice]

She discovers a cavern, it has peculiar mauve-tinted ice and is filled with scientific paraphernalia; Marie can't even begin to guess at their purpose. A glass cylinder contains some kind of rabbity mush.

"Help me! Help me!" croaks the glass cylinder.

Will 2 + Blessed [dice]1[/dice]

"Whoa!" exclaims Marie, taking a step backwards.

"Smash me," it implores, "trample my brain into the rock. Crush me. End my misery." And as a disbelieving Marie looks back over her shoulder, as if to find a practical joker watching on, it whispers, "I know where the mi-go store their equipment . . . do as I ask and I'll tell you where those abominable snowmen hide their incredible things."

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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by Mr. Handy »


Turn 1 Encounter Phase
Tony Morgan doesn't know what to make of all of Norman's end of the world talk. He doesn't understand how an astronomical alignment could cause such a thing, but he knows Norman is a lot smarter than him. If he says the threat is real, Tony is prepared to take him at his word - and unwilling to bet the fate of the world on him being wrong. Norman had told him about the Silver Twilight Lodge, a secret society headquartered in Arkham that has a lot of knowledge of the occult and arcane, so he goes to see what he can learn there.

The lodge house is tall, imposing, and spooky - especially at night. The butler is a big hulking brute, easily capable of turning Tony into a pretzel if he should so choose. However, once Tony mentions that Norman WIthers sent him, he is ushered inside and asked to wait in the foyer. Before long, a tall man with slicked-back silver hair strides into the room. "Good evening, Mr. Morgan," he says, a vaguely sinister tone to his voice. "I am Carl Sanford, the master of the Silver Twilight Lodge. If you wish to join us and learn our secrets, I must first test you to see if you are worthy."

"All right," says Tony. "I'm ready. Give me your best shot."

"What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?"

"That one's easy: a man! In the morning, he's a baby and crawls around on all fours. Then he walks upright most of his life, and when he gets old he needs a cane - like yours! Nice one, by the way." Tony looks at Sanford's cane, which has a silver horsehead handle. He can also tell that it's removable, a sure sign of a sword cane.

"Ah, so you are familiar with the Riddle of the Sphinx. Very good. But can you answer the next one? Round I am from base to brim, a golden treasure lies within. There are no doors to this stronghold, yet thieves break in and steal the gold. What am I?"

Tony thinks for a moment. "An egg!"

"Excellent. Now for the hardest one: what have I got in my pocket?"

"Um...a ring?" Tony guesses.

"Correct again," Sanford reaches into his pocket and pulls out a shiny gold ring that looks very precious. "Your psychic potential is promising. Yes, I shall instruct you in the mystic arts. Just open your mind and let me in."

"Sure. What could it possibly hurt?"
OOC,[url=]Lore check (2 + 1[Encounter] = 3 dice) answering the Silver Twilight Lodge's riddles (3d6.hits(5)=2)[/url]. Success! One Spell gained (not necessarily an Incantation, but any Spell).
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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by Quatermass »


Turn 1 Encounter Phase, Arkham

After leaving Tony Morgan, Norman walked down to his apartment a few blocks away. It was raining and he bundled up the many books and papers he carried to protect them. As he passed a alleyway a strange sound danced through the rain. A rhythmic chant like something from a monastery in far Nepal. It seemed to be coming from the alleyway. Norman was tired and his mind hazy and he almost ignored the sound. But something in the back of his mind told him to follow the sound down the alley.

Rounding a corner he found a young blonde child. She was no more that 10 years of age. The chanting seemed to come from her even though her mouth did not move. "What are you doing here child at this time of night? Where are your parents?" The child only smile and stared at Norman with large dark eyes. Those eyes seems to drill deep inside Norman. His vision seemed to dim slightly and the chanting increased in volume. It took all his strength of mind to keep standing in front of this child. She handed him a paper. It was wet with rain and it was old......Norman's experience could tell him it was very old. He reached out to take it and the world dissolved into nothingness.

Norman awoke in the ally. His books strewn about him. What had happened? The child was gone and in his hand was the piece of parchment with strange runes that squirmed on the page.

Spent one focus and gained

Last edited by Quatermass on Mon Aug 24, 2015 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Turn 1 Encounter

Charlie Kane soon finds himself on a steamship headed to Tokyo of all places. His upholstered Cadillac seats were soon replaced with soft white sheets and one hell of a pounding hangover. He couldn't for the life of him remember how he got on this damn boat, but that didn't stop it rocking back and forth like some mad Titan's baby carriage.

There was something about a book he'd picked up in San Francisco that led him here. Charlie reached into his overnight bag and pulled out a small leather-bound tome. He fingered through the pages. Of course the damn thing was in Latin.


Charlie shakes his head and reaches for his Tom Collins. It, of course, was empty. He remembered sending Phyllis topside to fetch another but she had not yet returned.

If Charlie was going to get himself another bottle he’d have to expedite this little nautical adventure of his and fast. The waves outside crashed against the ship’s hull as the boat continued to persevere through the massive swells of the Pacific Ocean.

Charlie opened the Tome to a page he’d remembered. A picture of a giant crab holding a strange circular tablet. He continued to peruse the text and smiled to himself. An incantation that was supposed to improve the weather conditions on any sea voyage was right there where he thought it was.

Hastily Charlie began to utter the ancient words…

Cessabit mare . Comprimi aqua . Festinate et ascendite ad ventos . Cave cancri .

It all felt a bit off as Charlie’s lips failed to capture the true translation of the text. The candle he was reading by suddenly went out as a gust of wind blew through his cabin. Charlie sat there on his bed in complete silence. His heart pounded in his chest as he soon realized the gravity of his situation. How could he be so stupid? So green… He understood the forces he was meddling with all too well to jump so quickly into the arcane without the proper preparation.

He could hear the sound of grotesque movement near the foot of his bed. It sounded like a piece of wet leather was dragging itself up his bedpost. Charlie strained to see what was happening.


Then something leapt from the darkness. A slimy muti-limbed creature no smaller than a garden gnome latched to his shoulder. Each arm sunk into his flesh with rows of razer sharp teeth or tendrils…. It was too dark to tell. Charlie reached out for anything to defend himself and found a letter opener Phyllis had given him for his birthday. He stabbed at the creature and threw it to the floor. The creature rose slowly into the air, hovering as black gore dripped from its wound. The thing regarded Charlie for a short moment and then flew out the open port window.


Charlie Kane sat back onto his bed, holding a towel to his wounded shoulder.

You Stupid old Man…


ooc- rolled a 4 for my Knowledge -1 check. Fail. Charlie takes 2 damage from flying polyp.
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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by Tabs »

Turn 1, Mythos Phase


Advance the Omen: blue constellation
Reckoning Effects: possessions and Conditions . . .

Marie Lambeau


Test Lore 3 + Blessed [dice]0[/dice]
1-2: Stress and fatigue wears at you. Lose 1 Sanity.





Charlie Kane

Image Image

Spawn Gate: Rome (red sun) and


Text Effect: Marie keeps Voice of Ra, loses 1 Sanity, and gains


Tony Morgan, what does he wish to do with Conjuration?

Norman Withers, what does he wish to do with Feed the Mind and Clairvoyance?
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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by Quatermass »

Norman Withers will keep both spells.
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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by Tabs »

@Norman Withers

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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Charlie Kane rolls 1d6

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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,I'll get rid of Conjuration.
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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by Mr. Handy »


Turn 2 Action Phase
"Okay," says Dr. Zimmermann in a thick German accent. "Let's start the next exercise. You are trying to gain entry to a guarded building, but the guard refuses to let you in. What do you say to him?"

"Let me in, or I'll punch your lights out!" says Tony.

"Nein, nein, nein! What have I taught you?"

"Oh, right! Let me in, please, or I'll punch your lights out!"

Zimmermann slaps his face with his palm.

"Oh, wait! I could offer him a bribe!"

"That's...a little better. Let's go back to your elocution lessons. Repeat after me: The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain."

"Actually, it would fall more in the valleys, because it flows down the surrounding hills."

"Why don't we end today's session early?"

"Yeah, sounds good to me. I need to pack for the sea voyage to Rome."

"Ja, gut. I vill come mit you so you can continue your lessons. I vill make you presentable, or my name is not Henry Higgins."

"But I thought your name was Zimmermann."
OOC,Action 1: Focus Action. 1 Focus gained. [url=]Will check (2 dice) using Specialized Training, Turn 2 (2d6.hits(5)=0)[/url]. No skill increase this time. Action 2: Prepare for Travel (Ship Ticket gained). (Action 3: Travel: Arkham->London->Rome [Ship Ticket]).
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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by Quatermass »


Turn 2 Action Phase:


Norman Withers was muttering to himself when his office door opened. He just about jumped out of his chair. "What....oh's just you." His eyes narrowed as he regain his composure. "What where you doing? Listening at the door. Again." His voice was jittery. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and begin to mutter to himself again. The look of concern was evident on Mable's face. "Mr. Withers, you know I wouldn't do such a thing." She said. "Your worn out. You haven't slept since yesterday morning. You need some rest." Norman looked up and his face softened. "Oh..your right of coarse. Maybe a few hours sleep...." His voice trail off. There was so much to do and so little time.......
1) Rest Action. Regain 1 Sanity.
Roll for Paranoia [dice]0[/dice]
Discard Paranoia

2) Feed the Mind.
Roll [dice]1[/dice]

Sorry Messed up here. please ignore. [dice]2[/dice]
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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Turn 2 - Action Phase

Charlie Kane sits back on his bed and shivered at the thought of his encounter with the fleshy creature that slithered into his cabin.

How could he be so careless? Phyllis usually reads over his incantations to make sure he pronounces the Latin correctly but Charlie was impatient. Mostly for the Gin, which Phyllis should have procured by now for heaven’s sake, but his impatience had cost him a nasty bite to the shoulder.

His wound was festering…. He stood up and walked to the mirror in his cabin’s bathroom. It was foggy and the pale yellow light from his cabin lamp was making him sick to his stomach. The bite was festering and red. Boils had already started to form around the puncture site. Charlie popped one and winced with pain. It was a good thing too… When he turned from the mirror he caught a glimpse of a shadowy tendril form creeping back through his cabin window that he had forgotten to shut and lock and bar for that matter.

Careless old man…..

He reached for his razor, sunken in a glass of dirty water on the sink, but the thing was in flight. Charlie had assumed he was safe. He always made assumptions when Phyllis wasn’t around and now it was finally going to get him killed.


The sound was like a thunder strike from heaven as the green and black lifeblood of the creature splattered over his face and facilities. Charlie could only hear a loud buzzing as he turned to see his cabin door open and the angel standing there before him. She wasn’t an angel, but a nun and she held a smoking shotgun straight out of one of those mafia pictures. Stunned, Charlie looked her up and down and his eyes widened as she walked into the light. For one, her Habit was unorthodox to say the least. It was short at the thighs and then lengthened in the back displaying the curves of her legs to all god’s creatures. Charlie blinked.


The nun walked slowly towards Charlie and laid her hands on his shoulders. She slowly leaned him into his bed and began to whisper beautiful things in his ear. Something about a yellow wildflower and a 1937 Harley Davidson.
Charlie rests for his first action. he gains 1 health and 1 focus. Then he gives his second action away.
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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by Tabs »



Turn 2, Action Phase, The Himalayas

Marie Lambeau's steps crunch in the snow as she trudges wearily through The Himalayas. It is late in the day, darkness blankets the foothills below, and she can feel the cold freezing her toes and fingers. "If I don't get outta here fast," she says to herself, "I'm gonna perish," and with that happy thought her teeth chatter uncontrollably.

She stands above a couloir, a steep precipice of snow between banks of rock, and makes a possibly fateful decision. Sitting upon her pack she glissades down, barely able to see ahead in the twilight, her eyes squinting from the spindrift whipped up all around her by the night wind.

Incredibly, luckily--whatever--within the hour Marie is camped beneath a rhododendron tree. She feels hungry, famished, a hunger unlike anything she has felt before. Where her legs are tucked beneath her as she rests among the dry leaves, she spots, in the tread of her boots, a pinkish, flesh like goo--the brain she'd crushed inside the Mi-go's cave.

Action 1: Rest. On a 4, 5, or 6 discard Hunger Condition [dice]0[/dice]
Action 2: Travel to Shanghai.

The following morning she hikes through a deserted forest and a landscape of rolling hills. At last she meets a peasant wearing a padded jacket and cap, his features are distinctly mongoloid.

"Yes, yes. Tibet," he replies to their pantomime conversation. After much bartering Marie, riding a bactrian camel and the peasant sporting her paste tiara, rides into China.

At the great city of Shanghai, inside a pagoda, wallowing in a bubble-filled tub, Marie hums a tune which will give her a little more time. "Ra, Ra, Rasputin . . ."


Extra Action: Gain a Train Ticket. (Sanity loss from casting the Spell negated due to her passive ability.)
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Re: Strange Remnants

Post by Mr. Handy »


Turn 2 Encounter Phase
Tony arrives in Rome and wanders around at night, not sure what he should be looking for. In a dark alley, he comes across a shimmering round hole in space, beyond which a room with rows of bookshelves is visible. A black creature with a razor-sharp beak flies through it from the other side and comes at him. Remaining rock steady in the face of the otherworldly horror, he whips out his handcuffs and uses them to lock its jaws shut. Then he beats it into submission, retrieves his handcuffs, and shoves it through the portal. However, he too is pulled through the opening into a strange, musty library. The creature, now terrified of him, flees in panic. Tony explores the decaying library, noticing that the walls and shelves have been scorched in this part of it, and most of the books are ruined. The stench is almost unbearbale, but he is made of tough stuff and endures it. He manages to find an intact book, which he takes and opens to find mystical incantations. He notices a warning in the text that tips him off that the book is trapped. Had he chanted the words, it would have caused a conflagration. The evidence around him showed that someone had already fallen victim to it. Then the gateway begins to shrink. Running at top speed, he dives through it, and it vanishes to a point behind him, leaving him in the empty alley.
OOC,[url=]Horror check (2 dice) encountering Byakhee, Turn 2 (2d6.hits(5)=2)[/url]. Use Handcuffs and spend 1 Focus to defeat Byakhee. 1 Focus gained. [url=]Will check (2 dice) during Other World Encounter, Turn 2 (2d6.hits(5)=1)[/url]. Tome Asset gained. [url=]Lore check (2 dice) during Other World Encounter, Turn 2 (2d6.hits(5)=1)[/url]. Gate closed. 8-)
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