Dramatis Personae

The Great War

The year is 1918. For four years Europe has been locked in the throes of the Great War, the most devastating conflict in history. Technical innovations in artillery, air power, chemical warfare, and automatic weapons have changed the face of battle. When industrial mass production, universal conscription, and staunch adherence to Napoleonic Era military theory were added to the mix, they created the Western Front: a Hell on Earth where literally millions of soldiers have fed the war's hunger for blood. Far more died on the fields of the Western Front than men: a world was ending. The scale of this new War, and its barbarity, are staggering; at the battle of the Somme, which raged from July to November 1916, the British lost 60,000 soldiers in the first day, and total casualties for the offensive ran over a million men. As historian A.J.P. Taylor put it, "The war ceased to have a purpose and went on for its own sake, as a contest of endurance."

The arrogant optimism that had inflamed the West following the industrial revolution, the idea that progress, technology, and enlightenment had raised Man (white man in particular) to the mastery of the world and a state of near divinity is dead, gassed and shelled into oblivion. The cream of Europe's youth learned first hand just how far civilization could fall.

Moderator: CrackheadC.

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Dramatis Personae

Post by CrackheadC. »

No Man's Land

Current Investigators:
Mr. Handy as Private Nicholas "Nick" Parker
Supercape as Private Victor "Birdy" Bird
DrPeterson as Corporal Arthur "Freddy" Larch
Ritterton as Private Artemis Richter

Guest starring NPCs:

Sergeant Richard Maddox "Sarge"
Private Earl Martin - A handsome and soft-spoken poet who seems haunted by his past.
Private Richard McNalley - A gruff low-level Irish mobster that took a plea deal to join the military instead of going to the big house.
Private Anthony Parks - An idealist student that paused his studies to do the patriotic thing and join the military. An intellectual who believes the world is rational at heart.
Corporal William Grimm - A career soldier from a military family. A gruff and abusive man who has seen it all and just wants to keep his men alive.
Private Emmet Ryan - A farmboy from Massachusetts. A nice guy, not a bumpkin, but a little ignorant and very religious
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Re: Dramatis Personae

Post by CrackheadC. »

Player: NPC
Name: Sergeant Richard Maddox "Sarge"
Sex: Male
Age: 37
Occupation: Police Officer (Currently Soldier)
Birthplace: Trenton, New Jersey
Current Residence: Foxhole in France
Colleges, Degrees: Rutger's dropout, Studied Law

STR: 60 (30/12)
CON: 55 (27/11)
SIZ: 60 (30/12)
DEX: 30 (15/6)
APP: 30 (15/6)
INT: 50 (25/10)
POW: 55 (27/11)
EDU: 75 (37/15)

Hit Points: 11 / 11
Magic Points: 3 / 11
Sanity: 55
Luck: 50
Move Rate: 8
Build: 0
Damage Bonus: none

Skills,Non-Default are bolded. Occupational Skills in Italics. Personal Interests preceded by a DOT. War experience Skills Preceded by an *. Accounting (05%): Anthropology (01%): Appraise (05%): Archaeology (01%): Art: / Craft: (05%): Charm (15%): [b]*Climb (20%): 40%[/b] [b][i]Credit Rating (00%): 15%[/i][/b] Cthulhu Mythos (00%): Disguise (05%): [b]Dodge (15%): 15%[/b] [b][i]Drive Auto (20%): 50%[/i][/b] Electric Repair (10%): Fast Talk (05%): [b][i]Fighting (Brawl) (25%): 50%[/i][/b] [b][i]*Firearms (Handgun) (20%): 70%[/i][/b] [b][i]Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%): 45%[/i][/b] [i]*First Aid (30%):[/i] History (05%): [b][i]Intimidate (15%): 50%[/i][/b] Jump (20%): [b].Language (French) (01%): 50%[/b] [b]Language (English) (75%): 75%[/b] [b][i]Law (05%): 50%[/i][/b] Library Use (20%): [b]*Listen (20%): 30%[/b] Locksmith (01%): [b].Mechanical Repair (10%): 31%[/b] Medicine (01%): Natural World (10%): [b]*Navigate%): 40%[/b] Occult (10%): Operate Heavy Machine (01%): [b]*Persuade (10%): 20%[/b] Pilot (01%): [i]Psychology (10%):[/i] Psychoanalysis (01%): Ride (05%): Science (01%): Sleight of Hand (10%): [b][i]*Spot Hidden (25%): 75%[/i][/b] *Stealth (20%): Survival (10%): [b].Swim (20%): 50%[/b] *Throw (20%): Track (10%):
Personal Description:
Robert is a scruffy and mildly grotesque looking man. He has an unkempt and patchy beard that someone must have told him looked good. The asymmetrical features of his face make him unpleasant to look at.

Robert is a firm believer in the justice system and karma. Everyone gets what's coming to them in the end.

*Significant People:*
Robert's teenage daughter, Clarissa, is back in the states that he can't wait to get back to see as her well-being is his motivation in life.

Meaningful Locations:
The police station at which he works has always been a stable part of his adult life.

Treasured Possession:
Robert carries a copy of the arrest report for his first collar.

Robert is loyal to his brothers (in blue or in arms), but is a bit of a bully.

Robert grew up in a fairly well off middle class family in Trenton. He did well in school and despite his looks did alright with the ladies. He studied law at Rutger's University hoping to become a lawyer, but when he soon-to-be wife Barbara informed him she was pregnant he dropped out to take care of her and their daughter Clarissa. He joined the police force and worked a beat until the War broke out and he and many of his police friends volunteered to enlist. He was trained as an officer and his down to earth personality made him fairly well respected among his men, even if he did brow-beat them into doing their jobs.

Arrest report from his first collar
American soldier's kit:
- Uniform and Helmet
- Belts and Ammo pouches
- Greatcoat
- Cardigan
- Sewing kit
- Mess-tin
- Cap comforter
- Harness
- Shirt
- Paybook
- Razor w/ case
- Socks (3 pairs)
- Lather brush
- Soap
- Rifle cover
- Waterproof sheet
- Comb
- Bottle of oil
- Tin of grease
- Utensils (knife, fork, spoon)
- Water bottle
- Field fressing
- Toothbrush
- Towel
- Gas mask
- Spine protector
- Bootlaces
- Entrenching tool (shovel)
- Pocket knife
- Bayonet
- Fastener
- Ammunition
--- .30-06 rounds: 50
--- .45 rounds: 30

M1917 -- .30-06 Bolt-Action Rifle
- Firearms (Rifle) Dmg: 2d6+4 Range: 110 yards Uses per round: 1 Bullets in Gun/Mag: 5 Malfunction: 100

Colt 1917 -- .45 Revolver
- Firearms (Handgun) Dmg: 1d10+2 Range: 15 yards Uses per round: 1(3) Bullets in Gun/Mag: 6 Malfunction: 100

Bayonet -- as Large knife
- Fighting (Brawling) Dmg: 1d8 + DB Range: Touch Uses per round: 1
Posts: 2182
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Re: Dramatis Personae

Post by DrPeterson »

Player: DrPeterson
Name: Arthur "Freddy" Larch, MD
Sex: Male
Age: 33
Occupation: Doctor
Birthplace: Boston, MA
Current Residence: Foxhole in France
Colleges, Degrees: Brown University


STR: 30/15/6
CON: 35/17/7
SIZ: 60/30/12
DEX: 65/32/13
APP: 40/20/8
INT: 65/32/13
POW: 70/35/14
EDU: 70/35/14
EDU check: success-no increase,[dice]0[/dice]
Hit Points: 9
Magic Points: 6/14
Sanity: 70 -1 -1 68
Luck: 40
Luck roll,[dice]1[/dice]
Move Rate: 8
Build: 0
Damage Bonus: 0
Skills:,Non-Default are bolded. Occupational Skills in Italics. Personal Interests preceded by a DOT. War experience Skills Preceded by an *. Accounting (05%): Anthropology (01%): Appraise (05%): Archaeology (01%): [b].Art: / Craft: Distilling (05%): 50%[/i][/b] Charm (15%): *Climb (20%): [b][i]Credit Rating (00%): 50%[/i][/b] Cthulhu Mythos (00%): Disguise (05%): Dodge (Dex*2): 26% Drive Auto (20%): Electric Repair (10%): Fast Talk (05%): Fighting (Brawl) (25%): [b]*Firearms (Handgun) (20%): 50%[/b] Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%): [i][b]*First Aid (30%): 75%[/b][/i] History (05%): Intimidate (15%): Jump (20%): [i][b]Language (Latin) (01%): 25%[/b][/i] [b].Language (German) (EDU%): 46%[/b] [b]Language (English) (EDU%): 70%[/b] Law (05%): Library Use (20%): [b]*Listen (20%): 40%[/b] Locksmith (01%): Mechanical Repair (10%): [b][i]Medicine (01%): 62[/i][/b] Natural World (10%): *Navigate (10%): Occult (10%): Operate Heavy Machine (01%): [b]*.Persuade (10%): 50%[/b] Pilot (01%): [b][i]Psychology (10%): 50%[/i][/b] Psychoanalysis (01%): Ride (05%): [i][b]Science (Biology)(01%): 20%[/b][/i] [i][b].Science (Pharmacy)(01%): 42%[/b][/i] Sleight of Hand (10%): [b]*Spot Hidden (25%): 45%[/b] *Stealth (20%): Survival (10%): Swim (20%): *Throw (20%): Track (10%):

Personal Description:
Doc Larch is a thin, small man with sharp hawk-like features. He tries to keep a level head in the chaos of the War and does his best to alleviate the stress of his squad by supplying them with council, medical care or one of his own concoctions, be they moonshine or medicine.

Larch volunteered when the call came because he didn't want to end up in the mud like one of the grunts and applied for an officer's commission.

Larch is an existentialist and an avid reader of books on the matter, he is particularly fond of the works of Friedrich Nietzsche.
He would also describe himself as a secular humanist, believing that it is man' s duty to aid his fellow man, the reason why he went into medical practice in the first place.

Significant People:
His wife Claudia, who is a teacher, (30yo) and his children Fred (7yo) and Soren (6yo).

Meaningful Locations:
Alpert Medical School, Providence, RI: the place where Larch learned his skills.

*Treasured Possession:*
A worn copy of Also Sprach Zarathustra

Larch is easy-going and level-headed, to an almost cynical point. He will however do his utmost to help those who rely on him, and to help alleviate suffering where and how he can.

Arthur was born and raised in Boston to liberal parents. He passed school with flying colours and was accepted into Brown, where he met his future wife. He started working in a local hospital, sometimes performing illegal abortions after the hospital had officially turned the patients down. The US joining the War saw both a chance for Larch to escape pending litigation by the hospital and to do his part in the War that was tearing apart the world.

His hobbies include reading, golf (at which he has very little skill) and the recreational use of ether and drinks.

Also Sprach Zarathustra
American soldier's kit(from which the heaviest items have been traded off):,- Uniform - Belts and Ammo pouches - Greatcoat - Cardigan - Sewing kit - Mess-tin - Cap comforter - Shirt - Paybook - Razor w/ case - Socks (3 pairs) - Lather brush - Soap - Waterproof sheet - Comb - Bottle of oil - Tin of grease - Utensils (knife, fork, spoon) - Water bottle - Field dressing - Toothbrush - Towel - Gas mask - Bootlaces - Entrenching tool (shovel) - Pocket knife - Bayonet - Fastener - Ammunition --- .45 rounds: 30
Medical Supplies
Medical Field Kit
Small Distilling Set
Pharmaceutical Field Lab
Handy, but small, supply of drugs and drink
Notepad and pencils

Colt 1917 -- .45 Revolver
- Firearms (Handgun) 50% Dmg: 1d10+2 Range: 15 yards Uses per round: 1(3) Bullets in Gun/Mag: 6 Malfunction: 100
Larch "lost" his rifle early on, trading it for equipment used to distil spirits and make medicine.

Bayonet -- as Large knife
- Fighting (Brawling) 25% Dmg: 1d8 Range: Touch Uses per round: 1
Last edited by DrPeterson on Sat Sep 26, 2015 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Private Nick Parker

Post by Mr. Handy »

Player: Mr. Handy
Name: Private Nicholas "Nick" Parker
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Occupation: Mechanic (Currently Soldier)
Birthplace: Detroit, Michigan
Current Residence: Foxhole in France
Colleges, Degrees: High School Diploma


STR: 55 (27/11)
CON: 70 (35/14)
SIZ: 50 (25/10)
DEX: 75 (37/15)
APP: 40 (20/8)
INT: 50 (25/10)
POW: 65 (32/13)
EDU: 70 (35/14)

Hit Points: 12 / 12
Magic Points: 5 / 13
Sanity: 65 -1 64
Luck: 70
Move Rate: 9
Build: 0
Damage Bonus: +0

Skills,Non-Default are bolded. Occupational Skills in Italics. Personal Interests preceded by a DOT. War experience Skills Preceded by an *. Accounting (05%): Anthropology (01%): Appraise (05%): Archaeology (01%): [i][b]Art: / Craft(Welding): (05%): 25%[/b][/i] Charm (15%): [i][b]Climb (20%): 50%[/b][/i] [b][i]Credit Rating (00%): 15%[/i][/b] Cthulhu Mythos (00%): Disguise (05%): [b]Dodge (37%): 37%[/b] [b][i]Drive Auto (20%): 50%[/i][/b] [i][b]Electric Repair (10%): 40%[/b][/i] Fast Talk (05%): *Fighting (Brawl) (25%): *Firearms (Handgun) (20%): [b]*Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%): 65%[/b] *First Aid (30%): History (05%): Intimidate (15%): Jump (20%): [b].Language (French) (01%): 21%[/b] [b]Language (English) (70%): 70%[/b] Law (05%): Library Use (20%): [b]*Listen (20%): 50%[/b] [i][b]Locksmith (01%): 31%[/b][/i] [i][b]Mechanical Repair (10%): 75%[/b][/i] Medicine (01%): Natural World (10%): Navigate(10%): Occult (10%): [i][b]Operate Heavy Machine (01%): 31%[/b][/i] Persuade (10%): Pilot (01%): Psychology (10%): Psychoanalysis (01%): Ride (05%): Science (01%): *Sleight of Hand (10%): [b][i]Spot Hidden (25%): 55%[/i][/b] [b].Stealth (20%): 60%[/b] [b].Survival(Forest) (10%): 35%[/b] Swim (20%): *Throw (20%): [b].Track (10%): 25%[/b]
Personal Description:
Nick is a plain-looking, wiry young man. He is extremely agile and works very well with his hands.

Since being drafted and sent to France, Nick has seen some of his friends killed right near him, yet he always made it through without a scratch so far. He has become increasingly fatalistic and is convinced that there's a bullet with his name on it out there, and he is sure that he won't survive the war. Still, he is determined to get what enjoyment he can out of life until then, and to do his duty for his country and his buddies.

*Significant People:*
Nick is engaged to his high school sweetheart Matilda Deakins, and he regrets not having married her before he shipped out with the Army, as then she would have received survivor's benefits upon his inevitable death. He will also miss his parents, *Michael* and Frances Parker. He does not know how they will cope with the loss of their only child. He is especially close to his father, who taught him everything he knows about being a mechanic.

Meaningful Locations:
Nick's family home, and the garage where he works.

Treasured Possession:
Michael's favorite possession is his 1916 Ford Model T. He also carries a family photograph and one of Matilda.

Michael is courageous as a side effect of his new outlook. He has already accepted the fact of his own death and counted everything as lost, so he feels he has nothing left to lose at this point. He cares about his fellow soldiers and will put himself in harm's way to protect them. After all, when his time is up, he doesn't believe there is anything he can do about it.

Nick followed in his father's footsteps and became a mechanic, and he is an extremely good one even at his young age. He has always been fascinated by cars, and he has a Ford Model T back home. He completed high school while still learning his trade from his father, but his life was interrupted when his number came up and he was conscripted to fight in the Great War like so many others. Robert also enjoys hunting, and he is fairly good at it. His hunter's instincts have served him in good stead as a soldier, and they have kept him alive so far.

Family photograph
Photograph of Matilda
American soldier's kit:
- Uniform and Helmet
- Belts and Ammo pouches
- Greatcoat
- Cardigan
- Sewing kit
- Mess-tin
- Cap comforter
- Harness
- Shirt
- Paybook
- Razor w/ case
- Socks (3 pairs)
- Lather brush
- Soap
- Rifle cover
- Waterproof sheet
- Comb
- Bottle of oil
- Tin of grease
- Utensils (knife, fork, spoon)
- Water bottle
- Field dressing
- Toothbrush
- Towel
- Gas mask
- Spine protector
- Bootlaces
- Entrenching tool (shovel)
- Pocket knife
- Bayonet
- Fastener
- Ammunition
--- .30-06 rounds: 50
--- .45 rounds: 30

M1917 -- .30-06 Bolt-Action Rifle
- Firearms (Rifle) Dmg: 2d6+4 Range: 110 yards Uses per round: 1 Bullets in Gun/Mag: 5 Malfunction: 100

Colt 1917 -- .45 Revolver
- Firearms (Handgun) Dmg: 1d10+2 Range: 15 yards Uses per round: 1(3) Bullets in Gun/Mag: 6 Malfunction: 100

Bayonet -- as Large knife
- Fighting (Brawling) Dmg: 1d8 + DB Range: Touch Uses per round: 1
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
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Re: Dramatis Personae

Post by Supercape »

Player: Supercape
Name: Victor "Birdy" Bird
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Occupation: Librarian (Currently Soldier)
Birthplace: Backwater Oklahoma
Current Residence: French Mud
Colleges, Degrees: European Literature, University of Oklahoma

STR: 55 (27/11)
CON: 50 (25/10)
SIZ: 75 (37/15)
DEX: 55 (27/11)
APP: 50 (25/10)
INT: 70 (35/14)
POW: 60 (30/12)
EDU: 80 (40/16)

Hit Points: 12
Magic Points: 4 / 12
Sanity: 60
Luck: 45
Move Rate: 7
Build: 1
Damage Bonus: +1d4

Accounting (05%): 15%
Anthropology (01%):
Appraise (05%): 25%
Archaeology (01%): 21%
.Art: / Craft [Sketching]: (05%): 15%
Charm (15%):
*Climb (20%):
*Credit Rating (00%): 20%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (05%):
.Dodge (27%): 47%
.Drive Auto (20%): 40%
Electric Repair (10%):
Fast Talk (05%):
*Fighting (Brawl) (25%): 60%
Firearms (Handgun) (20%):
*Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%): 50%
*.First Aid (30%): 50%
History (05%): 60%
*.Intimidate (15%): 35%
Jump (20%):
Language (French) (01%): 66%
Language (German) (01%): 56%
Language (English) (80%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (20%): 75%
*Listen (20%):
Locksmith (01%):
Mechanical Repair (10%):
Medicine (01%):
Natural World (10%):
Navigate (10%):
.Occult (10%): 30%
Operate Heavy Machine (01%):
Persuade (10%):
Pilot (01%):
Psychology (10%): 40%
.Psychoanalysis (01%): 11%
Ride (05%):
Science (01%):
*Sleight of Hand (10%):
*.Spot Hidden (25%): 45%
*Stealth (20%):
*Survival (10%):
Swim (20%):
*Throw (20%):
Track (10%):
Personal Description:
Victor is a tall man with a rather gaunt face. His dark green eyes protrude a too much and are lidded by lazy eyelids. He has a livid messy scar on the left side of his neck. If not for those features he would have been judged fairly handsome. He has slight stubble, and keeps his hair cropped / shaved to almost bald (for practical purposes). His hair colour is best described as "Strawberry blond" (Or "Ginger" if you want to annoy him).

Victor always has a slight lisp, but combined with his wound (and nerve damage) he can have poor articulation, particularly if tired or distracted.

Victor used to be a bookish, pleasant man, until he joined up. He ended up in a horrible nasty fight to the death, hand to hand, with a German soldier which nearly killed him (he was stabbed in the neck). This shocked him deeply. He is now a mixture of slight paranoia and explosive anger who finds trust difficult. Essentially, he is a bookish man who has lost his faith in books and gained a faith in pragmatic survival. He wants to live.

Significant People:
Victor harbours a love for a girl who worked at the library but was too shy to approach (Peggy Lamb). He now believes life is too short and will, on his return to America, surely make his move.

Meaningful Locations:
Oklahoma University Library (his work place. He loves books).

Treasured Possession:
Photograph of Library Staff (with Peggy Lamb)
German Kriegsmarine Dagger (which nearly killed him, now his lucky charm).

He still has nightmares about being stabbed; he is prone to violent aggressive outbursts if threatened.
He likes reading and quoting shakespeare or discussing philosophy.
Tendency to stand up for the "little guy", or underdog.

Victor was quite comfortable, if a bit shy, working in the local library. He had a good degree, a nice job, a nice if small apartment. He had no particular ambitions other than to read, discuss, and maybe get married and have kids one day.

Then he signed up. It was quite a shock for him, but he gritted his teeth and tried to adapt. Nothing quite prepared him for being attacked by a desperate German soldier behind enemy lines. A brutal scuffle lead to Victor being stabbed in the neck, and the German being throttled barehanded.

Victor was very lucky to survive, but survive he did. After this he became a nervous, twitchy character, seeing threat everywhere. Whilst against his previous grain, he thinks that books don't keep you alive. Guns and Knives and your bare hands do.

American Soldier's Kit:
- Uniform and Helmet
- Belts and Ammo pouches
- Greatcoat
- Cardigan
- Sewing kit
- Mess-tin
- Cap comforter
- Harness
- Shirt
- Paybook
- Razor w/ case
- Socks (3 pairs)
- Lather brush
- Soap
- Rifle cover
- Waterproof sheet
- Comb
- Bottle of oil
- Tin of grease
- Utensils (knife, fork, spoon)
- Water bottle
- Field dressing
- Toothbrush
- Towel
- Gas mask
- Spine protector
- Bootlaces
- Entrenching tool (shovel)
- Pocket knife
- Bayonet
- Fastener
- Ammunition
--- .30-06 rounds: 50
--- .45 rounds: 30
German Kriegsmarine Dagger (Keepsake)
Paper and Pencil for the odd doodle
M1917 -- .30-06 Bolt-Action Rifle
- Firearms (Rifle) Dmg: 2d6+4 Range: 110 yards Uses per round: 1 Bullets in Gun/Mag: 5 Malfunction: 100

Colt 1917 -- .45 Revolver
- Firearms (Handgun) Dmg: 1d10+2 Range: 15 yards Uses per round: 1(3) Bullets in Gun/Mag: 6 Malfunction: 100

Bayonet -- as Large knife
- Fighting (Brawling) Dmg: 1d8 + DB Range: Touch Uses per round: 1

Kriegsmarine Dagger --as Larg Knife
- Fighting (Brawling) Dmg: 1d8+DB Range: Touch Uses Per Round: 1
Posts: 644
Registered for: 12 years 1 month

Re: Dramatis Personae

Post by CrackheadC. »

Player: Ritterton
Name: Artemis Richter
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Occupation: Student / Store clerk (Currently Soldier: Enlistment in Philadelphia)
Birthplace: Germantown, PA
Current Residence: Foxhole in France
Colleges, Degrees: 1 semester at University of Pennsylvania

STR: 45 (22/9)
CON: 55 (27/11)
SIZ: 60 (30/12)
DEX: 40 (20/8)
APP: 45 (22/9)
INT: 70 (35/14)
POW: 40 (20/8)
EDU: 50 (25/10)

Hit Points: 11 / 11
Magic Points: 8 / 8
Sanity: 40
Luck: 55
Move Rate: 7
Build: 0
Damage Bonus: none

Skills,Non-Default are bolded. Occupational Skills in Italics. Personal Interests preceded by a DOT. War experience Skills Preceded by an *. Accounting (05%): Anthropology (01%): Appraise (05%): Archaeology (01%): Art: / Craft: (05%): [b].Charm (15%): 20% [/b] *Climb (20%): [b][i]Credit Rating (00%): 8%[/i][/b] Cthulhu Mythos (00%): Disguise (05%): [b]Dodge (15%): 15%[/b] [b].Drive Auto (20%): 25%[/b] [b].Electric Repair (10%): 20[/b] Fast Talk (05%): Fighting (Brawl) (25%): Firearms (Handgun) (20%): [b]*Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%): 45% [/b] [b]*First Aid (30%): 55%[/b] [i][b].History (05%): 60% [/b][/i] Intimidate (15%): Jump (20%): [i][b]Language (German) (01%): 63% [/b][/i] [i][b]Language (English) (50%): 60%[/b][/i] [b][i]Language (Latin) (01): 23% [/i][/b] Law (05%): [b][i]Library Use (20%): 45% [/i][/b] [i][b]*Listen (20%): 55%[/b][/i] Locksmith (01%): [i][b].Mechanical Repair (10%): 68%[/b][/i] Medicine (01%): Natural World (10%): Navigate (10%): [b].Occult (10%): 25% [/b] Operate Heavy Machine (01%): Persuade (10%): Pilot (01%): Psychology (10%): Psychoanalysis (01%): Ride (05%): [b][i]Science (Aeronautics) (01%): 41% [/i][/b] Sleight of Hand (10%): [b]*Spot Hidden (25%): 35% [/b] [b]*Stealth (20%): 25% [/b] Survival (10%): Swim (20%): *Throw (20%): Track (10%):
Artemis' Background:
Personal Description:
Artemis is a late bloomer - and is caught between that awkward looking stage between late teen/early adult, but has benefited from the active service training. He has dark hair and his mother's green eyes. There are whisps of proto-sideburns and if one looks at the right angle, with the right light, there is a hint of a mustache.

Lutheran with practical applications, and very interested in new ideas. Fine with the use and consumption of alcohol being raised in a German household. He was active in his Lutheran Church serving in various roles including alter boy after his confirmation. Very interested in symbology used in both the church and mythology. He attended a few lectures at a Theosophical Society in Philadelphia. His father is a member of the International Order of the Odd Fellows, and his mother is a Rebekah member. Artemis is familiar with the basic workings of such a lodge. Politically, he is a big supporter of Woodrow Wilson and believes that "America has so much to teach the world" and that "America is the land of opportunity."

Significant People:
Parents - Wilhelm Artemis Heinrich (Henry) Richter was born in Koblenz and married Appolonia Elisabeth Wendt of Fulda.
Sister - Elisabeth (Elise) Viktoria Richter
*Great Uncle* - Wilhelm (Willy) von Isenberg, mom's family, a very minor German nobleman that had studied at Count v. Zeppelin's factories before the War. Believed to be a Captain in a Hessian Observation Corps unit.

Meaningful Locations:
Home in Germantown, PA.
University of Pennsylvania Library - love of that building was motivation for him pursuing high education at the University. He only completed one quarter at the University taking: Art History (B+), English Composition (A-), Mathematics (B-), American History (A-). Member of the Mechanical Club - machines and engines, he was most excited about the balloons and zeppelin discussions.

Treasured Possession:
1. Leather bound journal with a pocket flap in the back cover. Gift from parents with a picture of the family tipped into the front. Also contains well wishes from parents and sister; as well as, addresses and locations of family members in Germany - just in case he is captured by the Germans. He also has three "French Postcards" that he picked up on the trip, and just cannot believe that such things exist.
*2.* Small 1 1/2" stirling silver cross on a rather thick chain that he wears. Design is a bit unusual with there being a small silver disc at the center which is nearly worn smooth on the front. However, unbeknownst to Artemis, the disc is actually a silver coin of the Augustan vintage that has been passed down in some form for nearly 2000 years with this cross being a few hundred years old. Chain is relatively new.
3. Lucky coin - a silver chain cent from the American Revolution that he found in an old box in the attic of his parent's home

He's a bit green behind the ears, but eager to learn and help.

Military Information / Backstory:
Private. Enlisted on 7 Jan 1918 and reported to the 168th Aero Squadron, 2nd Army Air Service when it mustered into service at Hoboken, NJ. Their regiment then arrived in Liverpool on the 16th of February, and traveled to Ramsey Rest Camp in Winchester. Due to his mechanical interests, and quick study abilities, he as put into Company D and sent to Doncester/Yorkshire to be trained in basic engine repair, motor vehicles, and winches. After five months of such training, his Squadron shipped out to France arriving at the St. Maixent Replacemet Barracks in France on 14 Aug 1918. The 168th arrived at the Gengault Aerodrome near Toul in early October and joined the IV Corps Observaton Group.

Leatherbound Journal
Silver cross
Lucky coin
Maps of Eastern France
American soldier's kit:
- Uniform and Helmet
- Belts and Ammo pouches
- Greatcoat
- Cardigan
- Sewing kit
- Mess-tin
- Cap comforter
- Harness
- Shirt
- Paybook
- Razor w/ case
- Socks (3 pairs)
- Lather brush
- Soap
- Rifle cover
- Waterproof sheet
- Comb
- Bottle of oil
- Tin of grease
- Utensils (knife, fork, spoon)
- Water bottle
- Field fressing
- Toothbrush
- Towel
- Gas mask
- Spine protector
- Bootlaces
- Entrenching tool (shovel)
- Pocket knife
- Bayonet
- Fastener
- Ammunition
--- .30-06 rounds: 50
--- .45 rounds: 30

M1917 -- .30-06 Bolt-Action Rifle
- Firearms (Rifle) Dmg: 2d6+4 Range: 110 yards Uses per round: 1 Bullets in Gun/Mag: 5 Malfunction: 100

Bayonet -- as Large knife
- Fighting (Brawling) Dmg: 1d8 + DB Range: Touch Uses per round: 1
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