Character Creation Rules and Thread

The Great War

The year is 1918. For four years Europe has been locked in the throes of the Great War, the most devastating conflict in history. Technical innovations in artillery, air power, chemical warfare, and automatic weapons have changed the face of battle. When industrial mass production, universal conscription, and staunch adherence to Napoleonic Era military theory were added to the mix, they created the Western Front: a Hell on Earth where literally millions of soldiers have fed the war's hunger for blood. Far more died on the fields of the Western Front than men: a world was ending. The scale of this new War, and its barbarity, are staggering; at the battle of the Somme, which raged from July to November 1916, the British lost 60,000 soldiers in the first day, and total casualties for the offensive ran over a million men. As historian A.J.P. Taylor put it, "The war ceased to have a purpose and went on for its own sake, as a contest of endurance."

The arrogant optimism that had inflamed the West following the industrial revolution, the idea that progress, technology, and enlightenment had raised Man (white man in particular) to the mastery of the world and a state of near divinity is dead, gassed and shelled into oblivion. The cream of Europe's youth learned first hand just how far civilization could fall.

Moderator: CrackheadC.

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Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by CrackheadC. »

Alright, here are the rules for investigator creation for our game.

Things to keep in mind: It is October 2nd, 1918 and your character will be in the American military (that means a man) in the 308th regiment, 77th infantry division. You are currently stationed in the Argonne forest.

As I detail the character creation process I will be doing it myself for your Sergeant, so you can follow along for any changes. Bold is what you need to do, the rest is example.

Characteristics:Roll these on Invisible Castle, Orokos, or here if you wish.
Roll 3d6 each for STR, CON, POW, DEX, and APP. Multiply results by 5 and assign them.
Roll 2d6+6 each for SIZ, INT and for EDU. Multiply results by 5 and assign them.

After you can assign "Half" and "Fifth" values as seen in the example.

Roll 3d6 each for STR, CON, POW, DEX, and APP. Multiply results by 5 and assign them.: 5#3d6 6 12 11 6 11
Roll 2d6+6 each for SIZ, INT and for EDU. Multiply results by 5 and assign them: 3#2d6+6 12 10 15

So let's assign so far:
Name: Richard Maddox
Sex: Male

STR: 60 (30/12)
CON: 55 (27/11)
SIZ: 60 (30/12)
DEX: 30 (15/6)
APP: 30 (15/6)
INT: 50 (25/10)
POW: 55 (27/11)
EDU: 75 (37/15)
For ease, I have already assigned the "half" (rounded down) and "fifth" values for characteristics. These will be used for harder characteristic checks.


This has modifiers. If you are:
15-19: you will subtract 5 points from you EDU. You will also subtract 5 points from STR and SIZ (how you subtract it is up to you). However, you get to roll twice for your luck score and take the highest of the two.
20-39: All stats stay the same. Make an improvement check for your EDU (just as you would if you have a check for a skill)
40-49: Lose 5 APP. Lose 5 points between STR, CON, or DEX. Make 2 Improvement checks for EDU.
50-59: You are probably not a soldier....

When you make age adjustments, make sure to adjust your half and fifth values.

I want Robert to be a little older, so I will make him 37. I don't adjust his stats but I will make an imprement check on his EDU, just like a skill.
EDU improvement check (75): 1d100 75
Very very close, but since it equals his current EDU there is no improvement. If there was, I would roll a d10 and add the points.

Derived Attributes:
Sanity = POW
Magic Points = 1/5 POW (ex. 50 POW? 10 MP.)
Luck = 3d6 multiplied by 5. (Roll twice and take the higher if you are under 20)
Hit points = SIZ + Con divided by 10. Round Down.
Move Rate (This is new and important for the new chase rules)
If both DEX and STR are lower than your SIZ (not put together): MOV = 7
If either DEX or STR is greater than or equal to SIZ: MOV = 8
If both DEX and STR are greater than SIZ: MOV = 9
(if you are older than 40, subtract 1 point from MOV)
Damage Bonus and Build: (Used in fighting maneuvers and Hand to hand)
STR+SIZ compared to chart
2-64 -2 -2
65-84 -1 -1
85-124 none 0
125-164 +1d4 1
165-204 +1d6 2

So Robert has
55 sanity
11 Magic Points
3d6 x 5 to determine Luck: 3d6 10 50 Luck
60+55= 115/10 = 11.5 round down = 11 Hit Points
Move Rate : Dex = 30, Str = 60. Siz = 60. Dex is lower than Siz, but STR = SIZ, so Move Rate is 8.
Damage Bonus and Build: Richard is 60+60=120 So he has no dmg bonus and build of 0

You DO NOT need to play a professional soldier. This was a time of conscription, you may have another occupation beforehand. You will not miss out on the "soldiery" skills either, there is a background bonus I will be giving. Ask me about any occupation you might want to play.
Occupations have different skills and DO NOT HAVE OCCUPATION SKILLS LIMITED BY EDU.

Richard is a former police officer that enlisted. So I will be using the Police officer occupation
Current Sheet,
Name: Richard Maddox
Sex: Male
Age: 37
Occupation: Police Officer (Currently Soldier)
Birthplace: Trenton, New Jersey
Current Residence: Foxhole in France
Colleges, Degrees: Rutger's, Studied Law

STR: 60 (30/12)
CON: 55 (27/11)
SIZ: 60 (30/12)
DEX: 30 (15/6)
APP: 30 (15/6)
INT: 50 (25/10)
POW: 55 (27/11)
EDU: 75 (37/15)

Hit Points: 11
Magic Points: 11
Sanity: 55
Luck: 50
Move Rate: 8
Build: 0
Damage Bonus: none
Skills and Skill points:
THESE CHANGED! Skill points are not based entirely on your EDU anymore. After all, a hobo might not be education - but he could be strong and quick making him skilled.
I will tell you what your Occupational skill points are when you pick an occupation.
Personal Interest (hobby) skill points are INTx2 points distributed however you want.
In addition: You will all be getting part of the "Military Background" package to exemplify your training before you were deployed. You will receive 70 Points to distritbute among the following skills.

Rank and File: Climb, Fighting (brawl), Firearms (Rifle/shotgun) (that is a combined skill now), First Aid, Intimidate, Listen, Stealth, Throw, Sleight of Hand, Spot Hidden, and Survival (pick an environmental specialty).

Officer: Climb, Firearms (Handgun), First Aid, Listen, Navigate, One interpersonal skill (charm, persuade, or intimidate), stealth, spot hidden, and throw.
Am I an officer? That depends. if you have an EDU of 70+ I will allow 1 player to be an officer.

Skill list,
Accounting (05%):
Anthropology (01%):
Appraise (05%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art: / Craft: (05%):
Charm (15%):
Climb (20%):
Credit Rating (**%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (05%):
Dodge (Half DEX%):
Drive Auto (20%):
Electric Repair (10%):
Fast Talk (05%):
Fighting (Brawl) (25%):
Firearms (Handgun) (20%):
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%):
First Aid (30%):
History (05%):
Intimidate (15%):
Jump (20%):
Language (other) (01%):
Language (own) (EDU%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (20%):
Listen (20%):
Locksmith (01%):
Mechanical Repair (10%):
Medicine (01%):
Natural World (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (10%):
Operate Heavy Machine (01%):
Persuade (10%):
Pilot (01%):
Psychology (10%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Ride (05%):
Science (01%):
Sleight of Hand (10%):
Spot Hidden (25%):
Stealth (20%):
Survival (10%):
Swim (20%):
Throw (20%):
Track (10%):
So Robert is a Police Officer, so his Occupational skills are: Fighting (Brawl), Firearms. First Aid, one interpersonal skill (Charm, fast talk, intimidate, or persuade), Law, Psychology, Spot Hidden, and Drive Auto as a personal specialty.
His Credit Rating is between: 9-30
His Occupational skill points are: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) since STR is higher I'll take that (So that is 150 +120 = 270)
Personal Interest skill points : INT x 2 (100)
Officer Training: 70 points in the officer skills.
Current Sheet,
Name: Richard Maddox
Sex: Male
Age: 37
Occupation: Police Officer (Currently Soldier)
Birthplace: Trenton, New Jersey
Current Residence: Foxhole in France
Colleges, Degrees: Rutger's, Studied Law

STR: 60 (30/12)
CON: 55 (27/11)
SIZ: 60 (30/12)
DEX: 30 (15/6)
APP: 30 (15/6)
INT: 50 (25/10)
POW: 55 (27/11)
EDU: 75 (37/15)

Hit Points: 11
Magic Points: 11
Sanity: 55
Luck: 50
Move Rate: 8
Build: 0
Damage Bonus: none

Skills: Non-Default are bolded. Occupational Skills in Italics. Personal Interests preceded by a DOT. War experience Skills Preceded by an *. 30
Accounting (05%):
Anthropology (01%):
Appraise (05%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art: / Craft: (05%):
Charm (15%):
*Climb (20%): 40%
Credit Rating (00%): 15%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (05%):
Dodge (15%): 15%
Drive Auto (20%): 50%
Electric Repair (10%):
Fast Talk (05%):
Fighting (Brawl) (25%): 50%
*Firearms (Handgun) (20%): 70%
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%): 45%
*First Aid (30%):
History (05%):
Intimidate (15%): 50%
Jump (20%):
.Language (French) (01%): 50%
Language (English) (75%): 75%
Law (05%): 50%
Library Use (20%):
*Listen (20%): 30%
Locksmith (01%):
.Mechanical Repair (10%): 31%
Medicine (01%):
Natural World (10%):
*Navigate%): 40%
Occult (10%):
Operate Heavy Machine (01%):
*Persuade (10%): 20%
Pilot (01%):
Psychology (10%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Ride (05%):
Science (01%):
Sleight of Hand (10%):
*Spot Hidden (25%): 75%
*Stealth (20%):
Survival (10%):
.Swim (20%): 50%
*Throw (20%):
Track (10%):
Try to have an entry (doesn't have to be long) for each of the following:
Personal Description, Ideology/Beliefs, Significant People, Meaningful Locations, Treasured Possessions, and Traits.
The backstory has 3 functions:
1st, easy statements as a guide to Role playing and helping to define your character in the world
2nd, it can be called upon during the development (between investigations) phase for sanity recovery
3rd, corruption of your background. As your investigator loses sanity and learns of the Mythos more deeply, things that you once held dear may become meaningless or darker than you once thought.

Robert's Background (I'm lazy and going to use some pregen stuff from the books):

Personal Description:
Robert is a scruffy and mildly grotesque looking man. He has an unkempt and patchy beard that someone must have told him looked good. The asymmetrical features of his face make him unpleasant to look at.

Robert is a firm believer in the justice system and karma. Everyone gets what's coming to them in the end.

*Significant People:*
Robert's teenage daughter, Clarissa, is back in the states that he can't wait to get back to see as her well-being is his motivation in life.

Meaningful Locations:
The police station at which he works has always been a stable part of his adult life.

Treasured Possession:
Robert carries a copy of the arrest report for his first collar.

Robert is loyal to his brothers (in blue or in arms), but is a bit of a bully.

I've marked Robert's daughter as his Key Connection: The most important part of his backstory, what gives him meaning in life. This connection can aid him in regaining sanity. As a Keeper, I cannot easily destroy, kill, or take away this connection without allowing the character an opportunity to save it. Losing this connection has sanity consequences.

Don't worry about assets for this adventure, but know that it is linked to Credit Rating. If you don't put anything into credit rating, you are pretty much penniless. Equipment will be given to you by the good ol' US of A. Special requests, treasure objects and personal items within limits are allowed.

So now we have Robert's finished sheet:
Name: Richard Maddox
Sex: Male
Age: 37
Occupation: Police Officer (Currently Soldier)
Birthplace: Trenton, New Jersey
Current Residence: Foxhole in France
Colleges, Degrees: Rutger's, Studied Law

STR: 60 (30/12)
CON: 55 (27/11)
SIZ: 60 (30/12)
DEX: 30 (15/6)
APP: 30 (15/6)
INT: 50 (25/10)
POW: 55 (27/11)
EDU: 75 (37/15)

Hit Points: 11
Magic Points: 11
Sanity: 55
Luck: 50
Move Rate: 8
Build: 0
Damage Bonus: none

Skills: Non-Default are bolded. Occupational Skills in Italics. Personal Interests preceded by a DOT. War experience Skills Preceded by an *. 30
Accounting (05%):
Anthropology (01%):
Appraise (05%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art: / Craft: (05%):
Charm (15%):
*Climb (20%): 40%
Credit Rating (00%): 15%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (05%):
Dodge (15%): 15%
Drive Auto (20%): 50%
Electric Repair (10%):
Fast Talk (05%):
Fighting (Brawl) (25%): 50%
*Firearms (Handgun) (20%): 70%
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%): 45%
*First Aid (30%):
History (05%):
Intimidate (15%): 50%
Jump (20%):
.Language (French) (01%): 50%
Language (English) (75%): 75%
Law (05%): 50%
Library Use (20%):
*Listen (20%): 30%
Locksmith (01%):
.Mechanical Repair (10%): 31%
Medicine (01%):
Natural World (10%):
*Navigate%): 40%
Occult (10%):
Operate Heavy Machine (01%):
*Persuade (10%): 20%
Pilot (01%):
Psychology (10%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Ride (05%):
Science (01%):
Sleight of Hand (10%):
*Spot Hidden (25%): 75%
*Stealth (20%):
Survival (10%):
.Swim (20%): 50%
*Throw (20%):
Track (10%):

Personal Description:
Robert is a scruffy and mildly grotesque looking man. He has an unkempt and patchy beard that someone must have told him looked good. The asymmetrical features of his face make him unpleasant to look at.

Robert is a firm believer in the justice system and karma. Everyone gets what's coming to them in the end.

*Significant People:*
Robert's teenage daughter, Clarissa, is back in the states that he can't wait to get back to see as her well-being is his motivation in life.

Meaningful Locations:
The police station at which he works has always been a stable part of his adult life.

Treasured Possession:
Robert carries a copy of the arrest report for his first collar.

Robert is loyal to his brothers (in blue or in arms), but is a bit of a bully.

Here I might write a little bit about how Robert got his girl pregnant during college and dropped out to start working in the police force to care for her and his daughter.

Military gear
Arrest Report
Other sundries
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Mr. Handy
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by Mr. Handy »

Here are my character creation rolls.

I'll choose Mechanic as my occupation.
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by CrackheadC. »

Mr. Handy:

Occupational skill points: EDU x4 (one of the few not changed)
Credit Rating: between 9-40 (Remember if you ignore this totally 0 is essentially homeless with no money)
Suggested Contacts: Union Members, Trade relevant specialists (This is just for background ideas)
Skills: Art/Craft (Carpentry, welding, plumbing etc.), Climb, Drive Auto, Electrical Repair, Mechanical Repair, Operate Heavy Machinery, any two other skills as person, era, or trade specialties.

So depending on if you put the 12 (60 after x5) in EDU or INT, you will have either 200/240 Occupational points, 100/120 Personal interest points and either way you will have 70 points to spend on the "Rank and File" section of the military background. Note if you were conscripted or enlisted.

Also, if someone wants to replace Firearms (Rifle/shotgun) and train with Firearms (Machine gun), one player may do so.
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by Mr. Handy »

Thanks! I probably won't have time to finish creating my character before I leave on vacation in a few hours, but I have a laptop and should have Internet access at the hotel. I'll be traveling today and busy for much of tomorrow, but I hope I can get it done tomorrow night.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by CrackheadC. »

No problem, enjoy your trip and take your time. Do remember to adjust your stats/do an EDU improvement check based on your investigator's age.
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by DrPeterson »

Hey Crackhead, can we freely assign our ability scores? Keeping in mind not to have SIZ, INT or EDU lower than 8?

Dr.P's rolls:

So that's: 30, 65, 40, 35, 65, 70, 70 and 60.

I'm thinking about playing a doctor who enrolled as a volunteer.
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by CrackheadC. »

DrPeterson: Yeah I'll allow you to distribute those as you want keeping in mind that minimum.

Occupational skill points: EDU x 4
Personal interest points: INT x 2
Credit Rating: 30 - 80
Suggested contacts: Other physicians, medical workers, patients, and ex-patients
Occupational Skills: First Aid, Medicine, Other language (latin), Psychology, Science (Biology) , Science (Pharmacy), any two other skills as personal or academic specialties.
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by Supercape »

3d6,3d6,3d6,3d6,3d6,2d6+6,2d6+6,2d6+6=[1, 6, 6], [2, 5, 3], [5, 3, 3], [2, 4, 6], [3, 1, 6], [3, 6, 6], [4, 6, 6], [5, 4, 6]

3d6=9 Luck roll

STR 55
CON 50
SIZ 75
INT 70
DEX 55
POW 60
APP 50
EDU 80

I fancy a mild-mannered librarian who has snapped into a grim killer.

Occupational Skills: Credit Rating, Archaeology, History, Appraise

More complete sheet [WIP]
Name: Victor "Birdy" Bird
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Occupation: Librarian (Currently Soldier)
Birthplace: Backwater Oklahoma
Current Residence: French Mud
Colleges, Degrees: European Literature, University of Oklahoma

STR: 55 (27/11)
CON: 50 (25/10)
SIZ: 75 (37/15)
DEX: 55 (27/11)
APP: 50 (25/10)
INT: 70 (35/14)
POW: 60 (30/12)
EDU: 80 (40/16)

Hit Points: 12
Magic Points: 12
Sanity: 60
Luck: 45
Move Rate: 7
Build: 1
Damage Bonus: +1d4

Accounting (05%): 15%
Anthropology (01%):
Appraise (05%): 25%
Archaeology (01%): 21%
.Art: / Craft [Sketching]: (05%): 15%
Charm (15%):
*Climb (20%):
*Credit Rating (00%): 20%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (05%):
.Dodge (27%): 47%
.Drive Auto (20%): 40%
Electric Repair (10%):
Fast Talk (05%):
*Fighting (Brawl) (25%): 60%
Firearms (Handgun) (20%):
*Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%): 50%
*.First Aid (30%): 50%
History (05%): 60%
*.Intimidate (15%): 35%
Jump (20%):
Language (French) (01%): 66%
Language (German) (01%): 56%
Language (English) (80%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (20%): 75%
*Listen (20%):
Locksmith (01%):
Mechanical Repair (10%):
Medicine (01%):
Natural World (10%):
Navigate (10%):
.Occult (10%): 30%
Operate Heavy Machine (01%):
Persuade (10%):
Pilot (01%):
Psychology (10%): 40%
.Psychoanalysis (01%): 11%
Ride (05%):
Science (01%):
*Sleight of Hand (10%):
*.Spot Hidden (25%): 45%
*Stealth (20%):
*Survival (10%):
Swim (20%):
*Throw (20%):
Track (10%):

Personal Description:
Victor is a tall man with a rather gaunt face. His dark green eyes protrude a too much and are lidded by lazy eyelids. He has a livid messy scar on the left side of his neck. If not for those features he would have been judged fairly handsome. He has slight stubble, and keeps his hair cropped / shaved to almost bald (for practical purposes).

Victor always has a slight lisp, but combined with his wound (and nerve damage) he can have poor articulation, particularly if tired or distracted.

Victor used to be a bookish, pleasant man, until he joined up. He ended up in a horrible nasty fight to the death, hand to hand, with a German soldier which nearly killed him (he was stabbed in the neck). This shocked him deeply. He is now a mixture of slight paranoia and explosive anger who finds trust difficult. Essentially, he is a bookish man who has lost his faith in books and gained a faith in pragmatic survival. He wants to live.

Significant People:
Victor harbours a love for a girl who worked at the library but was too shy to approach (Peggy Lamb). He now believes life is too short and will, on his return to America, surely make his move.

Meaningful Locations:
Oklahoma University Library (his work place. He loves books).

Treasured Possession:
Photograph of Library Staff (with Peggy Lamb)
German Kriegsmarine Dagger (which nearly killed him, now his lucky charm).

He still has nightmares about being stabbed; he is prone to violent aggressive outbursts if threatened.
He likes reading and quoting shakespeare or discussing philosophy.
Tendency to stand up for the "little guy", or underdog.

Victor was quite comfortable, if a bit shy, working in the local library. He had a good degree, a nice job, a nice if small apartment. He had no particular ambitions other than to read, discuss, and maybe get married and have kids one day.

Then he signed up. It was quite a shock for him, but he gritted his teeth and tried to adapt. Nothing quite prepared him for being attacked by a desperate German soldier behind enemy lines. A brutal scuffle lead to Victor being stabbed in the neck, and the German being throttled barehanded.

Victor was very lucky to survive, but survive he did. After this he became a nervous, twitchy character, seeing threat everywhere. Whilst against his previous grain, he thinks that books don't keep you alive. Guns and Knives and your bare hands do.

Military gear
German Kriegsmarine Dagger (Keepsake)
Paper and Pencil for the odd doodle
Last edited by Supercape on Sat Aug 22, 2015 12:31 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by CrackheadC. »

Supercape: Sounds good

Occupational skill points: EDU x4
Credit Rating: 9 - 35
Suggested Contacts: Book sellers, community groups, specialist researchers
Accounting, Library Use, Other Language, Own Language, any 4 other skills as personal specialties or specialist reading topics.

As you make your characters take note of some side skills that might be useful: French, German, Spot hidden, Archaeology
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by Supercape »

Any personal Interest points to go with that?
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by CrackheadC. »

Oh yeah, of course. Personal Interest points are INT x 2. So for you, 140 points
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by Supercape »

Ok think I have done Victor "Birdy" Bird. I havent spent 10% of his "War Skills", I was thinking that they should go into knife (is that a separate skill, if so, whats the base?)
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by CrackheadC. »

Supercape: Knife fighting and the like would be covered by Fighting (Brawl) which has a base of 25%
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by Supercape »

ok cool ill bump his brawl up to 60%! :)
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by CrackheadC. »

Supercape: I forgot to mention this, but as a rule I would like to keep starting skills at 75% and below which is expert/professional level, unless you have a really good reason, (with the exception of Own Language). So that would mean that you Language English would go to 80% (your EDU) and Library use would go to 75%, giving you another 10 occupation points to redistribute.
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by Supercape »

Cool I will modify; but before I do, whats the score with Credit Rating - is this still bought as a skill? your IP seemed to indicate it was ?rolled according to profession?
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by CrackheadC. »

Credit rating should fall between the range given and you still buy it, but with your occupational skill points.

It really won't come into play during this campaign, but if later if the character survives for the next game it will. It still represents personal wealth/assets/spending cash.

The chart given as a credit rating example is as follows

0%: Penniless : poorer than poor, living on the street, walking
1-9%: Poor: Able to afford the bare minimum in life (a roof of a roach hotel and 1 meal)
10-49%: Average: 3 meals a day, occasional treats, a house (rented or owned), standard transport
50-89%: Wealthy: Substantial house, perhaps servants, expensive car.
90+%: Rich: Maybe an estate, living in the lap of luxury, first class everywhere
99%: Super Rich: Among the richest in the world, money truly is no object for you.
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by DrPeterson »

Crackhead, what's the base score for navigate? It's obscured in the Sergeant's list.

Also, does anyone mind me taking the officer template? I figured it would work since I'm playing a doctor.
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by CrackheadC. »

10% for navigate.
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Mr. Handy
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Location: Philadelphia

Re: Character Creation Rules and Thread

Post by Mr. Handy »

Between not having much free time, the site outages, and being sick, I haven't had a chance to finish character creation yet. Tomorrow I'll be flying home, so it'll probably be done the day after.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
(viewforum.php?f=191)]The Ninth Planet
The Shadow Over Dunwich
The Brotherhood of Death
The Horror in the Blackout
The Masque of Nyarlathotep
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