IC: Chapter Four - At Sea

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IC: Chapter Four - At Sea

Post by Raiko »

SS Gabrielle – Atlantic Ocean, off the US Eastern Board
The Evening – Monday 11th September 1933

The party continues until well after sunset - champagne flows freely and Starkweather and Moore both toast the future and the expedition’s good fortune, grinning ear to ear. Peter Sykes entertains the party with old Newfoundland whaler’s chanteys accompanied by spoons and cook-pot drums, and offers to teach the words to whomever wants to learn. The evening also offers an ideal chance for the more well-travelled members of the team regale one another with tales of previous great adventures they have had and disasters they have witnessed.

The ship moves smoothly through Atlantic waters. The rise and fall of the vessel in the waves, while noticeable, is gentle and soothing, accompanied by the continuous faint thrum of the great engines below decks. Everyone is a little wobbly at first, until they get their sea legs, but within hours the motion of the ship seems natural. The champagne naturally helps quite a lot with this environmental adjustment.

SS Gabrielle – Atlantic Ocean, off the US Eastern Board
08:00am (EST) – Tuesday 12th September 1933
Course = 180°
Speed = 11 knots
Position = N37°22’ W074°0’

Mapquest Map Link

The Gabrielle makes steady progress though the night, the crew taking their watches as the members of the Starkweather-Moore expedition sleep. As the explorers rise from their bunks in the morning they find that the day is overcast, but fine. A gusty wind is blowing and the grey Northern Atlantic is choppy, but still not enough to threaten the stomachs of any but the weakest of constitutions.

After freshening up and dressing most members of the expedition make their way to their respective messes for breakfast with the crew.

[OOC: Meals are communal affairs, served family style from the cook’s big pots in the galley.
Kitt (as the only lady aboard), James (an expedition financier) and Professor Graves are expected to join Captain Vredenburgh, his officers, Starkweather, Moore and the expedition’s other Professors (Griffith, Bryce, Myers and Albemarle) in the Officer’s Mess. Meals here are leisurely affairs, with fine porcelain and silver, followed by brandy and cigars after dinner.
The other twenty-odd expedition members gather in the Crew’s Mess aft, and eat their meals off of scuffed steel and crockery. The crew’s sitting is usually a loud friendly affair.]

Breakfast for the expedition is served from 8—9 a.m. each morning. A small chalkboard is set up in both mess halls. They are updated every morning to show the ship’s position in latitude and longitude, the times of sunrise and sunset, the predicted weather, and any assignments or classes offered for the day.

Tuesday 12th September 1933
Latitude: N 37° 30’
Longitude 74° 00’
Sunrise: 05:35
Sunset: 18:08
Todays Weather: Overcast, possible rain
Wind Speed: 10-20 mph

Today’s Classes:

Sykes - Clothes and Equipment – Officer’s Mess
Greene - Antarctic First-Aid – Expedition Lab
Pulaski & Frodesen – Sledding – Aftcastle

G & N Sorensen - Technical Climbing – Crew’s Mess
Miles - Aeroplane Maintenance - #2 Tweendeck Hold
Gilmore - The Pabodie Ice-Drill Operation - #1 Tweendeck Hold
Moore - Antarctic Exploration – Officer’s Mess

Griffith - Antarctic Geology – Officer’s Mess
Halperin - Aerial Navigation – Expediton Lab
Laroche – Basic Wireless Operation – Ship’s Radio Room

Professor Moore makes it clear to everybody that he expects each member of the team to make good use of the time available to prepare for the expedition.

“There is a tremendous amount of expertise aboard this ship; so lets make sure that we share as much of that knowledge around as we can! I expect anybody not running a class to sign up for one.”

In the crews mess ‘Doctor Hunky’ Richard Greene suggests that the deck space could be used for a friendly sporting tournament during the voyage, at least while the weather is good, his idea is met with enthusiasm by the Sorensen Brothers and also by Samuel Winslow, they sign up immediately as does James Starkweather as soon as he hears about it.
Last edited by Raiko on Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Decrepit »

Jack glances at the chalkboard with the classes as he moves into the crew mess. He supposes that these are good ideas, but somehow he can't work up much enthusiasm for any of it this morning. Sighing a bit, he determines to join the Antarctic first aid and exploration courses, seeing as how they seem like the best introductions to a subject he knows painfully little about. Plus, it'd been a few years since he'd had to try to patch up buddies in the war, so a first aid refresher was probably a good idea. The evenings will have to be free for him to write and file his stories, though he does make a mental note to tell Laroche that if he needs a hand some night with the radio course that he could probably make some time. Laroche seems like a decent fellow, and Jack really isn't in a position to help anyone else, really, given his lack of a specialization.

He looks around for Kitt and some of the others but then remembers that some of the favored would be dining in the officers mess. Well, that was just as well, he thinks. At least Starkweather won't be poking his head in down here. Jack would have to see him enough as part of doing his stories for the paper; having to dine with the blowhard would probably send Jack heading for the railing. Jack'd had his fill of officer types in the war; for all their rough edges and worse, the crew members here would at least have a bluntness to them, an honesty born of hard labor and shared trial, that officers and gentlemen sometimes lacked.
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Post by Henrik »

Olof studies the list of classes and decides quickly that he should ask Gilmore if he can help with his class about the Pabodie drill. After all Olof is supposed to operate the amazing machine and after all he has studied it extensively ashore. He also decides that his interested to learn more about the geology of Antarctica, but feels that he knows too little about the subject himself to teach about it. He knows rocks and mining, but the geology of Antarctica is not something he had studied in detail. He also decides to attend Sykes class in the morning.

OOC: Sykes in the morning, Helping Gilmore in the afternoon and visiting Griffith in the evening.
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Post by Ghost_1971 »

Looking at the classes available, Callum signs up for the morning First Aid lessons with Dr. Greene, and the evening Basic Wireless Operation.
"I'm am looking at running a couple of courses myself." says Callum "Polar Survival and Climbing, if any one is interested? I could even help out Gunnar and Nils if you wish Professor?"
Last edited by Ghost_1971 on Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by OrionUK »

Looking through the lists of classes available, James decides to attend the Sledding course in the morning, and the Climbing course in the afternoon.

This gets James thinking, that he could hold some Boxing classes, to help keep up fitness levels on the ship. He heads of to find Professor Moore to see if this can be arranged...
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Post by Steerpike »

McRaven squeezes in between the others to get a better look at whats on offer. The maintenance course catches his eye, as he has never really handled the new boeing, then the late night aerial navigation course looks good to the pilot as well. So picking up a pen he puts himself down for those two.
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Post by thewhatchamacallit »

Maurice finds that as his duties lighten at sea the boredom that accompanies inactivity sets in rather fast. The thrill of the sea and the voyage wears thin after only a few hours leaving him uncomfortable and out of sorts.

Seeing how there are several courses being offered he decides to offer training on Heavy Equipment Operation, which practically no one attends. Resolved to make the best of his situation he steels his mind on his family back home relying on him and decides to attend a few of the outdoor classes, climbingm, dog sledding and cold weather survival seem like rather useful skills to know when planning a trip to the south pole. Maybe there, Maurice thinks, I can finally touch base with the other crew members and make some new friends.
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Charles Graves
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Post by Charles Graves »

Graves compliments Moore for arranging such interesting courses. "If it's alright with Dr Greene I would certainly like to assist in his first aid class, I'm sure he'll need a volunteer victim to bandage etc. I'd also like to sign up for the Antarctic Exploration and Basic Wireless Operation classes.
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Post by Raiko »

Moore and Greene talking to Callum, James and Graves:

Moore had been hoping that the experienced Callum MacDonald would offer to help, “That’s excellent, I’m sure that Nils and Gunnar will appreciate your expertise. I’ve been meaning to ask you, but with everything that’s happened over the last few days I never had the time.”

“They will also be running a course on the correct use of snow boots and skis, while Peter Sykes’ class about the cold weather clothing is essential stuff. You could help out one of those classes, or offer survival tips of your own. Greene’s first aid course will also deal with such things as hyperthermia and frost bite and I’m sure that Professor Graves will have a few things to add as well. Right Charles

“Callum perhaps you could ask Isugtag if he’d like to offer some advice as well, there really isn’t ever to much that you can know about such things.”

Richard Greene, who has been discussing aspects of the first-aid class with Professor Graves interrupts when he hears James suggesting boxing classes, “That’s a great idea James; perhaps we could include a little boxing tournament as one of the sporting events once everyone has had a little practice? You can count me in.”

Moore agrees that anything that helps maintain fitness during the voyage is a good idea, provided the classes don’t descend into bare-knuckle brawls; fortunately James has a couple of pairs of boxing gloves packed for just this purpose. Moore chalks the boxing lessons up to start that evening.

Albert Gilmore talking to Olof:

The heavy scarred engineer is delighted that his friend Olof will be joining him training other expedition members in the basics of operating Pabodie’s marvellous drilling machine. “It will be an opportunity to show with the others the state of the art equipment that we will be using!”

Starkweather talking to James, later that morning:

Starkweather calls James over later while they are both walking on the deck, “Damn good idea about the boxing James! Keep the lads fit eh? Nothing like a little sporting competition to keep the morale up!”

“I was a dab hand myself at Eton and Oxford, school champion in fact. So you can put me down for the classes.”

“Right then, must dash! Looking for that Greene fellow to suggest a few things for his sporting tournament, another damn good idea I must say!”

Starkweather talking to Maurice:

On his way to find Greene, Starkweather bumps into Maurice, “Ah Maurice just the lad, I trust you’re settling in well with the rest of the lads!”

“Anyway I’ll off to find Greene to sort out this sporting thing, it’s a bloody good morale booster I think. I trust you’ll be joining in, you look fit enough.”

“Come on lets find the good doctor before he starts his first aid classes.”
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Post by OrionUK »

James is pleased that Dr.Greene and Capt. Starkweather will be joining in the Boxing exercises. He assures Professor Moore that this will be done professionally, and not develope into an excuse for a fist fight. He suggests to Starkweather, that as he was school champion, he might like to help with the coaching, "We must compare notes on techniques James. And perhaps you will help coach if sufficient people join in."
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Post by Mister Juan »

Isugtag had been spending his time quietly by himself. By now, most of the expeditions members were quite accustomed to his slightly strange manners. A man of few words who simply kept to himself. He was, of course, always around to lend a helping hand, but never the one to strike up any sort of conversation. Still, in the mess, he would always pick a spot next to either Callum or McRaven... even though he never really said anything.

Quickly scanning the list of classes, Isugtag wasn't quite sure what to sign up for. Highly technical and scientific things just weren't something that interested him. He had never found any true uses for them. Out in the wild, technology usually didn't keep you alive. That and he wasn't quite sure he'd be up to the task of learning anything from scratches. Noticing Sykes' course, he decided he'd get a hold of his fellow Canadian before he started; maybe he could lend a hand. After all, some of the things they'd be using on the ice had been designed and used for ages by his own people. And then there was the Sorensen brothers climbing classes. Isugtag knew that his skills were quite solid, or at least used to be... but he hadn't done any sort of mountainous operations in a few years. A few trips in the Rockies here and there, but never in high altitude.

Already flipping his box of tobacco opened to stuff his pipe, the big Inuit can't help himself but overhear James' idea of holding boxing classes. For the first time since leaving Yukon, a gentle smile almost makes itself out on Isugtag's lips. Boxing. Now that would be interesting.
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Post by Laraqua »

"Hmm, first aid, climbing and navigation," Kitt murmured to herself, figuring that she'd like to not be stuck maintaining the no doubt beautiful planes when she could get out and about a bit more with a little more training. She had a vision in her mind of what the land would look like she she wanted to see it first-hand and close to it.

First aid would be a good course because of the most beautiful doctor... She smiled a little at the thought and wondered how she could get any time to talk with him. Oh well, actually knowing what to do if someone got injured was more important. She just hoped she could focus.

Aerial navigation was an important one. She certainly didn't want to fail and get everyone lost. Fuel would be a valuable resource. They couldn't just go and buy some more.
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

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Post by Raiko »

SS Gabrielle – Approx 90 miles off the US Eastern Seaboard
22:30 (EST) – Tuesday 12th September 1933
Course: 180°
Speed: 11 knots
Position: N34°42’30” W074°00’

Mapquest Map Link

The first full day aboard the SS Gabrielle is a pleasant affair, the ship continues to cruise steadily south through relatively calm North Atlantic waters, and though the day is constantly overcast the threatened rain never occurs. As per tradition the SS Gabrielle has it’s crew organised into three four-hour watches: the four o’clock watch is lead by First Officer Turlow, the eight o’clock watch by Third Officer Quigley and the twelve o’clock watch by Second Officer Ballard. Fourth Officer Driscoll stands in whenever required by the more senior officers. On each watch there is one quartermaster at the helm and three able-seamen acting as lookouts or performing other deck duties. The Bosun (boatswain) acts as a foreman of the deck crew, while Captain Vredenburg is available around the clock, if required.


The morning classes are all well attended by enthusiastic expedition members packing into the ship’s messes. All of the classes cover only a brief background for today, practice will occur later in the week.

Peter Sykes and Isugtag give an overview of the correct use of the outdoor clothing, each explorer has 82 separate items of clothing, each with it’s own specific use – and that’s counting pairs of socks, gloves and mitts as one item not two! Grey Wolf’s traditional and ancient perspective on polar survival contrasts well with Sykes’ more modern thinking, but both explorers understand the unique dangers of the ice only too well: wear too little, fail to correctly seal up, or become too inactive and you will freeze and die, any exposed bit of flesh will quickly be affected by frostbite. Extremities such as fingers and toes are particularly vulnerable as the body will sacrifice a digit, rather than allowing it to waste precious heat.

Conversely wearing too much, or overexert yourself causes sweating, and damp undergarments, the sweat will freeze and again frostbite will result. The correct balance of warm layered clothing with just the correct amount of exertion is essential for survival.

A similar message is being preached by Doctor Greene and Professor Graves in their lecture, both have worked in cold climes before and understand the dangers all too well, their classes will concentrate on the recognition of frostbite and hyperthermia in it’s early stages, and the best treatments. Given the altitudes that will be involved, particularly if the massive Miskatonic Mountains are to be explored, hypoxia and altitude sickness are also a danger. Again they will be teaching how to recognise their early signs. Kitt manages to spend the class sitting with Jack, while watching Richard Greene at work.

The sledding class is somewhat more light hearted, Gregor and Erik discuss the various types of dog sled, including the large Nansen freight sleds and lighter airplane sleds that are being used by the Starkweather-Moore expedition. Later in the voyage they will ‘introduce’ their students to the dogs, and train them to correct assemble a dog-team. They will also cover typical load-outs for overland expeditions by dog-sled teams.


There is no formal lunch held on board, instead plates of sandwiches are available in both messes between.

The afternoon courses are similarly popular, Moore’s lecture on Antarctic Exploration deals with the history of prior expeditions, the methods they used and the routes that they used. Olof and Alfred Gilmore explain the basics of Pobodie’s magnificent drilling machinery and Mills begins with a two hour overview of the various electrical and mechanical systems used by the expedition’s state-of-the-art aeroplanes.

Callum and the Sorensen Brothers begin their climbing class by describing the different stages of a mountain climb as the climber move from the foothills to the summit. Later in the voyage they will train the correct techniques, and rope use. The Sorensens also plan to use the midship’s superstructure for some practical climbing training later.

There is some free time for everybody during the afternoon then the evening courses are held at six o’clock, before the evening meals at eight.

Mr Starkweather holds his afternoon tea in the officer’s mess, and he invites James, Prof Graves, Kitt, Sean, Richard Greene and Jack (sorry Jack) to attend, amongst others. It is a stereotypically English affair with plenty of blustering and fine china in evidence. Starkweather is especially keen to learn how many have joined the boxing class, and to discuss other possible sporting events with Greene. Though the young doctor humours the Englishman, he seems more intent on getting to know Kitt better.

“Jack, Jack! I hope you’ll be giving some coverage to the tournament old chap, I take it you’re experienced with sports reporting. You must sort it out with Doctor Greene, I’m sure you two will get along like a house on fire. You share the same cabin don’t you?”


Griffith’s Antarctic Geology class is largely theoretical, after all a better understanding of such matters is the main purpose of both this expedition, and the ill-fated one that preceded it. None-the-less the Professor knows his stuff and offers a wealth of information about the southern continent, both theory and fact. Both Douglas Halperin’s Aerial Navigation lecture, and Louis Laroche’s basic wireless operation begin by covering the unique difficulties that the Antarctic continent poses, particularly the effects severe cold, and of magnetic and electrical storms.

James’ boxing class is very popular, even if some choose to watch rather than participate. With the help of a typically enthusiastic Starkweather he spends the first day splitting the various participants according to their weight, and then teaching the basics of stance, jabs and blocks.

At eight o’clock the evening meal is held in each mess, and the rest of the evening is free time for everyone. Sykes and Greene organise a card game in the crew mess, while the various Norwegian expedition members appear to be holding a ‘Scandinavian Sing-Song’ in the corner.

Most of the conversation is about Greene’s sporting events, the first of which will be a ten lap race around the ship, to be held the on Saturday.
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Post by Decrepit »

Raiko wrote: “Jack, Jack! I hope you’ll be giving some coverage to the tournament old chap, I take it you’re experienced with sports reporting. You must sort it out with Doctor Greene, I’m sure you two will get along like a house on fire. You share the same cabin don’t you?”

"Yes, yes," Jack says as a response to all of the above, smiling, though it's more a tired smile than one of genuine amusement. The day had already been a bit ... taxing, and having to schmooze with Starkweather wasn't helping matters. And that madman Greene! It wasn't so much that he was such a bad fellow, even as a cabin mate. He was too full of vim and vigor for Jack's taste regardless, but first boxing and now racing? On a ship? The man's gone around the bend, Jack thinks, sighing to himself.

He would have to work on his sports cliches, Jack thinks. It'd been a while since he'd had to try to inject some kind of metaphysical meaning out of such banality as one man whacking another on the side of the head till one or both of them lost consciousness or otherwise gave in. He'd seen enough people blown apart in the war to be revulsed at the thought of two people beating each other up voluntarily for amusement--theirs or the crowd's.
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Post by Raiko »

SS Gabrielle – Off the US Eastern Seaboard
08:00am (EST) – Wednesday 13th September 1933
Course: 180°
Speed: 11 knots
Position N32°58’ W074°00’

Google Maps Link

The night passes peacefully and the Gabrielle continues to cruise steadily South off the East Coast of the US, she is now about three days from Cuba and the Caribbean Sea. It is raining a little now and the winds are stronger, but the sea still isn’t very rough so nobody seems unduly concerned about the weather.

Once again the chalkboards in both messes have been marked up with details of the day. Tonight will also be the first of Starkweather's live radio broadcasts from the Gabrielle.

Wednesday 13th September 1933
Latitude: N 33° 10’
Longitude W 74° 00’
Sunrise: 05:38
Sunset: 18:04
Todays Weather: Overcast, light rain
Wind Speed: 20-25 mph

Sykes & Amaruq – Clothes and Equipment – Officer’s Mess
Greene & Graves – Antarctic First-Aid – Expedition Lab
Albemarle – Antarctic Weather – Crew’s Mess
Pulaski & Frodesen – Sledding – Aftcastle

G & N Sorensen & MacDonald– Technical Climbing – Crew’s Mess
Miles – Aeroplane Maintenance – #2 Tweendeck Hold
Gilmore & Eriksson – The Pabodie Ice-Drill Operation – #1 Tweendeck Hold
Moore – Antarctic Exploration – Officer’s Mess

Griffith – Antarctic Geology – Officer’s Mess
Halperin – Aerial Navigation – Expediton Lab
Laroche – Basic Wireless Operation – Ship’s Radio Room
Seymour – Boxing – Crew’s Mess

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Post by Henrik »

Olof checks up today's rooster and decides to sign up for the sledding lecture. It seems to be fun and Olof though never having own a dog is fond of the canine species. He also continues with the drill lessons in the afternoon. He decides to take the evening off.
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Post by Laraqua »

Kitt decides to stick with what she'd chosen the day before.
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

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Post by Ghost_1971 »

After checking todays lessons, Callum decides to do the same as yesterday...
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Post by Decrepit »

Jack makes plans to continue doing today what he did yesterday as far as classes are concerned.
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Charles Graves
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Post by Charles Graves »

Graves also continues to go to the same lectures.

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