IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

As UNIT's raid on Dunwich unfolds, disaster strikes. The opposition is prepared for their attack, and everything hangs in the balance of a battle that could go either way.

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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by johnson41996 »

Oops,my bad Idea roll [dice]0[/dice] Gads!!!
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

The firefight was over in seconds. Chad wounded the man with the shotgun, while the Brigadier fired a shot right into his chest, dropping him. The other one managed to get a single poorly aimed shot off before he fell in a hail of bullets from the UNIT soldiers. The Brigadier and Donald led the squad of soldiers through the dining room, with the others following a short distance behind.
OOC,Everyone, please roll Listen. [b]Evert[/b]'s Handgun roll (80% skill) shooting at fishman with pistol: [dice]8[/dice] [b]Chad[/b]'s Handgun roll (40% skill) shooting at fishman with shotgun: [dice]5[/dice] Damage to fishman, 9mm bullet: [dice]6[/dice] [b]Brigadier Crichton[/b]'s Handgun roll (70% skill) shooting at fishman with shotgun: [dice]2[/dice] Damage to fishman, .455 bullet: [dice]3[/dice] Fishman's Handgun roll (20% base skill) shooting at Brigadier: [dice]9[/dice] UNIT Soldier 1's RIfle roll (55% skill) shooting at fishman: [dice]10[/dice] Damage to fishman, 5.56mm NATO bullet: [dice]11[/dice] UNIT Soldier 2's Rifle roll (55% skill) shooting at fishman: [dice]12[/dice] Damage to fishman, 5.56mm NATO bullet: [dice]13[/dice]
Gordon Baxter,Type of temporary insanity: [dice]0[/dice] Duration of temporary insanity: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Gordon[/b], you currently have an intense phobia of guns for the next seven combat rounds, including this one. You cannot use a gun during that time, nor can you place yourself in a position where someone can shoot at you.
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by johnson41996 »

Gordon couldn't handle it anymore. The horror, the death, his wife laying dead and bloody on the floor... "Wait, no? Not my wife, just another monstrosity wearing her nightgown. Her nightgown? Where did this she-beast get that? Did she steal it from my wife? I bought that gown as a gift for Christmas... Christmas is coming up again, maybe ill get her a bucket of fishing bait she would like that hah aha but what do i get the brigadier maybe a new radio these things don't work so i can call my wife and..." his vision blurred in and out as he looked at the Sea Devil on the floor. Gordon was sucked into a black hole of dread and despair, confusion and revelation, and it was at this moment that the firefight broke out. The hail of gunfire punched through his madness and his head swiveled around to face the frightening sounds. Gordons hands clutched his face and held on like a drowning sailor to a piece of flotsam. His eyes grew wide and his mouth opened wide and for a few seconds only air escaped in a horrid whistle, and then he screamed. Every shot fired crawled into his ears with wicked sharp talons, ricochet in his skull and assaulted his fragile psyche. Every flash of gunpowder was magnified and blinded the mad fool filling his line of sight with blinding white. When the hellfire ceased, and the flashes cleared from his vision, he saw his squad again, only they had their arsenal pointed at his chest. The brigadier wore a wicked grin on his face, and spoke in a voice that caused an echo in Gordons nerve endings "Fire at will...". With that, his team opened fire and Gordon ran for his life. No... not just that... Gordon ran to save his soul. Bullets tore past his fleeing shape, threatening to take his life and deposit his tortured soul into a worse hell than even this place.
Madness,Gordon is so terrified of the guns, he has taken off at a full sprint in a random lifesaving direction. This could mean hes running into a line of fire, away from combat, or full on into a wall. I don't want to determine the direction because even he doesn't know, he just wants to get the hell away from the guns. I'm not sure what rolls apply here, but ill make a luck roll and a second roll just in case there's a skill that applies here. Luck 80% [dice]0[/dice] ??? [dice]1[/dice]
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by Vladd »

Listen roll: 1d100 15
As the sound of the gunshots died away Peter thought he could hear something.
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Gordon turned to flee, running back the way he had come into the stairwell. The attic. He'd be safe back in the attic, he was sure of it.

"This is Priwate Novak," said Leonek's voice on the radio. "I am in the company of a representatiwe of the...of the Sea Devils. They vant to parlay for peace. Requesting orders."

"If they wish to surrender," replied the Brigadier as he led most of the group through the double doors at the end of the dining room, into the foyer, "that's all well and good. But they'd better not think they can dictate terms to us. What's your position and status, Private?"

The mansion's foyer was very spacious. Various doors led off from it, and a grand stairway ascended from the center of the room, branching at a landing halfway up that led left and right to a balcony that ringed the grand entrance on three sides.

"They took me up the stairway and to the right when they first brought me in," said Valerie Kirby. "That's the same wing of the mansion where we entered. The guest room where they imprisoned me is that way, as is Victoria Lake's room, so we'll probably find the men's bedrooms on the opposite side, to the left."

"Ve are currently en route to the Ship Inn, sir," said Leonek. "The rest of my team is either captiwe or dead. I am in the company of Vebb and a wery fine representatiwe of the Sea Dewils."

The Brigadier frowned. "So you've been captured by them too?" he said. "And what do you mean by 'very fine representative'? You're starting to sound like Webb. The last I heard, the Ship Inn was under attack. Get the Sea Devils to call that attack off if you can."
OOC,I edited the above post to correct a mistake I'd made.
Peter Rock,[b]Peter[/b] could hear a leathery flapping sound coming from somewhere above.
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by Vladd »

Peter looked up nervously, was that bats? "Sir either this place has bats, or we are not alone here. I heard flapping up there somewhere."
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

The ceiling of the entry hall was two stories up, and nothing was visible flying around inside. If the sound was made by bats, they had to bigger than any Peter had ever seen.

"I am not a traitor!...sir..." replied Leonek in an angry tone. He paused, and then he continued in a calmer one. "And yes, I am their prisoner. Shall I tell that if they call of the attack on the Ship Inn ve vill negotiate a truce?"

"It's too late for that," said Salem Shields's despondent voice on the radio. "This is Trap One. The enemy has taken us. They breached us from both sides, Greyhound One, and they have hostages. We had no choice but to surrender. I think their leader wants to talk to you."

"I am High Priestess Y'Hali," said a female voice next. "Your command post has fallen. Your assault on our temple has failed. Your people have all been killed, captured, or driven away. Your naval vessels have been sunk. You have lost. Now we shall discuss your surrender and end this bloodshed. No more lives need be lost tonight. If you kill any more of my people, I promise that you will not get out alive."

"Suggestions?" asked the Brigadier, looking worried for the first time.
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by Vladd »

Peter constantly looking around for the source of the flapping sound, pistol at the ready, spoke up. "With respect sir, I think we should withdraw, this situation seems to be far bigger than we first thought, inform Whitehall and Geneva of the situation, and maybe call in the RAF and regular army to blockade the village. ,"
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by johnson41996 »

Gordon hit the stairs and fell face first, tearing a few of his nails in his mad scramble to the attic. He swung his head around and saw his unit in hot pursuit, all of them opening fire on his fleeing profile. Bullets shot past him and buried deep into the wood of the staircase, throwing splinters and leaving little trails of smoke in their wake. Gordon whimpered, and crawled on all fours as fast as he could up the staircase, crying out in fear every time a bullet punched through the floor next to his hand, or whizzed past his head with enough force to sting. Making it to the landing, he glanced back at his pursuers and felt a fresh wave of terror wash through his body. It was his unit, at least it used to be, but they had transformed into Sea Devils. Gordons knees felt like rubber, and he almost lost his footing again, until a deafening blast from a shot gun spurred him into action again. "NOOOOOOOOOOONONONONONONONONONONOOOO!" his pitiful wail followed him up the rest of the stairs, behind him he heard sinister, inhuman laughing in between maddeningly loud gunfire. Gordon came to a sudden stop as the floorboards in front of him erupted in a hail of gunfire from the floor below. Gordon screamed, flung himself to the side, and rolled back to his feet. He barely noticed a warm trickle running down his pants as he pumped his legs in a wild sprint for the attic door. He slammed against the door with a bone jarring halt, tears streaming down his face as he grasped for the handle. He twisted the knob just as hot lead punched the door in front of him to the right of his head, and with a strangled cry, he flung the door open and ran inside, slamming the door shut behind him. Gordon dove into the mass of boxes and antique furniture, and curled himself into a tight ball, rocking and whimpering to himself as he waited for his pursuers to come looking for him.
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Gordon made it into the attic and curled up in the corner.

Peter could see no sign of the source of the flapping. The more he considered it, the more it seemed like whatever was making it was outside and above the mansion.

"I hate to admit it," said the Brigadier to Peter, "but I think you're right," He spoke into the radio briefly. "Let me get back to you." Then he turned to the assembled group. "We'll head right out the front door, climb back over the wall, and make for the APC. Then we drive southwest and don't stop until we reach the checkpoint."

"What about Dr. Baxter?" asked Valerie Kirby. "He ran off when the shooting started."

"There's no time to go searching for him now. The whole house is alerted. If he has any sense, he's already on his way out."

"And what of the flying creature outside?" asked Virgil Soames. "I have no idea what it is, but it's probably huge and dangerous. I can call up a mist that will hide us, but it will not last long."

"You mean like that fog you said you raised?" asked Dr. Kirby.

"No, it's not the same thing. That fog was natural, and it would last all night. Unfortunately, I can't do that again here. I would need a bowl of seawater, and we can't exactly go get some now. This mist also covers a much smaller area, but it should shield us from the monster's view. I'm confident it will last until we reach the wall, but not much longer, so we'd need to climb quickly. Or...I could call upon my master. He has great power and can assist us, but the price would be high indeed."
Dr. Gordon Baxter,There are four more rounds of insanity, but they may be over rather quickly.
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Valerie Soames looked wide-eyed at Virgil. "Call upon your master?" she asked. "You mean on the telephone?"

"No, I have a more direct way of reaching him," said Virgil.

"I think we're better off trying to hide from view," said the Brigadier. "If that fails, we'll just shoot the thing."

"I don't think you understand just how powerful the forces arrayed against us are...but I can bring forth the mist. It will last only a minute or two, so we need to make the time count. For all of that time, the mist will appear in front of me. To shield us from being seen from overhead, I'll need to be on my back."

"Sergeant, detail a couple of soldiers to carry him."

"I'll perform the incantation when we're out on the porch, which is covered. As soon as the mist forms, we run for the wall."

The Brigadier opened the front doors and looked outside. Everything looked clear from the porch. The group went out onto it, and two of the soldiers lifted Virgil up while he began chanting in Latin. Before long, a mist swirled from him and spiraled upwards.

"Go," hissed the Brigadier. Everyone hurried down the steps and across the grounds in a tight formation shrouded by the mist, passing the carriage house and soon reaching the wall at around the same spot where they had originally scaled it. "Right, everyone over the wall. First one on the other side, fetch the APC and bring it over."

"Set me on my feet," said Virgil. "At this distance from the house, having the mist in front of us, will work just as well." The soldiers placed him upright.

In the attic, Gordon finally came to his senses.
OOC,Spell duration (in rounds): [dice]0[/dice] Everyone except [b]Gordon[/b], please roll Climb. You may also roll Other Language: Latin to try to understand the words he spoke.
Gordon Baxter,Your temporary insanity is now over, and you may act freely.
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by Vladd »

Peter threw himself at the wall Easily finding hand holds in the wall he quickly climbed up and over the wall. Recovering his breath he sprinted towards the APC. The sound of a Latin incantation filled the air, Peter had no idea what it meant but knew it creeped him out.
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by johnson41996 »

Gordon sat alone in the dusty darkness of the attic, hugging his knees to his chest and rocking back and forth, silently sobbing to himself. Outside the attic door, his insane unit continued to batter the door, until with a deafening boom, someone shot out the lock with a shotgun blast. Gordon froze in place, his only movement in the trembling of his arms and legs. He squeezed his eyes shut tight and tears slid down his face, tracing a damp line of grime until they fell to the floor. He held his breath, listening for signs that his cover was blown. He continued to twitch and suffer in silence as seconds turned into minutes into hours into days into years. When nothing happened, he slowly opened his eyes, and froze in horror, a lump crawling from his stomach up into his throat, turning his scream into a choked sob. There in front of him stood the brigadier, his clothes wet and rotten, falling off of his sickeningly fish like form in clumps. He held a gun up to Gordons forehead, and wore a sadistic grin on his face that promised untold tortures. "Bang" he whispered, and squeezed the trigger. Gordon felt the strain of the terrifying moment seize his heart for a brief moment, and then he collapsed.

Gordon sat up fast. To fast. His head was spinning and he felt like he was going to be sick. He fell back to the floor and clutched his forehead to keep his migraine from projecting his brains out of his skull. Suddenly his eyes popped open and he reached for his forehead, looking for a large chunk of missing skull and brain matter that SHOULD be there. "But...But how...Am i alive...?" Gordon remembered taking a fatal head shot that he THOUGHT had ended his life, and as he tried to piece things back together, he slowly remembered the details of his maddening flight. He started to take deep breaths and then retched, as the smell of bodily waste reached his nostrils. "Good lord..." he whispered into the darkness. This must be what it feels like to be raped... I... I dont... Im not... Gordon felt like he had been drugged and somehow molested, he felt weak and confused, like a passenger in his own body who had just witnessed a madman take the wheel. The feeling, and the smell, made him want to wash himself clean. He laid on the floor in a strangers skin, until he came to a sudden realization. "My unit..." Gordon reached for his radio in a daze, and thumbed the button with a shaking hand, shocked at how his voice refused to rise above a soft tremble as he hailed the rest of his team. "Greyhound One, this is Gordon. Im...." He paused as his mind struggled to find the right words to describe his current state of mind "Im better now. Where is everyone?". His arm fell limp once again, his hand weakly grasping his radio, his life preserver, his one link back to a life he was skeptical that he would ever be apart of again.
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by aine »

With immense foreboding and feeling very sick in his stomach, Tobias checks both guns are ready to fire and hurries after the others out to the wall. He's already met one of the sea-devils' hideous mutant 'pets' and, hell, it looks like another one awaits them outside. He just wants to see the sun come up, that's all. He keeps his eyes down and concentrates on placing his feet and hands securely on the wall.
climb and Latin,Dice rolls: climb 18 success, Latin 51 fail. Sorry, I still can't access invisible castle so have done it by hand.
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

"Greyhound One here," said the Brigadier into the radio as he rushed for the wall. "I'm afraid you'll have to make your own way out. I'm sorry, but I can't say any more. Our communications have been compromised."

The Brigadier and Dr. Kirby also made it over the wall, as did two of the UNIT soldiers. Virgil Soames saw that his mist was dissipating. He scrambled up the wall just before it vanished completely and let himself down on the other side.

"Oh dear God!" cried Valerie Soames, glancing back as she struggled to climb.
OOC,That's fine. Invisible Castle has been down for a while. This site also has a built-in dice roller (using the dice tags). [b]Peter[/b] (and [b]Tobias[/b], if you also head for the APC), please roll Spot Hidden. Those who did not make it over the wall (other than [b]Gordon[/b]) will need to roll Sanity, but they are all currently NPCs. [b]Chad[/b]'s Climb roll (40% base skill) climbing the wall: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Tinker[/b]'s Climb roll (40% base skill) climbing the wall: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Valerie Soames[/b]'s Climb roll (40% base skill) climbing the wall: [dice]3[/dice] [b]Evert[/b]'s Climb roll (40% base skill) climbing the wall: [dice]4[/dice] [b]Donald[/b]'s Climb roll (40% base skill) climbing the wall: [dice]5[/dice] [b]Valerie Kirby[/b]'s Climb roll (40% base skill) climbing the wall: [dice]6[/dice] [b]Brigadier[/b]'s Climb roll (40% base skill) climbing the wall: [dice]7[/dice] [b]Virgil[/b]'s Climb roll (40% base skill) climbing the wall: [dice]8[/dice] [b]UNIT Soldier[/b]s' Climb rolls (50% skill) climbing the wall: [dice]9[/dice] [dice]10[/dice] [dice]11[/dice] [dice]12[/dice] [dice]13[/dice] [dice]14[/dice]
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by Vladd »

Peter sprinted to then APC, was that something out there?
Nope Peter didn't see anything.
OOC:   if invisible castle,is being flakey try Orokos.com  
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,[b]Chad[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 14) seeing the creature: [dice]0[/dice] Sanity loss: [dice]9[/dice] [b]Tinker[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 56) seeing the creature: [dice]1[/dice] Sanity loss: [dice]10[/dice] [b]Valerie Soames[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 44) seeing the creature: [dice]2[/dice] Sanity loss: [dice]11[/dice] [b]Evert[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 50) seeing the creature: [dice]3[/dice] Sanity loss: [dice]12[/dice] [b]Donald[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 55) seeing the creature: [dice]4[/dice] Sanity loss: [dice]13[/dice] UNIT Soldiers' Sanity rolls (current levels 45 or less) seeing the creature: [dice]5[/dice] Sanity loss: [dice]14[/dice] [dice]6[/dice] Sanity loss: [dice]15[/dice] [dice]7[/dice] Sanity loss: [dice]16[/dice] [dice]8[/dice] Sanity loss: [dice]17[/dice]
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,[b]Chad[/b]'s Idea roll (65% stat) to avoid temporary insanity - failure is good! [dice]0[/dice] Type and duration of temporary insanity: [dice]4[/dice] [dice]5[/dice] [b]Tinker[/b]'s Idea roll (65% stat) to avoid temporary insanity - failure is good! [dice]1[/dice] UNIT Soldiers' Idea rolls (60% stats) to avoid temporary insanity - failure is good! [dice]2[/dice] Type and duration of temporary insanity: [dice]6[/dice] [dice]7[/dice] [dice]3[/dice] UNIT Soldier's Rifle roll (55 + 55 + 70 = 180% skill) shooting at the creature, 20-round burst: [dice]8[/dice] How many bullets hit? [dice]9[/dice] Damage to creature from 7 5.56mm NATO bullets: [dice]10[/dice] [dice]11[/dice] [dice]12[/dice] [dice]13[/dice] [dice]14[/dice] [dice]15[/dice] [dice]16[/dice]
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by johnson41996 »

Gordon felt ice run through his veins as he heard what surely amounted to his signed death warrant. With quaking hands, he once more keyed the radio. For a moment that stretched into infinity he paused on open air, not knowing what to say to his commanding officer. Finally he spoke with a voice that shook harder than his hands "You do know you have left me to die, don't you?" with those words Gordon himself seemed to have fully realized the implications of his units betrayal, and he began to laugh. It started as a quiet chuckle deep in his chest and grew with intensity until he was laughing hysterically, tears running down his face as he understood what his fate was to be. He continued "And what would you have me do -SIR- call a bloody cab to come pick me up?" His face contorted into a furious scowl in an instant, all evidence of joy gone from his visage. "You bastards... YOU DOGS, HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME IN THESE DEVILS HANDS!!!" Gordons rage continued to grow until spittle flew onto the radio, his hands shook harder now but with rage instead of shock. He cocked his arm back, fully intending to shatter the radio against the walls of the basement, but stopped. As much as he despised the voice at the other end of the radio at the moment, he couldn't bear to destroy the one link he had to sanity. He lowered his arm slowly, and turned to look in a nearby mirror. He was a sight indeed, and his free hand strayed to his beard to scratch his chin, memories of his wife's frustration with his insistence on keeping it swimming to the surface of his rage. She always fussed over my appearance... he thought to himself if she could see me now. Gordon was a mess. His hair was a disheveled mess, and his face was covered in dust and grime, with tracks running down his face. His uniform wasnt much better, dirty, with stains on the pants that he suspected had something to do with the smell of urine he detected. Not only was he a mess, he was... pitiful. It dawned on him just how wretched he felt and looked at the moment, and it made him sick. He knew he wasn't long for this place, but if he had to go, it would be with a bang. Gordon unslung his pack and emptied its contents, loaded all of his weapons, and paused, looking at a small bag in his pack. The stones... he thought to himself. He had kept the bag of rocks at the time, not really understanding why or taking the time to examine them. He opened the sack and rummaged through the contents, examining the stones, hoping that somehow the random find could be of some use to the stranded combat doctor.
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Storming the Castle(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

One of the UNIT soldiers still trapped inside the wall turned to face the horror, his features twisted with rage. He aimed his rifle at it and opened fire on full automatic, striking it with several bullets. An inhuman roar echoed through the night, more of anger than of pain. Then there was a tremendous thump on the ground in front of the mansion, followed by lumbering footsteps approaching the hapless people still stuck on the estate's grounds at a high rate of speed!

Chad scrabbled desperately at the rain-slick wall, screaming in terror, his fragile psyche hanging on by the slenderest of threads. Unfortunately, the moisture and his state of sheer panic kept him from making it over the top. Valerie Soames looked more and more distraught as she was also having difficulty making headway. Everyone else managed to make it to the outside of the wall except for two of the UNIT soldiers, the one who had opened fire and one other. Just as he reached the top and tried to vault over, he slipped and lost his balance, landing with a crunch on the ground just inside the wall and twisting his ankle.

Peter reached the APC without incident. It was right where they had left it.

In the attic, Gordon could hear the shooting, the screaming, and the roaring and stomping of the monster. Perhaps he was the lucky one after all. The stones were small and smooth to the touch, their surfaces polished. They brought him to mind of skipping stones across a pond when he was a child. but he had no idea how they were meant to be used.
OOC,[b]Gordon[/b], please roll Idea. [b]Chad[/b]'s Climb roll (40% base skill) climbing the wall: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Tinker[/b]'s Climb roll (40% base skill) climbing the wall: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Valerie Soames[/b]'s Climb roll (40% base skill) climbing the wall: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Evert[/b]'s Climb roll (40% base skill) climbing the wall: [dice]3[/dice] [b]Donald[/b]'s Climb roll (40% base skill) climbing the wall: [dice]4[/dice] UNIT Soldiers' Climb rolls (50% skill) climbing the wall: [dice]5[/dice] [dice]6[/dice] [dice]7[/dice] Damage to UNIT Soldier from falling [dice]8[/dice]
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
(viewforum.php?f=191)]The Ninth Planet
The Shadow Over Dunwich
The Brotherhood of Death
The Horror in the Blackout
The Masque of Nyarlathotep

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