Mountains of Madness

Disturbed by Miskatonic University's expedition to Antarctica, the Elder Things awaken from their ancient slumber and threaten to overrun the world. Only mystical waitress Agnes Baker and intrepid explorer Ursula Downs can stop them and save humanity!

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Mountains of Madness

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Re: Mountains of Madness

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Turn 1, Action Phase

Gain 1 Focus, and move to Arkham.

Agnes Baker came to London in her pursuit of information regarding the ancient world of Hyperborea. It has been a hopeless pursuit, and now she realises that the vision she had—her past as a sorceress—was simply a dream, a consequence of a blow to the head. Three weeks later she waits tables in Cod Cafe, a “greasy spoon” near Putney Bridge, and saves the pennies for her return fare to Arkham.

She serves the dapper gentleman.

“Thank you, my dear,” he says, and Agnes almost sighs when she hears his familiar American twang.

“Sir,” replies Agnes, “if you only knew how homesick I am.”

“Ah, a compatriot, well, you must return home!” he advises, and adds in a whisper, “This awful country is ruining my digestion.”

“I will, soon, just a few dollars more and I will have enough.”

“Good to hear it, miss!”

Later when Agnes returns to the American’s table, she notes with a smile that most of the fish is untouched upon his plate. She picks up his tea cup and cold plate, and reveals a crisp five pound note beneath.
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Re: Mountains of Madness

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Ursula Downs leads the way through the ruins of the ancient lost city, followed by her fellow explorer Sir William Brinton. The dashing Englishman admires her as she strides forward in her dark green short-sleeved blouse and khaki shorts. They approach the large, square stepped pyramid in the center of the fallen metropolis. The one intact building, it has a truncated top with a huge stone altar in the middle that is illuminated by the light of the full moon. "This is incredible!" says Ursula, basking in the moonlight. "I knew it would be an impressive sight, but never in my wildest imagination did I think we'd find something like this!"

"Indeed, my dear," said Sir William. "Shall we take a closer look?" He offers her his arm, which she gladly takes. The two of them ascend to the summit.

The altar looks even more ominous up close. There are eight horns jutting out, four on the corners and four more between them on the altar's front and rear sides. "Look. there are gutters at the base of the altar," says Ursula, pointing them out. "They surround it, and four channels branch off and go down the sides of the pyramid. These brown stains must be blood. I think they once offered sacrifices here," she adds with a shiver.

Sir William circles around to the other side of the altar and peers down at the gutters there. "Someone still does. There's some fresh blood on this side."

Shadowy figures in black hooded robes that conceal their faces emerge onto the flat top of the pyramid on all four sides and rush forwards! A scream dies on Ursula's lips as one of them grabs her from behind and clamps a hand over her mouth. She stomps on his instep with her boot, forcing him to release her, only for two more to seize her by the arms. Meanwhile, Sir William decks one of their assailants, but another three quickly subdue him. Both of them are dragged kicking and screaming to the altar, where they are laid out on its surface and each bound tightly by their limbs to four of the horns as they struggle in vain. Lying side by side, they look at each other, tears filling their eyes. "I'm sorry I brought you here, Ursula," says Sir William. "I-" His voice is cut off by a gag being stuffed into his mouth. Another one cuts off Ursula mid-shriek. Then one of the robed men strokes her hair. She whimpers, helpless, as he reaches for her belt.

"Stop!" booms a commanding voice. Another man, this one taller, enters her field of vision. "The Bloody Tongue prefers virgin sacrifices." He takes out a vicious obsidian dagger from the folds of his robes and holds it aloft, looming over Sir William and chanting in a language that isn't like any Ursula has ever heard before. Panic floods over her as she is certain that they will die here tonight. Her heartbeat races out of control, terror overwhelming her. Tears flow freely down her cheeks.

No! she thinks. I will not go quietly! It takes every effort of will, but she manages to calm herself down and relax her muscles. Since she had been straining when their attackers had tied her up, the bonds are a little looser on her now. She uses her excellent coordination to slide her right hand free. Once that is done, she manages to untie the rope around her left wrist and then frees her ankles. So far the robed men haven't noticed, as their attention is fixated on chanting and watching Sir William, waiting for the blade to come down as its wielder reaches a crescendo.Though she could have easily slipped away, she could not leave her friend here to die. As the knife starts to come down, she has a sudden burst of adrenaline and lunges for the killer, interposing her body between the weapon and Sir William. He redirects the obsidian dagger at her heart, but she twists to the side at the last second and it pierces her shoulder instead. He releases the hilt and grabs her with both hands, pinning her down on the altar. "The Bloody Tongue will have its due!" he bellows. Ursula sobs again as everything starts to go dark and her life ebbs away.

With one last desperate rush of strength, she wrenches the dagger free of her shoulder and stabs him through the heart. Coughing up blood, he collapses on top of her and lies still. She grunts, rolling his corpse off of her. Then she uses the blade to sever Sir William's bonds. He springs to his feet, takes her by the hand, and flees with her down the side of the pyramid. The other cultists are still in a frenzied state of chanting, not even aware of what is going on around them. As Ursula and Sir William flee through the city, removing and discarding their gags, there is an exteremely loud peal of thunder from the direction of the pyramid. It looks like the sky is opening up, and some indistinct form reaches through from somewhere else. The chants turn to screams of horror. "I guess he wasn't a virgin," she mumbles.

"Ursula, are you all right?" asks Sir William, squeezing her hand.

"I'm fine..." she manages before collapsing into his arms.
* * *
Ursula awakens lying on the ground in a cave where a fire is blazing in a central pit. Sir William is roasting some meat on a spit there. Her blouse has been removed, revealing her bra beneath, and her wound has been bandaged. She instinctively crosses her arms over her chest. "I'm sorry, Ursula," says Sir William, noticing that she is awake. "I had to remove it in order to treat your injury." He turns his head aside.

"No, it's okay," she says, lowering her arms and sitting up. "I don't mind terribly if you look." Sir William comes over, bringing the meat and offering her some. She gratefully accepts. "Thank you, Sir William. For everything."

He gazes into her eyes and takes hold of her hand. "You're welcome. It's the least I can do. I just wish I could have protected you better. Some knight I am." He takes a deep breath, then lets it out. "I love you, Ursula."

Ursula stares in shock. "I...I don't know what to say. Is it because I saved your life?"

"No, it's more than that. I've always loved you. I was afraid to say anything, but our brush with death made me realise that I needed to tell you, lest I never get the chance. And I think you must feel something for me too. You could have saved yourself, but you almost gave your life to rescue me."

"Oh, Sir William..." Words fail her, so she wraps her arms around him and lets him embrace her.

"Ursula, I will follow you anywhere, even to the ends of the Earth. I never want to be apart from you."

"All the same, let's go somewhere safer next time. Like Antarctica."

Sir William laughs heartily. "I just adore your sense of humour." He presses his lips against hers.

Ursula closes her eyes and sighs. I wasn't entirely joking... she thinks.

Turn 1 Action Phase
Ursula Downs guides Sir William Brinton back through the African jungle and south to the busy port of Cape Town, where she immediately arranges to book passage on a ship to Sydney, Australia. The two of them spend a lot of time during the voyage getting to know each other better, but it is over all too soon. Ursula stands by the rail at the fore of the ship as it approaches Sydney Harbor. The facade of the famed Sydney Opera House dominates the skyline, and the setting sun makes it even more wondrous. She leans back, letting the gentle sea breeze ruffle her auburn hair.

"Beautiful," says Sir William, coming up to stand beside her.

Ursula turns to look at him. "Yes, the Opera House is certainly an amazing sight."

"I wasn't talking about the Opera House." He puts his arms around her and kisses her again.
OOC,Action 1: Character Action: Move: Heart of Africa -> 15, then Prepare for Travel: Acquire Ship Ticket Action 2: Travel: 15 -> 18 -> Sydney [Ship Ticket]
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Re: Mountains of Madness

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I wish that I'd thought to make use of the Prelude card, well done!

Agnes Baker leans out over the rail of the S.S. Carpathia and surveys Southampton dock. She feels a tap on her shoulder--it's her gentleman benefactor.

"I'm glad you made it aboard," he says, and extends his hand which Agnes gladly shakes, "my name is Arthur Danforth."

"Agnes Baker," she beams.

Turn 1, Encounter Phase


"Mr. Danforth, this is where I grew up," says Agnes, indicating the rectory. The new friends continue with their stroll through Arkham's old cemetery. They rest against a lichen encrusted headstone, the sunshine is pleasantly warm and the cemetery a quiet spot, excepting an angry robin who twitters at them ceaselessly.

Agnes flickers her eyelids closed, allowing the sunlight to sparkle and jump inside her head.

She descends into a series of tunnels hidden beneath the cemetery. The stonework indicates these twisting passageways are as old as the city itself. She searches the dark halls, looking for some indication of their purpose.

Observation test [dice]0[/dice]

Spend Focus to reroll [dice]1[/dice]

Agnes finds a sheaf of musty papers. Using her cigarette lighter to read them, she realises that the papers link the city's founders to witchcraft; a sketch, like da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, slips out and glides to the earthen floor. She continues reading, the documents hint at a coming doom. She digs her nails into her palms, ferociously praying that the doom will not come to pass.

Lore test -1 + spend 1 Health for 2 additional dice [dice]2[/dice]


Advance the active Mystery, Eldritch token placed on "An Expedition Compromised." :D
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Re: Mountains of Madness

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Turn 1 Encounter Phase
Ursula Downs and Sir William Brinton disembark. A boy stands on the dockside selling the evening paper, and Ursula buys a copy. The front page headline reads "BRUTAL AXE MURDERS CONTINUE," and below it, in smaller print "Third Woman Found Dismembered, Decapitated." She shudders and skips over the gory details. Another article lower down on the page piques her interest. It details unexplained events surrounding the Miskatonic University expedition to Antarctica, where crew members have gone missing and then been acting bizarrely after returning to camp, and some of the samples and strange artifacts they've uncovered have disappeared. This could be worth investigating, she thinks.

The two of them make their way to a hotel and approach the front desk to check in. "How can I help you this evening?" asks the perky young woman working there. "One room or two?" Sir William hesitates.

"We'd like two rooms," says Ursula, careful for her reputation, "but please make them adjoining, with a connecting door."

"Of course, we can arrange that."

An hour later, Ursula is relaxing in the bath in her room with her eyes closed. Without warning, the sound of splintering wood comes from her room's door. Startled, she sits up and her eyes fly open to see a wild-eyed, unkempt man wielding a bloodstained axe who has just chopped his way in! "HELP!" she screams as he rushes at her, waving his axe overhead. She sinks down into the water to avoid the blow, but the blade still cuts into her shoulder - the one that had not been wounded yet. He pulls the axe up again to strike, and once more Ursula is sure that she is about to die.

"Ursula!" cries Sir William from the far side of the connecting door. The doorknob rattles, and then she can hear him ram his shoulder into it. Like a fool, she had forgotten to unlock it.

The maniac is distracted momentarily by the sound and turns to look, and that is all the opening that Ursula needs. Thinking quickly, she snatches up the washcloth and wraps it around the bar of soap, gripping the ends in her hand. Then she stands up and swings it at his head with all her might. The crazed man staggers and loses his grip on the axe, and Ursula grabs it and slashes him open with a single blow. Breathing heavily, she wraps the towel around herself just as the connecting door flies open and Sir William bursts into the room. Sobbing, Ursula throws herself into his arms and lets him hold her.
OOC,Thank you, and well done advancing the Mystery! I think your special ability of adding two dice to a Lore check only applies when it's the effect of a Spell. Fortunately, your first three dice were enough to succeed, so you shouldn't lose that Health point after all. Where is the new Active Expedition? Maniac Horror check (5 dice: Will 2 + 1 [Improvement] + 1 [Sir William Brinton] + 1 [Maniac]): [dice]0[/dice] Maniac Fight check (2 dice: Strength 3 - 1 [Maniac]): [dice]1[/dice] Maniac defeated. 1 Health lost. Axe Asset gained. I'd like my Other World Encounter next, please.
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Re: Mountains of Madness

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ooc,Your story is The Shining-like, was Shelley Duvall in the tub? I can't remember. [quote] I think your special ability of adding two dice to a Lore check only applies when it's the effect of a Spell. Fortunately, your first three dice were enough to succeed, so you shouldn't lose that Health point after all. Where is the new Active Expedition?[/quote] Good spot! Record amended. The new Expedition will be at The Himalayas. EDIT: just glanced at the FAQ, Ursula's passive Focus ability [u]does[/u] allow a free reroll. :)

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Re: Mountains of Madness

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Turn 1 Encounter Phase
A strange mist billows up from the corpse of the madman, causing both Ursula and Sir William to become dizzy and then collapse on the floor. They awaken some time later in a stone passage at the top of a mysterious stairway shrouded by swirling fog that descends into semi-darkness. Ursula is still holding onto the axe and clad only in her towel.

"Where are we?" asks Sir William, shaking his head. He climbs to his feet and helps Ursula stand. "How did we get here?"

"I haven't the foggiest," she says, "but we should do what we're best at - explore!" She starts down the stairs, and he follows close behind her.

It takes a long time, but they finally reach a landing. Their way is blocked by a pair of wrought-iron gates, flanked by two statues of absurdly grotesque creatures with glowing red eyes. "Who would seek entrance into the lands of Slumber?" booms the voice of the one on the left.

"I guess that would be me," says Ursula, "Ursula Downs, famous explorer."

"I've never heard of you," says the one on the right. "Turn back. It is too dangerous to proceed!"

"Too dangerous!" echoes the other statue.

"I've been kidnapped and nearly sacrificed by a vicious cult," Ursula says, her voice filled with determination, "and just a moment ago nearly chopped to bits by an axe-wielding maniac. This is his axe." She raises it to show them. "I survived and he didn't. I think I can handle danger."

"You lack the knowledge needed to survive in the lands ahead!"

"I know all sorts of things!" protests Ursula. "I know about the Bloody Tongue."

"What do you know about it?"

"Well, it likes virgin sacrifices, for one thing."

"Very well, you may proceed." The gates open of their own accord. "However, if you do, on your own head be it!"

The two of them proceed through the open gates and continue down the stairs through the intense fog. They could see nothing. Finally, the fog clears and they find themselves on the deck of a wooden galley that is flying through the night sky! Ahead the full moon is visible, and it seems to be growing larger - as if the moon itself is their destination! Before either of them can react, they are surrounded by hideous creatures with tentacles and eyestalks, all carrying nets. They fling them over the two explorers, trapping them!

"More slaves!" burbles one of the things. "More slaves to torture on the moon!"

"I'm nobody's slave!" roars Ursula, slicing through the net with her axe. She lays into the beings with gusto, chopping off tentacles left and right. The beasts flee, leaping overboard and leaving a large oaken chest behind them. Ursula opens it, revealing mounds of gold and jewels.

A dark-skinned man in a fancy outfit emerges onto the deck from a hatch below. "What are you two doing on my ship?" he says, drawing a fine sword from a jeweled scabbard at his waist. "Stowaways! Get off my ship!"

"We can pay for our passage," replies Ursula. "How much does it cost?"

"Exactly that much." The captain points at the treasure chest.

"Done - if you throw in some clothes."

"Agreed - though you look perfectly lovely as you are."

Sir William puts a protective arm around Ursula. "She is already spoken for," he says.

"The best ones always are," sighs the captain.
* * *
Some time later, the galley lands on the surface of the moon. Ursula, now wearing a magnificent green dress, leads Sir William down the gangplank. The galley rests in a large crater containing a mysterious stone archway. Visible through it is a flickering image showing the hotel room in Sydney. "We've got to close this thing," says Ursula. "What if those creatures come through it into our world?" She takes the axe and swings it at the archway's keystone, knocking it loose and causing the whole structure to collapse.

The lunar surface begins to shimmer and fade, replaced by a plateau in a vast icy wasteland. Ursula shivers uncontrollably, and her teeth chatter. The dress is better than the towel, but it's still not suitable for the bitter cold. Sir William hugs her tightly. "We will have to keep each other warm," he says.
OOC,It's been a long time since I've seen The Shining, but I don't believe she was. Will check (2 + 1 [Improvement] +1 [Sir William Brinton] -1 [Other World Encounter] = 3 dice) to enter the Dreamlands: [dice]0[/dice] Reroll, spending 0 Focus: [dice]1[/dice] Fight check (3 dice) battling the Moon-Beasts: [dice]2[/dice] Glad I got that reroll! Gate closed. [b]Ursula[/b] moves to Plateau of Leng. The board is now trouble-free, at least until the Mythos card is drawn.
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Re: Mountains of Madness

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Turn 1, Mythos Phase


Advance the Omen: blue constellation
Reckoning Effects: Sir William Brinton spawns Clue Space 9.
Spawn Gates: Rome (red sun) and Ghost.

Image Image

Text Effect: Agnes Baker gains a Funding Condition.

ooc,We've made the perfect start, long may it continue! I thought that Agnes could gain 1 Focus and use her ability, and then have an encounter at Arkham? And who is to be the Lead Investigator?
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Re: Mountains of Madness

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OOC,You can be lead investigator again. On Turn 2 I'll use my Character Action to move to City of the Elder Things and perform the Local Action there to try to get a Clue, then Rest (my Health is too low for my tastes, and I don't need Focus as much). Then I'll have a Location Encounter there and use my Mineralogy Research to try to get two more Clues. I have 4 Observation, so at least one of those will hopefully succeed and allow me to finish off the first Mystery. On Turn 3, I can do another Local Action if I have at least one Clue left over to get an Artifact. Then, unless the second Mystery requires my presence in Antarctica, I plan to go back to the Plateau of Leng and travel to another Gate. I have a decent chance against the Ghost, and it won't endanger my Health.
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Re: Mountains of Madness

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ooc,Sounds perfect. However, Ursula cannot use Mineralogy Research, the Antarctica side board has locations only (not Wilderness, City or Sea Spaces); but, if she defeats the ambushing Cultist (see Mystery) she'll gain a random Ally.

Turn 2, Action Phase

Gain 1 Focus and Component Action Lore -1 [dice]0[/dice]


Inside her apartment, which is above a row of shops in French Hill, Arkham, Agnes Baker sits cross legged upon her oriental rug, a cup of coffee steaming nearby. She traces the pattern of the rug with her hand in its thick pile, brushing gently to and fro, and relaxes.

A fly buzzes, trapped against the window pane. She goes to open the window and free the insect but pauses instead: an electric blue line runs along the swirls and shapes of the rug. Her mind floods with memories of forgotten lore. . . .
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Re: Mountains of Madness

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Turn 2 Action Phase
Looking around, Ursula notices an archway behind her similar to the one she had destroyed, though this one looks much larger and far sturdier and there is no image displayed in it. "This thing may be a way out of here," she says with a shiver, "but I've no idea how to make it work."

"There's no time to stick around and figure it out now," says Sir William. "If we don't find shelter soon, we'll freeze to death!"

Ursula places a hand against her forehead to shield her eyes from the wind and peers into the distance. Her eagle eyes spot the outlines of oddly shaped buildings on the horizon, and she points at it. "Over there, it's the skyline of a city! But that's impossible! Then again, everything that's happened so far is impossible. Let's run there. It'll help us stay warm and get us there faster." She takes her love by the hand, and the two of them race to their goal.

Before long, they reach the outskirts of the strange city, just as the sky begins to darken. The cyclopean buildings are made of massive stones that look far too heavy to have been moved there, yet there they are. The angles look all wrong. The two of them take shelter in the nearest building, a huge pyramidal structure, and they feel instant relief. "It's not so cold in here!" exclaims Sir William. "But how?"

"Never mind how," says Ursula. "I'm just grateful." She examines the walls with a keen eye, and he joins in. "Look, pictograms!" She follows along the wall, surveying each image. "I think they tell a story. They show a bunch of bizarre creatures that look like five-sided barrels with appendages sticking out building this city! They seem to be directing black, blobby creatures. I think they're using them as beasts of burden. This next panel shows the blobby creatures attacking their masters, and then the city lies empty. But this last panel shows their masters returning in large numbers! Whatever could it mean?"

The two of them continue to explore the building, and they find signs of recent human presence. A fur-lined sleeping bag and a backpack lie on the floor, and Sir William opens it. "Food!" he cheers. "A Thermos flask!" They settle down to a feast of pemmican, washed down with water.

Ursula yawns, utterly exhausted, and leans back in Sir William's arms. "Let's go to bed," she says.

"Together?" asks Sir William, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Well, there is only the one sleeping bag, and while it's not as bad as it is outside, it's still somewhat chilly. Like you said, we need to keep each other warm."

"I can't argue with that." The two of them squeeze into the sleeping bag and fall asleep with their arms wrapped around each other.
OOC,Action 1: Character Action: Move: Plateau of Leng -> City of the Elder Things, then perform Local Action Observation check (3 + 1[Sir William Brinton] = 4 dice) at City of the Elder Things [dice]0[/dice] 1 Clue gained. Action 2: Rest. 1 Health gained.
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Re: Mountains of Madness

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Turn 2, Encounter Phase: Arkham


Cult secrets . . . Observation [dice]0[/dice]
Spend Focus [dice]1[/dice]

Image Image

Horror 2 +1 [dice]2[/dice]
Combat, Storm of Spirits 4 +2 [spend 1 Health] -2 [dice]3[/dice]
1 success, 1 Damage; card flipped 1+: The spirits siphon the creature's lifeforce, feeding it to you. If you defeat the Monster recover 1 Health and 1 Sanity.
There is a knock on her apartment door. "It's me, Agnes, it's Arthur, would you like to go for a picnic in the woods?"

She opens the door whilst brushing out the creases in her dress--she had been shaking uncontrollably, like she was having a fit upon the rug. "Mr. Danforth, yes--I mean, yes please!"
Arthur Danforth opens the checkered cloth and allows it to float down upon the grass. Agnes unloads the wicker basket: tea cups and plates, cucumber sandwiches, and little pink cakes.

"All quite perfect, thank you," says Agnes, resting on one arm and admiring the array of forget-me-nots nearby. She glances up at Arthur. "Mr. Danforth, whatever is the matter?"

"I was just thinking about the Miskatonic University expedition to Antarctica," answers Arthur, "there has been no radio communication with them for a while now." They look at each other, Agnes wonderingly--Arthur explains, "My brother is with the expedition."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Arthur." She rests a consoling hand upon Arthur's.

In the silent moments that follow, Agnes spots some scrapings on a tree trunk: presumably where two lovers have engraved their initials. She wanders across; can she guess who they are? "WB 4 UD" she reads. Beyond the lover’s tree is a camp fire surrounded by logs. "Some kids had a party here last night, no doubt," she thinks, and she smiles to herself, remembering good times in her youth.

A pile of branches, cut recently because of their curling, green leaves, lie beside the camp fire. She scuffs at the saw dust smeared bark with her sandals. It moves—the pile of branches moves! Agnes turns back to Arthur, an incredulous remark upon her lips.

The naked hag who rises before Agnes is utterly unbelievable. Its mouth opens in a silent scream before it lunges at Agnes with brown, decayed claws which scrape wickedly down her leg. She screams—aloud—and does a dead faint, falling flat upon the flowers, and dreams, in that instant, of a cathedral-like hall filled by a vaporous, many-armed monstrosity who she commands.
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Re: Mountains of Madness

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Re: Mountains of Madness

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Turn 2 Encounter Phase
In the morning, Ursula and Sir William have just finished eating breakfast when a big bear of a man in a parka bursts into the room, his eyes wild. "Shoggoth!" he screams, and then he proceeds to spout more nonsensical-sounding words.

"That's Professor MacGuffin!" cries Ursula. "He's one of the missing members of the Antarctic Expedition. There was a picture of him in that newspaper. These must be his things." She goes over to him and places a hand gently on his shoulder. "Calm down, Professor. Please tell me what's the matter."

"Shoggoth shoggoth shoggoth!" he yells, seizing her by the arm and dragging her from the room.

"Hey, where do you think you're going with my girl?!" exclaims Sir William, chasing after them.

Nothing Ursula does brings the man to his senses, and she recoils in terror. "No, let me go!" she shouts, struggling against the mad professor...or is he? She looks into his eyes and senses that he is not himself, that he has somehow been possessed, but she has no idea how to set him free. At the same time, he looks back into her eyes and seems to be aware that she knows. He wraps his huge hands around her throat and begins to strangle her. She has no choice but to take her axe and chop him nearly in half.

Sir William catches up and embraces Ursula. "Are you all right?" he asks.

"No.." she says, sobbing and rubbing her neck. "I've just killed a man, a man who didn't deserve to die. He was being controlled by something...something alien. Oh, Will, what have we stumbled into?"
OOC,Oof, poor [b]Agnes[/b]! I didn't do so well, either, but I did at least manage to finish the Mystery (as of the end of the Mythos phase). Influence-1 check failed. 0 Focus spent to reroll, failed. 1 Sanity lost. Hallucinations Condition gained. 1 Clue spent. Ambushed by Cultist. Lore-1 check failed. Combat check succeeded. Cultist defeated. Eldritch token placed on Mystery.
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Re: Mountains of Madness

Post by Tabs »

ooc,Our fortunes will improve!--although, saying that, Turn 2 saw Agnes gain a Spell and Ursula complete the Mystery requirements, so not too bad. :)

Turn 2, Mythos


Advance the Omen: red sun; Doom advances 1 (16 down to 15).
Monster Surge: Wendigo -> Rome.

Image Image

Spawn Clue: Tunguska.
Text Effect: Draw and resolve another Mythos card.


Advance the Omen: blue constellation [left hand]
Monster Surge: Gate: San Francisco (green comet), Cultist.

Image Image

Spawn Clue: Space 16.
Text Effect:

Image Image

Which one do I choose? These Tasks become more powerful the more Eldritch tokens or Monsters are placed on them. Benefits include defeating monsters, decreasing Doom or advancing the Mystery. Sealing the Old Ones looks a good 'un, expensive but potentially very useful.
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Re: Mountains of Madness

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,Sealing the Old Ones looks like the better choice, especially for [b]Agnes[/b]. She can always generate new Spells and is great with Lore. What's the second Mystery? If I don't need to do anything in Antarctica for it, it looks like I'll be returning by way of San Francisco instead of Rome. I'm not too keen on fighting that Wendigo, and maybe I'll get an Ally out of that Cultist this time.
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Re: Mountains of Madness

Post by Tabs »

ooc,Sealing the Old Ones it is! I reckon that 3 Eldritch tokens should be my aim.
Mystery solved (1 of 4). And the new one:

ooc,Agnes needs Health. My plan is: Rest and cast Healing Words (Eldritch token on to Sealing the Old Ones), and then move to Space 6; have a General Encounter at the City. If Ursula does go to San Francisco, Agnes, in Turn 4, could Trade to Ursula her Ally Danforth?
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Re: Mountains of Madness

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,Thanks, that sounds good to me! I think I will go to Frisco, as I need more Allies (and I'd rather not give up the one I started with). I'll use my first Action to try for a Clue in City of the Elder Things, as I'll need a couple of those too. Do you want to remain Lead Investigator?
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Re: Mountains of Madness

Post by Tabs »

ooc,Game mechanics--urgh! [strike]If Ursula moves to Frisco Turn 3 and has a Gate encounter, she'll have to, if she wants to, whizz back to the Plateau of Leng, before Agnes can Trade in Turn 4. How about: Rest and cast Healing Words, and cast Conjuration; have an Arkham Encounter.[/strike] Start again. Turn 3 Agnes gains a Train ticket, moves to Frisco; Cultist (gain an Ally), close Gate and whizz to Leng. Pray she doesn't lose 3 Health in the encounter. Ursula s/be Lead Investigator for Turn 3. Phew! :) What do you think?
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Mr. Handy
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Re: Mountains of Madness

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,Most of that sounds good to me, but [b]Agnes[/b] should go first just in case you fail to close the Gate. If you succeed, I'll use my first Action to try for a Clue and my second to move to Leng and Rest, and we can meet there and exchange stuff. I can then head for Lake's Camp and pick up another Clue along the way. If you fail, I'll use my second Action to move to Leng and use the Local Action to try to get to San Francisco to close the Gate and meet you there. If you fail and I go first, I'll be stuck waiting in Leng and wasting valuable time. You're definitely better at using Lore against the Cultists than I am, so you should be the one to do that.
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