The Protaganists

The year is 1867, the war that pitted brother against brother is over and some of the wounds are beginning to heal; the railroads are racing across the continent in a rush to connect the 2 oceans. The land is still untamed and the natives still a threat. Law is coming but the lawless roam free.

A chance find by our posse on the trail of train robbers leads to a terrifying adventure of horror that spans time and space.

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The Protaganists

Post by Papa Gateau »

This thread is for creating and discussing the characters you'll be playing
We'll be using the WOC2 Article - The Good, The Bad and the Utterly Insane for rules and character creation. A blank character sheet template can be found here. You will see from the sheet that there are new skills available.

Basic character creation is per standard rules.

Roll 3d6 each for STR, CON, POW, DEX, and APP.
Roll 2d6+6 each for SIZ and INT.
Roll 3d6+3 for EDU.

Personal Wealth will largely be determined by your character concept and Keeper fiat.

You can use Invisible Castle to make your rolls for character creation. You'll need to register and log in there in order to make entries in the Note section describing what you're rolling, but it's free. In the Character Name box, put the character's name, and be sure to use the same spelling consistently to make it easier to look up old rolls. For example: John Doe. Use The train to Hell for the campaign name.

Those are the only rolls you need to make for character creation. You are free to distribute the 3d6 rolls among the five stats that are rolled on 3d6, as well as to choose which 2d6+6 roll goes to SIZ and which to INT. If you're still not satisfied with your rolls, let me know and we'll work something out. If your rolls are abnormally low, I may permit a re-roll of the entire set.

You'll also need to decide on your character's age. The minimum age allowed is EDU+6, but you can always choose to make your character older. For every 10 full years above the minimum, you get +1 to your EDU (which also gets you an extra 20 occupational skill points). However, for every full 10 years above 40 (i.e., starting at age 50), you must reduce one of the following stats by 1: STR, CON, DEX, or APP.

Your character has the following derived stats:
Idea: INT x 5
Luck: POW x 5
Know: EDU x 5 (maximum of 99)
Damage Bonus: Calculate STR+SIZ and consult the following table

12 or less: -1d6
13-16: -1d4
17-24: +0
25-32: +1d4
33 or more: +1d6
Maximum Hit Points: (CON+SIZ)/2 (round fractions up)
Maximum Magic Points: POW
Starting Sanity: POW x 5

We'll be using the Careers and Backgrounds(if chosen) from the WOC2 article. If you don't feel any of the careers is a good fit for your character concept then PM me - we'll see what we can work out.

You get 20 x EDU skill points to spend on your career skills plus 10 x INT skill points for anything else.

The only skill that cannot be raised is Cthulhu Mythos, which always starts at 0%. The other skills have base levels of 1% or higher, and the points you spend add to those base levels. Use the skill list provided on the Character sheet.

Starting skills should not be higher than 75 without a good reason which should be clear in your character concept. Older, more experienced characters are more likely to have exceptionally high skills, so they'll get more leeway in this area than youngsters. In any event, you shouldn't have any skill higher than 90 to begin. Spend all your skill points during character creation, as they're of no use once the game is underway.

Any questions PM me.
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

The Train to Hell - A Grim Praririe Tale
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Re: The Protaganists

Post by ghill »


Name: Captain John Strachan
Age: 32
Occupation: Gentleman (former cavalry officer)
Education: Eton
Birthplace: Edinburgh

The dashingly handsome Captain John Strachan formerly of the 2nd Dragoons (Scotts Greys) a passably good cavalry officer, from a good family. He arrived in Confederate States in the early stages of the war as an observer for her majesties government, at the end of the war Strachan chose to resign his commission and seek his fortune in the West" at this point he is near the end of his available cash and is no closer to achieving the fortune he originally sought.

STR : 13
DEX : 12
INT : 16
CON : 10
APP : 17
POW : 9
SIZ : 11
EDU : 12
Age : 32
SAN : 45
Idea : 80
Luck : 45
Know : 60
Magic Pts : 9
Hit Pts : 11
Damage Bonus : Nil
Skill Pts : 240
Hobby Pts : 160

Investigator skills
Occupational points: 240+50 for combat/firearm skills (Soldier); Personal points: 160

DEX + (Pistol/10) + (Quick Draw/10): 6

Accounting 10 +20 =25%
Bargain 05 +30 = 35%
Gamble: 1+45 = 46%
Grit 2x10 : 20%
Languages, (own) English: 60%
Languages, (other) French: 35%
Listen 25 +15 = 40%
Navigate 10+15=25%
Ride Horse 05+55 =60%
Sneak 10%
Spot Hidden 25 +15 = 40%
Fast Talk 05 +50 = 40%
Persuade 15 +10 = 65%
Credit Rating 12%

Dodge 24+15=39%
Grapple 25 =25%
Head Butt 10=10%
Kick 25=25%
Pistol 20+45=65%
Colt Walkers .44 Revolver Dam 1D10+2, Range 20, RoF 1 (1), Ammo 6, Malfunction 00, HP 11
Punch 50=50%
Sabre 25 +25=50%
Shotgun 30%
Purdey 12g Dam 4d6/2d6/1d6, Range 10/20/50, ROF 1(2), Ammo 2, Malfunction 00, HP10
Rifle 25%
Spoilers,Strachan's weakness is gambling, unfortunately Strachan suffered a rather long streak of bad luck, which coincided with his principle debtor finding out about the affair Strachan had been having with the man's wife. As a result Strachan has been forced to sell his home, his commission in the 2nd and his seat at "the Rag"; he was also told that should he return to London he would be "Blackballed". The proceeds of these sales should have been enough to clear his debts and pay for a commission had Strachan not gambled most of them away. Strachan resents having to stay in the Americas, but refuses to accept the fault is his own. He continues to gamble. Given a suitable opportunity to raise cash and stay within the law will jump at it.
Wide-brimmed plantation hat, Tropical weight suit and shirt. Two double-breasted waistcoats, frock coat, trousers, two shirts and collars; adequate undergarments and nightware, wash kit including straight razor/mug/soap/brush, tropical kit, water bottle, walking stick, shoulder bag and watercolours. Two Colt Walker Model 1847 pistols cased. 1796 Heavy Cavalry Sword cased. Purdey 12 bore single barrel shotgun cased. Cash $13
Last edited by ghill on Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:54 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: James "Big Jim" Murdoch

Post by Mr. Handy »

Name: James "Big Jim" Murdoch
Age: 31
Sex: Male
Occupation: Cavalry Trooper
Yearly Income:
Background (if chosen):


Appearance & Personality:
James "Big Jim" Murdoch is very tall, standing at six and a half feet, with short dark hair and deep-set eyes. He is ordinary-looking, and he would be able to blend into a crowd if not for his extreme height. He is strong and tough, though not the most coordinated or the brightest. Jim has a strong sense of honor and chivalry, having grown up with tales of the knights of old.

Jim was born on a small family farm in northern Virginia, where he grew big and strong helping out and displayed an affinity for horses. When he was old enough, he went to the United States Military Academy at West Point to become a cavalryman. Several of his fellow cadets would later become well-known on both sides of the coming war, such as J.E.B. Stuart. Jim graduated in 1856 and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Cavalry.

In October 1859, abolitionist John Brown raided Harper's Ferry, Virginia. Jim rode with Stuart under the command of then-Colonel Robert E. Lee to defeat the raiders. Tensions continued to increase in the months that followed, and Jim was appalled as the country was torn asunder. Virginia remained in the Union at first, but once war erupted it seceded and joined the Confederate States. At that point, both Jim Murdoch and Stuart resigned their commissions from the U.S. Army and joined the Army of Northern Virginia, again under Lee's command. Jim has long admired and respected Lee for his dedication to honor and strategic genius, and he has been a good friend of Stuart, who was now his commanding officer in the C.S. cavalry, since their days together at West Point. Jim had no love of slavery, but he supported the Confederate cause because he opposed the federal government's encroachment on the States and its undermining of the Constitution. He would have preferred that their differences could have been settled peacefully, but the outbreak of war put an end to those hopes.

At first the war was going well, with the Confederacy winning just about every battle. However, Jim knew that they were fighting outside their weight, and that they needed the aid of Britain and France. Those countries, whle giving covert support to the CSA, refused to openly recognize it or join in the war effort. A major victory would be needed against the Union on its own territory in order to win their open support. Jim often rode with Captain Strachan, a British observer who had many fascinating tales to tell of travels and battles in far-off lands. Jim had hoped that he would convince his superiors to support the Confederacy more. The first chance to strike the sort of blow needed came in September 1862, when Lee split his army into five groups to invade the North. However, the Union somehow got wind of their plans. General McClellan, the normally hesitant commander of the Army of the Potomac, moved with uncharacteristic speed to intercept them at Sharpsburg, Maryland on the Antietam River, resulting in a huge battle and the single bloodiest day of the war. The invasion was thwarted, but McClellan's caution allowed the Confederate forces to withdraw.

The final chance came in the early summer of 1863, with another attempted invasion. This one made it further, into central Pennsylvania. Lee's army was set to take Harrisburg, a vital rail hub, and from there to strike out for an even greater target such as Philadlphia, Baltimore, or Washington, D.C. itself. Such a victory would have surely won British recognition, but it was not to be. A chance encounter with the Union Army in the first few days of July launched a fierce battle at Gettysburg. Jim fought his hardest, but victory remained elusive. The final push came on July 3 with Pickett's Charge, during which Jim was wounded and knocked from his horse. This turned out to save his life, as those who proceeded much beyond that point did not return. Though he survived, he knew that the battle was lost, and most likely the war with it - a dread that was confirmed when he heard of the fall of Vicksburg on July 4.

Though most hope was gone, Jim still gave it his all for the remainder of the war. The death of Stuart was a grievous blow, but Jim carried on in his memory. The only hope was to hold out long enough that the Union would sue for peace. In 1864 it seemed to be working, as the Confederates fought the Union to a standstill in Virginia and made it impossible for them to take Richmond. It looked like Lincoln would lose the election to be replaced by a candidate who favored peace, but the choice of Andrew Johnson as a running mate on a unity ticket and Union advances in the fall helped Lincoln win regardless. The war was fought to the bitter end. Jim rode with Lee after the fall of Richmond when the Confederate capital was moved to Danville in 1865, and he was there at Appomattox Court House when Lee surrendered to spare his men further pointless deaths in a cause that was already lost.

After the war, Jim tried to return home, only to find that his family had been driven from their home. It was just a small farm and not a plantation, and they had not been wealthy enough to have been able to keep slaves, but that hadn't stopped the carpetbaggers from stealing their land. Jim struggled hard to provide for his family. In the end, he decided to head out west to acquire a new homestead for the Murdochs, where land was said to be there for the taking. Once he establishes himself there, his plan is to send a telegram back to his family to come out west and join him there. The railroad under construction should also ease their journey once it is completed.

Languages Spoken: English

STR: 14
CON: 14
SIZ: 16
DEX: 9
APP: 9
INT: 10, Idea 50 (= INT X 5)
POW: 8, Luck/SAN 40 (= POW X 5)
EDU: 16, Know 80 (= EDU X 5) [includes +1 from age]


DEX + (Pistol/10) + (Quick Draw/10): 16

Sanity: 40
current Sanity: 40
phobias/mental disorders:

Hit Points (= (CON+SIZ)/2): 15
current Hit Points: 15

Magic Points: 8
current Magic Points: 8
Damage Bonus: +1D4

Occupational/Professional Skill Points 320+50 combat for occupation (= EDU X 20): (should be highlighted in italics)
Personal/Private/Hobby Skill Points 100 (= INT X 10): (should be preceded by a dot ("."))
Any skill with points added upon creation of character: (should be highlighted in bold text)

Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art (05%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Chemistry (01%):
Climb (40%):
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Demolitions (01%):
Disguise (01%):
Dodge (DEX×2): 18%
Fast Talk (05%):
First Aid (30%): 51%
Foraging (01%):
Gamble (01%):
Geology (01%):
Grit (CONx2): 28%
Hide (10%):
History (05%):
Homesteading (01%):
Insight (10%):
Jump (25%):
Lasso (05%):
Law (05%):
Legends & Lore (15%):
Library Use (25%):
.Listen (25%): 55%
Locksmith (01%):
Medicine (05%):
Meterology (05%):
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (10%):
Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%):
Other Language (01%):
Own Language (EDU×5%): 80%
Persuade (15%):
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pick Pocket (05%):
Pilot (01%):
Ride (05%): 70%
Scripture (10%):
Seduce (01%):
Sixth Sense (05%):
Sneak (10%):
Spit (10%):
.Spot Hidden (25%): 55%
Swim (25%):
Teamster (20%): 60%
Tether (01%):
Throw (25%):
Tipple (01%):
Track (10%):
Trap (01%):

Black-Powder weapons (01%):
Pistol (20%): 70%
Quick Draw (01%):
Rifle (25%): 70%
Shotgun (30%):
Machine Gun (05%):

Fist/Punch (50%): 70%
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%): 50%
Grapple (25%):
Martial Arts (01%): 50%
Knife (25%): 65%
Saber (15%): 75%

Horse with saddle, bridle, saddlebags, blanket, feed
.44 Winchester "Yellow Boy" Rifle [Dam 2D6+3, Range 100, RoF 1 (3/2), Ammo 15, Malfunction 98, HP 12]
Remington New Model Army .44 Revolver [Dam 1D10+2, Range 20, RoF 1 (1), Ammo 6, Malfunction 00, HP 11]
Extra ammo
Cavalry saber [Dam 1D8+1+1D4]
Bowie knife [Dam 1D4+2+1D4]
Full canteen (Confederate Army issue)
Gun cleaning kit
Military boots (Confederate Army issue)
Stetson hat
Riding clothes
Extra set of clothes
Straight razor
Pocket watch
Rations (2 days)
Mess kit
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
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Re: The Protaganists

Post by Tabs »


[dice]0[/dice][dice]1[/dice] [dice]2[/dice][dice]3[/dice][dice]4[/dice][dice]5[/dice][dice]6[/dice] [dice]7[/dice]

Name: Harriet Tubman
Age: 28
Sex: Female
Occupation: School teacher
Yearly Income:

Harriet Tubman, a freed slave, chose to live on in the slave states to help her less fortunate family and friends. Now, in 1867, she teaches children in the school room of Fairfax Baptist Church. Although the civil war is over and freedom has been won, life for most black Americans is still one of toil and drudgery; Harriet does all she can to educate, believing, sincerely, it is the means to improve one's lot in life.

12 years in Fairax has left her emotionally exhausted and longing for a change. And that is when she chanced upon James Murdoch. He had stopped to water his horse, in the trough beside the school room, and they struck up a conversation. He mentioned that he was riding out west. Harriet divined that Jim is a good man, and asked to join with him as his camp servant--she'll prepare the meals (and he can offer her protection). She spends her savings on Pepe, a tough mule, and packs her worldly possessions in a hessian sack.


Appearance & Personality:
A picture could be added, of course.

If there are any, a detailed inventory of the countries already visited.

Languages Spoken:

STR: 6
CON: 12
SIZ: 7
DEX: 12
APP: 9
INT: 16, Idea (= INT X 5)
POW: 15, Luck/SAN (= POW X 5)
EDU: 14, Know (= EDU X 5)


DEX + (Pistol/10) + (Quick Draw/10):

current Sanity:
phobias/mental disorders:

Hit Points (= (CON+SIZ)/2):
current Hit Points: 10

Magic Points: 75
current Magic Points:
Damage Bonus: -1d4

Occupational/Professional Skill Points (= EDU X 20): (should be highlighted in italics) 280
Personal/Private/Hobby Skill Points (= INT X 10): (should be preceded by a dot (".")) 160
Any skill with points added upon creation of character: (should be highlighted in bold text)

Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%): +30 =31
Art (05%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Chemistry (01%):
Climb (40%):
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%): +30 =35
Credit Rating (15%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Demolitions (01%):
.Disguise (01%): +30 =31
.Dodge (DEX×2): 24 +30 =54
.Fast Talk (05%): +40 =45
First Aid (30%):
Foraging (01%):
Gamble (01%):
Geology (01%):
Grit (CONx2):
Hide (10%):
History (05%): +40 =45
Homesteading (01%): +20 =21
Insight (10%): +20 =30
Jump (25%):
Lasso (05%):
Law (05%):
Legends & Lore (15%): +20 =35
Library Use (25%): +20 =45
Listen (25%):
Locksmith 01%):
Medicine (05%):
Meterology (05%):
Natural History (10%): +20 =30
Navigate (10%):
Occult (10%):
Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%):
Other Language (01%):
Own Language (EDU×5%):
Persuade (15%): +40 =55
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pick Pocket (05%):
Pilot (01%):
Ride (05%):
Scripture (10%): +40 =50
Seduce (01%):
Sixth Sense (05%):
.Sneak (10%): +40 =50
Spit (10%):
Spot Hidden (25%):
Swim (25%):
Teamster (20%):
Tether (01%):
Throw (25%):
Tipple (01%):
Track (10%):
Trap (01%):

Black-Powder weapons (01%):
Pistol (20%):
Quick Draw (01%):
Rifle (25%):
.Shotgun (30%): +20 =50
Machine Gun (05%):

Fist/Punch (50%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):
Grapple (25%):
Martial Arts (01%):

Property/Equipment carried on expedition:
Shotgun & 10 shells (a farewell gift from her Uncle Tom), jewellery box containing 3 necklaces, 2 bracelets and an aquamarine ring.
Posts: 102
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Re: The Protaganists

Post by NFVD »


Chargen dice rolls:
FVD rolled 3d6:
2, 4, 2

NFVD rolled 3d6:
3, 6, 3

NFVD rolled 3d6:
3, 3, 3

NFVD rolled 3d6:
1, 6, 3

NFVD rolled 3d6:
2, 2, 1

NFVD rolled 2d6+6 and got a total of 12:
2, 4

NFVD rolled 2d6+6 and got a total of 12:
3, 3

NFVD rolled 3d6+3 and got a total of 13:
5, 3, 2
Name: Mario "El Monje" Malhecho
Age: 31
Sex: Male
Occupation: Bandito (shootist)
Yearly Income:
Background: Mexican (12 points cost, +1 POW, +1 CON, English EDUx1, -20% Credit Rating)

Appearance & Personality: A typical Mexican of higher than average height with a face even his mother didn't love that much. Dresses the part of the bandito flawlessly, peasant clothes, huge colorful sombrero, two catridge belts crossed over his chest, baby calf skull belt buckle, leather boots with uncommonly large heels and mean hunting knife on an indian-made leather sheat tied to his upper leg. Carries his pistols in a black twin belt holster with mother-of-pearl inlays (taken from some poor dead bastard). Wears a large silver crucifix on leather necklace cord. Loves women, American whiskey and money. Says his prayers nightly before retiring to bed. Gives names to his weapons.
By modern medical standards Mario is a functioning psychopath with two redeaming features: his respect for the catholic church and its representatives (he is rumored to have killed all members of his gang in the past when they sey out to desecrate a church, hence his nickname), and his willingness to follow a leader rather than trying to be top dog. Would sell his own grandmother, but sadly slavery has long been outlawed in Mexico. His avowed racism is a coping mechanism to deal with his latent lack of self-worth due to his lower-than-dirt origins.

Background: Mario "The Monk" Malhecho was born 3rd son to the kind of miserably poor Mexican family that seems to form the overwhelming majority of that country's population. As tradition dictated for his number among siblings he was sent to seminariary to become a priest. His parent's hopes were dashed when he fled the institution (stealing the silver crucifix of the head priest alogn the way) and disappeared in the wild Mexican expanses. Somewhere along his wanderings Mario met some unsaviory indiduals and learn the skills that mean bastards need to survive in a mean world. His career has a bandito down in Mexico was neither notorious or particularly profitable, but it did arouse the anger of the local authorities (and other worse groups) to the point he felt seeking new airs was a sensible course of action. With the war up North ended and the los gringos undertaking vast projects in the West rumors began filtering down about the opportunities held there for men of low scruples and high initiative. Crossing the Rio Grande, Mario began riding his way there.

Languages Spoken: Spanish, English

STR: 9
CON: 9
SIZ: 12
DEX: 12
APP: 5
INT: 12, Idea 60%
POW: 15, Luck 50%
EDU: 14, Know 65% (+1 from age)


DEX + (Pistol/10) + (Quick Draw/10): 22

Sanity: 55
current Sanity: 55
phobias/mental disorders: none (that current mental medicine can diagnose)

Hit Points (= (CON+SIZ)/2): 11
current Hit Points: 11

Magic Points: 11
current Magic Points: 11
Damage Bonus: +0

Occupational/Professional Skill Points (260): (should be highlighted in italics)
Personal/Private/Hobby Skill Points (120): (should be preceded by a dot ("."))
Any skill with points added upon creation of character: (should be highlighted in bold text)
Special: +70% to be divided among firearms skills

Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art (05%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Chemistry (01%):
Climb (40%):
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%): 00% (!)
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Demolitions (01%):
Disguise (01%):
Dodge (DEX×2): 56%
Fast Talk (05%):
First Aid (30%): 60%
Foraging (01%):
Gamble (01%):
Geology (01%):
Grit (CONx2): 50%
.Hide (10%): 30%
History (05%):
Homesteading (01%):
.Insight (10%): 30%
Jump (25%):
Lasso (05%):
Law (05%):
Legends & Lore (15%):
Library Use (25%):
Listen (25%):
Locksmith 01%):
Medicine (05%):
Meterology (05%):
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (10%):
Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%):
.Other Language (English) (01%): 25%
Own Language (Spanish) (EDU×5%): 65%
Persuade (15%):
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pick Pocket (05%):
Pilot (01%):
Ride (05%): 57%
.Scripture (10%): 26%
Seduce (01%):
Sixth Sense (05%): 37%
.Sneak (10%): 30%
Spit (10%):
Spot Hidden (25%): 57%
Swim (25%):
Teamster (20%):
Tether (01%):
Throw (25%):
Tipple (01%):
Track (10%): 42%
Trap (01%):

Black-Powder weapons (01%):
Pistol (20%): 55%
Quick Draw (01%): 33%
Rifle (25%): 66%
Shotgun (30%): 50%
Machine Gun (05%):

Fist/Punch (50%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):
Grapple (25%):
Martial Arts (01%):
.Knife (25%): 45%

Colorful Sombrero
White-ish Mexican peasant garb
High-heeled boots
Red echarpe
Baby calf skull belt buckle
Two catridge belts (on person)
More catridge belts (on horse)
Indian leather knife sheat
Black twin belt holster with mother-of-pearl inlays
Large silver crucifix on leather necklace cord.
Washkit (soap, razor, strop)
Water canteen
Another water canteen (filled with moonshine)
2 days rations (dried beans, jerky, coffee and a generous portion of pimienta)
Tin plate, fork and mug
Saddle bags
$20 dólares Americanos
Ocioso (mixed breed Mexican horse)
Matador sin dolor, .44 Henry Repeating Rifle - Dmg: 1d8+1d6+2, Range: 80, RoF: 1(3/2), Ammo: 16, Malf: 98, HP: 12
Tronadora, .44 Remington New Model Army Revolver - Dmg: 1d10+2, Range: 20, RoF: 1(1), Ammo: 6, Malf: 00, HP: 11
Viuda Negra, .44 Remington New Model Army Revolver - Dmg: 1d10+2, Range: 20, RoF: 1(1), Ammo: 6, Malf: 00, HP: 11
La Escoba, 12-gauge double-barreled sawed off shotgun - Dmg: 4d6/1d6, Range: 5/10, RoF: 1 or 2, Ammo: 2, Malf: 00, HP: 12 (on saddle holster)
Esbirra, machete-like hunting knife - Dmg: 1d4+2
Las Niñitas, other smaller knives hidden on person - Dmg: 1d4

Money roll
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Re: The Protaganists

Post by Priest »

Dr Ethan P Farnworthy.

Originally hails from Arkansas, but after being tossed out of medical college in 1839 started an ignominious career practicing medicine in Missouri. With the outbreak of the war of northern aggression he was rumoured to have ridden with Quantrill on several ‘raids’ including the sacking of Lawrence, Kansas.
Before the war ended and retribution caught up with the ‘guerrillas’ Farnsworthy had relocated to the border with Mexico. Here he made a living as a preacher come doctor, dispensing scripture with medicine, to the people on both sides of the border, as well as running the occasional whiskey and guns to the ‘injuns’.
Eventually things got a little to hot for him and it seemed he was heading for a neck tie party as the guest of honour. So leaving fast with little more than the clothes on hi back, Farnsworthy headed north eventually fetching up in Nebraska, North Platte to be exact were he took up medicine and the Bible once more.
Hell, the railroad meant people, and people needed medicine for both body and soul, and he, Dr Ethan P Farsworthy, was the man to feed both.

Farnsworthy is 52 years old by 1867 and the signs of hard living are etched deep on his face, the little that can be seen above his heavy beard and whiskers. He is thin, painfully so, and dresses in black, well dusty black, as befits a man of God and a man of medicine.
As a preacher he has all the right words, if not the correct interpretation, as a doctor? Well some of his patients survive. His prize possessions appear to be a leather bound Bible, and a worn .36 colt which he wears in a crossdraw rig with a buckle stamped CSA. Other possessions, including a mismatched set of doctoring tools, he carries in a fraying carpet bag.

Overall, there is little to endear him to anyone else, he has been described as a “nasty little backshootin’ coyote” and that “it’s safer bedin’ down in a nest of rattlers, than taking your eyes offa him for more’n a minute”

Age: 52
Sex: Male
Occupation: Preacher/Doctor
Yearly Income:
Languages Spoken: American, Latin

STR: 09 (10 -1 age)
CON: 13
SIZ: 16
DEX: 13
APP: 07
INT: 17 , Idea (= INT X 5): 85
POW: 09, Luck/SAN (= POW X 5): 45
EDU: 17+2 , Know (= EDU X 5): 95
3d6 → [6,5,2] = (13) Dex
3d6 → [6,3,1] = (10) Str
3d6 → [5,1,1] = (7) App
3d6 → [4,3,6] = (13) Con
3d6 → [1,4,4] = (9) Pow
2d6+6 → [5,5,6] = (16) Siz
2d6+6 → [5,6,6] = (17) Int
3d6+3 → [3,6,5,3] = (17) Edu

Draw 16
DEX + (Pistol/10) + (Quick Draw/10):

current Sanity:
phobias/mental disorders:

Hit Points (= (CON+SIZ)/2): 15
current Hit Points:

Magic Points:
current Magic Points:
Damage Bonus:

Occupational/Professional Skill Points (EDU X 20 = 340): (should be highlighted in italics) +40 extra for age
Personal/Private/Hobby Skill Points (INT X 10 = 170): (should be preceded by a dot ("."))
Any skill with points added upon creation of character: (should be highlighted in bold text)

Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art (05%):
Bargain (05%): 30
Biology (01%): 30
Chemistry (01%):
Climb (40%):
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Demolitions (01%):
Disguise (01%):
Dodge (DEX×2):
Fast Talk (05%): 70
First Aid (30%): 30
Foraging (01%):
.Gamble (01%): 40
Geology (01%):
Grit (CONx2):
Hide (10%):
History (05%):
Homesteading (01%):
Insight (10%):
Jump (25%):
Lasso (05%):
Law (05%):
Legends & Lore (15%):
Library Use (25%):
Listen (25%):
Locksmith 01%):
Medicine (05%): 50
Meterology (05%):
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (10%):
Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%):
Other Language (01%): Latin 50
Own Language (EDU×5%):
Persuade (15%): 70
Pharmacy (01%):25
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pick Pocket (05%):
Pilot (01%):
.Ride (05%): 30
Scripture (10%): 50
Seduce (01%):
.Sixth Sense (05%): 30
Sneak (10%):
.Spit (10%): 20
Spot Hidden (25%):
Swim (25%):
Teamster (20%):
Tether (01%):
Throw (25%):
Tipple (01%):
Track (10%):
Trap (01%):

.Black-Powder weapons (01%): 20
.Pistol (20%): 30
Quick Draw (01%):
Rifle (25%):
Shotgun (30%):
Machine Gun (05%):

Fist/Punch (50%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):
Grapple (25%):
Martial Arts (01%):

Property/Equipment carried on expedition:
Colt .36 Navy 1d8 15 ½ (1) 6 BP 10
Fighting Knife (Arkansas Toothpick) 25% 1d4+2+DB T 1 15
Single crossdraw holster on leather belt with tin buckle stamped CSA. Cap pouch and knife scabbard at back.

Bible (leather Bound with gold embossed lettering)
Carpet Bag containing collection of doctors implements, spare shirt, copy of old newspaper, old battered medical journal with several pages missing, half empty bottle of cheap rotgut whiskey.
Corn-Cob pipe and tobacco pouch. Matches.

1 black wool suit (worn, patched and dusty). White(ish) shirt with no collar. Worn, down at the heels, lace up ankle boots. Wide brimmed hat (Texas wide awake style)
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
- Anais Nin
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