IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

As UNIT's raid on Dunwich unfolds, disaster strikes. The opposition is prepared for their attack, and everything hangs in the balance of a battle that could go either way.

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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

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Carla's blast was deadly accurate even at this long range, and the Sea Devil seated on the throne took it full in the chest. It slumped over, dying. Leonek sprayed bullets around, but they just whizzed past.

Two of the soldiers recoiled in terror when they saw these things for the first time, but they weren't too badly affected. The one with the flamer engulfed the fleeing Sea Devil in fire, burning it badly. It fell with a shriek and lay still. The next soldier fired a short burst at the female Sea Devil with impressive accuracy. She leapt behind one of the pillars, avoiding the gunfire. The other two soldiers, unable to see any active targets, rushed forward as ordered with their rifles at the ready.

They stopped in their tracks more than halfway to the pit as something started to bubble up from the depths. The female Sea Devil cackled wildly from behind cover. "Now you're done for!" she called. "Rover will finish you all!"

The Sea Devil on the throne could no longer pull the lever, but the damage had already been done before anyone had entered the chamber. The pit was open enough that the horror could squeeze through the opening, and the lever to close it was all the way across the chamber. In its current position, the cover on the pit continued to slide away automatically. Leonek had seen the thing in the pit before, and he had hoped never to see it again, but for Carla and her soldiers the horror was fresh. The thing was enormous and a pale, ghostly white in the flickering torchlight. It didn't look that big at first, but as it emerged, it seemed to inflate in size. It was covered in horrible eyes and mouths - far, far too many of them - and it was looking directly at them. When the monstrosity emerged in its full hideousness, it resembled a gigantic misshapen sphere. And then it began to roll towards them...
OOC,[b]Carla[/b], please roll Sanity. Sanity loss is 1d6/1d20. Again, if you lose 5 or more Sanity, you must roll Idea. If you succeed at the Idea roll, you will go temporarily insane. As long as you do not go insane, you may act freely this round before [b]Rover[/b] gets a chance to act. [b]Leonek[/b], you do not need to roll Sanity, as you've already seen it before. You may also act before the creature does.
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

Post by TheVaultTech »

OOC:   I'm on mobile so I can't see how to use these forums to roll, and invisible castle is down. If someone can roll for me, or send me a pm or something on how to use the roller, I'd be appreciative  
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

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OOC,[url=http://www.callofcthulhu.org.uk/pbp/viewtopic.php?f=318&t=5318]This thread[/url] has instructions for using the built-in dice roller. If you don't or can't roll by the time [b]Leonek[/b] acts, I'll roll for you.
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,You passed the Sanity roll (you rolled a 73, and your Sanity is 76, so you only lose 1d6 Sanity instead of 1d20. Please roll 1d6. If that roll is 4 or less, then you do not go insane and may act freely. If you roll 5 or more, then I'll tell you what your insanity is (you've already passed your Idea roll above).
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

Post by TheVaultTech »

OOC,b-but I wanted to go insane...
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,Good news! You still go insane, and you even rolled the same number! [b]Leonek[/b], if you attack [b]Rover[/b], you get +25 to your base chance to hit due to its enormous size.
Sergeant Carla Ecarg,Type and duration of temporary insanity: [dice]0[/dice] [dice]1[/dice] For the next 6 rounds, you have a strange desire to eat the Sea Devils. The one nearby is even already cooked...
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

Post by TheVaultTech »

Sergeant Ecarg's eyes go wide, and she realises she's going to need some sustenance to win this fight.
"Men, fire on that thing! I need food!" Carla runs to the cooked Sea Devil and tears open its flesh to begin digging into it voraciously
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,Because you went insane from something Mythos-related, you also gain 5 points of Cthulhu Mythos. You may immediately roll against Cthulhu Mythos now as well, just like you would roll on any other skill.
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

Post by DrPeterson »

Leonek gasped as Rover bubbled out of its lair. He lowered his gun as the thing slowly took form and spoke:

"Explosiwes, ve need explosiwes..."

Tumbling from one shock into the other, Leonek gazes incredulously as Carla starts to chew on the Deep One.

He runs towards her, grabs her arm and tries to keep her from eating the thing.

"Sergeant, ve need to double back, ve need more room for the missiles."
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

Post by TheVaultTech »

Carla wipes her mouth, "Not nesheshary. Brought pashtic eploshives." Carla chomps on another piece of delicious Sea Devil.
"Thought might be ushful in 'ere."
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

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The soldier with the flamethrower was terrified, but he stood his ground and sprayed the monstrosity for all he was worth. Rover seemed to shriek, as if it were in intense pain - which it very well may have been. The other soldier beside him near the entrance hosed it down on full auto, which also seemed to be hurting it. Nearer to the pit, one of the men who had charged forward desperately brought up his rifle and also tore into it on full automatic. The other one dropped his rifle and ran back to where Carla was kneeling over the fallen Sea Devil. Carla quickly discovered that the Sea Devil was covered with scales, and it was impossible to simply bite through them. The creature was also breathing shallowly, indicating it was still alive, but that didn't really matter. The soldier beside her took out his knife. "This should be sharp enough to cut it, Sarge," he said, licking his lips. "I bet they taste real good filleted."

Leonek found a large amount of C4 in Carla's pack. She carried a dozen pounds of the stuff, enough to destroy this chamber many times over.

Rover rolled and bounced forward, oozing ichor from its many wounds. The hapless soldier in front of it let out a plaintive scream as it rolled over him, crushing him beneath its bulk. It continued moving, heading for the two soldiers at the entrance...
OOC,[b]Leonek[/b], you never told me how many bullets you fired last round. If you don't specify, I'll assume it was 8, which would maximize your chance to hit. if you wish to arm and plant some C4, it will require an Electrical Repair roll. You must also decide how much explosives to use, and for how many rounds from now to set the timer. The details are on [b]Carla[/b]'s character sheet. There are 12 pounds of explosives. Note that doing excessive damage will collapse the chamber by taking out the pillars. This is very bad for anyone still in the chamber at the time. :twisted: You'll probably want to leave enough time for you to get yourself out of the blast radius, unless you want to go out in a blaze of glory. You're currently some twenty feet from the entrance to the chamber (so less than seven yards). The blast will follow you beyond that. You need to be at least eighteen yards from ground zero at the time of detonation to avoid all damage, which will take two rounds of running after you've set the charges (which takes one round). Note that a failed roll may cause the explosives to detonate too soon, too late, or not at all. UNIT Soldiers' Sanity rolls (current levels 45, 44, 44, and 45) [dice]0[/dice] [dice]1[/dice] [dice]2[/dice] [dice]3[/dice] UNIT Soldiers' Sanity losses (current levels 45, 44, 44, and 45) [dice]4[/dice] [dice]5[/dice] [dice]6[/dice] [dice]7[/dice] UNIT Soldiers 1, 2, and 4's Idea rolls (60% stat) [dice]8[/dice] [dice]9[/dice] [dice]10[/dice] UNIT Soldier 4's type and duration of temporary insanity [dice]11[/dice] [dice]12[/dice] UNIT Soldier 1's Flamethrower roll (35 + 25 = 60% skill) attacking [b]Rover[/b] [dice]13[/dice] UNIT Soldier 1''s Flamethrower damage, impale [dice]14[/dice] UNIT Soldier 2's Rifle roll (55 + 55 = 110% skill) shooting at [b]Rover[/b], 20-round burst [dice]15[/dice] UNIT Soldier 2's hits [dice]16[/dice] UNIT Solier 3's Rifle roll ((55 + 55) x 2 = 220% skill) shooting at [b]Rover[/b], 20-round burst, point blank [dice]17[/dice] UNIT Soldier 3's hits [dice]18[/dice] [b]Rover[/b]'s Crush attack (70% skill) on UNIT Soldier 3 [dice]19[/dice]
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

Post by TheVaultTech »

"Thank you, soldier. I wonder if it's cooked inside, or if we'll be treated to sushi." Carla's mouth waters as she haphazardly tears into the Sea Devil with the knife- peeling apart scales and ripping out soft flesh.
"Leo! Fix up that C4! If you don't slow that thing down, it'll crush us before we can enjoy our meal!" Carla turns to her fellow diner, glancing at his name tag,"Be sure not to get any scales in your teeth, it'll probably hurt like hell."
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

Post by DrPeterson »

"Aye, aye, Sergeant."

Leonek slings his gun on his back, ignoring the two ghastly diners as best he can and gets down to placing the C4.
OOC-bullets:,8 bullets sounds fine, Mr. H.
OOC-C4:,Let's just blow the lot. Leonek is going to place all charges and set the timer for three rounds. One to drag Ecarg away from the corpse and two to run.
Electric Repair 65%,[dice]0[/dice]
We're cooked...,bugger
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

Post by TheVaultTech »

"'Aye, aye' is navy, jackhole."
OOC:   It's wonderful how quickly this turned to hell. At least Rover won't kill us?  
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Leonek hurried to take out the detonators and arm the explosives, perhaps hurrying too much, while Carla and the other soldier, whose nametag read Hodges, cut into and chowed down on the fallen Sea Devil. It did remind them of sushi, with the insides having been insulated by the scales.

Rover barreled past them, leaving the soldier it had crushed as a thin red smear on the ground. The UNIT soldier with the flamethrower panicked, firing a stream of flame over the monster's...top. It didn't really have a head. The rifleman sprayed madly, though only one bullet struck Rover, whose wounds were already starting to slowly close up. Then the rifle clicked, its magazine exhausted. "Oh, bugger-" was the soldier's last word before Rover rolled on top of them both, engulfing them. It was now positioned between the survivors and the exit...
OOC,Who says the explosives will go off? The way I see it, immediate detonation would be merciful. [b]Leonek[/b], please roll Spot Hidden. [b]Carla[/b], now that you've had a taste of Sea Devil, you and [b]Jenkins[/b] may allow self-preservation to take precedence when it comes to fleeing. No attacking [b]Rover[/b], though. You're still insane for now. UNIT Soldier 1's Flamethrower roll (35 + 25 = 60% skill) attacking [b]Rover[/b] [dice]0[/dice] UNIT Soldier 2's Rifle roll (55 + 25 + 35 = 115% skill), shooting at [b]Rover[/b], 7-round burst [dice]1[/dice] UNIT Soldier 2's hits [dice]2[/dice] [b]Rover[/b]'s damage to Soldier 3 [dice]3[/dice] [b]Rover[/b]'s Crush attacks (70% chance) on Soldiers 1 and 2 [dice]4[/dice] [dice]5[/dice]
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Re: IC-Ep 5-Caves of Terror(Leonek Novak/Carla Ecarg)

Post by DrPeterson »

Are you not merciful?,[img]http://www.techcentral.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/300-empire-640-3.jpg[/img]
Spot Hidden-fail,[dice]0[/dice]
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."

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