Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

In Leagues of Adventure the characters are all middle and upper class Victorians who go on wild adventures in response to wagers, handsome payments from rich patrons, invitations from adventuring leagues, or
simply out of sheer boredom. Opportunities abound to thwart dastardly deeds, discover lost cities, mingle with new cultures, and plumb the darkest depths of the globe.

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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Tabs »

OOC:   I like the description when Bertha recoils!  
Klevendon doesn't know what to do, "Oh, the horror, the horror!" he thinks. He grabs hold of Nellie--for his support (not hers)--and desperately looks for a weapon--iron bar, axe, or some such thing.
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Priest »

The two gunshots are almost in unison, although the somewhat lighter report of Wellington's pistol, despite being masqued by the rolling boom of Roxborough's mighty weapon, announces a hit mere moments before the huge calibre bullet of the rifle smacks home.

For a moment through the dense black smoke of the rifle shot, the creature seems to take little notice of the bullets impact. But as the deafening echo of the rifle drifts away it is replaced by an enormous roar from the open jaws of the beast, from which drips blood evidencing the last moments of Rochester.

There is little doubt that both shots struck home, as can be seen from the sudenly stunned expression that spreads over the monsters face. For a few moments it sways as though about to collapse, but then with a roar it slowly brings its black eyes to bear on the cause of its pain....
OOC:   Both shots hit, Wellington for 4 damage, Roxborough for 10 It looks hurt, but never having seen one of these creatures before you have no way of knowing how badly.

Next up is Nellie as Klevendon has taken his action.  
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by carnage_lee »

Nellie Bly

Nellie shrieks, her nerve finally failing at the sudden appearance of the monstrous dinosaur, feeling Klevendon grasp her arm from behind she steps back, trying to get away from the dreadful beast.
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Priest »

As Nellies voise rises in a shrill feminine scream of a distressed damsel, almost drowned by the twin reports of the guns, with Wellington's pistol shot engulfed by the massive roar of Roxborough's mighty weapon, the enormous creature, its open tooth lined maw still dripping with the blood of the villanous Rochester, stops moving.
For several moment its vicious looking yellow eyes seem to fix the smoke wreathed heroes with a look of bestial hatred. With a huge roar so loud that the decks of the ship vibrate, it screams hate at the tiny creatures that have caused it pain.
Then with an almost slow motion grace it falls forward dead. A small wound attests to the impact of Wellington's bullet while an enormous, savage, crater of blood almost directly between those now lifeless eyes could only have been caused by the heavy calibre of the famed hunters rifle.

As the final booming report of Roxborough's rifle fades. You note, with alarm, that the humming of the machine is growing louder and the frequency of the white-blue arcs of flickering lightning are increasing substantially...
OOC:   I made a mistake with calculating the accumalated damage from the weapons. This post is now amended.  
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Papa Gateau »


It's ok Nellie, we have done for the ancient beast! roars Roxborough over the hum of the machine, though it is unclear whether he means himself and Bertha or himself and Wellington Now we must shut off this infernal contraption! Stand clear everyone, I'm going to shoot the cable! with the practiced ease of a man whose tool is an extension of his arm he chambers another round into Bertha and swings his aim to the large rubber encased cable joining the gyroscopic generator to the mirror like portal.
OOC:   Again I will use my Accuracy talent and I will spend my last 2 style points for bonus dice.

Rifle[8+2] [dice]0[/dice]  
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Priest »

With a roar, Roxborough's 'Bertha' sends another bullet flying towards the slim rubber cable. Again his accuracy is legendary, surely his title as one of the Empires finest shots is being amply displayed, the cable is torn apart by the impact.
However despit now being 'unplugged' from any power source the machine itself continues to whine and spark. The hum rising in pitch in the manner of a steam kettle about to explode...
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by carnage_lee »

Horatio Wellington

The Detective jumps a little at the report from 'Bertha'; even his nerves are a little frayed with the sudden appearance of the deadly dinosaur, if it wasn't for the expert marksmanship of Roxborough they would be having to deal with an extremely dangerous creature that was more than capable of killing a person with one bite, as they had already witnessed.

Sparks jump from the severed ends of the cable as Roxburgh's well placed shot hits home, the noise from the machinery growing more frenzied in pitch.

"I fear that the machine is out of control, I deduce that it will will either 'run down' without the electricity to power it..." with that the torturous whine increases in pitch and with a loud pop a shower of actinic sparks bursts from the wildly spinning gyroscope. "Or, more probably fail in a spectacular manner in mere seconds!"

"We should make haste to dis-embark, an explosion on board could be extremely serious indeed." Wellington motions everyone to go back through the hatch.
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Papa Gateau »


Indeed Horatio I fear you are correct, we should abandon ship with all due haste! he moves over to Nellie takes her by the arm and leads her firmly but not forcibly towards the door Come now, let's get you off this ship as quick as you can - just follow the cable back to the deck, hurry now! he glances back to ensure that Klevendon is following.

Despite the cacophony and urgent sense of impending doom, Roxborough seems to be a man in his element, totally in command of his emotions and acting with a surety and swiftness despite the chaos.

He dashes over to Wellington and thrusts Bertha at the detective Here, take Bertha would you, there's something I need to do here first. I'll follow you up shortly! his eyes drift to the prone T-Rex as he unconsciously licks his lips, his hand falling to the large hunter's knife sheathed at his belt.
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Priest »

As Wellington, realising the threat of the situation, hastens Nellie, Klevendon and himself out of the hold, so recently a scene of anadulterated horror. Roxborough, drawing a long bladed knife from his belt, hastens towards the dead creature that hangs partialy clear of the device. Ignoring the obvious danger of an overloading machine.

Minutes later, three forms wait breathing heavilly some distance from the steam ship watching as flickering white-blue lightning flashes engulf the forward section of the ship. Their heads ache from the ever increasing high pitched whine that comes from within.
As they watch and wait in fascinated curiosity a familiar form rushes across the ships deck, down the gang-plank and over to where they stand.

Roxborough, an enormous slab of blood dripping flesh gripped tightly in an equally blood dripping hand grins, as behind him the steam ship flickers and whines as it, along with the curious device, disapears without trace.
OOC:   Gentlemen this tale is done, I leave you to have the closing words. For those interested further adventure continues in 'Dreaming Spires'. Where those who wish may continue their characters or make new ones.  
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Tabs »

"Well done, sir, I say well done!" says Klevendon to Roxborough, he beams at Wellington and Nellie as well. "A celebratory dinner is on me; perhaps steak will be on the menu?"
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Papa Gateau
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Papa Gateau »


Roxborough grins a wide and warm grin. He takes some waxed paper from his bag, wraps the large chunk of meat in it and returns the package to the bag. He wipes the blood from his hands and with an inquiring nod takes Bertha from Wellington

He turns to face his colleagues

Well my friends, it seems we have saved London and perhaps the world from an attack of prehistoric lizards set upon them by a man both crazed and delusional. To us all I say I huzzah and congratulations!

Klevendon dear, no we are all friends now, Arthur if I may? You have proved invaluable to our cause, providing insight and understanding, asking for caution where necessary and bravery when required. Bravo Sir!

Horatio you are without doubt one of the finest inquisitive and analytical minds to grace the empire! I do believe that you will be held in the same regard and awe as Mr. Holmes. You see clues and their answers where we see only objects and shadows. To you sir, I salute.

Miss Bly, Nellie it has been a joy and pleasure to make your acquaintance, you truly are a fine example of a modern lady - quick witted, confident, intelligent and truly a seeker of the truth - you brook no fools and have no truck with deceit. I am truly honoured, as I think we are all, to have you part of this grand adventure
his cheeks colour slightly in mild embarrassment, he gives a little cough before continuing

Arthur, I think you are correct! A celebratory meal is in order! Please join me at my club tonight - there will be a rather special dish being served and I will ensure the finest of wines! We should recount our adventures. Nellie can retell our tale in print and make her name as the finest purveyor of truth in our age, Horatio will be acknowledged as the foremost detective of our time, Arthur an example to all that bravery resides in all men and myself, well a footnote as perhaps the greatest hunter of the globe! he winks and booms out a great laugh.

He steps towards Nellie and offers her his arm Nellie would you join me and our fellows in the search of a carriage! it is time to celebrate
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

The Train to Hell - A Grim Praririe Tale
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