Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

In Leagues of Adventure the characters are all middle and upper class Victorians who go on wild adventures in response to wagers, handsome payments from rich patrons, invitations from adventuring leagues, or
simply out of sheer boredom. Opportunities abound to thwart dastardly deeds, discover lost cities, mingle with new cultures, and plumb the darkest depths of the globe.

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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Papa Gateau »

OOC:   Ok - Roxy has Accuracy (reduces targets defence by 2 for called shots) and Long Shot (doubles weapon's range) - will these affect the no. of successes or have you already taken them into account? I assume this is effectively an aimed called shot?  
Shall I take the shot now? It will rather announce our presence and lose us any element of surprise, Bertha's not very subtle! Or do you want to sneak towards the ship and I'll take the shot on your signal?
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by carnage_lee »

OOC:   I was going to propose... requisitioning a handcart, two people hidden on the cart armed with revolvers - push cart along wharf - surprise and subdue the lookouts - hopefully without warning anyone on board - then cutting the cable...

If Roxy shoots now then we'll alert the lookouts and have to fight out way past them.

Perhaps Roxy can work his way to a better position (on land) whilst the other three try to sneak closer.

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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Papa Gateau »


I have a good line-of-sight of the cable from here but I'm sure we can find another vantage point from the shore.

Perhaps you could pretend to be from the harbour master's office or the port authority - need to check the cargo hold with the captain?
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Tabs »

"I'd be up for that, Mr. Roxborough," says Klevendon.
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by carnage_lee »

Nellie Bly

"I think it would be better if we did not split up at this point and if possible we ought not to resort to discharging weapons, the authorities would be here swiftly and that wouldn't bode too well for us in the short term. Mr. Wellington is right, we should try to sever the cable but we will also need to subdue those men guarding the gang-plank. If we can get close enough, without arousing their suspicions then we should be able to 'get the drop' on them...."
OOC:   Nellie proposes - getting ashore and collecting some rope (to tie the guards up) and seeing how close it would be possible to get but using the 'natural' cover available.  
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Tabs »

"I can play 'The Bumbling Fool' rather well," says Klevendon without a trace of irony, "shall I approach the guards with a cock and bull story?"
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by carnage_lee »

Nellie Bly

"Goodness! I do not think we should be in a hurry to accost those ruffians Mr Klevendon there's no sign of any activity... would the best course of action be to send for the relevant authorities?" she asks,taken aback at the thought of getting into another violent encounter.
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by carnage_lee »


"Hmm... Yes, usually I would advocate calling in the authorities, however time is of the essence! We must anticipate that the portal will be activated at any moment, the fact that it looks like it is connected to the electricity supply all but ensures that it will be activated. If we dally for much longer we may lose any initiative we have.." Wellington studies the scene, different scenarios playing in his mind.

"We should try to avoid a confrontation.... whist I am certain that we would prevail against such low thuggish types we see keeping look-out at the foot of the gang-plank, we have to consider that any discharges of firearms will alert more people... and, my dear fellow... I am sure we shall not need to draw on your acting prowess." he adds, clapping Klevendon on the shoulder. "Let us make our way ashore and see how near we can get before creating some kind of diversion, we should then be able to neuter their threat..." Wellington looks to Roxborough seeing if the seasoned hunter agrees with the plan.

OOC:   We should be able to get close(ish) and be able to cause a distraction ... falling crates... that kind of thing...  
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Papa Gateau »


Well, yes, we could try and get closer and avoid confrontation for as long as possible.

All I need is line of sight to the cable and I can disable the power with Bertha, though I could probably take it out with a ricochet off the ships hull if we need to
his eyes glaze somewhat at the thought of such a heroic shot.

Anyway, yes, let's get as close as we can before alerting them. But I fear we must hurry, as dearWellington has already said, they have power to the device and they could employ it imminently!
Roxborough thinking:   Though it would be good to learn how the confounded contraption works. A quick trip back in time! Think! Ah the delights I could bring back to the club! We must ensure the machine doesn't get damaged in this all excitement!  
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Tabs »

acting prowess."
"Thank you, sir," says Kevendon. " 'Closer,' yes let's," he squints ahead along the dockside like the expert he isn't, looking for available cover.
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Priest »

OOC:   Between you and the steamship the docks are filled with various piles and stacks of items. so you feel that there is ample cover for you to sneak closer without being seen. Please make Stealth rolls if you have them. If not you are using base dexterity. Remember that you have Style Points available (I've lost track so be reasonable), and you will also gain modifiers from the cover. Remember the more successes the better :D. And yes Wellington, if you can creep close enough a distraction may work.  
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Papa Gateau »


Roxborough disembarks and using his hunting experience identifies a route that would provide the best cover for approaching the ship unseen. He indicates this route to the others and then heads off, with Bertha in hand.
Sneaky sneaky,Here's a Tracking roll to identify the best route - hopefully this will give us some positive modifiers ;) Tracking[6]: [dice]0[/dice] and here's my Stealth with an extra 3 style points Stealth[5+3]: [dice]1[/dice]
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by carnage_lee »

Nellie Bly
Stealth (4+2style pts),[dice]0[/dice]

Horatio Wellington
Stealth (5+2style pts),[dice]1[/dice]
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Tabs »

"I'm useless at sneaking about," says Klevendon sadly; "I'd hate to let you all down. I'll stay put for the time being."
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Priest »

Like shadows and as quietly as cats on the hunt, the intrepid threesome creep towards the unsuspecting card players. Until they are within feet of the still unsuspecting group.
"Oi Jacob where did you get that ace? Is you cheatin' I 'ates cheaters"
"Sod off. Just 'cause yer losin'. Pay up I 'ates welchers"

OOC:   Everyone seems to have 2 successes at stealth.
Card players perception 2 = 6, 1 so 1 success  
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by carnage_lee »

Horatio Wellington

The Detective picks his way along the dockside, weaving in and out of the shadows and cover made by assorted stacks of crates and barrels making every effort not to alert the 'lookouts' at the foot of the gang-plank leading up to the freighter. They manage not to alert the quartet, due in no small part to the men being engrossed in their game of cards. After what seems like an age, they arrive at the last spot of cover a stack of packing cases. Pausing to make sure that the card game still in progress Wellingon mimes the act of pushing the crates over and then jumping out.. guns at the ready.

Wellington looks to the others, looking for confirmation of the hasty plan.

OOC:   Do we have a small revolver we can equip Nellie with?  
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Papa Gateau »


Roxborough nods in agreement. He pulls back his jacket to reveal his holstered revolver, a large calibre beast of gun. He takes it out and offers it, butt first, to whoever wishes to take it.
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by carnage_lee »

Nellie Bly

Nellie looks at the proffered revolver... seeing that Wellington has also drawn his revolver she gingerly takes hold of the pistol. Feeling the weight she grimaces and makes a two handed grip, trying to remember what the nice handsome chap 'Baden-Powell' had said about shooting...

As ready as she is likely to be, Nellie nods indicating her readiness...

Wellington counts up on his fingers..... one.... two..... three....

The Investigators heave and push the barrels....

OOC:   I had this kind of layout in my head...

Code: Select all

    O[]   x    #
   O [] x = x  #
    O[]   x

O intredpid investigator
x card playing thug
== whatever they are playing card on
[] crate/barrel
# gangplank
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Tabs »

Klevendon inspects the cable, following it along its length to discover where or what it is connected to.
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Re: Act VIII 'All aboard the skylark'

Post by Priest »

OOC:   Roxborough, Wellington and Nellie initiatives please.
Thugs Initiative 3 dice, (3) (2) (2) so initiative 2
As you have surprise, the thugs do not act this round however for reflex purposes they have an initiative of 2.
And Lee's layout is perfect so we will use that.  
With a crash the barrels are pushed aside. "Bludy 'ell wots goin' on?"

As the intrepid threesome creep stealthily along the dock towards the unsuspecting card players, Klevendon heads towards the shadow of a nearby wharehouse, where it seems the cable leads.
A large gap between the sliding doors of the building show that the cable is connected to some kind of large machine which in turn seems connected by various cables to several electricity sockets in the far wall.
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
- Anais Nin
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