IC-Ep 4-Late Night(Chad/Leonek/Valerie/Val/Peter/Evert)

The UNIT team members are split up and must flee from Dunwich for their lives. Elliot is captured by the Sea Devils and their hybrid offspring, and Brigadier Crichton organizes a raid to deal with the threat in Dunwich.

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IC-Ep 4-Late Night(Chad/Leonek/Valerie/Val/Peter/Evert)

Post by Mr. Handy »


UNIT HQ - London, England
10:30 PM - Thursday, September 5, 1985

Sergeant Valentine Hale and Peter Rock returned to the file room, where Brigadier Crichton was present along with Chad, Leonek, Valerie Soames, and an American intelligence operative named Evert Jacobs.

"Ah, you're back," said the Brigadier. "Well, I'm going to see if I can rustle up Captain Hart. The others can fill you in on what they've learned. After that you might want to get some sleep and start fresh in the morning. There will be a briefing for everyone involved in this assignment at 0700."
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Late Night(Chad/Leonek/Valerie/Val/Peter/Evert)

Post by Vladd »

Peter sat down and took out his notebook ready to take notes "So what new information do we have?"
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Late Night(Chad/Leonek/Valerie/Val/Peter/Evert)

Post by Mr. Handy »

"I found a file on UNIT's previous encounter with the Sea Devils," said Valerie, handing over the thick folder. "I don't know how much help the information will be, but the more we know, the better equipped we are."
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Late Night(Chad/Leonek/Valerie/Val/Peter/Evert)

Post by Vladd »

Peter took the file and began reading, making notes as he went.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Late Night(Chad/Leonek/Valerie/Val/Peter/Evert)

Post by Mozy »

Evert looks to the people in the room with him before saying "It appears the last encounter with Sea Devils featured outside interruptions in the form of the one called 'the Master' and a politician. There might be something behind the strings this time and we have not seen it. But back to the point, We should keep outside influences from causing issues this time. Do we have a way of keeping others out? I would hate to see a repeat of the destruction that happened at the hands of the politician last time." After Evert has spoken, Evert sits down at the table Peter is at.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Late Night(Chad/Leonek/Valerie/Val/Peter/Evert)

Post by Mr. Handy »

"Walker and other politicians of his ilk have no jurisdiction over UNIT," said the Brigadier. "We're an international organisation. He only managed to take command last time because it was a Royal Navy base. UNIT wasn't involved directly. Politicians are always mucking things up, and I've no intention of letting them do so this time. They should leave warfare to people like me who know how to carry it out. The only thing we need is permission from Geneva to launch our raid, and that is a mere formality, considering this is all happening on British soil and the evidence we've uncovered so far. Then we'll strike fast and hard before anyone has a chance to call it off. If you'll excuse me, I have pressing matters to attend to in preparation for tomorrow night." He turned around and left the file room.

Peter and Evert looked through the file that Valerie Soames had given them. It detailed an incident that had happened back when Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart had been in charge of UNIT UK and Dr. John Smith had been UNIT's Scientific Advisor. He and his assistant Josephine Grant had gone to visit the Master, an archcriminal with hypnotic abilities that UNIT had captured and locked in an island prison run by a Colonel Trenchard. He was the only prisoner there and was watched constantly by cameras and by guards trained to resist his hypnosis. There were even minefields. He acted like he was being rehabilitated, but he hadn't changed. As Dr. Smith had been leaving the prison, Trenchard told him about ships disappearing in the area recently, and he and Miss Grant investigated.

They were exploring a sea fort that had been attacked when they met a half-mad survivor from the fort's crew who dubbed their attackers as "Sea Devils," large aquatic humanoids that could apparently also breathe air. Dr. Smith had noted that the Sea Devils resembled other creatures he had previously met called Silurians, which were land-dwellers. There was a notation referencing another file about them. They fled the fort and arrived at a naval base commanded by a Captain John Hart, who had been using the fort for sonar tests.

Dr. Smith discovered that the Master was secretly controlling his prison and had tricked Trenchard into helping him. They had been stealing equipment from the naval base so the Master could build a device that would summon a large army of Sea Devils, with which he intended to conquer the Earth. He then started calling them forth from the sea, and they attacked the prison when Dr. Smith and Miss Grant were there to confront the Master. Trenchard was killed, and Dr. Smith and his assistant escaped and returned to the base. When they arrived, Captain Hart told them that a submersible had gone missing. Dr. Smith went down in a diving bell to look for it, and he had been captured by the Sea Devils and taken to their undersea base to meet their leader, where Dr. Smith tried to negotiate peace.

In the meantime, a politician named Robert Walker had arrived at the base and taken charge, and he had ordered a depth charge attack on the Sea Devil colony over the objections of Captain Hart and Jo Grant, thus scuppering any chance at peace. He had even been planning to use nuclear weapons against the Sea Devils. In the confusion of the attack, Dr. Smith managed to escape from the Sea Devils and returned to the naval base, where he convinced Walker to let him try negotiating one more time, but before he could do so the Sea Devils attacked the base and captured it, having been sent by the Master. The archcriminal then forced Dr. Smith to help him build a machine in the Sea Devils' base to awaken all of the Sea Devils in hibernation all over the world. Apparently most of them had gone into a form of suspended animation in the distant past in fear of a cataclysm that never happened. When the Master turned on the device, the Sea Devils decided they didn't need him any more and locked up both him and Dr. Smith, but luckily Dr. Smith had first sabotaged the machine. The two of them had to work together to escape, using equipment from the stolen submersible.

They were rescued as the machine overloaded and destroyed the Sea Devils' base, but the Master faked a heart attack and stole a hovercraft to escape. There was mention that he had two hearts, and he was able to stop one while the other kept him alive.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Late Night(Chad/Leonek/Valerie/Val/Peter/Evert)

Post by Vladd »

Peter finished reading the file then spoke to the others, "Well that was an interesting report, I remember rumours at the time, but no one took them seriously. A pity this Dr Smith is no longer with UNIT he may have been useful. Well unless anyone has anymore information I shall head to my quarters and turn in, see you at the briefing tomorrow. Night all,"
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Late Night(Chad/Leonek/Valerie/Val/Peter/Evert)

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,If nobody in this thread or the other one at UNIT HQ posts by this weekend saying there's anything else you want to do, I'll move things forward to the briefing.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Late Night(Chad/Leonek/Valerie/Val/Peter/Evert)

Post by DrPeterson »

Leonek hadn't said much the entire time, his thoughts stuck on the scene of their escape from the village and that damned creature...

He snapped too when Peter got up to leave.

"Goodnight, see you tomorrow.", he said rather mechanically.
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Late Night(Chad/Leonek/Valerie/Val/Peter/Evert)

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,Everyone is moving to the thread linked below.
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