Eldritch Horror

Shub-Niggurath stirs in her slumber, threatening to awaken as her spawn begin to surface all around the world. Can musician Jim Culver and martial artist Lily Chen prevent the unthinkable, or is the Earth doomed?

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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »

When I read the Mythos card I thought "Yes!" until I realised Jim wasn't the Lead Investigator. :(

Your idea for Turn 11 is doable, as long as Jim succeeds at a Clue Encounter. . . . We can both solve the Mystery and Rumor Turn 10, here's how: Turn 9 Lily stays as Lead Investigator, moves to Panama and gains a Ship Ticket (her second one); Jim moves to Panama and does a Trade, Lily gives him a Clue and Ship Ticket. Turn 10 Jim is the Lead Investigator, casts Feed the Mind on Lily and moves to Space 11; Lily gains a Ship Ticket and moves to London (spending 2 Ship Tickets) . . . ?
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Re: Eldritch Horror

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OOC,I don't think we're in that much of a rush to solve the Rumor. It still has all eight Eldritch tokens on it. While the next two Mythos cards are yellow, as well as four of the last six, that still gives us enough time to deal with it. There are only two Gates open at the moment, and I'm poised to deal with the one in Rome after I wrap things up in London. If we use your plan, we won't be collecting additional Clues, closing Gates, or slaying monsters. That Doom Track is advancing too quickly for my tastes, and more Gates will start opening and spewing out monsters once the yellow cards pop, which will accelerate that. I think it's most important to solve the second Mystery and reveal the third and final one as soon as possible so that we know what we have to do in order to win. We can still meet up and trade on Space 11 on Turn 11. With both of us there, one of us is sure to solve the Rumor. Now that Space 1 has a Clue, you could get a Ship Ticket and go up to Alaska to try for it this turn. If you get it, you can get a second Ship Ticket on Turn 10 and make it to Buenos Aires to try for another Spell before heading out to sea on Turn 11.
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Re: Eldritch Horror

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Turn 9 Action Phase

Jim gains a Ship Ticket and moves to Anchorage.
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Re: Eldritch Horror

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Turn 9 Action Phase
The professor apologizes that he could not help Lily more, but he gives her the name of a colleague in London who knows more than he does. She thanks him and hurries to the harbor to leave on the next ship there. She does not have to wait long. Ships carrying food from Argentina leave for the British Isles frequently.
OOC,Action 1: Prepare for Travel (Ship Ticket acquired) Action 2: Travel (Buenos Aires->8->Arkham [Ship Ticket]->London [Ship Ticket])
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Re: Eldritch Horror

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Turn 9 Encounter Phase

". . . identify what was taken": Observation 2 +1(Lantern) + Blessed [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: Eldritch Horror

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JIM arrives in Anchorage. Despite the cold weather and stench of fish which urge him to walk away from the quayside, he props himself against a seaweed encrusted wall with his palms pressed against his eyes, trying to block out the horror of the Wraith in San Francisco.

Sobbing, moaning--it comes from a gaggle of women. "He is with God now, rest assured." "But why was he taken from me? And Johnny was so young?" "We can't answer that for you, poor dear. Come, there is hot tea at the Sailor's Rest."

Jim follows them to a café; inside he sits beside a rusted pot belly stove, clasping a steaming mug of coffee. He cannot help but eavesdrop as the unfortunate women are gathered, their heads bowed, round the next table. Apparently a son has been murdered, he was a guard at the museum where there was a midnight break-in, several others were killed as well, and items stolen. The items: a native crucible for forging arrow heads and a tooled, flint totem for striking sparks. Jim spills his drink, hot coffee splashes upon his pants, he recognizes the descriptions as the legendary Furnace of Yeb and Torch of Nug.


Go, Lily!

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Re: Eldritch Horror

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Turn 9 Encounter Phase

Once in London, Lily heads to King's College to look up Professor Cavill, a pleasant old man who welcomes her warmly. "What do you know of legends of people that turn into goat-like creatures?" she asks.

"Well, there are tales of satyrs and the like, of course," said the professor. "Pan and such. There are also stories more local to Britain. In the Severn Valley, there is a village called Goatswood. There have been sightings of such creatures there, but never any proof."

"Then perhaps I shall find some. Thank you, Professor, you've been a great help." With that, she leaves for Paddington Station, where she takes a train out to Goatswood.

She arrives in the evening, and she ventures out into the woods named for the goats she seeks, drawn by her intuition. Before long, she catches sight of fire ahead through a gap in the trees. She creeps up to the edge of the treeline and watches unseen. In the clearing beyond, the full moon shines over a circle of standing stones. A large group of shadowy figures in black hooded robes carrying torches surround it, chanting in an unknown tongue. One of them stands in the center of the circle, holding up a large glass lens that catches the moonlight. The chanting reaches a crescendo, and suddenly the robed figure begins to ripple and grow. Horns tear through the hood, and hooves emerge from beneath the robe's skirt. The newly transformed creature sniffs the air and puts the lens into a pocket. Then it charges straight for Lily's hiding place!

Though startled, Lily is not too shocked to react. She calmly draws her revolver and shoots the beast stone dead! Then she snatches up the lens and runs back the way she came before the others can pursue her.
OOC,Goat Spawn defeated. 2 Clues spent to place an Eldritch token on the Mystery. 8-)
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »

The newly transformed creature sniffs the air
Goat-face must have caught the scent of Chow Mein. :)

Turn 9 Mythos Phase
Advance the Omen: blue constellation [left hand]; Doom advances 1 down to 8.
Reckoning Effects: Cultist -> Space 20; discard Eldritch tokens (1 down to 7); Jim's Hallucinations Condition, Test Will 3 + Blessed, and Jim's Blessed Condition, roll 1d6 [dice]0[/dice] [dice]1[/dice]
Spawn Gates: Buenos Aires (blue constellation) and spawn monster: Wraith-- :( I mixed the monster cup real good--Spawn Effect: Jim discards his Blessed Condition.
Text Effect: Jim loses 1 Sanity.

Mystery solved. :D Final Mystery:

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Re: Eldritch Horror

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OOC,It's too bad you lost the Blessed Condition, but everything else is going well, and the Mythos card's effect did not do as much damage as it could have. We can actually win by the end of Turn 11 if we're lucky. We don't both need to go to Space 11 to deal with the Rumor, but one of us still can do so. You could Travel directly to Space 4 and try to get your second Clue this turn. If you succeed, you can then stay there and try to solve the Mystery in Turn 11. Or I could go to Istanbul for the Clue on Turn 11, and then go to Tunguska on Turn 12 to try to solve the Mystery (Space 10 is also an option, but I might not beat a Goat Spawn in one round). I think the former is the better option, as we'll win faster, and the Clue on Space 4 is not guarded. Either way I'll still go to Rome this turn and pick up a Ship Ticket. We could even both go all out to solve the Mystery, ignoring the Rumor, as we should win before it defeats us. However, there is some risk there. I think I should still go for the Rumor, though it will take me some time before I can pick up two Clues after that. I can wait to make a decision until after Turn 10, as things may change by then. You can remain Lead Investigator if you like.
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »

I agree, have Lily do as you think best. I do like the idea of her going for a Clue and Tunguska, however.

Jim Culver, Turn 10 Action Phase

He gains a Train Ticket and moves to Space 4.
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Mr. Handy »


Turn 10 Action Phase
Lily returns to the London docks and boards a ship bound for Rome. I never did seal that portal in the catacombs, she thinks. I'd better finish the job.
OOC,Action 1: Prepare for Travel (Ship Ticket acquired) Action 2: Travel (London->Rome) I'll think about going for Istanbul and then Tunguska. It'll depend on what happens between now and next turn. There's no rail connection in Anchorage, so you can't get a Train Ticket. Hopefully you can solve the final Mystery without ever leaving Space 4 anyway. You should probably choose Rest or Acquire Assets instead.
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »

I was regretting my choice of action. Why do I need a Train Ticket, anyway? Jim rests, gaining 1 Health, 1 Sanity and rolls 1d6 to discard Hallucination Condition [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »


Turn 10 Encounter Phase

". . .songs and traditions seem to have occult significance." Lore 4 -1 +1[Lantern] [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »


Image Image

Ambush by Goat Spawn, Combat: Will 3 +1[ability] [dice]0[/dice] and Strength 2 -2 +1[ability] [dice]1[/dice]

Jim doesn't gain a Clue and loses 1 Health. :(

THE village is really just a clearing in the pine trees. The virgin forest, surrounding the cabins, runs a thousand miles to the Arctic, Jim shivers when he considers the trackless wilderness all around him.

An Eskimo-looking trapper hails him when he arrives in camp, he calls himself “Anyu,” and invites Jim inside for a welcome broth.Soon he is sipping at a bowl while sitting on a colourful rug, and holding a confused, patois conversation with Anyu’s woman. The broth contains reindeer meat and lichen he discovers, but it is hot, which is all that matters.

That evening there is a party of sorts, attended by the whole tribe of trappers. There is a roaring bonfire and much feasting and drinking--a fiery alcohol in a flask-like animal skin. Jim toasts his toes before the blaze and listens to their songs; he wonders what occult significance they have?

The sun never sets in the summer months of the far north and it is hard to sleep in daylight, but Jim is exhausted after his trek to the village and gladly beds down on a nest of furs. . . . Someone slips in beside him. He can feel warm, firm flesh, and then a smooth hand runs up his chest to his neck. Jim opens his lids and beholds a lovely woman. He cannot believe his good fortune—“Is this beauty the offspring of a passing voyageur and an Eskimo?”--and pulls her nakedness towards him. Her grip tightens round his neck,--he is choking--and something like a sharp, huge nail scrapes down his shin—a hoof—which causes him excruciating pain, he realises that he is going to die. In his frantic struggle to free himself from her grasp he tries to poke his thumb into her eye socket, however his groping hand takes hold of a horn and instead he yanks her head back savagely. The Goat Spawn escapes from him and gallops away into the forest, bleating as she does so.
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Mr. Handy »


Turn 10 Encounter Phase

Lily retraces her route through the catacombs, only to find that the area around the chamber she had found the last time she was here is flooded. It gets deeper and deeper, and by the time she reaches the room, the murky water is up to her chest. She wades inside and takes another look around, but she is startled by a sound coming from behind her. A hideous creature has risen up from beneath the surface, blocking the door. It is vaguely humanoid in shape, but with a head that looks more like a fish. It opens its mouth, revealing rows of sharp, pointy teeth. She manages to keep her wits about her, but she is in the creature's element. "Pretty..." it burbles, seizing her and dragging her underwater! She cannot breathe, and the thing locks its lips around hers. She clutches her lucky rabbit's foot in vain and passes out...
OOC,1 Health lost. Oof, rotten luck for both of us! If only you had still been Blessed. I guess you'll need to stay there and try again for the Clue next turn. I probably will go to Istanbul after all. I can always go after the Rumor from there if I have to one turn later, but the Doom Track is probably a larger concern. We're getting close to the point where there are too many monsters and it'll jump by 2 per turn (in addition to what happens when the Omen advances). I can't kill them fast enough, as at least two monsters are going to pop up per turn, and I can kill at most one. This turn, I didn't even manage that, so I can't try to Encounter the Gate. At least the Goat Spawn you fought was an Ambush, so it doesn't stay on the board.
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »

Turn 10 Mythos Phase
Advance the Omen: blue constellation [left hand]; Doom advances 2 down to 6.
Reckoning Effects: Cultist: spawns into Dark Young, Deep One: Lily loses 1 Sanity; Cultist -> London (9th Monster on the game board); discard Eldritch tokens (2 down to 5); Jim's Hallucinations Condition, Test Will 3 [dice]0[/dice]
Spawn Gates: Arkham (red sun) and Gnoph-Keh--Spawn Effect: -> Himalayas.
Image Image
Text Effect: Jim gains Lodge Researcher Ally.

Phew! it's gonna be close. I reckon we need 3 Turns to win, if Lily can solve the Rumor within the next 2 Turns . . . whatever, Jim must get a Clue Turn 11 and solve the Mystery Turn 12? Also, Lily should be the Lead Investigator in case there is a nasty Mythos card?--Hmmm, I just saw that she's on 2 Sanity (after the Effect of the Deep One), should Jim cast Instill Bravery?
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Re: Eldritch Horror

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Turn 11 Action Phase
Lily Chen awakens in a soft bed, aching all over. Crisp white linen sheets cover her up to her neck, and sunlight streams in through an open window. The room has plain white wallpaper and an antiseptic smell, one that immediately identifies it as belonging to a hospital. A young, dark-haired woman with olive skin in a nurse's uniform sits in a chair watching Lily, and she stands up and speaks excitedly in Italian when she sees Lily's eyes open. When she realizes that Lily doesn't understand, she goes to the door and calls out into the hall. A minute later, a bald fiftyish man wearing glasses in a doctor's white coat enters. He tries various languages, eventually settling on English when Lily perks up upon hearing it.

"I am Doctor Enzo Donatelli," he says. "What is your name, Miss?"

"Lily," she croaks, her throat dry. "Lily Chen."

The doctor speaks in Italian to the nurse, who heads out into the hall. "Miss Chen, do you remember what happened to you?"

"I...not entirely. I was attacked..."

"Yes, I'm afraid you were assaulted. You were found by a maintenance worker floating in a flooded tunnel in the catacombs." The nurse returns carrying a cup of water, which she hands to Lily, who takes it in weak shaking hands. "Sip slowly, please."

Lily takes a few experimental sips, a growing sense of unease pressing on her. "How badly injured am I?"

"Some cuts and bruises, some teeth and claw marks. I think animals must have been chewing on you while you lay unconscious. Your wounds are healing well. Do you know who did this to you?"

Lily shudders, shaking her head no. "He...he was a monster."

The doctor lowered his eyes. "Yes, any man who would do this to you would have to be a monster."

"Do what to me? What aren't you saying?"

"There is no easy way to tell you this, Miss Chen. You have been...violated."

Lily spits out the water, wracked by horror and revulsion. "NO!" she screams. "No, that's not possible!" She begins to sob helplessly. The thought of what that creature had done to her and the knowledge that it is still out there weigh heavily on her soul. The nurse reaches out and pats her hand, mumbling soothingly in Italian.

"I'm so sorry."

Lily turns her head away and cries into her pillow. She is supposed to be a highly skilled fighter, yet she had been powerless to protect herself and her confidence is badly shaken.
* * *
As soon as Lily is discharged from the hospital, she goes to the port and books passage on a ship heading down the coast of Africa to the South Atlantic. She just wants to get as far away as she can from where it happened, and she also needs to look into the reports of cannibalism.
OOC,Action 1: Prepare for Travel (Ship Ticket acquired) Action 2: Travel (Rome->10->15 [Ship Ticket]->11 [Ship Ticket]) I had already been thinking that I should go take care of the Rumor right away. That will end the game immediately if I fail to do so in time, but Shub-Niggurath awakening is not the end of the game. I might even be able to fight her if I can start rolling worth anything. The way I'm rolling, I'd better not waste any time. The soonest we can possibly win is the end of next turn, but that won't kick in until after the Mythos phase. There are currently only 9 monsters on the board, but two more (at least) are likely to appear at the end of this turn. That means the Doom Track will plummet. Unless we get insanely lucky with green Mythos cards coming early again, Shub will wake up at the end of next turn, though you still need to solve the third Mystery as fast as possible. You can still Rest and cast Conjuration while staying on your space. You might want to get that .45 automatic if you get enough successes. You should only cast Instill Bravery if there's no risk of losing it. Otherwise, you should save it for when one of us loses 2 or more Sanity, or our final point.
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »

"There is no easy way to tell you this, Miss Chen.
If she is with child, and Jim and Lily survive, Jim would be honoured to be its godfather. Lily may need his help through the difficult adolescent years. . . .
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »


Turn 11 Action Phase

He rests, recovering one Health and Sanity; and casts Conjuration Spell, Lore 4 +1 [dice]0[/dice]
Card flipped, 1: "A payment of blood is required to complete the ritual. Lose 1 Health."

AFTER the noise and violence is over, one of he trappers peers out from his shuttered windows. Amazed to see Jim alive, he opens the window and calls out: "Is it over? Are we safe?" Jim waves to let him know that everything is fine.


Another trekker arrives in camp, a college boy who announces himself as Julius, a Lodge Researcher.

A ravaged Jim Culver limps from his cabin and shakes Julius' hand. "I could've done with your help a few hours ago," he says ruefully. "And a gun--" Jim holds up a hand, thinking. He hops back to his cabin where he rummages through his kit until he finds the notes he is looking for.

Julius peers at the notes over Jim's shoulder, "It looks like the writing is archaic Spanish."

"Shhhh! be quiet, Mr. Lodge Researcher," he says, concentrating on the notes as he carefully mutters the syllables. There is a thunk upon the pine needles. Jim crouches and picks up a small pistol, he also touches his earlobe, it is wet with blood, he has been bleeding again.
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Mr. Handy »


Turn 11 Encounter Phase

The boat Lily chartered in Cape Town is able to locate an island, and she goes ashore and begins to explore, following her instincts. In the center of the island is a clearing where many people are gathered around a bonfire. They have Asian features, but they aren't quite Chinese. Still, Lily believes she can infiltrate and pass among them. She walks into the crowd as if she belongs there, but they recognize her for a stranger and quickly surround her. She frowns at her useless rabbit's foot.

"Get away from me!" she cries. "You're going to eat me, aren't you?"

"We'll cook you first," says one of the cannibals. "We're not savages, you know."

"I haven't eaten Chinese in a long time," says another.

"You don't want to eat me," says Lily. "You'll just be hungry again an hour later." She fights her way out from the midst of the islanders and flees for the safety of the jungle.
OOC,Well, that didn't go so well. I still can't roll anything good. I should have one more chance next turn, so it's good that I came out here right away. [b]Lily[/b] being pregnant with a Deep One Hybrid is a twist I was saving for the end, if she survives.
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