Compartment 5

This Sleeping Car connects to the Private Car and the Sleeping Car thread below. Rooms 1 - 4 are Single Cabins, 5 - 8 are Double Cabins, and 9 is a Cabin Suite with a double bed.
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by aine »

"I rather think that he's seen with with you chaps and wanted you to see it in a roundabout way." Cecil looks at the amulet again before putting it in his pocket. "It made me think of your amulet Amadi, I thought you may have seen something like it before at your 'club'." He says, fishing.
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by Laraqua »

Germany, 10:55

This Double Cabin has a Pullman-style bed that folds into a comfortable sofa during the day and can be unfolded to reveal a set of bunk beds that aren't terribly wide but which has expensive cotton sheets freshly pressed and a well-fluffed pillow. The bed currently sits as a couch with colourful upholstery. A sink in a lovely, closing vanity is fitted into the corner and it provides both hot and cold water, as well as containing a little cupboard underneath that provides a glimpse at the porcelain pipes as well as access to additional storage space. There is a luggage rack over the window. An inlaid, fold-out tables crouches beneath the window and shortly above this table is a little shelf containing a lamp with a peach-coloured lamp shade, a weighted vase containing a single red flower and a glass ash tray. There is, naturally, a button that will summon the Cabin Steward as well as an emergency brake pull with a warning beneath that threatens an expensive fine if you are to pull it without good reason. There isn't much room in this compartment, especially with any hand luggage brought onboard, but it is beautiful.

Spring-loaded roller blinds can be drawn up to view the outside world or to gain more privacy. Half of the window glass can be slid down to allow wind in, odours out or merely to stick one’s head out the window to get a good view of the surrounding countryside rushing past. Between each compartment stands the mosaic-floored cabinet de toilette where passengers may make use of a sink and mirror to wash their faces and apply make-up. This is shared between the two compartments and when one door is opened, the other door locks. There are two bell-pushes in the compartment, one that buzzes and lights a white light outside to alert the conducteur who sits out in the corridor all day and all night.

This compartment belongs to Farooqi and Amadi Al-Rassam and both have already placed their bags around the place. There are two suitcases lying side by side on the luggage racks.
The leftmost suitcase,contains three suits, a set of pyjamas, a copy of the Koran that isn't well-read.
The rightmost suitcase,contains three suits, a set of pyjamas, a set of playing cards, and a silver hip flask that smells of whiskey but is currently empty.
The train pulls out of the Munich station.

Farooqi waits and tries not to appear too watchful of his son.

Amadi seems suddenly distracted. "I think ... I have to go." He rises and goes to push past Cecil. "She's waiting for me...."
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by aine »

"Oh...who? Don't tell me you've met the mysterious lady in the private car! Why you sly devil!" Cecil gets up and jokingly aprehends Amadi,"You're not going to get away without divulging the glorious detail."
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by Laraqua »

Amadi frowns at him, briefly, then smiles. "No, no, not the lady in the private car!" He chuckles. "I haven't even seen her. Or perhaps I have but didn't realise it was her.... No, no, I'm talking about the lovely lady, Lily Gavigan." He turns to look at his father. "I am sure if I speak with her I can convince her to convert to Islam. She has modesty even among the British folk and a quiet strength that would make her a lovely bride. That would please you, wouldn't it father? Let me speak with her ... arrangements can be soon made." His smile becomes a little manic, but then calms again.
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by aine »

"Aha, the mysterious nighttime artist! I must confess to have fallen for her enigmatic charms myself - but - I will not stand in the way of a superior paramour. Well done old chap!" Cecil takes Amadi's hand and pumps it up and down. "I must warn you though, her brother is the very devil - I'd watch out if I were you.He's up to some rotten scheme aboard this train I'm afraid, something we must uncover."
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by Laraqua »

Germany, 11:40

Amadi[/I] is interrupted before he can reply by a quick knock on the door. He leans past Cecil to open it, revealing a rather cross looking passenger wearing a conductor's uniform. What was his name? Something Russian? The passenger nods at them all and then says, "Never mind the uniform, things have gotten a bit complicated. I just need to let you know that there will be a puppet show in the Bar Car about now if you should like to attend." He shakes his head wearily. "Though that may not be such a great idea..."
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by aine »

Cecil looks up in surprise, "Kliment? This is Kliment, Mr and Mr Farooqui." He introduces them. "I thought you'd be out of that uniform by now old chap, you 'll be collared by some old dear and a heap of luggage if you're not careful. Another puppet show! The place is awash with them. Any reason we shouldn't go? Apart from the probability of being hypnotised into an evil cult of course."
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by Laraqua »

"Largely the hypnotism aspect, I'd presume," says the Russian fellow, with an odd look toward Amadi. "However I doubt we can necessarily avoid all of the trouble by, well, avoiding it."
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by aine »


"Well, no indeed. Into the fray then, Gentlemen?" He stands up and indicates they should all head out.
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by Laraqua »

Germany, 12:05

Amadi nods and pushes past him. "I have to find Miss Lily...."

Farooqi follows more slowly and claps a hand onto the Englishman's shoulder. "I am holding you personally responsible for this," he murmurs in a low voice as his son hurries off down the corridor.
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

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