1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Despite racing against the rain on your way northwards, the storm finally caught up with you in earnest and with it the night has fallen, abyssal black and riven by lightning. Conditions on the rain-swept road force your speed down to a virtual crawl so that your head-lamps can pierce the gloom and keep you on the path. The only thing certain now is that the weather behind you is worse than that which surrounds you, driving you onwards. What should have been an eventless journey has become something dangerous and unpredictable....

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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by Vladd »

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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by CrowTheAlmighty »

[dice]Pow - 39 (Success)[/dice]

carnage_lee wrote: Apologies for interrupting. There seems to be some confusion as to how the dice roller works on this site. I have added details on how 'dice rolling' works for members here

So the above roll should have been:

[­dice]1d100[­/dice] (example of code - do not copy)


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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by Priest »

Everyone looks to where Luther is indicating, but if there had been a light no one else saw it and no matter how hard you all stare into the darkness there is nothing to see. Although each of you (those who made their POW roll) has a feeling of being watched from within that dark mass of trees.
After a few moments the occupants of the Diner drift towards their previous positions. Jake Burns mumbling something about the “goddamn dead light” as the elderly woman strokes her husbands arm and says, in a somewhat wistful tone, “Gee Teddy, maybe it was the lightning reflecting from an angels wings”.

Keelham moves close to the girl, Emilia, who despite Barty’s attempted first aid is showing little improvement, “Tell me girl..us…what’s happened to your grandpappy?” he looks over to where Jake Burns has retaken his seat at the counter and is moodily staring into his coffee cup, “And this light. Tell us about this light”
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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by jbibblesworth »

Luther blinks and the light is gone leaving only an inky blackness and his own uncertainty in it's wake. He stands from the window and seems to consider things for a moment before turning and approaching where the others are gathered at the table.

"Mr. Furman," he says flatly, "I believe the task falls upon our shoulders to retrieve the good doctor. Perhaps, given the state of affairs outside, the girl is better left within the diner where at least she can be watched after. You and I can head up to her grandfather's house and escort him back here as quickly as the roads allow. Does this sound reasonable?"

He glances down at the first aid kit left by the waitress and peers inquisitively at his companions.

"Perhaps though Mr. Furman, it may be best if you try and tend to the girls wounds first as best you're able."

Striding to the counter, he locks eyes with the station owner, Sam Keelham, sizing the portly figure up before addressing him.

"Mr...Keelham was it? Luther says, offering his hand. "We shall retrieve Doctor Webb and return with him as quickly as possible. By any chance do you have an electric torch we could take with us?"
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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by Priest »

Keelham steps back a pace, his face above the bristle mustache goes from white to red and back to white. "I... ughh...I would love to accompany you but I cant leave this place unattended...my contract and all that"
Looking around it seems no one is too keen to brave the elements, maybe all this dead light stuff has got the locals spooked. The elderly man, Eddy, pulls a set of car keys from his jacket pocket, "Looks like your on your own young fella...The roadster outside take that if your so all fired up to go looking for this doctor fella. Though be careful with her, I want her back in one piece"

At this moment the lights in the Diner flash then go out. In total darkness with only the occasional flash of lightning to break it, you hear the howl of the wind, the rumble of thunder and the swoosh of rain being flung against the glass. And amidst that you hear, from somewhere to the left side of the building, the unmistakeable tinkle of breaking glass.

From the direction of the kitchen comes a high pitched scream of terror... "Arghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!"
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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by jbibblesworth »

"Protect Ms. Webb!" Luther barks, skirting the counter and pushing his way through the kitchen door.
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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by CrowTheAlmighty »

"Make a wall around her!" Tobias stood by the young girl and was on the alert for anything. He was not the greatest fighter but he would try his hardest to protect her. Two words kept ringing in his ear though: Dead Lights.
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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by vertigoke »

thomas Furman

Thomas yells "what the hell was that?" he jumps over the counter and heads into the kitchen.
he takes out his lighter and tries to make some light in the dark kitchen.
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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by Vladd »

Lance grips his pipe firmly between his teeth and takes up position next to Tobias to protect the girl, There's something nasty in those trees, I can feel it.
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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by Priest »

In the darkness you bravely gather around Emilia in a defensive circle. At that blood curdling scream, however, all attention seems focused on the swing door to the kitchen beyond the counter.
“Mary? Dear God Mary, what is it?” The question comes from Keelham although given the flatness of his voice and the dread contained within it’s difficult to recognise.
In response an eerie silence seems to descend upon the diner, even the wind seems to be holding its breath in anticipation…
Footsteps, slow and deliberate, come from beyond that door. With a Crash the door is flung open, almost sweeping Thomas into a display of cakes, and in a sudden flash of lightning you see the waitress, Mary Laker, half supporting, half dragging a young man.
“It’s Billy…Billy Esterhouse and he’s hurt bad”...
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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by vertigoke »

Thomas Furman gets hit by the swinging doors "OOMPH", thrown back he lands on the floor "Augh". "This is not the time and place to break my legs,"
Dazzled by the knockback he gets back up on his feet.

Schocked from the display of wind and weather and the kick in the stomach, he speaks in a sillent and terrified voice
"How did he get hurt? What happend, Did he get hit by a tree or something?"

Thomas hurries to Billy to check his medical condition.

check Billy's condition ( Firt Aid): 1d100 5
(Extreme Success)
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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by Priest »

Thomas,The examination by torchlight shows that Billy is sporting a number of minor wounds which may be attibuted to having recently pushed his way through tangled undergrowth. He carries any number of thorn scratches all of which are just superficial and easily treated with some iodine and sticking plaster, all of which can be found in the first aid kit that [b]Barty[/b] was recently using on [b]Emilia[/b]. However the state of the young man bears more in common with someone suffering from exposure. His recent exposure to the storm might explain some of this, but to get this far gone he would have had to have been out in it for a while, probably the same length of time that [b]Emilia[/b] had been. There is little doubt that he is showing the same kind of dissasociation as she.
As willing hands reach and take the well built youngster from the waitress, he babbles childlike. "Old man....box...light...Noooo! keep it away." he reaches out and grabs Thomas' sweater front, "Gota run...musn't let it catch me"

"Hell" shouts Jake Burns suddenly running for the door, "If Billy was being chased by it and he's here then the dead light's not far off. I'm outa here"
"And where you gonna go?" says the old man, Eddy, "When the good lord calls you aint no sense in running"...
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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by jbibblesworth »

Luther pins Billy's groping arms to his side and attempts to sooth the babbling young man, allowing Thomas to work unimpeded.

"Easy now Billy. We're here to help. he whispers. "Mr. Burns! Perhaps rather than considering going back out into that storm, you could occupy yourself by taking hold of young Billy here."

"Mary," he calls over his shoulder. "where did he find you? Did he say anything?"

He takes a cursory look at the wounds. This was beginning to look like something more than a mere night out in the rain.

"What do you make of it Mr. Furman?"
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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by vertigoke »

After examining the boy Thomas replies Luther:

It's just some scratches, I think he ran from something trough some bushes and thorns.
He looks like he's in some kind of shock. This worries me more than his wounds.
Something must have scared him senseless
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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by CrowTheAlmighty »

Tobias held the young girl close to his body, in case of a last second attack. He stroked her arm gentle, hoping it would calm her down. Speaking quietly, so she could hear him, he spoke an old nursery rhyme, one that he used to enjoy as a child

"The Queen of Hearts she
made some tarts,

All on a summer's day;

The Knave of Hearts he stole those

And took them clean away."
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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by Priest »

OOC:   Tobias needs to make some rolls here. First a Regular Persuade Roll (to try and keep Emilia calm) and second, a Regular Psychology Roll  
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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by CrowTheAlmighty »

Priest wrote:
OOC:   Tobias needs to make some rolls here. First a Regular Persuade Roll (to try and keep Emilia calm) and second, a Regular Psychology Roll  
OOC:   Persuade - 16 // Psychology - 15 Success  
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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by vertigoke »

Thomas Furman,

"Barty can you hand me that medicine kit? I need to patch up Billy, nothing to serious but I don't want him to catch an infection."

When Barty hands Thomas the medicine kit Thomas patches up Billy.

Thomas patches up billy: 1d100 6
ooc: extreme success
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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by Priest »

Depite the limited light Thomas quickly uses the tiny first aid kit to patch up the lad's scratches and scrapes.
All the while Tobias gently soothes Emilia, trying his best, under the circumstances, to keep her calm.
Mary Laker, the waitress, her hair and clothing showing the effects of her supporting the injured lad, responds to the question from Luther, “I was in the kitchen. The lights went out, there was a crash of breaking glass and there he was near the back window”
Tobias,there is something in her voice, you can’t quite place it but you get the feeling there is something she’s not telling.
With that there is a sharp fizzing sound and the lights come back on. But it seems the relief is but temporary for as quick as they return they are gone again. Plunging the interior of the diner into darkness broken only by an intense flash of lightning.
“Christ on a cross” someone probably your companion Barty, jumps.
“Now, now, son” comes the voice of Eddy in response, “Taking the Lord’s name in vane aint gonna help none”
“Oh look dear. Now I see the light its crossed the road and seems to be heading round back” says the old lady, in another flicker of lightning you can see her pointing to the diner windows to the left…
OOC:   Anyone caring to do so can try a Hard Spot Hidden  
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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Post by vertigoke »

Thomas looks at the waitress,

"Are you allright dear? Finding that bloody boy must be hard on you"

By asking the question Thomas tries to figure out if the waitress isn't going in the same kind of shock.
psychology roll: 1d100 25 (regular success)
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