Eldritch Horror

Shub-Niggurath stirs in her slumber, threatening to awaken as her spawn begin to surface all around the world. Can musician Jim Culver and martial artist Lily Chen prevent the unthinkable, or is the Earth doomed?

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Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »

My plan in Turn 1 is for Jim to Aquire Assets--Revolver or Fishing Net would be useful--and move to Arkham, and then have an encounter in Arkham to gain a Spell? The 1st mystery requires 2 Clues per monster, so Jim could travel to London (Turn 2) and spawn a Clue?

I'll post the Warlock's image later. 1 Horror, -1 Combat, 1 Damage, 1 Toughness
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Re: ic

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,Sounds like a good plan. I'm thinking of staying in Shanghai, acquiring Assets and then picking up a Ship Ticket before fighting the Warlock and trying to close the Gate. Then I can travel to 12 next turn for the Clue that's there, unless something changes in the meantime.
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Re: ic

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Turn 1 Action Phase
T1 Gain Asset, Infl. 3 (1d6=4, 1d6=3, 1d6=2), and move to Arkham.

He sits, with his back against ol' Marty's headstone, playing a mournful tune upon his trumpet. He stops and cocks his head to one side: "What's that ya saying? 'Sommit in the woods is stirring, and scarin' you folks?' " The conversation with Marty continues for hours, by the time he stops talking the musician is thoroughly alarmed.

Jim Culver walks into a pawn broker in downtown San Antonio. He browses the wares, and ends up peering into a glass cabinet behind the counter, inside it is a revolver.

"We don't sell firearms to coloureds," says the shopkeeper nervously.

Later that day he scrambles aboard a freight train which is travelling north to Arkham, Jim knows a Mrs. Beecher there who sells "magic." He has the feeling that he'll need all the help he can get.
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Re: ic

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Turn 1 Action Phase
Lily Chen kowtows low to the Grand Master Hu. The old man looks sixty, but he is reputedly much older than that. His long white beard tapers down to a point at his waist. "I have come, Grand Master," she says.

Grand Master Hu bows in return, slightly and stiffly. "You are my finest student, Miss Chen. Your discipline and your martial arts skills are unequaled. I believe you are ready."

"Ready for what, Grand Master?"

"The world is in peril. Forces beyond our knowledge are at work. The fabric between worlds is weakening, and terrible things are coming through from Outside. If it is not stopped, the world will drown in a sea of blood. The cancer that is Shub-Niggurath will overwhelm us all - unless you can stop it."

"But Grand Master, surely my skills pale in comparison to yours. Why can you not do this?"

"I am a very old man, too old to travel - and much travel will be required before this is done. Besides, I have other engagements."

"Other engagements?"

"I must prepare for a mah-jongg tournament," the Grand Master says with a straight face. Lily knows that he has an odd sense of humor, and that he is probably kidding. Probably.

"What must I do, Grand Master?"

"Hunt down and destroy the spawn of Shug-Niggurath. You will find both the spawn of the goat, humans tranmogrified into monstrous forms, as well as the Dark Young, which resemble ambulatory trees. There are a thousand of them, it is said."

"And I must destroy them all?"

"Not all, not by yourself. There are others throughout the world doing the same work. You must destroy enough to weaken Shub-Niggurath. Then it will be forced to reveal its hand. But you must be swift. Even now rifts open between the worlds. Right here in Shanghai, the warlock Li Xiao has opened up a gateway to another world, down by the docks. I can feel its power, and I think you can too. He must be slain, and the gate closed, lest monstrous things come through into our world, into our city."

"I will do my best, Grand Master."

"When you are done here, there is another source of power I have detected in the South Atlantic. It may be worth investigating. Good luck, Miss Chen. All mankind is counting on you."

Lily bows again, then leaves the Grand Master's mansion. First she goes downtown to the marketplace to shop for supplies, but the prices are too high for her to afford. Shrugging, she heads for the docks. She books passage on a ship that leaves Shanghai tomorrow before beginning her search for the portal.
OOC,Action 1: Acquire Assets failed (no successes). Action 2: Prepare for Travel (Ship Ticket gained).
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Re: ic

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Turn 1 Encounter Phase
T1 decode a note, Lore 3 (1d6=2, 1d6=2, 1d6=2)--that's 6d6 I've rolled so far without getting a 5 or 6. :evil:
Image Image

Jim Culver knocks at Mrs. Beecher's door, again. Still no answer. He decides to wander around Arkham and soon finds himself outside Miskatonic University library. He strolls in and up to the information desk. "I'm looking for a book on hidden knowledge, unusual stuff?" he asks a matronly receptionist.

She lowers her half-moon spectacles and allows them to dangle from the cord round her neck. She surveys Jim, and then says: "Take a seat over there, sir,"--indicating a desk--"and I'll see what we've got in the restricted section."

He pores over an esoteric tome, in it he finds a passage, with handwritten notes scrawled in the margin, about courage, your own and others; the passage is printed in non-rhyming, staccato verse. Jim clicks off his green shaded reading lamp, and carefully tears out the page from the tome. He hears a cough and guiltily shoots a glance at the receptionist--she is swaying, naked, all of the unattractive parts of her body dimpled and wobbling.

"Sir,"--a voice as if from far away--"sir, I also found this," says the receptionist, fully clothed, holding out a book to Jim.
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Re: Eldritch Horror

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Turn 1 Encounter Phase
Lily Chen makes her way through the alleys near the docks, following her instincts. She can feel the power of the otherworldly portal from here, and the hairs on the back of her neck start to stand on end. She is drawn to one warehouse in particular. It doesn't look any different from the other buildings surrounding it, but she knows there is something terrible within - something she must confront.

She tries a small door on the side of the building but finds it locked, A swift kick remedies that, and she slips inside. She proceeds down a narrow corridor and around a corner, where she comes face to face with a man in a long robe with a conical straw hat the obscures his face. "You are trespassing," he says in a gravelly voice.

"That makes two of us, Li Xiao," she replies.

"So you know who I am. Then you must die." He extends his hands, the fingertips of which crackle with blue lightning.

Lily is taken aback, but she is confident that the amulet she wears around her neck can protect her. "Oh, so you're one of those. This should be fun." She runs up the wall as the warlock gestures and sends twin bolts of electricity through the spot where she had been standing. Then she does a backflip and lands behind him, but he whirls around with great speed and shoots more lightning right at her! She cannot get out of the way, and one of the bolts zaps her in the shoulder. Realizing that she is outmatched, she darts through a door into the interior of the warehouse, where the sensation was drawing her.
OOC,Will test passed (barely, only thanks to the Protective Amulet). Fight test failed, even after using a reroll from the Lucky Rabbit's Foot. :cry: 1 damage taken. I hope my Other World Encounter goes better.
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »

I hope my Other World Encounter goes better.
No encounter if a monster is on your space.

Clue spawned at Istanbul.

Jim can easily reach space 8 and has a Clue, he'll divert there in Turn 2 and solve the Rumor? And he'll try again for an Asset?

Oh, and who is to be the Lead Investigator?
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Re: Eldritch Horror

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Turn 2 Action Phase
Lily Chen runs through the warehouse, unable to search for the portal while Li Xiao pursues her. "Flee, little girl!" he cackles. "Flee from the power of Li Xiao!" Another bolt of lightning sizzles past her.

Finally, Lily finds an exit from the warehouse and dashes out into the relative safety of the streets and alleys of Shanghai. She makes her way back to Grand Master Hu's mansion and comes before him, hanging her head in shame. "I have failed, Grand Master," she says, prostrating herself on the floor. "My Kung Fu is weak."

"You insult my teaching abilities," said Grand Master Hu.

"No, Grand Master, I did not mean...It was my own fault. I could not get close enough to him. He shoots lightning from his fingertips!"

"Ah. One of those."

"Yes. I am worthless."

The Grand Master kneels in front of Lily and lifts up her chin. "No, my prize pupil, you are of tremendous worth, and you shall prove it. Meditate, refresh yourself, and try again. You have not failed until you are dead."

Lily lifts up her head. "Yes, Grand Master. I shall do as you say."

"Once you have succeeded - and you shall - you should take the train to Istanbul. I have sensed a disturbance there that bears investigating."

Lily retires to a meditation chamber, where she goes into a healing trance. Her injuries mend rapidly, but she is still shaken from her experience. Then she goes to the train station and purchases a ticket, but she is not yet ready to leave Shanghai. She has unfinished business.
OOC,Action 1: Component Action - Heal 1 Health, lose 1 Sanity. Action 2: Prepare for Travel: Acquire Train Ticket.
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »


Turn 2 Action Phase
Action 1: T2 Acquire Assets Influ. 3 (1d6=1, 1d6=2, 1d6=6) + gain a Debt Condition to acquire Intelligence Report and therefore 2 Clues. (Whiskey added to the reserve.)
Action 2: Move from Arkham to space 8.

Jim Culver spots an empty bench where he can pause and think, it is situated on the wharfside of Arkham docks. A seagull walks, very cautiously, towards him, and pecks at a discarded bag of chips which lie upon the cobblestones beside his feet. His attention is caught by a white line chalked on the ground, and his gaze follows it to a brick wall where it connects with three lines and an arrow, the arrow points at a wide crack in the side of a warehouse into which sailcloth has been stuffed. Returning to the bench with the sailcloth, he unwraps it and discovers a sheaf of documents.

During pagan rites, Shub-Niggurath absorbs worthy cultists into her amorphous body and transforms then into gof'nn hupadgh Shun-Niggurath, the goat spawn. From the wildest corners of the earth, her primal brood, the dark young, emerge to overwhelm humanity.

He stares at the waves, mulling over the words and those hints which he had heard from the dead back in San Antonio. Eventually he succumbs to a kind of stupor, and falls asleep. He dreams of the life of an insane wizard thousands of years ago in Atlantis. He also dreams that the same wizard is still alive today on an uncharted island.

"Any good?" says an old salt who looks like Captain Ahab.

"Eh?" says Jim.

"That trumpet of yers, can you carry a tune, boy?" Jim simply stares at the old salt, waiting for him to continue or go away. "Name's Burdock, Captain Burdock of the S.S. Monterey. We're steaming down to the Bermudas, and need a willing hand. What d'ya say?"

Jim Culver stands to address Captain Burdock and affects a subservient tone of voice, "I'm a mighty fine trumpet player and a hard worker, boss."

Burdock grins. "You're hired!"
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Re: Eldritch Horror

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Turn 2 Encounter Phase
Lily Chen makes her way back to the warehouse at night, dressed all in black. Instead of using an obvious entrance, she scales the wall and climb up onto the roof. There she finds a ventilation grille, which she opens, and wriggles her slender body inside. Stealth will succeed where brute force failed last time, she thinks. She crawls through the shafts, following her instincts and sounds, until she comes to an interior grating. Peeking through, she sees a darkened room lit only by five candles at the points of a pentagram in the middle of the floor. Li Xiao sits cross-legged in the center of it, chanting under his breath. I will not be afraid, she thinks as she quietly removes the grating, places it beside the opening, and slides into the room. The warlock does not hear her. She slips behind him and raises her arm, bringing it down in a swift chopping motion on the back of his neck. He falls without a sound.
OOC,Will test passed. Fight test passed. Warlock defeated. Last time I hadn't noticed that he has Strength - 1, but I had missed then anyway. This time I took it into account. Now I can try my Other World Encounter.
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »

Back to the monster cup Mr. Warlock :!:

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Re: Eldritch Horror

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Turn 2 Encounter Phase
The body of Li Xiao knocks over one of the candles as it topples, and a wind starts to pick up impossibly in the middle of the room. "Oops!" says Lily. She tries to leave, but she bumps into an invisible barrier. The wind grows fiercer, and soon Lily is being whirled around. The candles are all blown out, and she is plunged into darkness.

A line of pale light appears in one direction, and Lily heads towards it. This time nothing stops her. She discovers that the light is coming from underneath a door, which she pushes open. To her shock, she sees that she is no longer in the warehouse, but in some ancient, decaying castle. A window looks out over a vast lake, and somehow there are two suns in the sky! She is almost overcome with panic, but she feels better after squeezing her lucky rabbit's foot. She turns around to run back through the door, but it is no longer there, replaced with a blank wall. Lily takes a deep breath and starts to meditate, recalling her training. She speaks an incantation that Grand Master Hu had taught her once, which he had told her could open and close mystic gateways. The wall gradually fades to reveal the pentagram room in the warehouse, complete with the dead warlock. The exit is framed in shimmering light. She rushes through, then speaks the incantation backwards. The shimmering portal dissolves, replaced by the warehouse wall. In her heart she knows that the presence of evil has been cleansed from this place. It is her first victory, but she knows that there is a difficult road ahead.
OOC,Hoody hoo! Gate closed! :D
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »

Excellent work, Miss Chen.

ooc,[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4699514/]T2 Rumor, Obs. 2 (1d6=6, 1d6=3)[/url] + spend 1 Clue to solve the Rumor.
Willis, the cabin boy, moves his checker piece on to Jim’s side of the board and pumps his fist in the air. “I got ya, Mr. Culver!”

“Sure have, young man,” says Jim, and claps the boy’s arm. The S.S. Monterey tilts as the ship slides into a deep trough in the stormy Caribbean Sea. The nets, which contain foodstuffs,—tins and suchlike—knock against a bulkhead, also, Harper stumbles into the galley—Jim has the unpleasant feeling that Harper has been watching them for some time.

Harper lifts Willis’ shirttail. “You ‘championed’ the cabin boy yet, Jimmy? Or made friends with the chink cook?”

“Screw you, Harper,” hisses Jim, and thumps at the hand; Willis, his eyes rolling in terror of his tormentor, has not tried to free himself from Harper’s grip, or moved at all even. There is a brief struggle between Jim and Harper. In the aftermath of the fight Harper’s forearm is locked in a half-nelson round Jim’s neck, sweat glistens on the arm’s skin beneath its coarse hairs; both men gasp with exhausted, stertorous breath.

“You leave Mr. Culver be!” cries Willis.

“I’m gonna break his fuckin’ fingers. Messin’ with my meat, who the hell d’ya think you are? Don’t ya know your place, ni——”

“HARPER!” shouts Captain Burdock, “Harper, get the hell outta here, or I’ll have you tied to the mainmast and get Culver to lash you with the cat’. Would you like that, Harper?”

“No, Cap’n,” he says, and flees the galley, as does Willis.

“You alright, Culver?” asks Burdock.

“Yeah, I guess so,” he answers, rubbing his neck. Jim looks more lively and says: “Thank you, boss.”

“I can’t show any favour to you over a white fella,” says Burdock harshly, “even if he be scum like Harper, but I need you, Culver, and so long as you work hard aboard the S.S Monterey you’re one of my crew, and no-one messes with my men.” Jim nods. “Now,” continues Burdock, “we’ve sighted land and it ain’t supposed to be there,—not according to the charts anyway—so let’s get up top and see what’s what.”
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »

Turn 2 Mythos Phase
Omen advances (blue constellation
Monster Surge--none, so Gate at San Francisco (green comet) + Shoggoth
Image Image
Clue spawned Space 18
Omen advances (red sun)

The Shoggoth is a toughie, would it be best to ignore it--maybe if we teamed up at some point and tackled the tough monsters together? Jim move to Buenos Aires + Local Action to discard Debt, and encounter to gain Spell? Also, Lead Investigator, stay as Lily?
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Re: Eldritch Horror

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Turn 3 Action Phase
Lily returns to Grand Master Fu's mansion and greets him again, this time with a huge smile on our face.

"Well done, my student," he tells her. "I knew my faith in you was not misplaced. I could feel the potal being sealed. I have taught you well."

"You have, Grand Master," says Lily, "though I was more lucky than anything. If not for my rabbit's foot, I would likely have failed."

"You put entirely too much stock in that trinket, and you sell yourself short. It did not do the rabbit much good, and it had four of them."

"I leave for Istanbul on the morrow."

Grand Master Fu nods. "After you are done there, you may find something else of interest in the South Indian Ocean. But do not get overconfident, nor should you rest easy. When one door closes, another opens. The barrier between worlds has weakened in San Francisco, and something horrible and powerful has come through. It must be destroyed, but you are not ready to face it yet. I wish you success in your travels, Lily."

"Thank you, Grand Master."
* * *
Lily arrives in Istanbul after a long journey by rail through India and the Middle East. She has never left China before, and the foreign city fascinates her. Upon arrival, she hires a ship in advance in anticipation of the next leg of her journey.
OOC,[b]Lily[/b] remains Lead Investigator Action 1: Travel (Shanghai->17->Istanbul [Train Ticket]) Action 2: Prepare for Travel (Acquire Ship Ticket) The Shoggoth is the key to solving that first mystery, and we're better off beating it sooner rather than later. We should use the Agency Quarantine on San Francisco rather than fighting it directly, as the mystery says that the active investigator can spend two Clues when a non-Epic monster is defeated, regardless of how it is done. It does four damage, exactly enough to kill the Shoggoth, which has four Toughness, exactly enough to solve the mystery. Encounters in Tokyo might allow it to be defeated as well, but that's far from a certainty, and they might not do enough damage. I still need two Clues before I can try to get the Agency Quarantine. I'll go for the one in Istambul this turn, and next turn I can head to 18 if there isn't something closer. That would put me in Sydney on Turn 5 at the earliest. You could actually try to get the Agency Quarantine in Buenos Aires this turn, but then you'd have two Debt conditions, and the next Mythos card will almost certainly have a Reckoning. Or if you pay your Debt off there this turn, you could try to Acquire Assets next turn, then quickly pay off the new Debt if you get one.
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »

You are dead right about the Mystery, Agency Quarantine and Shoggoth. One thing, Jim cannot have 2 of the same Condition, so I will continue as planned, and then Acquire Assets Turn 4.

Edit re. Lily's T3 Action: You can gain a Ship Ticket only if the city is connected to a Ship path. :)


Turn 3 Action Phase
Move to Buenos Aires + T2 discard Debt, Influ. 3 (1d6=4, 1d6=6, 1d6=5)

The S.S. Monterey steams into Buenos Aires, it is a fine, windless day, a trail of black smoke stretches from their ship's funnel to the horizon behind them in the Mid-Atlantic.

"You steppin' ashore, Mr. Culver?" asks Willis, with a tremulous voice.

"I've got to see some people about a debt. I won't be too long," he adds reassuringly. Jim can see that the cabin boy is in a nervous state. "Look, Willis, I've gotta go, it's important. I've spoken with Ho Sien and you can stay with him in the galley while I'm gone, he understands . . . and has a cleaver, just the thing to remove Harper's guts." Jim smiles and eventually Willis does too.
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »

Decide on an alternative Action before looking at Lilys Encounter,x[img]http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu127/makken123/img472-Copy_zpsfa41b57c.jpg[/img] [img]http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu127/makken123/img472_zpsaf0df5dc.jpg[/img] [img]http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu127/makken123/img474_zps4a51cea1.jpg[/img]
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Re: Eldritch Horror

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Turn 3 Action Phase
Lily finds that no ships are bound through the Suez Canal to the Indian Ocean, so she instead visits the marketplace. She passes through a large open air bazaar filled with wondrous sights and smells. She goes inside a pawn shop, identifiable by the image of three balls known the world over, and peruses the wares. An old revolver in a display case attracts her attention.

"That was carried by an Ottoman officer during the Great War," says the shopkeeper, a man named Kemal, noticing her interest. Fortuitously, they both speak English. "He had been forced to pawn it when he fell upon hard times. But what use would that be for a lady such as yourself? I have a collection of fine jewelry that would suit you much better."

"I am but a helpelss woman, traveling on my own," says Lily with a straight face. "I need it for protection."

The two of them have a good haggle over the price, soon coming to an agreement on a figure with which she can live. It comes with a holster and a box of bullets. "A pleasure doing business with you, Miss."

"Likewise." Lily loads the revolver and puts it in the holster, which she attaches to her belt, as she leaves the store.
OOC,Action 2 Replacement: Acquire Assets (Revolver acquired). I saw the Encounter in the Image Bank before the spoiler button was posted, but I was going to Acquire Assets as my replacement Action anyway. I'd been wanting to do that the whole game.
Turn 3 Encounter Phase
No sooner has Lily emerged from the pawnshop than she is met with a horrifying sight! Even her rabbit's foot is no comfort. A policeman lies bleeding to death in the alley beside the store. Crouching over him is a woman with goat-like features, gnawing on his flesh. Before she can react or even draw her revolver, the goat woman rushes her, clawing at her and slamming her into the wall as she rushes past. By the time Lily recovers, the creature is gone.
OOC,Blast! :cry: That could not have gone any worse.
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Tabs »

Re. "Spawn a Goat Spawn monster," is it still around in Istanbul? I found in the Reference Guide that [only?] monsters who Ambush during an Encounter are discarded, defeated or not.

Image .45 Automatic added to the reserve.
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Re: Eldritch Horror

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,This wasn't an Ambush, so according to the Encounter text and the rules it sounds like the Goat Spawn stays.
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