
This Sleeping Car connects to the Private Car and the Sleeping Car thread below. Rooms 1 - 4 are Single Cabins, 5 - 8 are Double Cabins, and 9 is a Cabin Suite with a double bed.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Laraqua »

Charles and Lily wait by Compartment 9 as Arnaud is busy returning with the suitcase. Farooqi & Amadi Al-Rassam wait by the door to Compartment 5 though Amadi tries to hide his smirk at Cecil's comments. Johannes Sprech in Compartment 3
"We're at Nancy," says Arnaud as he reenters the corridor. "It's a city in the north-eastern French department of Meurthe-et-Moselle and formerly the capital of Lorraine." He pauses, and lowers the case for a moment as the woman steps up beside her. "Gospoja Svetlana Altukhov, this is Lord Cecil Linscott, Earl of Horfield. Now, if you'll forgive me, madam, I must unlock these doors for the others if you are to reach Compartment 2." He moves along to unlock Compartment 9 first, admitting Lily and Charles.
Knowledge of Russian cultures you can click if you'd know it,Gospoja is the Russian word for Miss.
"Charmed, I'm sure," says the woman in a velvety Russian accent, holding out her hand to Cecil. Her gaze seems to pin him, dissect him, understand him.... She must have a will of iron to have a gaze that strong.
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Re: Corridor

Post by aine »


"Madame, the pleasure is all mine. Please, allow me to offer you an arm."
Cecil helps the lady into the carriage. "You'll have to forgive the compact nature of the corridor; we're rather like sardines in a can, what." He smiles affably. "Altukhov, is that a Russian name?" Out of the corner of his eye he watches the others.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Laraqua »

France, 00:30

There is a white marble ceiling above you with small bright lights inserted. The walls are made of rich teak and mahogany wood with green and brown doors for each compartment. There are also complicated patterns painted finely on the doors, each having a golden flower on the front. The corridor is quite narrow with only the space for one person moving at a time and thus you have to turn side on to allow others to squeeze past whenever there are two of you walking in opposite directions. The train pulls away from the Nancy platform and Arnaud closes the door before opening Compartment 9 for Lily and Charles Gavigan. Charles enters without a backwards glance.

Farooqi & Amadi Al-Rassam wait by the door to Compartment 5 though Amadi tries to subtly ogle out of the corner of his eye. Johannes Sprech stands by in Compartment 3.
"Yes, it is," she says, her voice full of utter sweetness and light even as her eyes rake over the others within the corridor like a scientist viewing a slide beneath a microscope. "Although I call Mother England home ever since she opened her arms to me all those years ago. I retain my accent, however, in respect to my parents. And you are a Lord? Isn't it fascinating the sorts of people you can meet aboard a train?"
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Re: Corridor

Post by aine »


"Absolutely, train travel is fascinating. There are all sorts of wonderful characters on board this train. And I am but a lowly earl, one day to inherit a veritable heap of a mansion and positively acres of cows, cottages and hillsides. Although the town house in Bloomsbury is alright. Useful for a stop over. But it is late, Madame. Maybe we could continue over a light repast in the morning?"
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Re: Corridor

Post by Laraqua »

The conductor unlocked Compartment 5 and Amadi and Farooqi Al-Rassam enter their compartment for the night. Charles gestures for Lily to enter after him.
"There'll be plenty of time for conversation later, I am sure," she says with a brief nod.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Kadael »

Lily blinks in apparent surprise, her facial expression a touch less pensive, and follows Charles into Compartment 9.
I'm a smooth criminal and a neurotic lawyer with a crush on a pretty-boy author, and I'm being controlled by my creepy older brother (twice!) while I worry about not having a can opener.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Laraqua »

France, 00:45

There is a white marble ceiling above you with small bright lights inserted. The walls are made of rich teak and mahogany wood with green and brown doors for each compartment. There are also complicated patterns painted finely on the doors, each having a golden flower on the front. The corridor is quite narrow with only the space for one person moving at a time and thus you have to turn side on to allow others to squeeze past whenever there are two of you walking in opposite directions.

Johannes Sprech enters Compartment 3 when the conductor opens it and then Svetlana Altukhov enters Compartment 2 once unlocked. Finally, the conductor gives Lord Cecil a friendly smile before unlocking his own compartment, Compartment 4.
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Re: Corridor

Post by aine »

Cecil nods goodnight, "Thank you Arnaud." he turns back from inside his compartment. "Let me know if anything untoward happens during the night, there's a good fellow. Otherwise, see you in the morning."
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Re: Corridor

Post by Laraqua »

Now the corridor is empty, the conductor returns to his seat.
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Re: Corridor

Post by aine »

Leaving his compartment, "That's strange, it's never stopped before." Cecil tries winding his watch up and then knocks at the Al-Rassams' door.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Laraqua »

Farooqi's voice can be heard with abrupt suddenness as he knocks on the door, "ينقذني من الموت والركود، يا أسود فرعون، وقال انه من الفوضى الزحف، لأنني أعرف أنه في غضون ضعف الجسد والطبيعة كسر الحمقاء من العقل أنا التراجع."
Arabic Translation,Deliver me from death and stagnation, oh Black Pharoah, he of the crawling chaos, for I know that within the weakness of the flesh and the foolish broken nature of the mind I am undone.
As his words peter out, the door slowly creaks open, revealing a splintered lock, to reveal the skeletal remains of two suited men. The chest of one has been exploded inwards, the vest ruptured outwards, around the skeletal arm of the other, as though one had died when the other thrust his hand through to his heart. How the other one died is a mystery.
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Re: Corridor

Post by aine »

"Lord preserve me." Whispers Cecil as he is confronted by the scene. "Surely..." He is disbelieving of what he sees and looks wonderingly around the cabin before entering slowly. "...It can't be..." Fearing the worst he looks closer at the suits to see if they are Amadi's and Farooqui's. He also looks for Amadi's ankh if he can't tell them apart.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Laraqua »

The skeleton with its hand thrust through the other appears to be Amadi judging by both its suit and the ankh it wears around its neck bones.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Laraqua »

Strassburg, 03:36

There is a white marble ceiling above you with small bright lights inserted. The walls are made of rich teak and mahogany wood with green and brown doors for each compartment. There are also complicated patterns painted finely on the doors, each having a golden flower on the front. The corridor is quite narrow with only the space for one person moving at a time and thus you have to turn side on to allow others to squeeze past whenever there are two of you walking in opposite directions.

(Moved here for posterity and edited due to triggered events....)

"Amadi, old fellow, what have you done?"
Cecil is horrified and terribly saddened at the inexplicable loss of his two friends. He leans against the wall for a few moments to gather himself. "This must be supernatual - I can't think of any other theory. And somehow related to the evenings' general weirdness, I'll be bound." "I'll find out what's gone here - if I can. Good luck, old friends, I hope you're both in a more promising place than this hellish pit we seem to have landed in." After looking fruitlessly in the suitcases, Cecil reaches forward to gingerly remove Amadi's Ankh which he looks at closely before putting in his pocket.
ooc,I can remember compartment 2, but which carriage? Also, I won't be posting until Wednesday so please npc me if necessary.
Before his very eyes, he sees the skeletal head of his former friend begin to turn towards him and he feels a sudden jolt of fear. There is only one thing for it but it is a terrible possibility to consider. He realises, with a start, the weight of the gun in his hand. He can feel its heavy weight and the stubbled metal of its grip in his hand. Before he can consider his next action .... Cecil feels a jolt pass through him and, with several quick blinks, finds himself standing in front of the door to Compartment 9 with a gun in one gloved hand. His other hand is upraised, as though about to knock, or having just finished knocking. Glancing sidelong (instinctively) toward the conductor lying in his chair, he can see the man is quite clearly unconscious by the way his head lolls in the upright position and his arms are slack. His own face is hidden behind wool, his scarf wrapped around his head to hide it.

The door to Amadi's compartment is closed and a few doors down though Cecil can hear the muted strains of Farooqi's snores coming, reassuringly, from within it.

The train is slowing to enter the next train station.
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Re: Corridor

Post by aine »


Extremely perturbed, Cecil drops his hand and looks around himself. "I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man. Was that all just a vision? How confoundedly confusing." He hears the train slowing down and hurriedly puts the gun in his inside pocket. He is about to go to knock at compartment 5 when he sees the attendant. He goes over to Garcon to see if the man is just asleep or otherwise.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Laraqua »

Cecil finds the small gun fits well within the internal pocket. He tilts up the man's head and hears him draw in a sudden breath. It seems that the man has passed out on his chair. Perhaps his tongue had rolled back to block his throat? Whatever the reason, he seems to be breathing better now that his head is lifted. He's alive, at least, and there's no sign of any injury.

Of course, there's an odd lump in his thigh pocket as he leans down that wasn't there beforehand.

(Listen Check)
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Re: Corridor

Post by aine »

"Come along old chap. Réveillez-vous !" Cecil undoes Garcon's collar and pats him sharply on the cheek. Then he's alerted by a sound and looks around.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Laraqua »

Strassburg, 04:42

The train moves off from the station. The conductor seems to be quite asleep. Looking around, he can see a woman standing in the doorway to Compartment 9.
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Re: Corridor

Post by aine »

Cecil turns round as Lily opens the door. "Oh, sorry. Did I knock?" He looks a little confused. "Well, either way, um, I tell you what: do you have some smelling salts for Garcon here; he's a little under the weather one might say." He gestures to the unconscious attendant lolling in his seat. "Er, did I wake your husband too? Very sorry if I did. It's all been a bit odd, what."
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Re: Corridor

Post by Kadael »

Lily cocks her head, regarding Cecil curiously. Her features are much less striking without her makeup, though her long nightdress is notably diaphanous and perhaps not the sort of thing a young woman should be wearing on a train. "Yes, you knocked. I'm afraid I don't have any smelling salts, what's happened...?"

She trails off and flushes slightly, her eyes widening. "Sir, I-- I'm not married. The man sharing my compartment is my brother."
I'm a smooth criminal and a neurotic lawyer with a crush on a pretty-boy author, and I'm being controlled by my creepy older brother (twice!) while I worry about not having a can opener.
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