Compartment 5

This Sleeping Car connects to the Private Car and the Sleeping Car thread below. Rooms 1 - 4 are Single Cabins, 5 - 8 are Double Cabins, and 9 is a Cabin Suite with a double bed.
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Compartment 5

Post by Laraqua »

Paris, 23:00

This Double Cabin has a Pullman-style bed that folds into a comfortable sofa during the day and can be unfolded to reveal a set of bunk beds that aren't terribly wide but which has expensive cotton sheets freshly pressed and a well-fluffed pillow. The bed currently sits as a couch with colourful upholstery. A sink in a lovely, closing vanity is fitted into the corner and it provides both hot and cold water, as well as containing a little cupboard underneath that provides a glimpse at the porcelain pipes as well as access to additional storage space. There is a luggage rack over the window. An inlaid, fold-out tables crouches beneath the window and shortly above this table is a little shelf containing a lamp with a peach-coloured lamp shade, a weighted vase containing a single red flower and a glass ash tray. There is, naturally, a button that will summon the Cabin Steward as well as an emergency brake pull with a warning beneath that threatens an expensive fine if you are to pull it without good reason. There isn't much room in this compartment, especially with any hand luggage brought onboard, but it is beautiful.

Spring-loaded roller blinds can be drawn up to view the outside world or to gain more privacy. Half of the window glass can be slid down to allow wind in, odours out or merely to stick one’s head out the window to get a good view of the surrounding countryside rushing past. Between each compartment stands the mosaic-floored cabinet de toilette where passengers may make use of a sink and mirror to wash their faces and apply make-up. This is shared between the two compartments and when one door is opened, the other door locks. There are two bell-pushes in the compartment, one that buzzes and lights a white light outside to alert the conducteur who sits out in the corridor all day and all night.

This compartment belongs to Farooqi and Amadi Al-Rassam and both have already placed their bags around the place. There are two suitcases lying side by side on the luggage racks.
The leftmost suitcase,contains three suits, a set of pyjamas, a copy of the Koran that isn't well-read.
The rightmost suitcase,contains three suits, a set of pyjamas, a set of playing cards, and a silver hip flask that smells of whiskey but is currently empty.
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by Laraqua »

Amadi Al-Rassam takes a step back in to let Cecil enter. "Hello, Cecil."
Charles sits beside him, hands primly on his lap. He looks up with a flash of mild annoyance followed by what appears to be genuine friendliess. "Oh, hello."
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by aine »

"Thank you." Cecil enters the compartment and squeezes onto the bed with a slightly foolish grin. He looks at Charles quite seriously for a moment and then says, "Oh dash it all, a fellow's got to risk the murky waters at some point." He holds out his hand and casting his foolish demeanour aside, becomes quite sensible and serious, "Cecil Linscott, Lord Horfield. I'm afraid I can't remember where we met before - except over the recent reclining figure of Herr Schiller. Are you Oxbridge or maybe military?"
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by Laraqua »

France, 23:15

This Double Cabin has a Pullman-style bed that folds into a comfortable sofa during the day and can be unfolded to reveal a set of bunk beds that aren't terribly wide but which has expensive cotton sheets freshly pressed and a well-fluffed pillow. The bed currently sits as a couch with colourful upholstery. A sink in a lovely, closing vanity is fitted into the corner and it provides both hot and cold water, as well as containing a little cupboard underneath that provides a glimpse at the porcelain pipes as well as access to additional storage space. There is a luggage rack over the window. An inlaid, fold-out tables crouches beneath the window and shortly above this table is a little shelf containing a lamp with a peach-coloured lamp shade, a weighted vase containing a single red flower and a glass ash tray. There is, naturally, a button that will summon the Cabin Steward as well as an emergency brake pull with a warning beneath that threatens an expensive fine if you are to pull it without good reason. There isn't much room in this compartment, especially with any hand luggage brought onboard, but it is beautiful.

Spring-loaded roller blinds can be drawn up to view the outside world or to gain more privacy. Half of the window glass can be slid down to allow wind in, odours out or merely to stick one’s head out the window to get a good view of the surrounding countryside rushing past. Between each compartment stands the mosaic-floored cabinet de toilette where passengers may make use of a sink and mirror to wash their faces and apply make-up. This is shared between the two compartments and when one door is opened, the other door locks. There are two bell-pushes in the compartment, one that buzzes and lights a white light outside to alert the conducteur who sits out in the corridor all day and all night.

This compartment belongs to Farooqi and Amadi Al-Rassam and both have already placed their bags around the place. There are two suitcases lying side by side on the luggage racks.
The leftmost suitcase,contains three suits, a set of pyjamas, a copy of the Koran that isn't well-read.
The rightmost suitcase,contains three suits, a set of pyjamas, a set of playing cards, and a silver hip flask that smells of whiskey but is currently empty.
Charles smiles at him. "Oh, mutual friends, I shouldn't wonder. I received a letter in the mail from them recently. Most interesting.... Didn't think they'd request you come all the way out here as well but be that as it may we're here now. What seems to be troubling you?"
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by aine »

"Yes there was a flurry of letters this week; most I could have done without." Cecil thinks for a moment. "It's hard to make much sense of it all but since dinner, we've had that Schiller saga - a man who seemed hypnotised or catatonic. I went back to the table next to ours - where he stopped- and the two gentlemen who were sat there, one of which I know, were still there and in the same state as Schiller." Remembering something Cecil pats his pocket to check he still has Dr. Pius' wallet.

"Under the table I found a rock with a strange Arabic-looking symbol on it that made me feel queasy to look at, much like all these damn posters. Now, it seems far fetched but I wondered if the symbol had some sort of power to affect the three men at the table. And then I found out that this puppet show tonight is occult and is rumoured to send people into seizures too. Plus we have the enigmatic Shefira Roash travelling in the private car; and we may be able to get an audience if you are still interested, Amadi."

It all seems connected. There are also members of a ruthless, possibly middle eastern, society on board the train and I fear they may be behind it all."
He watches Amadi carefully to see his reaction as he says this last bit. "So there you have it, chaps. Amadi and I were after a few frolics to ward of ennui on board but, well... I could do with some help on this one; there are a lot of innocent travelers on board."
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by Laraqua »

Amadi flinches slightly but otherwise doesn't respond.
Charles clasps his hands together. "How interesting! I don't see what some symbols and puppet shows can do to drive people mad, unless a mesmerist got to them first and set them up to behave in certain ways upon regarding certain stimuli. Perhaps some sort of testing ground for the Nazis? Just think of the fifth columnists one could create from that! Best to check up on these puppeteers, eh? If you ask me, the occupation seems a bit suspect considering the situation."
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by aine »

"Excellent, well the puppet show was supposed to start at eleven in the smoking car so we'd better hurry. We need to think of a plan to avoid becoming overcome, if such a thing is to occur, although I agree; I can't see how it is possible. Amadi are you in?" Cecil looks with concern to his friend.
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by Laraqua »

Charles rises to his feet. "Not sure what we can do about it without causing a scene, other than pulling one of these emergency brakes and blaming it on the kids. Best take a look-see though, just in case."
Amadi Al-Rassam frowns as he gets to his feet as well, pressing his back up against the window to avoid standing in anyone's way. "Are you all right, Cecil? I mean, occult puppet shows causing you a fright? It doesn't seem ... well ... like yourself."
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by aine »

Cecil stands up and allows Charles to proceed him out of the compartment. "I'm not frightened - more bemused than anything. I'm more concerned about this gang and the mischief they could cause - the war's the perfect opener for them. I've got a bit of an 'in' with a couple of the members and I'm hoping they'll recruit me. I say... " Cecil stops suddenly as if he's remembered something and turns back to Amadi. "That amulet you are wearing - would you mind awfully if I see it again?"
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by Laraqua »

Charles heads out into the corridor.
Amadi Al-Rassam looks cautiously at Cecil. "A gang, you say? What kind of gang?" He pulls out his amulet a little warily. It's an upside down ankh on a leather thong. He looks a little awkwardly about it.
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by aine »

Cecil looks at the amulet and pokes it gently with his finger, realising what it represents. Gently too he says, "Amadi, old friend, what have you got yourself into this time?"

He smiles sadly. "If you are one hundred percent happy with your predicament, then I promise not to interfere. But, if you have the slightest doubt, even if you think it is too late, then you CANNOT give into this, this dark cloud that the ankh represents."

Cecil looks into Amadi's eyes, "You've got so much to offer the world; you can't give it all up without a fight to the end. Help me fight it. We have been through a lot together and this is no different to the other scrapes; a touch tougher though I admit." Cecil grins lop-lopsidedly.
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by Laraqua »

Amadi Al-Rassam looks curiously at Cecil. "It's just a secret society. The universities are full of them. I kept it as a memento. With the war rearing its ugly head I hardly got to do much more than a basic initiation." He shrugs then gives ecil a wry smile. "I didn't think you were the superstitious conspiracy-minded sort."
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by aine »

Cecil smiles, "Good - I think! You might expect a bit more initiation into the group on this train so be prepared. Come on Old Bean, Charles is waiting." He leaves the cabin looking thoughtful.
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by Laraqua »

Munich, 10:18

This Double Cabin has a Pullman-style bed that folds into a comfortable sofa during the day and can be unfolded to reveal a set of bunk beds that aren't terribly wide but which has expensive cotton sheets freshly pressed and a well-fluffed pillow. The bed currently sits as a couch with colourful upholstery. A sink in a lovely, closing vanity is fitted into the corner and it provides both hot and cold water, as well as containing a little cupboard underneath that provides a glimpse at the porcelain pipes as well as access to additional storage space. There is a luggage rack over the window. An inlaid, fold-out tables crouches beneath the window and shortly above this table is a little shelf containing a lamp with a peach-coloured lamp shade, a weighted vase containing a single red flower and a glass ash tray. There is, naturally, a button that will summon the Cabin Steward as well as an emergency brake pull with a warning beneath that threatens an expensive fine if you are to pull it without good reason. There isn't much room in this compartment, especially with any hand luggage brought onboard, but it is beautiful.

Spring-loaded roller blinds can be drawn up to view the outside world or to gain more privacy. Half of the window glass can be slid down to allow wind in, odours out or merely to stick one’s head out the window to get a good view of the surrounding countryside rushing past. Between each compartment stands the mosaic-floored cabinet de toilette where passengers may make use of a sink and mirror to wash their faces and apply make-up. This is shared between the two compartments and when one door is opened, the other door locks. There are two bell-pushes in the compartment, one that buzzes and lights a white light outside to alert the conducteur who sits out in the corridor all day and all night.

This compartment belongs to Farooqi and Amadi Al-Rassam and both have already placed their bags around the place. There are two suitcases lying side by side on the luggage racks.
The leftmost suitcase,contains three suits, a set of pyjamas, a copy of the Koran that isn't well-read.
The rightmost suitcase,contains three suits, a set of pyjamas, a set of playing cards, and a silver hip flask that smells of whiskey but is currently empty.
The train pulls into the station at Munich.
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by aine »

Cecil enters the compartment and closes the door. He leans against the wall so not to take up much space in the small room. "Good morning both. I'll tell you about the surprise in just a jiffy. Ur, how did you both sleep? Any nightmares or sleepless wanderings?
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by Laraqua »

"No, nothing like that," says Amadi, taking a seat for much the same space conservation reason.

"I slept quite peacefully," says Farooqi. "I generally do aboard trains."
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by aine »

Cecil sighs. "Well...good, I'm glad to hear it." But he looks very unsettled and they can tell something's bothering him. He attempts joviality: "Heres a puzzle for you, what do you make of this?" He pulls the amulet from his pocket and shows it to the two men.
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by Laraqua »

Amadi accepts it first. He gazes at it for a long moment. "Love is the beginning and end of all things, as I pledge myself." He startles and then drops it as though shocked before picking it up again from his lap and hurriedly handing it back. "It is a love amulet, perhaps? Where did you get this?"
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by aine »

Cecil frowns grimly, "It has that effect on one." And then hands it to Farooqi, "What do you make of it, Farooqi? It was given to me by the passenger in compartment 9. A Mr. Charles Gaviscon. I rather think he gave it to me as some sort of test for some reason. He's an unnerving man, not to be trifled with and i fear he is on this train for nefarious purposes." He looks hard at Farooqi as he says this.
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Re: Compartment 5

Post by Laraqua »

Germany, 10:40

This Double Cabin has a Pullman-style bed that folds into a comfortable sofa during the day and can be unfolded to reveal a set of bunk beds that aren't terribly wide but which has expensive cotton sheets freshly pressed and a well-fluffed pillow. The bed currently sits as a couch with colourful upholstery. A sink in a lovely, closing vanity is fitted into the corner and it provides both hot and cold water, as well as containing a little cupboard underneath that provides a glimpse at the porcelain pipes as well as access to additional storage space. There is a luggage rack over the window. An inlaid, fold-out tables crouches beneath the window and shortly above this table is a little shelf containing a lamp with a peach-coloured lamp shade, a weighted vase containing a single red flower and a glass ash tray. There is, naturally, a button that will summon the Cabin Steward as well as an emergency brake pull with a warning beneath that threatens an expensive fine if you are to pull it without good reason. There isn't much room in this compartment, especially with any hand luggage brought onboard, but it is beautiful.

Spring-loaded roller blinds can be drawn up to view the outside world or to gain more privacy. Half of the window glass can be slid down to allow wind in, odours out or merely to stick one’s head out the window to get a good view of the surrounding countryside rushing past. Between each compartment stands the mosaic-floored cabinet de toilette where passengers may make use of a sink and mirror to wash their faces and apply make-up. This is shared between the two compartments and when one door is opened, the other door locks. There are two bell-pushes in the compartment, one that buzzes and lights a white light outside to alert the conducteur who sits out in the corridor all day and all night.

This compartment belongs to Farooqi and Amadi Al-Rassam and both have already placed their bags around the place. There are two suitcases lying side by side on the luggage racks.
The leftmost suitcase,contains three suits, a set of pyjamas, a copy of the Koran that isn't well-read.
The rightmost suitcase,contains three suits, a set of pyjamas, a set of playing cards, and a silver hip flask that smells of whiskey but is currently empty.
The train pulls out of the Munich station.

Farooqi frowns at it but doesn't seem unduly affected by it. "What prompted this gift? And do you know why he would have any reason to suspect you know Arabic?"
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