IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

The old Corbitt house is shrouded in dark rumours and fearful whispers. Its past residents have all had grisly experiences in there, and the few which are able to speak of it will not. Now, pulled in by the promise of money, several investigators try to to find the house's dark secret.

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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by BenTheRat »

OOC Richard,I'm not sure where you got the idea there was someone else outside with him. There was not.
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by BenTheRat »

"She was talking about it after you called earlier. She even asked me for advice, cause she was nervous about you coming to her apartment. I suggested a quaint, little spot right by her flat." Phil said. "So what you looking for, maybe I can help?" He gives you that charmed smile you've come to despise.
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by Priest »

Warren Kaine
I stop rummaging in my dek and look straight at him, "An address for a guy I'm trying to find - a Tom Lawrence or Law"
I'm watching for any sign of familiarity with the name Tom Law.
OOC,I'm resisting the urge to see what Richard is up too here.
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by BenTheRat »

"Tom Law you say, you should know he's a vagrant until he moved into the Corbitt place. I don't have an address for him beyond that" Phil replies.
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

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Warren Kaine
I nod, smile then take a cigarette out and light it, cocking a leg over my desk I perch on it, "Okay Phil, lets stop beating around the bush, I know you know all about the Corbitt house. Even wrote a piece on it which the paper never ran." I spit an errant piece of tobacco from between my lips and look around for an ash tray, "So as they say, you show me yours and I'll show you mine."
"And whoever you've got trying to hide in the shadows there may as well show themselves.."
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by BenTheRat »

Phil laughs, "Well Warren old chum, looks like we'll be working together again, I know that just thrills the hell out of you. Richard and I" gesturing towards Richard in the shadows, "just worked out a deal to give me exclusive rights to your team's story."
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by Priest »

Warren Kaine
I glance at the emrging figure of Richard and shake my head ruefully. "Wrong Pal, you may have made a deal with them but I haven't agreed to no deal".
I stand up, drop my cigarette butt to the floor and rub it out. Then turn towards the door, "Be seeing you"
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by DrVendetta »

"Warren I would like to hear your side of whats going on here if you don't mind?" Richard says as he walks into the room
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by Priest »

Warren Kaine
I stop at Richard's question, and look over my shoulder towards him, "Why don't you ask your new pals why they've been following me around? Ask Phil there why the paper put the block on his 1918 story about the house? And ask him why he needs you to supply him with the story?"
I look towards the door and start walking, "Oh and Joe, if I see your camera pointed at me I'm gonna feed it to you."
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by BenTheRat »

Phil sat down on a desk, "Calm down Warren. I don't mind discussing it. You want to know why the blocked my story a couple years back, plain and simple I didn't have enough proof to go with the angle I wanted. The story of the family I was told just dredged up old fears that need to be put aside. I say BullShit to that. This is a story that needs to be told, a mystery that needs to be solved. I maybe a decent reporter but I don't know Jack about dealing with that house."
He takes a pause and recomposes himself. "Listen, I know you have no reason to trust me, but I need to be a part of this, I'm just too afraid to go into the house alone, that's why I need you guys. You seem to have access, I heard about your team's incursion into the house just last night. And as to why I was following you, you may not believe it but I thought you might be planning to go into the house alone. Thought you might need some backup. When I saw you really did go to see Jenn, I peeled off and came back here. Thats why I told her about the speakeasy, I figured if she took you down there, you'd be done for the night and I didn't have to worry about you."
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by Priest »

Warren Kaine
Once more I come to a halt and turn to face Phil, "So you were following me out of concern for my well being? That's real big of you"
I look at Richard then back at Phil, "So we do the legwork and you get the story? Yeah I understand that much, but what's in it for us - glory?" I snort derisively, "Saw enough boys die for 'glory' in France 1n 1918"
I glance at the wall clock, "Well, its been a blast, but I've got an engagement". Once more I look at Richard, "You need a lift, or have you more to discuss with these two?"
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by DrVendetta »

Richard is compeletly beside himself, first he thought that Warren had the photographer following them for a story he wanted to do, as it turns out Warren works for the paper the photograper is employed by but is on the other side of the fence from them on this story. This is really messed up.

Finally Richard chooses and says "I'll take the lift if you don't mind Warren" and he starts to follow Warren out the door, as he passes Phil he looks him in the eye and says "I will be watching to see that you keep your promise to me" and then he follows Warren out the door.
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by DrVendetta »

After they clear the door and are out of earshot Richard lets out a chuckle and says "Well Warren you do have one thing to thank those guys for, they saved you one hell of a beat down from me because the whole time I thought you were the one that had Joe following us and taking pictures"

"So what in God's name is going on here and why are you so against Phil on this I would think that two reporters working for the same paper would find a way to work together on the story and take joint credit" Richard ask of Warren

"And what is Phil's real interest in the House" Richard looks at Phil's face trying to read what he is thinking and feeling at the moment
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by Priest »

Warren Kaine
I nod toward my car and open up, sliding behind the wheel before I answer Richard, "Professional courtesy. Phil never made any attempt to ask me about our investigation. So I don't think that working together was in his plan. Also the guy is a smuck, thinks he's more important than he is." I start the car and pull away from the kerb.
"There's some cigarettes in the glove box help yourself." For a few seconds I drive in silence, concentrating on the road.
"So what exactly did he promise?"
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by DrVendetta »

Richard smiles then turns to Warren "That he would not print anything prior to Monday, I was just buying us time until after we are done. We don't need the public looking at us as we are walking around. He had Joe take a picture of all of us at diner I tracked Joe down to the globe, he said they were going to run a story tomorrow about Ghost Hunters looking into the Corbit house. I just bought us some time we will be done one way or another by Monday. I could care less who prints the story and would rather not be plastered all over the paper with a face like mine I am easy to pick out in public."

Richard continues "So why is Phil so into the Corbit house story? What was his angle that they would not let him print?"
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by Priest »

Warren Kaine
"No idea, but I have a hunch it has something to do with that Chapel. If someone had enough influence to shut the police investigation down, putting the lid on any newpaper story would be easy"
I light a cigarette, "Beneath the seat is a file that was put together for me by a friend at the paper. I never got time to look at it properly, maybe there's answers in there."
I crack open the window and flick ash ouside, "We are supposed to meet the others at 11 outside the Corbitt house, but if there's time how about giving the Chapel site a quick once over?"
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by DrVendetta »

Richard says "Works for me" as he pulls the file out and starts reading through it.
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by BenTheRat »

As you read through the file there is nothing more than what you've already seen. Nothing new.
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by Priest »

Warren Kaine
As Richard looks through the file I drive to the site and pull up where I had stopped earlier. In the dark It looks more forbidding than in the daylight. I'm sure that I've probably got a flashlight somewhere in the trunk.
I open the door, "You packing by any chance?" Suddenly the comfort of a weapon seems beneficial.
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by BenTheRat »

As you pulled through the small alley to get to the chapel you realize how tucked away this place is. The backs of the buildings make this little alley almost impassable.

It opens into a small parking lot with a huge lot. You can see the backs of buildings that surround the exterior of the lot on the other side of the tall fence that surrounds the whole place.

It is overgrown with tall grass and trees scattered about getting thicker the further back on the lot.

There are large rocks and stones scattered around as well and what looks like it could have been an archway crumbled near the entrance.

Go here to continue.
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