IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

The old Corbitt house is shrouded in dark rumours and fearful whispers. Its past residents have all had grisly experiences in there, and the few which are able to speak of it will not. Now, pulled in by the promise of money, several investigators try to to find the house's dark secret.

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IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by BenTheRat »

Location: Cab chase through Boston
Time: 7:45 PM

The cab races through the streets. As it gets to the corner and turns to follow the cab, its not in sight. "Shit, its gone sir. He just had too much a lead on me."
driver roll,[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4240191/]First cab roll. 60% (1d100=71)[/url]
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by DrVendetta »

"You look down the streets on the left I will look down the ones on the right lets see if we can see where he turned off" Richard says to the driver
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by BenTheRat »

He says, "Sounds good," and guns it down the street.
ooc,ok make a spot hidden to see if you can see the elusive cab.
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by DrVendetta »

Ben,spot hidden chance 45% roll = 4% so a succsess [url]http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4240326/[/url]
Richard is looking down the streets on the left when there is not a street on the right.
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by BenTheRat »

You see the car a couple blocks up the road. You yell out, "There, turn left."
The cabby looks great making the left turn and missing the oncoming traffic. A few horn honks, but no collision.
driver roll 1,[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4240336/]Driver roll 60% (1d100=23)[/url]
Trying to stay back a bit, the cabby looks like he has done this before.
drvier roll 2,[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4240347/]Driver roll 60% 2nd roll (1d100=31)[/url]
But he makes another turn and the cab is caught behind a truck. The truck is moving really slow and then stops. The cabby curses out and gets around him, but the other cab is gone.
driver roll 3,[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4240348/]Driver roll 60% 3rd roll (1d100=70)[/url]
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by DrVendetta »

Once again Richard says "keep going and look down the streets again he had to turn down one of them"
Ben,spot hidden chance = 45% roll = 41% so another succsess [url]http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4240351/[/url]
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by BenTheRat »

The cabby turns down the road and goes down the street looking to one side while you look at the other.
Then you spot it stopped on the side of the road. As you turn the other cab pulls out and drives off. As you drive up to where the cab was stopped, it is the Boson Globe.
You don't see anyone. Do you want to keep following the cab, or do something else?
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by DrVendetta »

I ask the cab driver to pull over and wait. I jump out of the cab and run into the Globe office looking to see if if there is an secratary I can ask who just came in and where they went. If asked I tell them I have something very important to tell them about the picture they just took and need o speak to them.
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by BenTheRat »

As you run up to the door, there is a sign that says closed on it.

You try the handle anyway and the door is unlocked. You go in and there is no one at the front desk. You can see there are some lights on further to the back and you hear some voices.
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by DrVendetta »

I walk back towards the lights and voices as quietly and steathly as I can.
Ben,Listen chance = 45% roll = 38% so a succsess
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by BenTheRat »

Richard,make a sneak check
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by DrVendetta »

Ben,you are killing me with the rolls here there was a reason I said as quietly as possible Sneak chance 10% roll = 88% so a failure [url]http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4241318/[/url]
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by BenTheRat »

You can't hear anything at first, so you start to move further in, so you can hear.
As you start to move forward you hear them talking. There are 2 voices.
Voice 1: "..find out?"
Voice 2: "A ton, let me tell you." you hear some papers ruffling."Now they talked about the chapel of contemplation, and Mr. Corbitt, from that old house you did the story on. Something about a pognus, no idea what that is."
Voice 1:"That's Latin, it means to stab, or a stabbing thing. Go on."
Voice 2:"Well they are talking about checking out both the house and the chapel tonight. I have a whole bunch more here in my notes."
Voice 1: "Did you get the "
About that time you accidentally hit a pencil holder on a desk.
Voice 1: "What the hell was that? Were you followed?"
Voice 2: "I don't think so."
You hear footsteps like they are running.
OOC,haha, sorry I gave you a bunch for the listen roll, but you sneak about like a bull in a china shop. ;)
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by DrVendetta »

I look around to see if there is a shadow or something for me to hide or duck behind real quick.
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by BenTheRat »

The room in here is dark because the lights are out. There are several desks around.
Richard,hahaha, make that hide roll bull.
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by DrVendetta »

I duck under a desk and prepare for a fight, I draw one of my guns in case it comes to that

[Spoiler-Button]Ben, Hide chance = 10% roll = 71 so another failure http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4241419/[Spoiler-Button]
Last edited by DrVendetta on Tue Oct 01, 2013 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by BenTheRat »

As you duck under the desk the light flips on.

voice 1: "Is anyone in here?"
voice 2: "Well something knocked over the pencil holder."
voice 1: "Did you lock the door when you came in?"
voice 2: "I don't remember, let me check."
you recognize the 2nd voice as the same guy who took your picture.
You hear them moving around the room. You know they will find you where you are at, there just isn't a decent spot to hide here.
The photographer you hear is walking towards the front door to your left.
You hear the other guy walking towards your right.
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by DrVendetta »

Ben,Do I believe that I will be discoverd for sure? Or do I believe that they may go back to where they were? This will influence what I do next
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by BenTheRat »

If they turn around and head back they won't. But if the 2nd guy goes to the door, locks it and turns around, he will surely see you.

If you move too much around the desk to avoid him seeing you, the 1st guy will see you.
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Re: IC: Ch. 4g: A car chase (Richard)

Post by DrVendetta »

Can I get under the desk?
Ben,If I believe that I am going to be found I am going to stand up with my hands behind my back (gun out and hidden) and confront both of them so I have the drop on them. Did the photographer look like he could handle himself in a fight? Do i reconize the other voice? If I feel I have a shot at not being found I will try to stay hidden and continue to listen in on the conversation.
Last edited by DrVendetta on Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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