Communications Compartment

These cars are attached in the following order from the Sleeping Cars to the Kitchen Car and are intended for the guests to mingle: the Lounge Car (nonsmoking), the Bar Car (smoking), and the Dining Car (smoking). Please remember that even if you're just passing through you need to post in each car that you pass and briefly skim the prior three posts to see if your character is about to pass through a firefight.
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Communications Compartment

Post by Laraqua »

Communications Compartment, France, 20:15

The end doors connecting the cars open inward and allow a person to step out onto a covered platform specially mounted on rockers and with opaque accordian-fold coverings. While there is one of these compartments between each car they generally won't be so important as to require so many of their own threads. Therefore if you ever need privacy for a conversation or for your character's musings then you may always post within this space. Time stamps will indicate whether anyone continues to be here. You do not need to post every time you pass through though as one can always assume you either just missed someone standing in this compartment or even didn't realise the significance - they could have been passing through themselves, after all. If it does look likely to matter then you will be forewarned.
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Re: Communications Compartment

Post by Laraqua »

The four children, Roby family, mediteranean couple and the honeymooners have already left the Dining Car. Somehow the pair who are sat in front of Schiller have been forgotten in all the ruckus as the focus turns squarely on Schiller. Later, if questioned, those who involved themselves with Schiller would have been hard-pressed to say if there had ever been anyone sitting at the table before him. For their part, the pair at the table seem not to have noticed the furore about the German fellow and continue to indulge in light conversation as they finish off the dessert, completely unaware as to how empty the Dining Car is becoming
Charles Belanger lets go of Schiller once they're in the narrow confines of this area. "I say, I hope that waitor fetches a doctor soon. He seems to be having some sort of episode. Perhaps he's epileptic? Or a diabetic in need of his insulin?"
"I'd rather not crowd the man," says Farooqi. "I think I shall carry on to the Smoking Car. Call for me if you need me." And with that he heads into the Smoking Car, giving them some more space.
Amadi frowns. "Well, I'm sure he'll snap out of it soon. Hopefully." He doesn't seem very bothered about it which shouldn't surprise Cecil considering the Al-Rassams are very much anti-Nazi. While not particularly fans of the Jewish people considering various historical issues, they consider them very much People of God and are less anti-semitic by far than a number of other people Cecil could name from the university.

A man they haven't seen before passes through, giving them an irritated glance at them crowding up the space but is soon gone. A few others stream pass by shortly thereafter to get to the Dining Car's Second Service. Presumably none are doctors as the waitor isn't with them.
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Re: Communications Compartment

Post by aine »

"Yes, drat the fellow; why couldn't he go AWOL in the privacy of his own cabin? I don't suppose this is your particular German chap Amadi?" Cecil peers into the German's eyes and feels his pulse to see if there is anything he can fathom about the man's condition. "If the doctor doesn't arrive soon, I suggest we put him in a chair in the bar; at least he'll be comfortable and there will be people to keep an eye on him."
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Re: Communications Compartment

Post by Laraqua »

Charles Belanger looks over toward Amadi. "Ah, you know one of these chaps?"
Amadi looks the catatonic German up and down. "Not this particular one and not personally. I saw a German fellow who approached a crying Slavic woman and she gave him some sort of Latin lecture before fainting away. I think he may have been a doctor considering that he tended to her while she was unconscious. Hmm, I do believe he also tended to the boy lassooed by that American chap."
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Re: Communications Compartment

Post by aine »

"'T'aint 'im wot shot the 'orse guvnor.' Well, what should we do with this particular specimen? He's too big to stuff and too bony to eat." Says Cecil after peering closely at the man. "Do you think he went blank before or after the dream recital? Something may have triggered his shut-down. Like a hypnotic trigger sort of thing."
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Re: Communications Compartment

Post by Laraqua »

Communications Compartment, Paris, 20:30

The end doors connecting the cars open inward and allow a person to step out onto a covered platform specially mounted on rockers and with opaque accordian-fold coverings. While there is one of these compartments between each car they generally won't be so important as to require so many of their own threads. Therefore if you ever need privacy for a conversation or for your character's musings then you may always post within this space. Time stamps will indicate whether anyone continues to be here. You do not need to post every time you pass through though as one can always assume you either just missed someone standing in this compartment or even didn't realise the significance - they could have been passing through themselves, after all. If it does look likely to matter then you will be forewarned.
Charles Belanger looks over toward Amadi. "Perhaps we should behave as good samaritans would do and assist him into his compartment. Perhaps we could even seek out his particular medicine. Or would that be too forward?"
Amadi Al-Rassam has a glint in his eye for a moment but then he shakes his head. "We should take him to his sleeping car, Yennifer I believe, and leave him to the sleeping car attendant. The last thing we want is trouble at the border with Germany because we crawled over a Nazis' belongings. For all we know is a high ranking official. No, that's not the kind of trouble I would like to invite onto myself."
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Re: Communications Compartment

Post by aine »

"Still, the attendant will be very grateful if we assist with manhandling Fritz into his compartment. I promise not to look through the gentleman's personals too much. Amadi, would you spearhead the operation and Mr Belanger and I will follow with Fritz between us. If you would be so kind to take his other arm Mr. Belanger?" Cecil takes a better hold of Schiller and nods to Amadi to precede them back to Yennifer.
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Re: Communications Compartment

Post by Laraqua »

The pair do as directed. Charles takes one arm and Cecil the other while Amadi leads them out of the communications compartment and into the Smoking Car.
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Re: Communications Compartment

Post by Seon »

Keeper,Listen: [url][/url] success.
The man in grey pauses in the communication car before perking his head up.
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Re: Communications Compartment

Post by Laraqua »

The sounds of snoring reach his ears. The kitchen staff must be sleeping in this car. He could either creep along stealthily and hope no one notices him or he may need to open the external door, clamber along the roof, and get into the Baggage Car that way.
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Re: Communications Compartment

Post by Seon »

Keeper,...Damn, well, it's time to do this the hard way I suppose.... [url][/url]=Climb check. Critical success

The man in grey opens the external doors and disappears from the compartment. The chilling night greets him outside.
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Re: Communications Compartment

Post by Laraqua »

Somehow he manages to clamber up onto the roof of the train car and creep along the roof, hearing the wind rush past him and tug at his clothing and hair, as though trying to run away with him. He has to grasp at his hat and anything else he's carrying to keep it from being taken away. He makes it across the next compartment join with an easy jump (I'll take your crit success to work out through all of this), reaches the Baggage Car, and clings to the side railings as he fumbles with the door. Pine needles brush close across his back as he manages to one-handedly unlock and open the door without knocking himself off, then swings inside. Once he lands on the floor of the train car, he is likely to be awash in adrenaline to the point where his fingers and toes are tingling. That was ... far more close to lethal than he was likely expecting.
OOC,I will unlock the Baggage Car thread shortly.
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Re: Communications Compartment

Post by Seon »

Jonathan walks into the communication compartment as quickly as possible, holding onto a large greatcoat.
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Re: Communications Compartment

Post by Laraqua »

The communications compartment is quite empty, though that may not last forever.
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Re: Communications Compartment

Post by Seon »

Jonathan lets out a sigh of relief and opens the door to the Lounge Car.
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Re: Communications Compartment

Post by Laraqua »

The lounge car is unlocked but there is no one in there.
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