CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

A chance occurrence in London's Heathrow Airport leads to a desperate search to find answers to terrible lost knowledge.

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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

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"Not as far as I know," says Liz as she begins to work, "but cheers! I like her too. I've seen her in The Land That Time Forgot. I'm a bit too young to be her daughter, though. It'll take about an hour just to get at the data. Maybe a bit longer; this isn't as easy as I'd thought it would be. That doesn't include the time it'll take to copy the data. I don't know how long that will be, since I won't know how much there is until I get in. The old man didn't just order the murder, he led the attack. I recognised him when I saw the YouTube vid of the murder. I can point him out on it if you bring it up. Anyway, the reason we're mixed up in all this is because we met one of the little girls this bastard and his goons kidnapped and abused. She had gotten away from them somehow and gotten to Heathrow Airport, where she managed to sneak aboard a flight before getting caught. She'd been tattooed and badly burned. They'd placed her with an Albanian couple in London, the Tolkas, as a foster child. But a few days later they were murdered and their house burned down. There was no sign of the girl, Elira, but we knew those monsters had gotten her again."
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

Post by ghill »

Bad Man,In addition I believe Clay may have taken photos of the guy when he was casing the house out, which I'm happy for Liz to have on her laptop as additional evidence if she wishes to reinforce the link.
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

Post by Papa Gateau »

"Hmm, do you think there is a connection between this girl and the professor? Or is it just coincidence that they both happen to be on the bad man's radar? What are you hoping to find on the hard drive that ties them all together?".

Despite his earlier reservations Albert's curiosity has been piqued.
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

Post by BenTheRat »

Clay interjects still suspicious and figures if he is talking Liz can concentrate on her work. " The prof did a lot of research into Albania and some of the folklore there. We think he may have stumbled on something the locals there would just as soon keep under wraps."
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

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"Hmm, interesting...well if it is the Albanian mafia behind his death and these other awful crimes you attribute to them, what are you going to do with any evidence you unearth? Go to the police? Probably not - not without incriminating yourselves, you're tampering with evidence now - evidence that will probably be inadmissible in court now..." his voice trails as he ponders to himself.

Really, these are very nasty people - I mean take a look at what they did to this poor man" - he gestures at his poster sized prints - "what is it you think you can do to stop them? Honestly, how are you - a pretty little computer geek and a boy that is a rank amateur compared to these shits - how are you going to stop them?

He pauses letting the question hang in the air.
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

Post by BenTheRat »

"Don't underestimate us, we've already run into them once and come out on top. Though I have to say we got lucky. I'm not sure us copying a file from their computer to ours would invalidate it as evidence, but it doesn't matter, this will never go to court. The cops won't do anything about this. They have better things to do than get killed." Clay answers.
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

Post by Papa Gateau »

"That doesn't answer my question. You'll need more than being lucky to take down these people. Don't take this the wrong way kid - but are you really capable of what it might take to sort these people? Can you do to them what they so easily and brutally do to others?"

"I'm intrigued, honestly. If you've got some kind of plan maybe I can help but all I see are a couple of kids that could be getting themselves involved in something way too deep and dangerous."

Albert looks over to Liz "How are you getting on lady?
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

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"We think all this may have something to do with the Professor's research into the theoretical Ur-language," says Liz as she works, "a single language that's the ancestor of all languages spoken in the world. He found that it's closely connected to the language of the Verbtoi, the Albanian subgroup to which these people belong. The symbols are similar to those on the Maltese Fragments and also bear resemblence to some of the symbols on the tattoos they've got. We had tried to help the police with tips for their investigation, but frankly they couldn't find their arse with both hands. We did all right the first time we ran afoul of them, and it wasn't just luck. We did our research and we came prepared. Thanks to us, Elira is safe - and so are three other girls we hadn't even known about." She keeps trying to crack the power on password, but she's just a bit distracted. "I've almost got it...bugger!"
OOC,Gah! That's six failed 70% skill rolls in a row! :o
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

Post by Papa Gateau »

"Well this is all very interesting - most intriguing"

"It would seem that you hacking skills are letting you down this evening - I did tell you that Roy takes his security very seriously. However, he and I are friends, I spend a lot of time down here in the lab - I might be able to persuade him to let me have the passwords to the laptop.
Shall I give him a quick call, see if I can persuade him to?
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

Post by ghill »

OOC: Liz,Drastic Measures: If Liz just wants the data at this point, she could connect the drive to an external caddy and clone it for later hackery at her leisure. With no stress the task would be [b]EASY[/b] (2x skill, so in her case automatic)
OOC: Albert,Your friendly with Roy, but you know he's a desperate anal retentive it would be a hard sell. Not impossible but it would require a reasonable argument and a [b]Persuade[/b] or [b]fast talk[/b] roll.
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

Post by Papa Gateau »

"Unless you can think of something else? I suppose the only other alternative, is we take the laptop back to my apartment and you can try your tech-wizardy without having to worry about anyone walking in on us. I can fix us something to eat or get a delivery and I can bring the laptop back when you're done.
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

Post by BenTheRat »

"Don't call anyone. The last thing we want is to get more people involved." Clay looks over at Liz, "Tell me you got something, I've never seen you have this much trouble with a computer before?"
"Hey man, we don't want to get you in trouble or anything, even if you can be a jerk. Like you said these guys are dangerous, Maybe best if you just go back to your photography and let us deal with it." Says Clay still not trusing this guy.
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

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"Whatever big guy...just trying to help the little lady out, she's been going nowhere for nearly an hour seems she's not so hot when the pressures on. But yeah, you're probably right, best not involve Roy unless we have to.

He looks up from his photos "Unless you have a better idea I'm happy to move off campus 'til you get what you want, the condition being the laptop stays in my possession and sight at all times. My apartment is a 10 minute walk away"
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

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"Actually, I do have a couple of better ideas," says Liz. "Does Roy use the same passwords on all of these machines? If so, I can put a keystroke logging program on the computer you're using, and you can call him to tell him you accidentally shut down the machine and locked yourself out and ask him to come over to unlock it for you. If he agrees, you can turn off your computer on purpose, and the two of us can hide while he enters the passwords to power it on and log in. Once he's gone, we can just look at the log and see what passwords he entered. Or, I can just clone the laptop's hard drive onto my EHD. Then I can hook it up to my own computer when we're somewhere else and crack it at my leisure."
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

Post by BenTheRat »

"I'd say clone it. I don't really want to call someone and have to wait for them to come, and then hope they use the same passwords for their admin login on all their computers. I'd rather go to old man's flat and do it." Clay puts in.
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

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"Right," says Liz, nodding. She easily hooks up the EHD to the laptop and begins the process of creating a copy of the laptop's hard drive.
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

Post by Papa Gateau »

"The keystroke logger won't work I'm afraid - this laptop is mine and not the universities, the only password that Roy would know is to get onto the university network and I'm pretty much restricted to where I can play on there. If cloning is the simple job then I'd say do that. That probably should have been your first idea!"
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Yeah, I should have just thought of this in the first place," says Liz, monitoring the progress. "Roy knows what he's doing, all right."
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

Post by ghill »

The whole process takes Liz about 20 minutes.
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Re: CH2-2f The IT Crowd.

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"There, all done," says Liz when it finishes. She disconnects the external hard drive and packs it up, then powers down the laptop and monitor and puts everything back where she had originally found it.
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