IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

The old Corbitt house is shrouded in dark rumours and fearful whispers. Its past residents have all had grisly experiences in there, and the few which are able to speak of it will not. Now, pulled in by the promise of money, several investigators try to to find the house's dark secret.

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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by DrVendetta »

Psych roll,[url]http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4189500/[/url] 90 roll failed
As Richard walks past the old man as he is leaving he says "Thank you for the fine peruvian, you have a wonderfull day"

Richard walks down the street taking in the differrent buisness's and buildings on the street.

He has his eye out for the local beat cop that would patrol this area during buisness hours.
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by BenTheRat »

"You have a good day sir." As you walk away you hear from the vendor. As you go down the street you don't notice any police at all.
OOC,make a spot hidden check.
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by DrVendetta »

Spot Hidden roll,[url]http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4189604/[/url]lol ok the other side of the spectrum a roll of 1 45% chance roll = succeed
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by BenTheRat »

You don't see any police but you do spot a small occult shop. The entrance is on the side of the building with stairs leading down to a basement door.
On the plain wooden door at the bottom of the stairs is this symbol.
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by DrVendetta »

Richard takes out his pad an pencil from the bag of supplies tha Ms Patton had given him the night before and sketches the symbol in the pad.
Richard returns the pad to the bag and walks into the shop, he is hoping that maybe the albino that was excited about the "Corbitt" house being haunted might have frequented this shop.
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by BenTheRat »

As you walk into the shop
A young man in a vest and hat says, "Mornin', Can I help you?"
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

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"Good Morning" Richard says back, he slowly walks down the isle towards the shop keeper taking in all the items, books, and other items in the shop as he walks by them. "Nice little shop you have hear, so how are you doing today?"
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by BenTheRat »

"I'm doing well thank you. What can I interest you in today?" The shop guy answers.
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by DrVendetta »

Richard walks up to the shop keeper and says 'actually I am curious about the "Corbitt House" down the street, what can you tell me about it?'
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by BenTheRat »

"Sure, one of the reasons I moved here. Thought it would bring a lot of tourists, but couldn't be further from the truth. Turns out people don't want to see a real haunted house." he starts wiping down a counter. "I went in once myself. You won't get me in that house again. Place is crazy."
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by DrVendetta »

"So whats the history on it?" Richard ask
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by BenTheRat »

"Do you want the legends or the real deal?" He smiles. "You don't look like the usual tourist."
He looks you up and down. "Buy something to get the legends, the real story costs more."
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by DrVendetta »

Richard smiles at the man as he pulls out his money clip "You are very observant, I will pay for the real deal, but I want all of it, don't leave anything out. Also anything you know about Tom Lawrence the half Albino that lived there previous to the last residents and what happened to him as well"
Persude roll,[url]http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4190475/[/url]Roll = 63 75% chance so roll suceeds
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by BenTheRat »

The clerk takes the money, pockets it and smiles, "Yea I've seen that guy in here. It was a while back, over a year when I first saw him. Man, that dude was over the top. He was hardcore. Spooked me, he wanted stuff I don't carry, and I carry most things. I heard him say something about doing a ritual to some king. Was it yellow king or something like that? Then didn't see him for 6-8 months. But in the last couple weeks he's been back. Doesn't talk much, just picks up candles and incense and crap. Always wears something over his head. But I swear he's changed. I wouldn't call him half-albino anymore."
The clerk stops and lights up a cigarette. " Now about the house. They call it the Corbitt house. Some dude named Corbitt bought it back 80 years ago and lived in it a long time. At one point people sued to get the courts to force him to move. Was doing witchcraft and shit. I've even heard he wanted to be buried there. Since then its been serious trouble. Lots of people going crazy, suicides, murders, whole families getting sick. Accidents that would wipe out a whole family."
He takes a puff, "What was her name, Gabriella, something like that, she came in wanting me to sell her anything to ward off evil spirits. I sold her some wards, but I guess they didn't do the trick. She came back wanting more I suggested a priest at the local parish. Then they hauled her off just a couple weeks ago."
"That's really about it in a nutshell, what else you want to know?"
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by DrVendetta »

Richard looks at the shop keeper with a puzzled look on his face "When was the last time Tom was in here? And why would you not describe him as half Albino anymore?"
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by BenTheRat »

"Hmm, maybe 3 days ago. It was tough, like I said he keeps his face covered, but last time in, he looked full albino."
OOC,note I edited my previous point. let me know if you don't see the change.
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by DrVendetta »

Richard ask "What kinds of things did he want originally for his ritual?"
Richard turns and looks around the shop "Your shop looks like it has almost everything anything some into the occult could possibly want, what things did he possibly want that you don't carry?"
Richard turns back to the shop keeper and goes on "What type of ritual would these types of items be used for?"
Richard ask all the questions in an innocent inquesical way as to not spoke the shop keeper or make him feel like he was over riding him with questions.
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by BenTheRat »

"Man that was a year ago, and I couldn't pronounce half the crap on the list anyway." He takes another drag on his cigarette.
"As for what it was used for, beats the hell out of me. I can do some simple charms, and stuff. I've never needed anything like what this guy had."
You see his face brighten up. " Wait, I made a list so I could try and get a hold of it for him. He came by a couple days later and cancelled it. I probably still have that order invoice somewhere. It would take me a bit of time to dig it out. If it was worth my while." He smiles at you.
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by DrVendetta »

Richard lays a couple of bills out on the counter in front of the shop keeper, as the shop keeper reaches for the money Richard lays his hand over it and looks the man in the eyes with a intent stair, and says "the list first please, also I would apprecaite it if you could draw me out a sketch of the in inside of the house from when you were in it" as Richard lays another bill down on the others.

Richard then smiles as the man comes to the understanding that Richard is treating this as a straight up buisness deal and is clearly willing to hold up his end of the deal provided the shop keeper keeps up his end.

As the shop keeper turns to retrieve the list Richard ask "So if he was just here 3 days ago do you have any idea where he is staying at now? Has he moved back into the house as I have heard the most recent residents have since left the house?"
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Re: IC 3c: Richard chasing down an Albino

Post by BenTheRat »

The store owner looks up at Richard, "done." He smiles as he puts the bills in his pocket.
He pulls out some paper and starts to sketch the house. "Now I didn't get far into it. I barely got in and went into the living room when I heard someone else upstairs, so I beat out of there. But this is what I saw. Long hall, 3 doors and a stair going up on the left. On the right 3 doors, the double ones on the right were to a living room with fireplace. Sorry I don't know more than that."
He hands you the paper.
"Give me a sec to grab that invoice." He pulls out a box and starts digging through it. A few minutes later he pulls out a sheet. "Yea, here it is." He spins it around so you can see it. He points to the first word, 'Carrageenan ', "I did a bit of research, you get this from seaweed extract." He points to the 2nd word, 'Carminic Acid', "You get this from crushing a certain type beetle and then boiling them." You look at the next word on the list, 'Xanthan gum', "This stuff is really gross, you rot vegetables, and then you skim off the slime that forms, and then boil it. Weird huh. I found out it is used as a thickening agent. And finally this," 'Polydimethylsiloxane', "How the hell you pronounce that is beyond me. When I tried to do some research, I couldn't even find out how to make it. Just that its used as a binding agent."
He put his cigarette out. "He needed other stuff, but I had all that."
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