IC: Ch 2. The Job

The old Corbitt house is shrouded in dark rumours and fearful whispers. Its past residents have all had grisly experiences in there, and the few which are able to speak of it will not. Now, pulled in by the promise of money, several investigators try to to find the house's dark secret.

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IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by BenTheRat »

Location: Dr. Karl Chambers Lounge, Boston Museum Room 105b
Date: March 20, 1921 7:30 PM

About the time you didn't think this mysterious doctor would ever show, an old man with a walking stick comes in through the folding door smoking a cigar.


"Hello, I am Dr. Karl Chambers and welcome to MAPS, or Massachusetts Area Paranormal Society. I want to thank each of you for accepting my invitation tonight." He stops to take a deep draw off his cigar and lets the smoke out as he looks at each of you one at a time up close. His vigor and strength talking seem to defy the age in his face, and his hands seem even older.
Dr. Chambers continues, "Some of you maybe skeptics and think paranormal activity does not exist, or, how did you say it Harrison, Applesauce. Quite amusing that little anecdote. That is a good thing. I've been running Maps for several decades and the overwhelming majority of reports that get filtered to me, are little more than, applesauce." He smiles as he stops to pour himself a glass of whiskey and takes a sip.
"Oh, but for that small percentage, you will need all the wits you can get, all the luck you can steal, and a touch of this to help." tapping his glass. "But don't take my word for it. If anything you find is a fake, prove it. Don't take anything on faith."
The good doctor looks around the room at the pictures hanging on the walls. "We haven't used this room in over a decade. I thought we had driven it back, back to where it wouldn't bother us again for centuries, and here we are again. Can't you feel it? Hell just walk outside. For the first time in history its going to be over 80 degrees in Boston in March. It's like a curse has been laid on this city. I tried to deny it, but I can't any longer. I've put this off for a year, no more. This city needs you."
With this he goes to a small cabinet and pulls out 5 flasks. He hands one to each of you. On one side is the letters M.A.P.S. and on the other is your name engraved. Each is filled with your liquor of choice (not what you normally drink, but what you drink when you can pick anything.) If you don't drink alcohol its filled with spiced rum.
"Hold onto these, if you are really in trouble, and need help on the job, these can be used as a calling card to the higher authorities around town, but only in emergencies." He finishes his drink and takes the last puff on his cigar before putting it out.
"Now, let me tell you why I've called you here. Late last night a Mister Martin Bishop contacted me about his house. He claims it is haunted and my preliminary investigation has indicated there may be some validity to his claim. I've asked him to join us here tonight and he should be arriving any minute. For those interested the job does pay, and not bad. Maps will help by setting up a small fund for equipment needed. Just contact Ms.Patton on what you need and why. I'll be out of town this week lecturing up at Miskatonic University, north of here in Essex. Ms.Patton can reach me in the event of an emergency. You will have full control of your own investigation. Good luck." He stops and finally takes a seat in one of the larger leather chairs. "Now if you have any questions for me, I'll be glad to answer them as best I can."
All,If you are studying the doctor closely and want to, roll a psychology roll and a spot hidden roll. If you are not, you don't have to.
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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by Occigon »

Charles shakes his head, trying to organize his thoughts. "I'm sorry, Professor - Massachusetts Area Paranormal Society? What is it, exactly? Who runs it?" After a pause, he frowns. "And, due respect, you haven't told us what the job is. There's a house that is allegedly haunted - what do you want us to do, exactly? Uncover a fraud?"
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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by Papa Gateau »

Sonny regards the professor studiously.
OOC - rolls,http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4175583/ - both fails
and is then somewhat taken aback by the engraved flask. "How did you know who would come tonight? How did you know how many of these flasks to have engraved and with whose names?" he blurts out. His mind in turmoil, trying to take in all the information that has been presented and trying to fill in the gaps of what wasn't, acknowledging that at least there was a job in the offering but not understanding what the job is all about. The confusion is painted clearly on his face.
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by BenTheRat »

The doctor looks over at Charles. "I understand you have questions. Some of this you will need to take on faith. But Maps looks into anything that falls outside the realm of what we would call normal. So a haunted house for example. As to who runs it, that would be me right now. But Maps has been around for at least two to three centuries. I certainly haven't run it the whole time. As for what you need to do to the house, well that all depends. With a haunting, I find no two are ever the same. Sure, if its a fraud, expose it. But if not, figure out what needs to be done to stop it, and put an end to this once and for all."
"Sonny, my good young man, relax." The doctor smiles at him in a grandfather sort of way. "You should be proud, you are the first black to be in Maps, I am really excited. You know Boston prides itself on being the forefront of including your race into main population." The doctor is talking in that way people do when they think this is what a black man wants to hear, but they don't know any better. "But to answer your question, the reason I knew you were coming was because I invited you. Do you think I would leave something like this to chance? I actually invited 7 of you, only 5 chose to show up, that happens. Some are able to resist the invitation, but not most. And who knows maybe the other 2 flasks in the cabinet will find their ways to their owners yet."
Karl looks around at the obvious confused faces, "I was going to wait for the landlord to spell out specifically what he is looking for, but there are strange things going on at the house. All you need to do is figure out what, and stop it." Then with a smile, "should be simple enough."
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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by BenTheRat »

Dr. Chambers pauses for a bit, "I guess I could tell you how I dealt with the last 2 hauntings I had. One was a half-body appirition that would posses people. We ended up finding a symbol to capture it and then exorcise it out of the body. Unfortunately the person that was possessed didn't make it either. Tough way to go with that one." He leaned back thinking, "Now the last one was pretty easy. Once we identified who was haunting the place, we tracked down his bones and burned them. That seemed to do the trick. The hauntings stopped." He paused again, this time with a big grin on his face like someone does thinking about glory days.
"I'm not saying either of those will work in this case. But follow the leads, there is more information in there than you think. I've found whatever is doing things, leaves a trail." Karl gets up and walks over to his humidor and pulls out another cigar. Runs it under his nose, "ahhh, now thats good." Taking a seat he clips it and lights up.
"Anymore questions?"
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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by Mouchinator »

Michael runs a hand through his hair and feels it thick with perspiration. He takes off his jacket in an attempt to cool himself, clearly showing the .38 automatic he keeps in a holster under his arm. He taps out a smoke and lights it. He takes a deep drag and closes his eyes while his brain struggles to comprehend the torrent of strange information being thrown at him.

"Look here old timer," Michael begins, "you're spouting a lot of what sounds like nonsense and you've got me all balled up and in a state over here. You say you invited us, but for the life of me I can't recall an invitation beyond an article in the newspaper I just happened to read - a paper that went out to an entire city." He pauses to take a sip from his bourbon. "Look, don't get me wrong, O'Connor Investigations will look into anything, and I mean anything, but only if the price is right. You say some house is haunted and you want me to check it out, I can do that. I think you've lost your marbles, but I can do it. Hey, if you think its the real mc'coy, well that's fine and dandy. Hell I had a dame ask me to look into some missing panties. Said they'd gone missing. Crazy broad thought it was ghosts. Nope, just the strange fella next door who'd gone funny over her and strangely liked to sniff 'em. So like I say Dr. Chambers, if you want me to check out a haunted house for some land lord, well I'll be happy to make some rounds, locate the hobo sleeping in the attic whose likely makin' a series of spooky sounds in the house and come to collect. Now what did you say this job is payin'?" He pauses as if mid-thought. "And what the hell is with these flasks?"
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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by Papa Gateau »

"Profess....err.Dr. Chambers, please don' get me wrong sir. I can understand why you'd invite an investigator and maybe why you'd invite these other folks but I don't understand why you'd be inviting a negro musician up from New Orleans and down on his luck? I don't know nothin' 'bout investigatin, especially investigatin' spooks an' ghouls an' ghosts. I'm grateful an all an' I need the money and sure I am proud to be the first black in MAPS but why you choose me? I only just got here! I mean my auntie Loosa, she played a bit with the vodun and stuff but I don' really know nuthin' bout that stuff..."

Sonny's voice trail's off as he realises he's just babbling and his accent has descended back to the dockside. He takes a breath and composes himself "What I'm trying to say, I don't know anything about haunted houses, I have no clue how you go about investigating one."
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by Yigcredible »

Harrison snuffs out his cigarette in a nearby ashtray and finishes his whiskey. He takes the flash with appreciation, sniffing its contents but setting it aside on top of his coat. "I have to confess, I was expectin' a lecture or somethin', not being recruited into some sort of secret society. Still, it sounds like a fun way to spend the evening, especially if all we have to do is check out some haunted house. Especially if there is some pay involved. How much can we expect to net from this little adventure?"
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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by BenTheRat »

As each person speaks up the smile on Dr. Chambers face just gets bigger and bigger. "Damn I love it when a team comes together. I wish I could be there when you're out in the field."
"Michael, you may be right, my marbles maybe packed away in one of these old crates or left in a book in my office, but it doesn't stop the money. And if you don't think you were personally invited, just keep on believing that. Sometimes its better not to peak behind the curtain." he looks over at Sonny, "Ain't that right" with a quick wink. "Either way the team will need your PI skills before this is over."
"Sonny, you're a good man at heart. You are an equal member of this team, and don't ever let anyone tell you different. You'll play an important part in this before it is over, all of you will. Trust me Sonny, it's more in your blood than you know."
"And Harrison, who wants to listen to a lecture when you can check out a haunted house. Life is meant to be lived, not read or listened about. As for pay, I'm not sure, Mr. Bishop is the one hiring you, he is the one paying. It's a small job, 1 haunted house, a few days effort, I'd think at least $100 a piece though. Not bad for throwing a bum out of the attic."
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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by Papa Gateau »

"Well sir, seeing as you put it like that and seeing as I'm no position to turn down an offer of work, you can count me in!"

He grins a broad grin "As papa said, never look a gift horse in the mouth!".
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by Mouchinator »

Michael whistles when he hears the pay out. "One hundred sounds fine Dr. Chambers, real fine. I still think you're mad, but I'll take a mad man's money just as fast as I would a sane one." He takes another drag from his smoke. "So spill the details. What specifically is it that you need from this motley crew you've assembled ... what do you need for the job to be complete?"
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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by BenTheRat »

Dr. Chambers smiles, "Good, good. Let me introduce Mr. Martin Bishop."

A middle aged man is escorted in by Ms. Patton.


He clears his throat as he looks around the people in the room. "Hello gentlemen. As the good doctor said, my name is Mr. Bishop. I'm here to ask your help. I have a sizable investment into a house in downtown, but there has been a series of accidents in the home, and the last 2 tenants have been committed to Roxbury Sanitarium." Martin pauses for a minute as if remembering something sad.
"I need to know whats going on. Sure I heard rumors it was haunted but I figured that was all a bunch of crap. But now I'm not so sure. If they are just rumors, I need you to put them to rest, if they aren't..." He pauses again as if he is searching for the right words. 'Just fix it."
Mr. Bishop looks around the room to see what the reactions are, "listen, this property is worth a lot to me, but its worthless if its got ghosts. I'll pay you $20 a day and $100 when you show me proof that the house is ready for new tenants next month. I need you finished up by next weekend."
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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by DrVendetta »

Richard standing quietly taking in the whole conversation while shooting his Tequila gives a long look at Dr Chambers before turning to Mr Bishop as he enters the room.
These are Richards rolls for checking out Dr Chambers Psychology 5+71=76% spot hidden 45+80=125% http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4176311/
Last edited by DrVendetta on Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by DrVendetta »

Richard stares down at his name on the flask in his hand before placing the flask in the inside chest pocket of his trench coat to signal his formal acceptance of being a member of the this investigation, then calmly ask Mr Bishop "We will need to know a little about the house. When and whom did you purchase it from? What do you know of the history of the house and its previous tenants? Also how will we come to an agreement that the job has been completed in order for us to collect the final $100 pay?"

Richard takes a close look at Mr Bishop as he is asking his questions.
"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr Creedy, and ideas are Bulletproof"
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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by BenTheRat »

Dr V,when you are making a check, you want to roll lower than your target. So if you have 5%, then you must roll 01 to 05. If you have 45 then you want to roll less than 45.You got a 43 so you passed it.
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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by BenTheRat »

Mr. Bishop looks a bit nervous but he pushes on, "I can't tell you a lot about the house. I bought it as part of a goverment estate sell a couple years back. Last year the Macario family moved in as tenants, nice family Vittorio his wife and 2 sons. Then the series of accidents started. Then they started talking crazy. Then 3-4 months back Mr Macario went crazy and they put him in the institution. Then just last month they sent the wife there as well, and the sons were shipped off to relatives."
Mr Bishop walked over to the bar and got a stiff drink and downed it in one gulp.
"Excuse me, where was I? Oh yes the Macario's. Thats about all I know. I found out when I didn't get my check and went over to find the house abandoned. Heard it from a shop keeper nearby that they came and took the wife and kids away. As for payment, if its obvious, you can just show me. If its, well, not so obvious, I'll trust Dr. Chambers to say it is safe."
Richard,You can't read Dr. Chambers at all, and you don't notice anything. You can read the landlord Mr. Bishop pretty easily. Typical easy mark. But he doesn't seem to be lying. If anything he looks worried for you and your team.
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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by DrVendetta »

"Do you have any idea of how to contact the boy's so we could maybe ask them a few questions about the house?" Richard asks Bishop
Waiting on Bishops response he turns back to Chambers "and you clearly have experience with these types of events, why are you so convinced that this is not a hoax that you would send your 'Special' invitations to us?"
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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by BenTheRat »

Mr. Bishop thought for a second, "no, all I heard was with relatives up north."
The doctor smiled, "when you've been doing this as long as I have, you just know when someone isn't just blowing smoke. I got a strange feeling about this one. Can't quite put my finger on it though. The old mind isn't what it use to be. But I'm feeling an old ghost stirring."
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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by Mouchinator »

Michael rolls his eyes when Dr. Chambers once again mentions the supernatural, but he is in this for the money so off to work he goes. He opens his job bag and takes out his leather-bound notebook and a pencil. He begins to scribble down what information the group has learned thus far and then begins to speak without looking up from his writing. "Mr. Bishop, you said that the previous two tenants have been committed. You've only mentioned the Macario family. What about the tenant before them?"
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Re: IC: Ch 2. The Job

Post by Yigcredible »

Rubbing his chin, Harrison studies Bishop intently as the man describes the haunted house and the fate of the previous residents. He knew what desperation and anxiety was -- it was his job to write about it -- and he wondered how much of this was the landlord putting on a show. Still, if it was an act, it didn't make a whole lot of sense for Bishop to blow hundreds of dollars on it. "Without some details, tracking down the kids is goin' to be problematic," Harrison thinks aloud. "It might be a good idea to see if we can interview Vittorio and his wife in the looney bin, provided we can persuade the doctors at the Roxbury to give us access." He turns his attention onto Bishop. "So what sort of crazy things were happenin' at the house? The Macarios must have complained to you before they went completely ga-ga. What we talkin' here? Leaky pipes? Creaky floorboards? Bleedin' walls?"
I made a Psychology roll,but it failed: [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4177267/]1d100=43[/url]
"Save during infrequent local scares, only wonder-loving grandmothers and retrospective nonagenarians ever whispered of beings dwelling in those hills..."

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