IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

A new day dawns, and with it new horrors. Tensions are rising at Warren Air Force Base, where traitors lurk behind the scenes and the fate of the world may be at stake. A daring mission to Montana is launched, where an isolated ranch receives new visitors - and trouble. In Omaha, the zombie menace seems to be over. The few surviving law enforcement personnel attempt to restore order, but criminals are not going to make it easy for them. Preparations for evacuation are underway at Brooks High School, and a dangerous new threat lurks.

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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

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In the wilderness-
Joshua drove south for about a mile and reached the base of the plateau. He started rolling around the edge of the plateau at the base of the cliff, towards a slope on the left side that would allow it to eventually reach the top.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the plateau-
Joshua drove up the slope and soon reached the top of the plateau. Tricia saw the military helicopter landed not far away in the middle of the plateau. A handful of men and women in Air Force uniforms, all of them armed, were set up to defend their position. One of them had a scoped sniper rifle with a bipod.

"This is the Major Nelson Harris of the United States Air Force," came an amplified voice from the helicopter's loudspeaker. "Do not approach any closer!"

Joshua stopped the truck and got out. "I'm Lieutenant Joshua Stuart of the Aryan Brotherhood Armed Forces," he said. "This area is under our protection. What are you doing here?"
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the plateau-
"That information is classified," replied Major Harris through the loudspeaker. "This is public land, and we have every right to be here."

"As do we," said Joshua. "We should work together to increase our chances for survival. Do you know anything about what's been happening in the last day?"

"No more than you. Have you received any new arrivals since the recent events started?"

"Only Tricia here." He motioned back to the woman in the pickup truck. Then he looked around at the armed people, including a sniper, who were watching them. "I'd advise you and your troops not to take any rash actions. If anything happens to me and mine, it will mean war, and you're not prepared for one. You aren't the only one with a sniper."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

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On the plateau-
"How do we know you're not bluffing?" replied Major Harris. "We haven't seen any sniper."

"No, and he wouldn't be much good if you had," said Joshua. "He's there. If you decide to call by firing the first shot, he'll fire the second - and it will be lethal. Having trouble with your bird, Major?"

"That's none of your business."

"Come on, I saw someone back there working on the engine - not to mention those other lovely ladies. Tell them not to be so shy. They should come out where we can see them."

"Sir," said Staff Sergeant Larry Dauterive, "let me talk to this guy. I think I can make some headway."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

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On the plateau-
"Go ahead," said Major Harris.

Dauterive approached Joshua with his arms raised, empty palms outward. "I just want to talk," he said loudly with a Louisiana drawl. When he was next to Joshua, he lowered his voice. "My name is Staff Sergeant Larry Dauterive, sir." He now spoke in a whisper. "I share your views about the inferior races."

"How do I know you're not just saying that?" asked Joshua.

"You don't, but it's the truth, sir. I'm not the only one, either. Airman Gary Simpson is one of us too, and there are more back at our base."

"Okay, I believe you."

"I have a proposal for you."

"I'm listening."

"You're right, the chopper is damaged, but it can be fixed in an hour or two. In the meantime, this unit is vulnerable. There's a window of opportunity here. If you can muster a large enough force, you can surround this position and seize it."

"Hmm." Joshua stroked his chin. "That could result in casualties."

"It might, but if they have any sense they'll know they're licked and surrender. If not, you've got me and Simpson on the inside to shift the odds. They're not all military. Two of those women hiding behind the chopper are civilians."

"Why should we take the risk?"

"This force is here on a mission that's going to cause trouble for you. They think a couple of guys from Nebraska with a captive woman are on their way to join you, or that they've already done it. If we take them out before they have a chance to do anything, they'll just be written off as lost. We've lost a number of choppers already, and we can't afford to send more. This is already the edge of our operational range. And the potential benefits are huge. I don't know if you noticed, but those civvies are beyond hot."

"Oh, I noticed, but Tricia is the only girl I need." He smiled at her, and she smiled back.

"Yeah, but I bet the other guys you're with would like to get some."

"Oh, yeah," said Ralph, licking his lips. "I'd love to get my hands on them. Especially that redhead. I never seen anyone that gorgeous."

"She'd be the general's type," said Joshua, "and he'd get first pick. But I still don't know about this."

"You'd also get that chopper," said Larry. "All you gotta do is pretend to back down, withdraw to your compound, muster your forces, and return. But you'd have to do it quick."

Joshua smiled. "I like the way you think. With luck, we can do this without firing a shot."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the plateau-
Joshua got back into the pickup truck while the sniper tracked him through his rifle's scope. The sniper kept it under observation as much as possible as it turned around and headed back down the trail to the base of the plateau.

"Please don't hurt anyone," said Tricia.

"Relax, it'll all go smooth - just like when we rescued you," said Joshua. "I'm on a roll today. I have a really good feeling about this operation."

"Can you even fly a helicopter?"

"I can't, but we have people who can. And we can scrounge up some aviation fuel. If we have our own chopper..."

"What's going to happen to those girls?"

"Oh, they'll be well cared for. They look racially pure to me, and there's no reason they couldn't join our community."

"You mean like I did?"

"Yeah, exactly."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Outside headquarters-
Joshua drove back to the compound, where the guards let the pickup truck through the gate again. He drove up to the biggest building in the compound, smack in the middle of it. It flew both the American flag and the Nazi swastika flag. Tricia was struck by the incongruity. "All right, here we are," said Joshua, shutting off the motor.

"What now?" asked Tricia.

"Now you're going to meet General Holt, our leader." He took her by the arm and walked up to the front door, where the guards gave him a Nazi salute. Mike and Ralph followed them. "I have important information for Gruppenführer Holt."

"Yes, sir," said one of the guards. They stood aside and opened the double doors, and the group entered.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the antechamber-
The large room just inside the doors had two more guards flanking a door on the far side of the room, which was decorated throuhgout with Nazi regalia. "Is the Gruppenführer available?" asked Joshua. "I have important information for him."

"He's with the Oberst," said the guard on the right, who had sergeant's stripes on his sleeves. "I'll see if they'll see you." He knocked lightly on the door, opened it, entered, and shut it behind him.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the antechamber-
A minute later, the door opened again and the sergeant came back out. "They will see you now," he said to Joshua.

"Wait here, honey," Joshua told Tricia. "I won't be long." He entered the office, and the guard closed the door after him. Tricia slumped down in a chair.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the antechamber-
Tricia managed to overhear snatches of conversation on the other side of the door. Joshua was telling his commanding officers about the helicopter and its temporary vulnerability, trying to convince him to quickly muster a large force to seize it. He cited his bloodless success earlier at the ranch and promised to do the same thing at the plateau.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the antechamber-
Tricia heard a gruff man's voice that seemed to agree with Joshua.

"Sir," said another man, "is this really worth the risk? How are we even going to fly it?"

"That's the beauty of it," explained Joshua. "It comes with two pilots. A couple of our guys have flown commercial choppers, and we can get the Air Force pilots to teach them what they need to know to fly a Huey - assuming they want to live."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the antechamber-
"What about fuel?" protested the second man. "Once it runs out, it'll be grounded."

"There are airfields in the area with plenty of fuel, and they've been abandoned," said Joshua. "We can salvage it from them. Think of what this craft can do for us. We can project our power over a vast area, and there's nothing in the skies here that can match it. It will also allow for us to carry out recon much more effectively."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the antechamber-
"I don't know about taking prisoners," said the second man. "Sounds like a waste of resources to me. We have to keep them fed, we have to put guys on duty guarding them."

"It will be worth it," said Joshua. "With the chopper under our control, we'll be able to use it to obtain far more resources than we spend acquiring it and figuring out how to use it. And if you'd seen some of the potential prisoners, you might think twice about killing them. There are two civilian women up there with them, and one of them is the most gorgeous redhead you've ever laid eyes on."

"I haven't laid eyes on her."

"Words don't do her justice, Colonel - though I think our leader will probably want her for himself. But the other civvie is a dark-haired beauty I think you'd like. Among the Air Force personnel, there's a hot little Hispanic number. Even the female co-pilot is kind of cute."

"I can see keeping the pilots, but the others? It'd cost us a lot of food and water just for some pleasure."

"Not just for pleasure. You've got to think long-term. Other than Tricia, we don't have any women here. We lost dozens of men in the last day. Where are we going to get replacements? We can recruit locally at first, but we can't sustain those numbers indefinitely. Tricia and I are already starting on making babies, but by herself she can only produce one every nine months. And aside from the chica, all of the women look racially pure to me."

"It'll take over fifteen years before any such children are old enough to fight."

"Then we'd better get started right away."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the antechamber-
"Two of the Air Force people are also on our side," Joshua added. "They'll help us turn the tables and get the drop on the others when the time is right."

"All right," said the colonel, "it looks like you've thought of everything. Let's go for it."

"Yes, I agree," said the general. "There's no time to lose. We must assemble our forces and strike quickly, before they have a chance to repair the bird and get out."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the antechamber-
A loudspeaker somewhere outside carried the general's voice: "Attention all personnel. This is your leader speaking. I need everyone who is not needed for the defense of this compound to assemble in the main square in five minutes."

The inner door opened and Joshua emerged, a huge grin on his face. A tall man in his early forties in a heavily decorated uniform followed him out, a dour look on his face. He didn't seem like he ever smiled. "Hey, Tricia," said Joshua, coming over to her and kissing her. "My plan's a go. Come with me to the briefing. Pretty soon, we'll have our own helicopter."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Outside headquarters-
Tricia got up and followed Joshua and the colonel outside. Already they could see men starting to converge on the main square in the middle of the compound.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the main square-
The compound's main square had a podium with a microphone at one end. The square was filling up with men in uniforms who lined up in several ranks facing it. Joshua walked Tricia to the front row, where they joined them. The colonel stood next to the podium, waiting for General Holt to arrive.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the main square-
A tall man with gray hair strode up to the podium from the direction of the HQ building. He wore a spotless gray uniform bedecked with medals with red stripes down its trouser legs. He looked like he had walked out of a World War Two movie, an image that was reinforced when he gave the Nazi salute, one that everyone watching him returned instantly. Tricia quickly followed suit.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the main square-
"Good morning, gentlemen - and lady," said the gerneral at the podium, nodding to Tricia. "Some of you may have noticed a helicopter setting down about a mile south of here on the plateau a little while ago. That bird is from the United States Air Force. It is on a mission for the Zionist Occupied Government, here to do harm to us and ours! But we are going to turn the tables on our oppressors, and take that chopper for ourselves. Today, we will see the beginning of the new Luftwaffe!"

The crowd broke into spontaneous applause.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the main square-
"Now, some of these folks in the Air Force are on our side," said the general. "I served in the military myself once, a long time ago. There are good folks there, folks who believe in our cause. We will approach them in force and give them the opportunity to join us. Any who do not are fair game, though we will try to spare the women if possible.

"Time is short, so we will need to move quickly. The helicopter is damaged, and if we hesitate they will have enough time to repair it and fly away. Once it is ours, we can fix it at our leisure. The enemy has the high ground, but we have certain advantages that can come into play. They have a sniper, but so do we. Our sniper has their sniper in his sights, and their sniper doesn't even appear to have seen ours. We have a mortar as well. We can't fire it at the plateau without risking destroying our prize, but we can use the threat. They won't know we're bluffing, and if there are any targets not on the plateau, we can use the mortar on them. There are also two guys up there that we know for certain are with us. Hopefully we can accomplish this without a shot being fired, but if it does come to a fight, they can attack from within. The enemy does not have a chance. I almost feel sorry for them."
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