Catholic Mission

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Re: Catholic Mission

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The figure in the cassock walks over to Elisabeth and sits down beside her.
The hood is pulled back . . .,[img][/img] An audible intake of breath when she recognises Elisabeth. "Give me your hand." Chunhua holds her hand out, palm upward. She adds: "Don't hesitate."
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Re: Catholic Mission

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Elisabeth's mouth gapes open, and she instinctively places her hand in Chunhua's. "How is this possible?" she asks, recalling how she had seen her die. "Am I dreaming?"
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Re: Catholic Mission

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“I have inhaled the Perfume of the Garden of Happiness: Eternity is mine.”

Chunhua clasps Elisabeth’s hand and, together, they sink towards her lap; Chunhua’s stare is so mesmeric that Elisabeth cannot tear her eyes away. “There is someplace you must go, a Confucian temple--a cave, cut into the basalt rock beneath the dunes--outside the town of Khotan, Sinkiang.” Her hand touches the warm bare flesh of Chunhua’s thighs; a musky odour infuses her senses; it reminds Elisabeth of an English country garden, the rotting autumn leaves that Wheedon, the head gardener, has piled-up behind the nursery—and a game of hide-and-seek with cousin Jimbo—her laughter as she burrows beneath the dead foliage—screams when she touches the bloated rat. . . . “Not yet, you cannot look yet,” continues Chunhua; “I have a clue to show you.”

Chunhua’s stare flickers for a heartbeat. “The fat man is coming.”

“Your oolong tea is here on the table, Miss Grey, and yours as well Mrs. Quan,” says Mae.

“All done, Blossom,” says Mrs. Quan, smiling at Elisabeth, and leaning back from the tin bath in the brightly lit parlour.
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Re: Catholic Mission

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Elisabeth opens her eyes and blinks. "I must have fallen asleep," she murmurs. "I had the strangest dream..." She climbs out of the tub, wraps a towel around herself to dry off, and heads for the table to collect her tea. After her experience, she needs it!
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Re: Catholic Mission

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"Was Miss Grey snoring, Mrs. Quan?" asks Mae good-naturedly.

"Of course not! Ladies don't snore. Maybe a little heavy breathing, that is all." Mrs. Quan winks at Elisabeth.

Mae undresses. "By the gods, I'm tired."
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Re: Catholic Mission

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"Quite so" Elisabeth replies to Mrs Quan, returning the wink. She sips the tea slowly, inhaling the refreshing vapor rising from it. "I think we're all exhausted, Mae. A night''s sleep will do us all good." When she finishes the tea, she replaces the empty cup and puts on one of the surplices - for real this time.
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Re: Catholic Mission

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There is a commotion beyond the bolted door in the mission's reception room; surprised voices, European voices.
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Re: Catholic Mission

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Elisabeth makes her way over to the door, unbolts it, and peeks out to see what is happening in the reception room.
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Re: Catholic Mission

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"Yes, Father," says Pierrepont obediently. He raps on another door. "Mrs Quan, it's Father Pierrepont, are you there?"
Elisabeth opens the door to the mission's reception room.
Turning slightly away from the Admiral, Renwick claps the elder man on the shoulder ... "In truth we doubted it as well," dropping his voice lower he continued "and my good friend, the Admiral was taking it harder than he would dare to admit to anyone."
"We played hide and seek with the Japanese soldiers and it was a very close call on occasions. But they hadn't counted on the prowess of the Doctor here and Tatsao; both fiends in their own way, and the Admiral held the fort at the mill. That's why we are covered in mud; creeping up on the soldiers and taking them down before they caught us." Santiago holds up his glass, "To comrades in arms!"

Samuel Grey notices Kolchak's bloodstained leg, in fact, those who were already at the mission seem to become aware of the newcomers' filthy and desperate appearance.

Admiral Kolchak slumps forwards onto the table he was sat at; his glass rolls across its surface and smashes upon the floor.
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Re: Catholic Mission

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Elisabeth gasps when she sees the admiral collapse and runs past the others, no time for a reunion. She rushes to his side and tries to do what she can for him, but his injuries are too severe.
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Re: Catholic Mission

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Doctor Renwick,Admiral Kolchak is unconscious and cannot be revived. There may be fragments of bullet within his thigh wound, certainly there will be splinters of bone. If the Admiral's leg is not already infected, it soon will be. An immediate operation to amputate is his only hope.
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Re: Catholic Mission

Post by aine »


Santiago looks in horror as the admiral rolls to the floor. His first thought is: poison! And he sniffs his glass. The he realises that the last few hours have been too much for Kolchak; the old man has succumbed to his wounds. "Renwick! Is there anything you can do?" He looks up in surprise as Miss Grey enters the room.
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Re: Catholic Mission

Post by Cearlan »

Renwick looks ashen faced as his friend collapses to the ground and calls out to the priest. as he rolls the Admiral onto his back. He rips the trouser leg open further and is appalled by the combination of the smell of putrefaction and sight of the wound where bone fragments protrude through the skin.

Medicine roll - gone too far for first aid I reckon (1d100=43) 43/45 pass

"Oh my good God! Father, this seems to be a lot more serious than we thought ... without looking too closely I need to work on our friend here immediately - I may even have to ..." He nods knowingly and sadly at Santiago "Father can you please lead the way to your infirmary with some haste please whilst friend Santiago and myself carry the Admiral hence ... quickly now. Elisabeth, can you please try and keep his leg straight whilst we carry him. Santiago, could you please assist if needed or do you have anyone medically trained here Father?"

They lift the unconscious Russian up whilst the priest, (hopefully), leads the way. "Gently now people."
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Re: Catholic Mission

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"Of course, Dr. Renwick," says Elisabeth as she holds the admiral's leg straight. She lacks strength, but holding the leg still is at least easier than carrying him. "I have some small amount of medical skill. I wouldn't know what to do, but I can certainly assist you. I could use some looking after myself later, but he needs it far more than I do."
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Re: Catholic Mission

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Father Anselm is genuinely appalled by the turn of events. He answers Dr. Renwick, at first stuttering: "Y-Yes, yes--the infirmary, follow me." He makes haste to the parlour door. "Pierrepont, come along!"


"Bien sûr, Father!

"I have some rudimentary medical skill," says Pierrepont. "A Dr. Rhys, from Peking, attends to the villagers if they have a serious complaint." He adds: "In our dispensary we have antibiotics and"--swallowing--"surgical instruments." Pierrepont pushes open the door, and is met by the imperterbable Mrs. Quan, who has been listening on the other side of the door.


"Rè shuǐ?"

" 'Hot water,' yes, please, Mrs. Quan," confirms Pierrepont, pushing past the housekeeper into the parlour.

"Mon dieu!" exclaims Pierrepont.


Mae squawks, and dives beneath the rim of the bath tub.
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Re: Catholic Mission

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Santiago moves to help, "Henry, there's no time to waste; head straight to the infirmary, get yourself washed up and ready, we'll bring the Admiral through. Tatsao, Li, Mr Grey, Monsieur?" He looks at everyone else to help carry the body, "The more we have, the less damage to the wound. Tatsao could you take his head and shoulders, the heaviest part. The senorita at his leg, and Lift!" The spaniard grimaces as his pain shoots through his shoulder. "Another wound to look at." He thinks to himself.
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Re: Catholic Mission

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Elisabeth does her best to hold the admiral's leg steady as she follows the directions.
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Re: Catholic Mission

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The hulking sumo lifts and cradles Admiral Kolchak's head and shoulders.

"Through this door to the infirmary," says Father Anselm.

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Re: Catholic Mission

Post by Cearlan »

Renwick rushes over to the sink and immediately starts to scrub up for the inevitable operation ... I know the chances of saving the Admiral's leg are negligible. "Gods give me strength ... why did I not see the signs earlier ... you damn stupid fool." Clenching my hands together under the running water and hot tears of frustration stinging my eyes I take a deep breath and calm myself so that I can do the best possible for my Russian friend.

"Put him on the table and Father, do you have any anaesthesia on hand, I have a bad feeling that may be needed." Once the Russian is laid on the table, Renwick ushers everyone out of the room who does not need to be in there promising what he will do all within his power for the Admiral. He then rushes over and quickly checks the tray of surgical instruments.

"Do you have an amputation saw Father, for I fear it may well be needed?" Despite the chill feeling in the pit of my stomach, I try to be as professional as possible for my friend. As the priests hurry to ready the equipment for me I stroke my friends forehead and am shocked at the hot and clammy feel of his skin.

"Elizabeth can you please cut away the clothing on his leg - carefully now leaving plenty of room for me to ..." I cannot finish the sentence and my look seems to sink home as Elizabeth's face goes a deeper shade of grey. As she cuts the material away the full extent of the injury becomes even more apparent.

Further Medical roll - if needed - for Admiral Kolchack's leg amputation (1d100=25), 25/45% pass

Anaesthesia is administered and I attempt to clean up the wound and reset the bone, but there is no hope, I am almost reduced to tears as I realise that the leg will have to be removed. Gritting my teeth I make the decision to make the amputation at this point, here. I close my eyes and utter a small prayer that is joined in by the priests present. I look at the sweat covered features of my friend, and it takes me back to the times in the Great War when operations like this were done like one of Mr Ford's famed assembly lines. But this is a dear and valued friend, not some faceless soldier. Not that they deserved any less than my best of course, and of course I always gave my all.

"May God forgive me!" I exhort as I cut into the flesh of my friend.

By the time the operation is completed I am a wreck, both physically and mentally. My hands shake, my head spins and I feel nauseous. But like I did in the Great War, I have done my very best, no I did more than this for the friendship I have with the gruff, bad tempered Russian, possibly the finest man I had the privilege to meet.
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Re: Catholic Mission

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Elisabeth assists Dr. Renwick to the best of her abilities, cutting away the clothing around the admiral's leg and handing the doctor whatever he needs. She keeps herself busy so she doesn't have to think about what's happening, and she can't help but look away when Dr. Renwick actually amputates.
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