The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Splendid, a vacation in Scotland, just the ticket. Let us begin with a short boat trip and take in some of the fresh, sea air.
Call of Cthulhu in 1920s Scotland, first scenario ‘The Ballad of Bass Rock’.

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The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by Priest »

The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

You had all booked passage on the Westray IV, a small, but attractive, sailing boat with diesel engine backup out of North Berwick, to the north and east of Edinburgh. Owned and captained by John Cooper, ably assisted by his 14 year old son, Aidan, the Westray IV is capable of carrying ten adults, both John and Aidan included.

Beside the six of you a young newlywed couple from Ireland, Michael and Emily O’Keefe, were taking the trip as part of their honeymoon. A trip which it was hoped would enable you to enjoy the rich variety of wildlife that inhabit the seas around the south coast of Fife near Earlsferry and Pittenweem.

The trip had also been designed to allow one of the passengers, Mr Carruthers, to scatter his father’s ashes in the Firth off the coast between Edinburgh and Dunbar. The intention was to carry out that act on the route out from North Berwick then to briefly head out into the North Sea before curving around Bass Rock and pulling back into North Berwick in the late afternoon.

The Westray IV was, as stated, small but well maintained. Both the Coopers seem efficient and experienced in their business. You estimate that the elder Cooper was somewhere in his mid thirties, tall and, unsurprisingly given his occupation, well muscled. He had thick brown hair which, given the vigour of its growth, appeared unkempt, he also sported a thick reddish brown beard which did little to disguise his welcoming smile that made his eyes sparkle with merriment. He wore an old, much repaired, yet serviceable navy blazer and an aged and battered captain’s cap. Overall he came across as a most likeable fellow who makes little secret of his devotion to his family and Aidan in particular.

Like his father, Aidan Cooper, was a most likeable and jolly chap who certainly favoured his father looks if not his physique. He saw himself as the unofficial first mate of the Westray , taking his duties and responsibilities in deadly earnest.

OOC: could each player please note down any items of their possessions currently with them on the boat. Bearing in mind this is nothing more than a simple day trip.

The trip had started well a typical early June day, bright with a slight offshore breeze. Excellent sailing conditions the breeze just enough to fill the boats small sail. Following expectation John Cooper had set his initial course to allow Mr Carruthers the opportunity to scatter his father’s ashes. The proceedings were carried out with all the dignity and ceremony that Mr Carruthers could effect. Such was the somber mood of the proceedings that all aboard the boat were moved, even the O’Keefe’s despite any Catholic reservations.

Proceedings complete and the late Mr Luther Carruthers’ ashes duly scattered, Captain Cooper had headed the Westray out into the open waters of the North Sea to do a little cruising along the Scottish coast, prior to returning to port via the rocky prominence known as Bass Rock, home to little other than a long ruined castle and a small, but well maintained, lighthouse. It was hoped that the trip around the Rock would allow the passengers a glimpse of the seals which make up the majority of the islands population, if one discounts the large numbers of birdlife.

It was at this stage that the weather conditions had begun to deteriorate. Dark clouds had suddenly appeared to the east and the waves, which prior to this point had been little more than a gentle swell, began to grow in size and severity, quickly turning from a pleasant blue to a white capped steely grey. John Cooper, showing his skill and knowledge, quickly started the boat for home. As Aidan hurried to start the small diesel engine while his father swiftly dropped sail, the O’Keefe’s, amongst others, had become increasingly nervous despite the reassurances of John Cooper.

As Cooper pushed the small boat hard against the rapidly increasing waves in an effort to return to North Berwick before the full might of the oncoming storm hit. It became obvious to all that it was not going to make it. In the lee of Bass Rock a sudden explosion shook the boat violently and thick grey smoke poured out from below the deck. With a curse, its severity covered by the rising wind and crash of waves, he had run towards the covered engine hold carrying a fire bucket of sand. However even through the thick smoke and wind thrown spray you could see that the Westray, still moving at speed, was drawing dangerously close to the rocky shore of Bass Rock.

With his father below in the main engine compartment, Aidan tried desperately to steer the boat away from the rocks, but he has neither the strength nor weight to control the boat, even with aid from several of the passengers, and with an inevitability the Westray was steadily turned by the force of the surf towards the rocks

As the boat began to lurch towards its doom the fourteen year old lad screamed for his father. Cooper appeared from below, face and clothing blackened by smoke, to see the ominous shape of Bass Rock looming above them. Eyes wide with terror, he turned and rushed towards a small cabinet; threw open the doors and began handing out bulky cork life-jackets.
Seconds later, with a scream of breaking timber, the Westray IV lurched sideways as her hull struck the first of the rocks.

OOC: Please roll STRx5 to maintain your places aboard the boat. Failure means you are thrown violently to the deck and suffer 1d4 points of damage.

This presents the moment that the adventure begins, as the doomed boat crashes, violently, onto the rocks. For a moment, little more than that, the Westray IV rights itself. But only momentarily as it is driven onto the next rock.

OOC: Once again all characters please roll STRx5 to avoid 1d4 damage due to be slammed to and fro. This is cumulative to any damage taken earlier.

You are now faced with two options, either to jump from the boat and attempt to swim ashore, or stay with the floundering vessel and trust it to deliver you safely ashore...
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by DrPeterson »

Dice rolls,[dice]0[/dice] [dice]1[/dice]

Robertdidn't like where this was going. Despite his trying to assist with the helm, the boat was sure to ram the rocks. The bulk of the life vest didn't make it easier to steer, either.


He just had time to shout the order, before the deafening sound of breaking wood shook the boat and sent him flying to the deck, smack on his face. He could barely hang on to the railing and lift himself up, when the boat shook a second time.
This time, however, he was prepared and he stood firm as blood from his cut lips mingled with the spray.

He looked around over the deck, to see if no one had tumbled overboard.
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by Cearlan »


Having scattered his father's ashes, Hammond thanks those who are near, and Captain Cooper for their forbearance during the ceremony where he read his speech / sermon and a couple of quotes from his battered bible, having left the remainder of his belongings other than his mask, wide brimmed hat, cloak and other clothing back at the family home, now a cold and desolate place. By all that is holy he cannot wait to sell the house and move back to the Belgian Congo. He watched the approaching storm with detached interest ... he'd seen these squalls before, but this one looked to be a doozy. Massive thunderheads loomed overhead when the storm hit and despite Cooper's best attempts, the boat suddenly pitched and Hammond fell awkwardly hitting his knee on the way down just as someone shouted "Brace for Impact."

[dice]0[/dice] Str x 5 First Roll

[dice]2[/dice] First Damage

Pain lanced down his leg as his knee cracked off the gunwale of the boat, causing him to cry out. The boat lurched again and he tried to grab onto something or other to prevent further damage to himself, but the pain clouded his perception of just where the handrail was and he fell again, this time hitting the back of his head on the opposite gunwale.

[dice]1[/dice] Str x 5 Second Roll

[dice]3[/dice] Second Damage

Dazed he tumbled over the side of the boat and into the water where the freezing water quickly brought him back to his senses, though the salt water stung his burns.

[dice]4[/dice] Swim

He struggles in the water, never having been a strong swimmer.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by RulerMan »

Despite all his efforts, Roberto just couldn't avoid his painful memories while he was here, even if here meant the waters of Scotland. He saw Kirsty's face everywhere and the newlywed couple that was present aboard didn't make things easier either. he had a moment of distraction when one of the passengers threw his father's ashes in the cold waters. shortly after that, the weather changed abruptly and he found himself with shocking fear as the boat approached the rocks of the Bass dangerously fast...

First roll 12X5=60
Second roll 12x5=60
Damage roll
No matter how much the captain of the boat and his son tried to control the vessel, Roberto had the feeling that something bad would happen no matter what. and so it was. the boat rammed into one of the rocks of the Bass as soon as he heard some kind of explosion. desperately and instinctively Roberto grabbed himself into one of the rim bars of the boat and avoided being throw in the floor with the impact. he didn't have much lucky the second time when a wave hit him and made the rim slippery enough to break his grip on the bar. Roberto lost his balance and fell to the floor rolling into the wall of the cabin with full force. ''Aaarrghh!!!'' he screamed though nobody seemed to notice among all the chaos. he painfully regained his balance again and thought about throwing himself into the water but he dismissed the thought fast when he remembered how cold it could be and that he never practiced swimming his entire life.
Oddly enough, the word Titanic run across his mind for a second, but he quickly dismissed it. the situation in the doomed luxury ship was much worse than now he though, desperately trying to find some comfort in that...

OOC: Roberto is carrying his pocket watch and his wallet with himself and some clothes in the bag.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by yockenthwaite »

OOC first STR roll,[url=]STR x 5 (40%) roll to maintain place on boat (1d100=7)[/url]
OOC second STR roll,[url=]STR x 5 roll (40%) to avoid damage as boat hits another rock (1d100=79)[/url]
OOC damage roll,[url=]Damage after failing STRx5 roll as boat hits rocks (1d4=4)[/url]
Claire looks alarmed, but grabs the life jacket, just before the boat rocks. She manages to keep her place on the boat, and quickly puts the life jacket on, but shortly after as the boat hits another rock she is thrown violently around and sustains heavy damage.

Looking around she spots Hammond in the water. "Man overboard!" she shouts to the others. "We need to help him." She looks around to see how everyone else is doing. For now she will stay onboard.

Claire left much of her belongings in the hotel she is staying in. Today she just has her satchel, with notebook, pencil and pens, and camera.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by Priest »

(Written in Mr Handy’s absence by the Keeper)
William Maclean, exhibiting the dexterity of a professional sportsman holds tight to the rail at the first impact of the boat, efficiently resisting the force of its collision with the rocks.
1d100 → [57] = (57) STRx5 – 80%
1d100 → [56] = (56) STRx5 – 80%
And, despite the violent to and fro motions that quickly followed as the boat pitched this way and that on the waves, manages to maintain that grip throughout.
Seeing Carruthers disappear over the rail into the raging maelstrom, he, without thought for personal safety dives into the cold waters of the north sea toward him.
1d100 → [93] = (93) Swim Roll - 55%
As the churning water closes over his head, William not only momentarily loses sight of the struggling Carruthers, but has difficulty maintaining his own safety with the force of the current threatening to throw him onto the sharp rocks at any moment..
1d100 → [23] = (23) Luck – 40%
Luckily he manages to surface a mere two yards from the spluttering Carruthers. Grabbing hold of the struggling man he is able to use his strength to keep them both above the swirling waves. And strike out through the water for the safety of the shore.
1d100 → [39] = (39) STRx3 – 48%

OOC: William is carrying his; Lighter, humidor full of cigars, cigar cutter and various keys.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by Cearlan »

A moment of panic ensues as Carruthers seems to be sinking but fortunately someone who, thank the Lord, who knows what they are about manages to raise him to the surface once more. Taking in vast lungfuls of air as his head breaks the surface, he relaxes, knowing he can do no more. He murmurs a prayer of thanks to his saviour whilst patting the strong arm around him to show appreciation. 'I can thank him properly when we get ashore' muses Carruthers

He realises with horror and shame that his hat has been lost and that the man(?) saving him will be able to see his scarred head. He panics for a moment but manages to find his bible and crucifix, the only things of import to him right now, other than his faith.

"The Lord indeed moves in mysterious ways his wonders to impart ..." he says between the waves of sea water washing over him as they head for shore. 'I will have to find some way of hiding my scars!' he thinks to himself.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by PatGrillo »

Cynthia Isham.jpg
Cynthia Isham.jpg (27.41 KiB) Viewed 4794 times
Cynthia Isham has been somewhat appalled by the uncouth company with which she finds herself crammed in this small boat, which smells... of fish. Nontheless, she is strangely excited at the same time, this she thinks, must be what living is like.
Last edited by PatGrillo on Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by PatGrillo »

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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by PatGrillo »

She retains her place on the wet and slimy slatted wooden seat, back upright for good posture. As the boat makes its second lunge however, she is within a hair's breadth of being flung to the floor. She bites her lip to help resist the temptation to cry out.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by PatGrillo »

OOC: Miss Isham has with her her pocket dictionary, tour guide and a small day bag with powder compact and handkerchief.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by Priest »

At that second impact the vessel shudders and slowly begins to turn over, the turn gathering pace as the waves smash into her exposed keel. Unable to stay with the doomed boat any longer each passenger left aboard leaps, falls or slides into the heaving water and is instantly flung towards the needle sharp rocks the are exposed with every fall of swell.

OOC: All Characters apart from Carruthers and MacLean, who are already in the water and swimming for shore, need to roll against Luck or take 1d2 points of damage as they are smashed against the rocks. Following that would the same characters please make Swim rolls + 25%. Failure means another Luck roll to avoid another 1d2 points of damage.

With each rise of the fast moving swell you are able to glimpse a rocky shore ahead, and it is for this you head. Luckily it is also the destination for the storm driven surf its very violence assisting your progress.

After a few intense minutes of noise, pain and fear, you find yourselves on a small rock strewn beach dominated by cliffs above which rises a lime washed lighthouse.
As you rise to your feet, dripping sea water from your sodden clothing and shivering in blasts of sea foam and rain laden wind a quick head count reveals that of the ten people on the Westray IV only nine have made it ashore

Jonathan Cooper, captain and owner of the boat has failed to come ashore. Immediately Aidan begins rushing up and down the small shoreline, screaming his fathers name although with the crash of waves and the noise of storm disturbed gannets, the small voice of a fourteen year old boy is soon lost. Search as you will no sign of the captain of the Westray IV can be found.
(The white zig-zag line marks a rough pathway that leads up ward from the beach.)
OOC: Now everyone must roll luck for each of the possessions they had with them on the boat. Success means that item has made it ashore with them, failure means it is lost to the depths.
This also includes Carruthers and MacLean who managed to gain the shore moments before any others.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by PatGrillo »

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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by PatGrillo »

Cynthia Isham is lucky to avoid being smashed against the rocks as she tumbles into the foaming sea.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by PatGrillo »

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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by PatGrillo »

She is unable to fight the waves as the water pulls at her tweed skirt and jacket. Barely, but only barely she manages to hold her breath until the next surge casts her ashore.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by DrPeterson »

Dice rolls,Luck (75) check to avoid the rocks [dice]0[/dice] Swim (50) check in the water [dice]1[/dice] Another Luck roll to avoid the rocks [dice]2[/dice]
Robert tries to hold on as the boat starts capsizing, but quickly realises the futility of his action as more and more water streams into the broken ship.

Just as he lets go of the railing, a wave swoops up and carries him past the first set of sharp rocks and he tries to swim away from the next set in his path. Alas, he in encumbered by the life vest and the seas toys with the buoyant officer as if he were a rag doll.

He shouts as the current sweeps him onto the rocks and lets out a cry of relief as another wave miraculously lifts him over unscathed. Moments later, Robert Parkhurst rather unceremoniously washed ashore and takes tally of the situation.
Luck (75) rolls for stuff,Suitcase with Dress Uniform and pistol [dice]3[/dice] The Island of Dr Moreau [dice]4[/dice] Binoculars [dice]6[/dice] Pipe and tobacco purse [dice]5[/dice]
Patting down his pockets, he notes the missing Wells novel and let's out a silent "What rotten luck...", that the wind fortunately blows away before anyone can hear.

Just as he is about to walk up the beach to the young boy, he notices a square object float ashore and a smile breaks on his lips as he rushes through the surf to go pick up the suitcase with his uniform in it.
Last edited by DrPeterson on Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by Cearlan »

[dice]0[/dice] Luck 39/75% Mask retained

[dice]1[/dice] Luck 90/75% Hat lost

[dice]2[/dice] Luck 87/75% Cloak lost

[dice]3[/dice] Luck 68/75% Bible retained

[dice]4[/dice] Luck 37/75% Crucifix retained

Standing shakily on the rock strewn beach whilst struggling for breath he nods a thanks to MacLean before assisting everyone else ashore who needs his aid. Once he manages to get his breath back he clutches MacLean's arm in gratitude and with a thick accent he says "Thank you my new friend - it seems that I owe you my life for I would surely have perished out there, but the good Lord sent you and we have both survived. I am sure I have seen you before Sir, perhaps in the Great War. I'm hopeless with names you know, but nearly always remember a face. Anyway, my name is Carruthers, Hammond Carruthers" he adds proffering his scarred hand. "Don't worry, it's not contagious, just the effects of the hun's Mustard Gas. But we must search now for the valiant captain of the boat for his son is quite naturally distressed by his absence."
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by RulerMan »

Roberto realizes that the boat will sunk soon as more and more water enters the ship. so he leaps to the water hoping to come out of it alive.
Roll for avoiding the rocks:
Unfortunately the waves carries him towards a rock formation, the strength of the water makes him helpless in avoiding a collision.
Damage roll
Roberto hits the rock with full force, his left shoulder taking the bulk of the impact. he barely has the time to breath when another wave get on his way. though he never practiced swimming on his life he tries desperately to swim out of the way of another rock formation.
Swim roll (50%)
He manages to avoid the second rock and finally reaches the shore.
Possessions rolls:
Golden pocket watch:[dice]3[/dice]
Bag with some clothes:[dice]5[/dice]
Incredible as it may be, he still has his pocket watch and wallet with him and as he glance around he is able to see that his bag also made it ashore.
He then catches it and take another look around as he see that another survivors also reached the beach. he then shouts: ''Is anyone seriously hurt? i can't barely breath!''- then he quickly open his bag and take a small device and put it into his mouth to try to control his asthma.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by yockenthwaite »

OOC Luck roll and damage,[url=]Rolling Luck (stat 50%) as smashed against rock, and any Damage (1D2) if that fails (1d100=64, 1d2=1)[/url]
OOC,Swim+25% and (not needed) damage roll,[url=]Rolling Swim+25% (50%) and any damage that happens, as boat is smashed against rocks and need to swim (1d100=11, 1d2=1)[/url]
OOC,Luck rolls for possessions all PASS,[url=]Rolling Luck (stat 50%) 5 times to see which possessions (satchel, notebook, pencil, pens, and camera) make it safely ashore with me (1d100=33, 1d100=19, 1d100=6, 1d100=33, 1d100=44)[/url]
Claire falls into the water, and is knocked against the rocks, sustaining some damage. But quickly pulling herself together she manages to swim for the shore, without any difficulty. She drags herself out of the water, like a bedraggled rat. Surprisingly all her possessions seem intact, at least on first glance. She is most worried about her camera, and looks at it quizically, before looking around to see what has happened to the others.
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