Character Creation

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Character Creation

Post by Priest »

Character Creation.

Each Character is composed of the following; Primary Attributes, Secondary Attributes, Qualities, Drawbacks and skills.
They are created in the following ways;

Primary Attributes.

You have 14 points to spend. Minimum is 0 and Max is 6.

Attributes are bought 1 for 1 e.g if you want willpower at level 5 then it would cost 5 points. For attributes that are Level 6 and higher they cost 3 points per additional level. So to be level 6 it would cost 8 points, 5 points to get to level 5 and then another 3 points to get to level 5. (Ouch yes it does hurt) Humans normally range between level 1 to 4. Experts are usually 5 and athletes that have trained their whole lives are level 6. 6 is the highest a human can be. The Primary Attributes are;


Secondary Attributes

Life Points.
Hit points, damage levels, This is what keep you going, fall to 0 and you are unconscious, fall below 0 and you are dead. To determine life points add Strength and Constitution. Multiply the result by 4. Then add 10. (Str+Con) x 4 + 10 = life points.

This is your energy, certain actions burn energy faster than others. When you run out of endurance points, you're physically spent, running out of energy in the middle of zombie wave is the best way to be made into a zombie not so happy meal. To determine Endurance add your Strength, Constitution and Willpower. Multiply the result by 3, then add 5. (Str+Con+Will) x 3 + 5 = Endurance Points.

Run away, run away, this is how you run away. To determine your speed take your Dexterity and Constitution and add them up, then multiply the result by 2 (Dex+Con) x 2 = Speed.

Essence Pool
Essence is that nebulous quality that divides us from the monsters. It is faith and belief in the face of stark reality. It can be drained by strong emotions such as fear and hatred, and replenished by security, safety and normality. The total loss of Essence will result in the death of a character. To calculate a characters essence pool total the amount of attribute points.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Priest »

Qualities & Drawbacks

Qualities are innate characteristics that give the character an advantage or positive trait. Drawbacks are characteristics that somehow limit or detract from the character. Both serve to round out the character and can be very helpful both to role-play and to “succeed” in the game. Qualities are desirable traits and therefore “cost” character points. Drawbacks, on the other hand, are limiting factors, and as a “reward” for acquiring them, the character gains extra points. Points acquired from Drawbacks can be used in any point category – Attributes, Qualities and Skills. For point categories other than Attributes, Drawback points may be added on a one-for-one basis. Purchasing Attribute points using Drawbacks is much more expensive. The cost to raise an Attribute one level is equal to the value of that level. For example, raising an Attribute from level 3 to 4 costs 4 Drawback points, from level 4 to 5 costs 5 Drawback points, and so on. Further, the costs are cumulative. Raising one Attribute from 3 to 5 costs 9 Drawback points.

Players get 5 points to spend on Qualities.
Players can take up to 10 points in Drawbacks. (You don’t have to take the full 10, or any at all, choice is yours.)


Acute Senses ( 2 points)
Choose a sense. Sight hearing touch, smell or taste. Any Perception or Notice check using that sense gains a +3 bonus.

Artistic Talent ( 3 points)
Choose a form of art (drawing/painting, sculpture, singing, etc). You gain a +3 bonus on all related task attempts.

Attractiveness ( 1-5 points)
This ability determines the characters looks. Average people have attraction level of 0. Each level of this Quality grants you a +1 bonus on social tasks in which looks can be a factor.

Charisma ( 1-5 points)
This traits represents personal magnetism. Each level grants +1 to any social task.

Contacts (1-5 Points)
Your character has friends and allies that are willing to help him.
1 point - Contact provides rumours and hearsay.
2 points – Contact provides reliable information and will help in small ways.
3 – 5 points - Allies that will help in any way depending on their resources.

Fast Reaction Time ( 2 points)
Act first without need to roll initiative checks, you also get +1 to willpower and to resist fear.

Good Luck ( 1-5 points)
You are luckier than most. Each level of this quality grants you a luck point. A luck point can be used to improve the results. Multiple points can be spent on a single roll, up to your maximum amount or on separate rolls. Character must state they are using luck points before rolling and are replenished at the start of each game session.

Hard to Kill ( 1-5 points)
Character with this Quality are extremely tough and withstand amazing amount of damage before going down. Each level of this quality grants you 3 bonus life points and additional +1 on survival tests (not the skill) tests to stay alive when critically injured.

*Mr Fix-it (1-5 points)
Some folks are just really good at fixing things, often using make-do bits. Each level of the quality allows you not only to work out why it’s not working but a way to fix it. The more levels you have the more likely to fix it and have it stay fixed.

Nerves of Steel (3 points)
The character must make a fear test only when confronted with bizarre and terrifying situations like the loss of family and love ones. +4 to fear tests.

Photographic Memory ( 2 points) - You never forget. You also gain a +1 bonus on most scholastic skill checks.

(Disease) ( 1-5 points) - Each level grants you +1 to Constitution checks to resist illness.
(Poison) ( 1-5 points) - Each level grants you +1 to Constitution checks to resist poison.
(Fatigue) ( 1-5 points) - Each level further lessens endurance loss do to strenuous activity.
(Pain) ( 1-5 points) - Each Level further lessens penalties due to injury.

Situational Awareness ( 2 points)
The character is observant. You gain +2 on Perception-based rolls to sense trouble or danger in their immediate area.

Status (-1 to +5)
This traits represents the standing in society. It covers fame, glory or notoriety. Movies stars, high society and criminals are a few to have this. For criminal it can add to intimidations, for high rollers, movie, or sports stars it can add a bonus to social traits.


Addiction ( 1-5 points)
You're addicted to a substance. The stronger the substance, the more points this Drawback is worth. Habitual drinking, smoking or marijuana is worth 1 point. Heavy drinking or light use of LSD is worth 2 points. Alcoholism, habitual use of barbiturates or cocaine is worth 4 points. Habitual use of heroin, heavy use of barbiturates or cocaine is worth 5 points. When a character doesn't get his fix, he goes into withdrawal and suffers a penalty to all rolls equal to the value of the addiction.

Attractiveness ( 1-5 points)
This ability determines the characters looks. Average people have attraction level of 0. You are especially unattractive. Each level of this Drawback gives you a -1 penalty to any social skill task in which looks are important.

Bad Luck (1-5 points) - People around you seem to be luckier, or the universe just hates you. The GM the points can be used to hinder the roll. Multiple points can be spent on a single roll, up to the maximum amount or on separate rolls. Bad luck is replenished at the start of each game session.

Charisma (1-5 points)
This traits represents personal magnetism .Each level of this Drawback gives you a -1 penalty on all social skill task.

Clown (1 point)
The clown refuses to take thing seriously and is always coming up with wisecracks and jokes. While not necessarily a bad thing, it can get old fast, and have a habit of speaking even when they know the joke may have a negative impact.

Covetous ( 1 – 3 points)
This type of character wants certain things and is prepared to go to certain lengths to get them. Four types Greed, (money and wealth), lecherous (sexually attractive people), Ambitious (power and influence) and Conspicuous ( Fame and Renown )
1 Point – Mild knows what they want but will not break own rules or society to get them.
2 Points – Presented with enough temptation may act against their better judgment. Resisting requires a simple willpower at a penalty of -1
3 points – overwhelms the any scruples that the character may have. There is nothing they will not to get Willpower test with a -1 to -5 penalty depending on the size.

Cowardly (1-3 points)
You are easily scared or intimidated.
1 point – Character avoids taking unnecessary risk. Simple willpower tests to avoid fleeing.
2 Points - Needs a simple willpower test to fight back even if the odds are in their favour.
3 Points – Difficult willpower test in situations with concentrations and risky situations.

Cruel (1 or 3 points)
Cruel people enjoy causing pain. Some may seem normal but angered can go to great lengths to make enemies pay
1 point – Would never hurt a friend or loved one but enemies especially those have really angered you are a different matter. Usually has the attitude that they get what they deserve will commit atrocities but will not go out of their way to find opportunities.
3 points – True sadist and never passes up a chance to inflict pain on there no matter who they are people with this drawback rarely keep friends and will quickly make enemies

Delusions ( 1-3 points)
Delusions are belief that has no basis in reality. The level of the drawback dictates the severity. Some form of delusions are Prejudices, Delusions of grandeur, Weird delusions. If you have a delusion that you want to play inform the gm

*Dependant (Points variable)
This covers all kinds of dependants and their needs. I point will get you a healthy family member, 6 points will get you someone with needs, ill health or age.

Emotional Problems (1-2 point)
Those with emotional problems react in unreasonable ways to some situation and problems
1 Point - Fear of rejection, People with this problem may be afraid to make friends or approach people they are attracted too. If their fears come true they can harbour a great deal of resentment and anger.
2 Points – Depression , makes every act of living seem a hard chore. -2 to most tasks and tend to avoid becoming involved in most tasks.
1 Point - Emotional dependency, Clingy and overly dependant on others.
1 Point -Fear of commitment Whenever this character starts feeling to close to somebody they start to pull away.

*Haunted by the past (1-2 points)
I point is a recurring memory from the past that may prove distracting. 2 points is one that is not only distracting but can be debilitating.

Honourable (1–3 Points)
The honourable character follows a code of honour and will not break it lightly. In a life and death situation where honour must be ignored a difficult Willpower roll must be made.
1 Point – Does not lie or betray friends or people they respect. Anybody else is fair game
2 Point – Code of honour is more complex. And applies to every one. Always keeps their word and does their best to fulfil and promise he makes. He will not betray the trust to anyone that has earned it.
3 points – Lives by a strict set of rules that controls most of his actions’. He will not partake in acts of betrayals such as ambushes, striking helpless or unsuspecting foe. He can not lie and if tries will lie badly and -2 to -6 penalty to the roll

Humourless (1 point) –
Lack the ability to laugh at life and takes everything seriously. Other people attempt leave him cold and annoyed.

Impaired Senses (2 points)
Choose a sense. Sight hearing touch, smell or taste. Any Perception or Notice task using that sense suffers a -3 penalty.

Lazy ( 2 points)
This character does not like to work and is always looking for ways to avoid work. A lazy character must role-play a unwilling less to work except in situation where it is extremely important. Lazy have a hard time learning skills, all skills are purchased at the normal 1 point for 1 point until they meet the attribute for which it is attached, then cost of 2 points for 1 level.

Minority (1 point)
The character is considered a second class citizen because of race, ethnic group or religion and dislike by mainstream.

Obsession ( 2 points)
The obsession may be a person or task. This obsession dominates the person life. They may neglect other duties both personal and professional to purse the obsession.

Paranoid (2 Points)
“They” are out to get you. Trust no one . Everything is a conspiracy and everyone is keeping secrets. A paranoid character expects treachery at every turn.

Physical Disability (1-4 points)
This Drawback covers any physical problems effecting limbs of the character.
1- 2 points - Missing or Crippled Arm/Hand. The hand in question cannot be used to grab or hold Any tasks that require the use of both hands suffer a -3 penalty. If your disability can be overcome with say, a prosthetic hand, the value of this drawback is lowered.
1 point lame leg, speed reduced by 1/3 base speed and any movement that require dexterity is modified by -1
2 – 3 points - Missing or Crippled Leg/Foot .The character can not run or walk normally. With the help of crutches, you can move at 1/3 your base speed. Hand to hand tasks take a -2 penalty. This is 3 points If your disability can be partially overcome with prosthetics the penalty to speed is reduced to 1/2 and the close combat penalty is only -1, but the drawback value is lower 2 points.
4 Points – Missing or crippled arms. Both arms are missing or crippled.
4 points - Missing or Crippled Legs. The character is unable to walk. Without a wheelchair, you're stuck dragging yourself along the ground.

*Prejudice (1 point) speaks for itself really colour or sex whatever.

Recurring Nightmares. (1 point each)
This character is plague by terrifying dreams that relive some traumatic experience. Every night a check must be rolled to see if the character suffers from the nightmares. There's a 1 in 10 chance every night that the character has a nightmare and looses D4 endurance points..

Showoff (2 point each)
The whole world is a showoff audience and he loves to perform. He never misses the chance to cast the spot light on himself. A showoff loves to get public acclaim or at least respect of his peers. He can too hard to attract attention to himself and his deeds.

Talentless (2 Points)
The talentless individual is totally lacking in creativity and artistic talent. -3 Penalty when trying to do anything creative. People with skill are poor liars, charmers or social butterflies.

*Unstable Personality (1-6 points)
The more unstable the personality the more levels.

Zealot (3 points)
A zealot is a person whose beliefs are so strong that they dominate their life and behaviour. Zealots are willing to sacrifice anything including their lives (and lives of others) in service of the ideals they hold dear.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Priest »


These are the skills that make your character special. Characters start with 25 points, then add 3 points for each point of Intelligence (any characters with 0 Intelligence only get 1 point). Character aged below 18 years of age subtract 5 points from their skill point total, those over 30 years of age add 5 points to their skill points total per 10 years but subtract 2 points per 10 years from Attributes (any attribute chosen). Normal Skills cost 1 point per level up to level 5. After that they cost 3 points per level. Level 7 skill will cost 11 character points. 5 points to get to level 5 and 6 Special Skills to get to level 7.

Special skills cost 2 points per level, and after level 5 cost 5 points per level.
Skills with (Type) next to them require a player to choose a specific aspect. For example, Guns have many different types, such as handgun, shotgun, rifle, etc.

You can specialize in just about any skill. To specialize in a particular skill, you must spend 1 skill point. You then treat a certain aspect of that skill as being 2 levels higher than normal.

Acrobatics (Special).
The ability to perform tumbles, somersaults and other complex manoeuvres. Use Acrobatics and Dexterity for most tasks. This skill is commonly known by circus performers, dancers, martial artists, gymnasts and athletes. Can be used instead of the Dodge Skill to avoid attacks.

The ability to play a role and successfully counterfeit behaviours, emotions and other character traits. Use Intelligence and Acting to give a good performance, and Perception and Acting to spot or judge someone else’s act.

This is the ability to use make-up, hair dressing and cosmetics to enhance a person’s appearance. Use intelligence and Beautician.

Brawling covers basic street fighting, karate, martial arts training and similar combat skills. In hand-to-hand combat Dexterity and Brawling are used for kicks, punches, and similar maneuvers. Strength and Brawling are used for take-downs, wrestling and slamming people around.

This skill provides familiarity with the organization of, and procedures used by, bureaucratic institutions. With this skill, the character can find ways to improve and organization’s service and performance, or otherwise obtain their services or products more efficiently. Use Intelligence and Bureaucracy to devise ways to make a large group or organization more efficient; use Willpower and Bureaucracy to “cut through red tape.”

The skill of breaking the rules and tricking an opponent. Mostly used forms of gambling. Use Intelligence and Cheating to perform the trick, or Perception and Cheating to spot such a trick.

Climbing tasks use Dexterity, Strength or Constitution, depending on the type of climb attempted.

Computer Hacking.
This is the skill to penetrate computer systems through a modem, overcome protection and password programs, and steal information or inflict damage on a system. Most tasks use Intelligence and Computer Hacking, although spotting a specific type of defence or password system may use Perception and Computer Hacking.

Computer Programming.
Writing a program uses Intelligence and Computer Programming; Perception and Computer Programming is used to recognize elements of another program.

This is the basic skill with computers, including how to use a keyboard and mouse, basic commands, and so on. As computers become more user friendly, most computer tasks can be viewed as routine or easy, except where they may involve unfamiliar programs and operating systems.

Craft (Type).
The Craft Skill covers numerous types of skills such as those employed by carpenters, seamstresses, weavers, weapon-smiths, woodworkers, etc. When the Craft Skill is purchased, a particular Skill Type must be specified. Characters may further want to specialize. For example, Gunsmith is the Specialty of the Craft (Weapon-smith) Skill focusing on guns. Intelligence and Craft is used to conceive and plan an item. Dexterity and Craft is tested to create the item, or repair a damaged item. Perception and Craft serves to appraise an item. The Electronics, Engineering, mechanic and other Skills may be used to supplement the Craft Skill. Note that devising and creating a particular item may be a time consuming and difficult task.

Dancing. (Type).
Dancing Represents training in a form of dance. Ballet, to tribal.


The ability to set and disarm explosives. Use Intelligence and Demolitions to set up an explosive charge, Perception and Demolitions to understand the setup of an unfamiliar bomb, and Intelligence and Demolitions to disarm a bomb.

The ability to change one’s appearance. Use Intelligence and Disguise to apply a disguise, Perception and Disguise to spot somebody else’s disguise.

This is a basic combat skill, representing the ability to move out of the way of attacks. As a skill, Dodge is learned by people with some practice in diving for cover. Dodge is used with Dexterity for most tasks.

Driving (Type).
The skill to control any land vehicle of the specific Type (Car, Truck, Tracked, Motorcycle, etc.) requires a separate Driving Skill Typ. Use Dexterity and Driving.

This skill allows a character to build and repair all manner of electronic devices and tools, and grants the character knowledge about electronic systems and the like. Access to the appropriate tools is required. Understanding an existing electronic device calls for Perception and Electronics; repairing a device requires Intelligence and Electronics. It should be noted that this skill and the mechanical Skill complement one another and are often used together.

Engineer (Type).
This skill reflects the general knowledge of structural design, material strengths, and construction techniques in a variety of fields and applications. Types of Engineering Skill include Architecture, Civil, Construction, Mechanical, Electrical and Biological. Planning or devising an object, structure or device within the character’s Engineering Type demands and Intelligence and Engineering task.

This is the ability to escape from ropes, handcuffs and other restraints. Most of the tasks use Dexterity and Escapism, however planning an escape from a location requires the use of Intelligence and Escapism.

Fine Arts (Type).
Drawing, painting, computer graphics ect. To conceive idea Intelligence and Fine Arts. Rendering concept Dexterity and Fine Arts.

First Aid.
This skill allows a character to treat basic injuries and use such techniques as CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver. A successful Intelligence and First Aid task will heal some damage to an injured person. Typical tasks include identifying the problem Perception and First Aid, performing First Aid intelligence and First Aid and using CPR or applying the Heimlich Maneuver Dexterity and First Aid.

This is the knowledge of most common games of chance. A character needs both Gambling and Cheating to effectively break the rules.

Guns (Type).
This skill allows the character to use one type of firearm. The most common Types include Handgun Rifle, Shotgun, Submachine Gun and Assault Rifle. If the skill is taken in one Type, the character can use other types of guns, but at a -2 penalty to all tasks. Dexterity and Guns are used to fire the weapon. Aiming rolls use Perception and Guns.

This skill provides the character the ability to deal for goods and services, or otherwise bring two or more parties to some common ground. It may be applied when buying, selling or bartering goods and services. Use Willpower and Haggling to get the best deal; use Perception and Haggling to spot a con.

Hand Weapon (Type).
Each basic type of weapon is a separate skill. Hand Weapon Skill Types include, axe, club, knife, spear, staff, sword, missile weapons like bows and crossbows.

Humanities (Type).
Each of the various Humanities disciplines )archeology, anthropology, economics, history, law, political science, sociology, theology, etc.) counts as a separate Humanities Skill Type. Most Humanities tasks use Intelligence or Perception and Humanities.

This skill is your ability to pass on your skills and knowledge to others. Teaching is a skill and an art.

The skill to make people afraid, Intimidation is used by bullies or others in most confrontational situations. Use Willpower and Intimidation for “real” intimidation, or Intelligence and Intimidation to bluff.

Language (Type).
Every character is assumed to have level 5 in their native or primary language. Each additional language must be purchased as a separate Skill Type. Your level in a foreign language will depend on how fluent you are in certain situations and surroundings

Lock Picking (Type).
This skill covers all the basics in breaking and entering. There are two Types: Mechanical and Electronic. Most tasks use Lock Picking and Dexterity, modified by the difficulty of the lock. Lock Picking (Electronic) uses Perception and Intelligence for the most part, to spot and neutralize electronic locks and security systems.

Martial Arts (Special).
This is the skill if using an advanced system of hand-to-hand combat. Characters with Martial Arts can do more damage with their hands and feet. Kicks and punches performed with the Martial Arts Skill have a damage bonus equal to the character’s skill level. So, a character with Martial Arts level 3 does and additional 3 points of damage with a kick or punch.

This skill allows a character to build and repair all manner of mechanical devices and tools, and grants him knowledge about mechanical systems and the like. A lab or workshop may be required, as will the appropriate tools to get the job done. Understanding an existing mechanical device calls for a Perception and Mechanic task; repairing or constructing a mechanism requires an Intelligence and Mechanic task.

Medicine (Special).
This skill covers medical knowledge, including basic surgery skills, diagnosis and general medicine. Most doctors also specialize in one type of medicine, These are treated as Specialty Skills. Diagnosis tasks use Perception and Medicine, surgery uses Dexterity and Medicine.

Myth and Legend
Knowledge of Mythology and folklore.

Notice represents the degree of alertness a person has about him. A character with this skill can use it with Perception to see what is happening around him, or with Intelligence to remember something he noticed some time ago. A character with Notice can use it with Perception to spot or hear another character using Stealth.

Pick Pocket.
The skill of taking another person’s hard-earned money or things without him noticing it. Most rolls use Dexterity and Pick Pocket, resisted by the victim’s Perception and the highest of Notice, streetwise or Pick Pocket skill.

Piloting (Type).
The skill to control any aircraft or water vehicle of the specific Type. Each Type of vehicle propeller plane, jet plane, sailboat and helicopter requires a separate Piloting Skill Type. Most Piloting tasks use Dexterity and Piloting, or Intelligence and Piloting for very large vessels.

This is the ability to interrogate, spot lies, and otherwise extract the truth from people. Interrogations should be role-played with bonuses or penalties being applied to the task roll based on player performance. Tricking somebody into revealing something uses Intelligence and Questioning, spotting a lie uses Perception and Questioning. Breaking a victim’s will to resist uses Willpower and Questioning. The use of torture and drugs may also give bonuses to the questioner’s task.


This skill allows a character to search out information or follow a series of clues and leads to a reasonable conclusion through deduction, source checking, and the likeMost uses of this skill involve Intelligence and Research tasks. In some cases, Constitution and Research tasks or Perception and Research tasks may be called for.

Riding (Type).
The skill to ride horses, carts, and other animals or animal driven vehicles. Each type of animal or vehicle requires a separate Riding Skill Type.

Running (Type).
There are two types of Running. The first is Running (Marathon) covers running for endurance and distance. A character with Running (Marathon) can use his skill and Constitution to resist fatigue. Add 1 Endurance Point to the character’s pool for every level in Running (Marathon). The second is Running (Dash). A character with Running (Dash) can increase speed for short distances. On a dead run, use Constitution and Running (Dash) to increase maximum running speed. Each Success level acquired adds +1 to the character’s Speed Secondary Attribute.

The ability to find useful things from food to fuel. Intelligence is used to locate stuff, Perception is used to spot stuff, Strength or Dexterity to get stuff.

Sciences (Type).
Each science biology, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics, physics, etc. counts as a separate Science Skill Type. Most Science tasks use Intelligence or Perception.

The ability to make oneself sexually attractive to other people by saying the right things and putting on the right act.

This skill reflects the training of the characters voice. Intelligence and sighing to remember the words for the duration of the song it is constitution and Singing.

Sleight of Hand.
This is the ability to perform sleight of hand. Most Sleight of Hand tasks use Dexterity, or Intelligence to plan a complex maneuver.

Smooth Talking.
This skill allows the character to lie convincingly or to confuse and deceive others. Use Intelligence and Smooth Talking for most tasks.

Sports (Type)
This skill covers all types of competitive sports.

The ability to move quietly and to take advantage of cover and concealment. Most task rolls use Dexterity and Stealth; Perception is used to find good hiding places.

This Skill allows a character to sway or influence an audience, either one person or a group from one emotion to the next.

The general knowledge of the lore and rules of the streets. A character with this skill knows how to behave in a given situation, knows the names and most of the faces of the more notorious local members of the underworld, and can identify most illegal transactions and operations. Use Intelligence and Streetwise to recognize locations and people; use Perception and Streetwise to spot trouble or detect criminal activities nearby.

This is the ability to follow and keep people under observation. Use this skill to follow or observe others, or know when you are being followed or observed. Use Surveillance and Perception for either activity.

Survival (Type).
This is the ability to live off the land. Each kind of terrain requires a separate Skill Type. Attempts to use a Survival Skill in the wrong place or type of terrain at a -3 penalty. Common Types include Forest, Mountains, Jungle, Desert, Arctic.

Swimming is the skill that allows a character to stay afloat and to move in the water without drowning. Use Swimming with Constitution, difficulty levels based on situation.

Throwing (Type)
This skill has three basic types, but others may be added as desired. Thrown Knife includes all small sized edged weapons. Thrown Axe covers any top-heavy object with longish handles, such as maces, baseball bats and similar projectiles. Thrown Sphere provides expertise in targeting rocks, grenades or any such hand-sized object. All Skill tasks use Strength and Thrown.

This is the skill used to follow the trail of an animal or person, usually in wilderness terrain, but also in an urban setting if snow or dust are present in enough quality to leave a trail. Most Tracking Tasks use Perception and Tracking; attempts to hide one’s tracks use Intelligence and Tracking.

This is the knowledge to detect, disarm and set traps, snares and the like. It is commonly known by Special Forces soldiers, guerrillas, hunters, trappers and others. Use Traps and Intelligence to devise a trap, Traps and Perception to detect a trap, and traps and Dexterity to disarm a trap.

Unconventional Medicine
This skill covers all methods of healing not widely accepted by Western Science, including herbal medicine, acupuncture, etc., each of which is considered a different Skill Type. The effectiveness of each type of unconventional medicine is determined by the Zombie Master. If the skill is effective in treating disease or injury, use the same skills and effects as the conventional Medicine Skill.

Veterinary Medicine.
Just like the Medicine Skill, but applies to animals. A Veterinarian can treat humans, but is at a -3 penalty to all task rolls, and despite the results of the rolls, cannot gain more than 2 Success levels.

Weight Lifting.
This is your ability to lift things beyond the normal limits of your strength.

Writing (Type).
This skill allows a character to construct entertaining and /or meaningful accounts and narratives. Academic, advocacy, creative, journalistic and technical. Using Intelligence and Writing.
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Pedro Rodriguez

Post by Mr. Handy »

Name: Pedro Rodriguez
Age: 23
Sex: Male

Primary Attributes
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 5
Constitution: 3
Intelligence: 3
Perception: 3 (includes +3 from Drawbacks)
Willpower: 2 (includes +1 from Drawbacks, +1 from Fast Reaction Time)

Life Points: 34
Endurance: 29
Speed: 16
Essence Pool: 19

Charisma (2)
Fast Reaction Time (2)
Status (1)

Covetous (Lecherous) (1)
Dependant (1) - Younger brother, Hector, age 16
Honourable (1)
Minority (Cuban) (1)
Obsession (Baseball) (2)
Showoff (2)

Skills (includes +1 from Drawbacks)
Brawling 2
Dodge 5
Hand Weapon (Club) 5
Language (Spanish) 5 (native)
Language (English) 4
Pilot (Sailboat) 2
Running (Dash) 5
Sports (Baseball) 5
Swimming 2
Throwing (Sphere) 5
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Priest »

I think you've made a couple of errors in your character Mr Handy.
I calculate you have 8 points in Drawbacks but you have only spent 5 (3 on Perception, 1 on Willpower and 1 on skills).
You seem to have overspent on Skills. You begin with a base of 25 + 3 for your Intelligence + 1 from Drawbacks = 29 points. But when you add the points you have spent up they make 35 points. With the missed points from drawbacks (3) you are 2 points over. You still have 2 points of Drawbacks available should you wish to take them.
If my calculations don't tally with yours explain them to me. :)

The mistake may be mine, I may have miscalculated specialisations. If any of the skills have been taken as specialisations please mark them as being so.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Garrett »

Name: Richard Moskey
Age: 22
Sex: Male

Primary Attributes
Strength: 3 1 from drawback
Dexterity: 5
Constitution: 4
Intelligence: 2 drawbacks
Perception: 2
Willpower: 1

Life Points: 34
Endurance: 26
Speed: 18
Essence Pool: 17

Charisma 4
Nerves of steel

Talent less +2
Minority (Mexican) +1
Dependent +3
Humorless +1
Cruel +1
Stealth 5
Martial Art(boxing) 4
Lock Picking(Doors/windows) 3
Brawling 5
Gun(handgun) 1
Dodge 4
Running (dash) 3
Notice 4
-.32 pistol
-Multi-tool that includes a small knife and a lockpicks set
-Spiked knuckles
-Leather Gloves
-A weeks worth of clothing, toiletries, ect.
-cell phone

I didn't include all the crap I assume Ricky's daughter would bring, let me know how it looks.
Last edited by Garrett on Thu May 23, 2013 5:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Priest »

Almost right, except;
Strength: to raise it from 1 to 2 will cost 2 Drawback points (each level rise costs the equivalent Drawback points)
Intelligence: to raise it from 0 to 2 costs 3 Drawback points

Qualities: Nerves of Steel is a 3 point quality so with Charisma at 4 you have taken 7 points but you are only allowed 5 so charisma must be reduced or nerves of steel replaced by something less expensive.

Drawbacks: You have not listed the points taken which could be from 5 -10 (depending upon the level of dependency of your daughter) This will give you from 5 -10 points to spend 5 for the attribute increases and a possible 5 extra to spend on Skills.

Skills: Everything looks fine although you may have extra points from Drawbacks yet to spend.

Also if you choose to take a specilisation in a particular aspect of a skill, let me know.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by DrPeterson »

My character is the famous author Jonathan Moore. His prose is lean, hard and athletic and he favours topics such as love, war, wilderness and loss. His first novel, The Sun shines at Midnight, was an immediate success and innovated the crime-genre tremendously. After writing several other best-sellers, Moore travelled to Yugoslavia in the early nineties to report on the war there for Associated Press. Between Two Trees, the novel he completed on his return from Europe describing the horrors of Yugoslavian civil war, further established his position as an international best-selling writer.
His last novel to date is a collection of short stories titled No Women, mainly on subjects he enjoys immensely, such as boxing, baseball, hunting, fishing and drinking.

Moore divorced his wife, Lorna Green, and married reporter Emily Grey whom he'd met in Yugoslavia, where the two had become intimate. The pair have two children, Mary and Thomas and live in Naples, Florida . Despite sharing a love for drinks and raucousness with his wife, Moore has fallen for the charms of his children's nanny, Sasha Westerling, a young English major and great fan of his work.
The Moores received an invitation to join the inaugural sailing of the Pinnacle due to Jonathan's manager and despite having filed for divorce, the pair didn't want to deny their children the chance of going on the ship's maiden voyage.

Character and Appearance:


Jonathan Moore is a tall man with jet black hair and an anachronistic bushy moustache. He is a boisterous man, though very sociable when the fancy strikes him. He loves his fame and reputation as a Real Man and has been known to fly off the handle when confronted by those that contest his writing or virility.

He smokes continuously and is rarely seen without a drink at hand.


Primary Attributes
Strength: 3 (3pts from drawbacks)
Dexterity: 2
Constitution: 3 (3pts from drawbacks)
Intelligence: 3
Perception: 2
Willpower: 4 (4pts from drawbacks)

Life Points: 34
Endurance: 35
Speed: 10
Essence Pool: 17

Qualities (5pt)
Status 3
Charisma 2

Drawbacks (10pt)
Addiction (Alcohol) 1
Addiction (Smoking) 1
Showoff 2
Covetous (Lecherous) 1
Covetous (Conspicuous) 1
Dependant (Emily Grey-Moore) 1
Dependant (Thomas Moore) 1
Dependant (Mary Moore) 1
Dependant (Sasha Westerling) 1

Skills (34pts)
Brawling 4
Computers 2
Dodge 2
Gambling 2
Guns (Rifle) 2
Language (English) 5
Language (Spanish) 2
Notice 2
Research 2
Seduction 3
Smooth Talking 2
Storytelling 3
Writing (Journalism) 3
Writing (Creative) 5

Clothing for different occasions
Stock photographs and a pen
Laptop with unfinished manuscripts
Several books to read
Cell phone
Cigarettes, cigars and lighter
Last edited by DrPeterson on Sat Sep 07, 2013 12:07 am, edited 8 times in total.
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Garrett »

Fixed my character, I think I had everything added up right I just thought I was getting 6 points for the daughter, bot three.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by DrPeterson »

There's an awesome reward if you can guess who I based this character on :)
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Mr. Handy »

Is it Ernest Hemingway?
Priest wrote:I think you've made a couple of errors in your character Mr Handy.
I calculate you have 8 points in Drawbacks but you have only spent 5 (3 on Perception, 1 on Willpower and 1 on skills).
You seem to have overspent on Skills. You begin with a base of 25 + 3 for your Intelligence + 1 from Drawbacks = 29 points. But when you add the points you have spent up they make 35 points. With the missed points from drawbacks (3) you are 2 points over. You still have 2 points of Drawbacks available should you wish to take them.
If my calculations don't tally with yours explain them to me. :)

The mistake may be mine, I may have miscalculated specialisations. If any of the skills have been taken as specialisations please mark them as being so.
I did follow your instructions exactly as you wrote them. Drawback points don't trade one for one when raising stats. You spend as many Drawback points as the next level of an attribute. I spent 6 to raise Perception from 0 to 3, and then 1 to raise Willpower from 0 to 1 (which was then raised to 2 by Fast Reaction Time). This left 1 Drawback point, which I added to Skills (though you can also add it to Qualities, as Garrett seems to have done). For skills, you said it was 25 plus 3 times Intelligence, which is 3. This yields 25 + (3 * 3) + 1 = 35 points. I didn't take any specializations.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Priest »

My mistake, I misread the amount of points per point of intelligence. I read it as 1 for 1, but as you say its 3 for 1. Sorry :oops:
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Priest »

Garrett wrote:Fixed my character, I think I had everything added up right I just thought I was getting 6 points for the daughter, bot three.
Afraid not. To get the full 6 points she would have to be either suffering from some illness that requires constant attention or being wheelchair bound. The more the dependancy the more points.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by DrPeterson »

Mr. Handy wrote:Is it Ernest Hemingway?

Hooray and correct!
Your reward is a drink with the author and a signed photo! :)
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Garrett »

Hey, I"m gonna add prejudice-sexist to my characters drawbacks if that's alright, how many points would I get for that?
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Priest »

Garrett wrote:Hey, I"m gonna add prejudice-sexist to my characters drawbacks if that's alright, how many points would I get for that?
Hmm, difficult one there is no official drawback to cover it, so I'm going to say 1 point same as minority.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Garrett »

Yeah that's what I assumed, ready to set sail!
Also am I going to have control over ricky's daughter or will she be an NPC? If she is I think it's worth noting that her mother actually did a pretty good job raising her, she's well behaved and all that.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Priest »

Garrett wrote:Yeah that's what I assumed, ready to set sail!
Also am I going to have control over ricky's daughter or will she be an NPC? If she is I think it's worth noting that her mother actually did a pretty good job raising her, she's well behaved and all that.
She will basically be a NPC, but you will have as much control over her as any 'well behaved' child.
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Post by Mr. Pear »

Immediately after Luke Hoffman graduated at the top of his class from the New York Institute of Photography, he had the world at his feet. CNN, Reuters, Associated Press, Vogue, … every big player in the field kept asking for his services. Instead, he chose to work as a freelancer. In 2012 he embarked on a National Geographic sponsored mission to Botswana to cover a report on lion cubs in the wild. After 3 weeks of shooting and following a pack of lions, Lukes ambition got the best of him and he went in too close. Desperately trying that epic close up shot got him face to face with a ferocious lioness. Reacting purely on photographer’s instinct, he managed to take one last shot of his close encounter seconds before her sharp claws struck his face. This rendered him unconscious and left that big distinctive scar across his right eye.
Luckily his local guide had seen it happen from a distance and fired multiple shots of his rifle in the air to chase away his aggressor and took him to the nearest hospital for treatment.
That last shot was on the cover of National Geographic Magazine and won several international photography awards. However, he felt that he’d had enough of nature photography and decided to focus on models, because of the considerably higher life expectancy.
When BBQ Magazine asked him to cover their annual miss Meat contest on a cruise to the Bahamas, he didn’t need to think twice.

Age 28

Primary Attributes
Strength 2
Dexterity 3
Constitution 2
Intelligence 2
Perception 4 (+1 to detect danger from Situational Awareness)
Willpower 2 (+1 to fear from Fast Reaction Time)
(2 drawback points spent)

Secondary Attributes
Life Points 25 (22 + 3 from Hard to Kill)
Endurance Points 20
Speed 8
Essence Pool 15

Qualities (7pts)
Contacts 2 (BBQ Magazines PR dept.)
Fast Reaction Time 2
Hard to Kill 1
Situational Awareness 2

Drawbacks (4pts)
Attractiveness (Scar) -2
Covetous (Conspicuous) -2

Skills (31pts)
Climbing 3
Computers 2
Fine Arts (Photography) 4
Fine Arts (Computer Graphics) 3
Notice 2
Stealth 2
Surveillance 2
Language (Spanish) 2
Tracking 2

MacBook Pro
Slingshot photobag
Canon 5D Mark III
Canon EF 24-70 f/2.8L USM
Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
Canon Speedlite 600EX-RT flashlight
multiple memory cards
several photographic filters
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Re: Character Creation

Post by kabukiman »

Name: Marcello di Monti
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Marcello di Monte is a young Italian politician. He started his career very young as soon as he finished college, as a deputy from a minister. He learned quickly who was important, who he needed to impress and who to avoid. He started to accept bribes. He hit the jackpot, when he convinced the minister to make a major investment that wasn’t necessary, and now Marcello is rich behind his dreams. The government after several scandals, lost an election, but Marcello isn’t worried, since he knows that his party will win sooner and latter. For now, he has decided to make a cruise and he has brought his secretary and lover. He is bisexual, but hides that, since in Italy it would be politically suicide.
He is charming, bright, and seems nice and sincere. It’s not that he is evil, just lack any scrupulous, and will do anything to get what he wants, without caring about the others.

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Constitution: 2
Intelligence: 3
Perception: 3
Willpower: 2
Life points: 26
Endurance: 23
Speed: 8
Attractiveness: 1
Charisma: 2
Fast reaction time: 1
Luck: 1
Nerves of steel: 1
Status: 1
Dependant: (secretary and lover) 1
Minority: (secret bisexual) 1
Acting: 3
Bureaucracy: 3
Dodge: 2
Driving (car): 2
Haggling: 4
Hand weapon (club): 2
Law: 4
Language: 5 (italian)
Language: 3 (english)
Language: 2 (latin)
Seduction: 1
Smooth talking: 4
Storytelling: 2
Writing: (political speech): 1

4 Armani suits
cloths for several ocasions

Gabriella has lot's of cloths and some jewels.
Last edited by kabukiman on Tue May 07, 2013 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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