The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by Tabs »

"Well, if you're sure," says Mrs. Franklyn doubtfully.

"Keep the handkerchief?--thank you very much." Posie plonks herself down upon a chair, whilst holding Elisabeth's hand. "I'll stay with Miss Grey."

Image Image

Professor Eichelstein, sat behind Tatsuo, says to Professor Pavlov: "I say, Ivan, that Jap lad is rather large."

"Shhhh, Otto!" says Pavlov. "You old fool, he may understand English."

Admiral Kolchak directs Mrs. Kolchak to a chair at the end of a row and sits down beside her; he says to Count Byron de Prorok: "These chairs beside me, they are for Señor el Aguila and Dr. Renwick, my friends!"
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

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"You're quite welcome," says Elisabeth, sitting down in the chair next to Posie. "I think whatever they have planned is about to start."
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tatsuo settles further into his two chairs as the old white men speak of his stature. As they creak the large japanese man passes gas. The smell is not unlike the stench of boiling cats. His mother Arashi smiles and reaches for Tatsuo's arm. She turns to the gentlemen sitting behind her.

Apologies... Chinese food does indeed do terrible things to my son's digestion.

She smiles wickedly at Professor Eichelstein
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by Cearlan »

OCC - If seats are available I will follow Santiago and sit next to the Admiral,however, if not I shall be happy to sit anywhere.
"Look Santiago - There are two seats over there ... Shall we?"
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by Tabs »

"I hope there are clowns!" says Posie.

The professors gasp, and one of them utters a muted: "Good God!"

Admiral Kolchak signals to Santiago and Renwick, he is pointing out two empty seats.
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Whatever it is, it should be good," says Elisabeth, relieved that she is seated nowhere near Tatsuo.
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by Tabs »

[ooc: PART I]

Silence in the Golden Pumpkin restaurant. Its lights are turned off, only the footlights of the stage shine lending the silk clouds a halo that is jade in colour, and the stage an ethereal aura. Two figures, each wearing an exquisite gown embroidered with a golden dragon swallowing a crimson sun appear from the darkness. Mingzhu takes centre stage. “The entertainment will begin shortly, but first, my father Dr. Chee begs ten minutes of your time.” She withdraws and strikes a pose; Chunhua steps forward and casts into the air a handful of dust, a twinkling rain of stars float to earth, as they fall Dr. Chee is revealed.

Image Image Image

He unfolds his fingers, on his palm shines a brilliant point of white light. It expands and levitates, shining like a mirrored ball illuminated by a thousand candles. “We may be in the Universe as dogs and cats are in our libraries, seeing the books and hearing the conversation, but having no inkling of the meaning of it all.” The ball vanishes.

“I learned of Peter Fleming and Ella Maillart a few days ago, so I could not offer them my support for their adventure through Sinkiang to Kashmir--for that, ladies and gentlemen, is where they hope to journey; not to the border of Tibet and the monastery of Kumbum for which they have visas. All that I did do, however, is throw this farewell party, a good luck party; and I am happy that you”—Dr. Chee sweeps his arm over the audience—“are here with me tonight. I said ‘good luck,’ and they will need it. Sinkiang is nominally under the authority of the Nationalist Government: it is not! Tungan rebels—Moslem fanatics—control the oases of the Taklamaken Desert, and there is rumour that the Bolsheviks control the city of Urumchi. Sinkiang is a dangerous place.”

A church bell, clearly audible, interrupts Dr. Chee, he waits until it chimes eight times.

“Ah, the bell of our Catholic Mission: to non-Christians—the majority of the race—a sound more nauseating than superstition.

“All art is derived from China, where a high, fine subtle culture has reigned since a time immemorial. Older than Egypt is her wisdom. When the western races were eating one another, before Greece was even heard of, the Chinese had reached a level of knowledge and achievement that few realise. Never have they, even in earliest times, been deluded by anthropomorphic conceptions of the Deity, but perceived in everything the expressions of a single whole whose giant activities they reverently worship. Their contempt for the western scurry after knowledge, wealth, machinery is justified. The Chinese discern the essence of everything, leaving out the superfluous, the unessential, the trivial. Men, it seems, need a dream to carry them through life’s disappointments, a dream that they can enter at will and find peace, contentment, happiness.

“Now,” says Dr. Chee, “I’ll tell you a tale from my youth; it explains my interest in the journey of Fleming and Maillart:

"We must pity the living and part with the dead, but I have never forgotten old Shan-Yu—a picturesque East End dealer of many years ago. I befriended him when I spent several years at Trinity College. He thought very highly of me, and before he died he offered me something very wonderful, his most valuable possession.” Dr. Chee lowers his voice to a whisper almost devotional: “The Perfume of the Garden of Happiness,” he murmurs, with an expression in his eyes as though the mere recollection gives him joy. “Shan-Yu acquired the perfume whilst he was a monk in a Confucian temple--a cave, cut into the basalt rock beneath the dunes--outside the town of Khotan, Sinkiang.

“‘Burn it,’ Shan-Yu told me, ‘in a brazier; then inhale. You will enter the Valley of a Thousand Temples wherein lies the Garden of Happiness, and there you will meet your Love. I give this to you who alone of men here appreciate the wisdom of our land. Follow my body towards the Sunrise. You will meet your Destiny.’ Shan-Yu held out a warning hand. ‘Careful,’ he said gravely, ‘be careful, my old friend—unless you desire to share the rapture and the risk that have been mine. To enjoy its full effect, true, this powder must be burned in a brazier and its smoke inhaled; but even sniffed--and you are in danger.’ ‘Of what?’ I asked, impressed by the others extraordinary intensity of voice and manner. 'Of Heaven; but, possibly, of Heaven before your time.’

“I understand the mind and nerves. States of consciousness I also can explain, and the effect of drugs; perfumes, too, and their extraordinary evocative power.” He stands in the middle of the stage, the light falling on his interesting and thoughtful face. “I have smelt the perfume of the Garden of Happiness, and I have been in the Valley of a Thousand Temples; let me explain:

“It was years later in China: dusk, the stars were coming out in the pale evening air, and the orchards, as I passed them, stood like wavering ghosts of unbelievable beauty. The effect of thousands upon thousands of these trees, flooding the twilight of a spring evening with their sea of blossom, is almost unearthly. They seem transparencies, their colour hangs sheets upon the very sky. I crossed a small wooden bridge that joined two of these orchards above a stream, and in the dark water I watched a moment the mingled reflection of stars and flowering branches on the quiet surface. It seemed too exquisite to belong to earth, this fairy garden of stars and blossoms, shining faintly in the crystal depths, and my thought, as I gazed, dived suddenly down the little avenue that memory opened into former days. I remembered Shan-Yu’s present, given to me when he died. His very words came back to me: The Garden of Happiness in the Valley of the Thousand Temples, with its promise of love, and the prophecy that I should follow his body towards the Sunrise and meet my destiny.

“This memory I took home with me into my lonely house upon the hill. My servants did not sleep there. There was no one near. I sat by the open window with my thoughts, and you may easily guess that before very long I had unearthed the long-forgotten packet from among my things, spread its contents--a saffron powder--on a metal tray above a lighted brazier, and was comfortably seated before it, inhaling the light orange smoke with its exquisite and fragrant perfume.

“A light air entered through the window, the distant orchards below me trembled, rose and floated through the dusk, and I found myself, almost at once, in a pavilion of flowers; a blue river lay shining in the sun before me, as it wandered through a lovely valley where I saw groves of flowering trees among a thousand scattered temples. Drenched in light and colour, the Valley lay dreaming amid a peaceful loveliness that woke what seemed impossible, unrealizable, longings in my heart. I yearned towards its groves and temples, I would bathe my soul in that flood of tender light, and my body in the blue coolness of that winding river. In a thousand temples must I worship. Yet these impossible yearnings instantly were satisfied. I found myself there at once . . . and the time that passed over my head you may reckon in centuries, if not in ages. I was in the Garden of Happiness and its marvellous perfume banished time and sorrow, there was no end to chill the soul, nor any beginning, which is its foolish counterpart.

“Nor was there loneliness.” Dr. Chee clasps his thin hands, and closes his eyes a moment in what is evidently an ecstasy of the sweetest memory man may ever know. “I was not alone,” he resumes, opening his eyes again, and smiling out of some deep inner joy. “Shan-Yu came down the steps of the first temple and took my hand, while the great golden figures in the dim interior turned their splendid shining heads to watch. Then, breathing the soul of his ancient wisdom in my ear, he led me through all the perfumed ways of that enchanted garden, worshipping with me at a hundred deathless shrines, led me, I tell you, to the sound of soft gongs and gentle bells, by fragrant groves and sparkling streams, mid a million gorgeous flowers, until, beneath that unsetting sun, we reached the heart of the Valley, where the source of the river gushed forth beneath the lighted mountains. He stopped and pointed across the narrow waters. I saw the woman. She smiled at me and held her hands out, and while she did so, even before I could express my joy and wonder in response, Shan-Yu, I saw, had crossed the narrow stream and stood beside her. I made to follow then, my heart burning with inexpressible delight. But Shan-Yu held up his hand, as they began to move down the flowered bank together, making a sign that I should keep pace with them, though on my own side.

“Thus, side by side, yet with the blue sparkling stream between us, we followed back along its winding course, through the heart of that enchanted valley, my hands stretched out towards the radiant figure of my Love, and hers stretched out towards me. They did not touch, but our eyes, our smiles, our thoughts, these met and mingled in a sweet union of unimagined bliss, so that the absence of physical contact was unnoticed and laid no injury on our marvellous joy. It was a spirit union, and our kiss a spirit kiss. Therein lay the subtlety and glory of the Chinese wonder, for it was our essences that met, and for such union there is no satiety and, equally, no possible end. The Perfume of the Garden of Happiness is an essence. We were in Eternity.

“The stream, meanwhile, widened between us, and as it widened, my Love grew farther from me in space, smaller, less visibly defined, yet ever essentially more perfect, and never once with a sense of distance that made our union less divinely close. Across the widening reaches of blue, sunlit water I still knew her smile, her eyes, the gestures of her radiant being; I saw her exquisite reflection in the stream; and, mid the music of those soft gongs and gentle bells, the voice of Shan-Yu came like a melody to my ears:

“‘You have followed me into the sunrise, and have found your destiny. Behold now your Love. In this Valley of a Thousand Temples you have known the Garden of Happiness, and its Perfume your soul now inhales.’

“‘I am bathed,’ I answered, ‘in a happiness divine. It is forever.’

“‘The Waters of Separation,’ his answer floated like a bell, ‘lie widening between you.’

“I moved nearer to the bank, impelled by the pain in his words to take my Love and hold her to my breast.

“‘But I would cross to her,’ I cried, and saw that, as I moved, Shan-Yu and my Love came likewise closer to the water’s edge across the widening river. They both obeyed, I was aware, my slightest wish.

“I heard his words, I noticed for the first time that in the blaze of this radiant sunshine we cast no shadows on the sea of flowers at our feet, and—I stretched out my arms towards my Love across the river.

“‘I accept my destiny,’ I cried and stepped forward into the running flood. As the cool water took my feet, my Love’s hands stretched out both to hold me and to bid me stay. There was acceptance in her gesture, but there was warning too.

“I did not falter. I advanced until the water bathed my knees, and my Love, too, came to meet me, the stream already to her waist, while our arms stretched forth above the running flood towards each other.

“The change came suddenly. Shan-Yu first faded behind her advancing figure into air; there stole a chill upon the sunlight; a cool mist rose from the water, hiding the Garden and the hills beyond; our fingers touched, I gazed into her eyes, our lips lay level with the water—and the room was dark and cold about me. The brazier stood extinguished at my side. The powder had burnt out, and no smoke rose. I slowly left my chair and closed the window, for the air was chill.”

[ooc: PART II
There isn't a pause in Dr. Chee's monologue, but you may whisper to another character or ask me an "ooc" question.]

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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by aine »

"Well. Each man to his own." Santiago thinks, disgusted. "Give me a strong horse beneath me, a well made rifle and bandits or a wily cougar to hunt. With a fine woman to return to; that's more my idea of heaven." His thoughts turn longingly to the ice-bright air and soaring mountains of Patagonia, his adopted home. "Dios mío, qué agujero apestoso pagano." He shifts uncomfortably in his chair.
OOC,Santago sits with Renwick and Kolchak.
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by Mr. Handy »


Elisabeth listens in awe, completely absorbed by Dr. Chee's speech. She tries to visualize what he describes, but she can't feel what he so evidently felt. His account appeals to the romantic in her, and she wishes she could experience it.
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by Tabs »

ooc,[quote]"Dios mío, qué agujero apestoso pagano." [/quote] Google translate says: "God, what a stinking hole pagan."

Elisabeth's focus is distracted by Posie's legs, they are swinging, and the girl is playing with a thread of cotton from her pinafore. Elisabeth looks up to the stage, straight into Mingzhu's eyes; after a heartbeat a ghost of a smile crosses over her expressionless face.


Santiago feels eyes upon him. He realises that Chunhua is staring at him; after their eyes meet, Chunhua's gaze flits away and becomes fixed on something else, and again. She is staring at each man in turn--inviting; Renwick, de Prorok, Kolchak, Pavlov, Eichelstein . . .
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by Dave Syrinx »

de Prorok smiles at the description of a Thousand Temples and the Garden of Happiness. He steals a glance at Mrs Kolchak and is stunned by the gazing eyes of Chunhua when he turns back to watch the show. The dancers are truly amazing, but the stare down is a tad discomforting.

Did she see my soul?

To Alice, he whispers, "That´s what I´m talking about. Drugs, darling. Drugs."
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tatsuo smiles childishly at the drug induced description. It sounded beautiful and the sumo's fat vibrated as the Dr. Chee continued. He stares on in awe eating up every word.

Arashi however scowls. She does not approve of drug use in her presence. She tightens her grip on Tatsuo's arm and whispers to him Japanese.

He is a mad addict my son. Ignore his prattling...
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by Cearlan »

As the steely eyes of Chunhua lock with Renwick's he feels a shiver down his spine. As he tries to tear his eyes away he finds he cannot do so ... "What the very devil!" he exclaims. Almost as soon as he speaks, the hold on him seems to relax and he is surprised to find as he shakes is head that he is sweating quite a bit.

"Why I'll be ... !" he adds
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by Tabs »

Mrs. Kolchak drinks in Dr. Chee's speech. She leans across to the Admiral and whispers: "Ya izvinyayusʹ . . ."--also, she fondles his collar, straightening it unnecessarily. She risks a glance toward de Prorok.

[ooc: PART II
Behind this spoiler-button is a link to a Youtube video, crank up your volume (you will need to copy and paste the link into your address bar), then, open the other spoiler-button beneath.]

PART II contd.,[img][/img] [img][/img] Dr. Chee collapses, a dark mist-like spray is illuminated by the footlights. Mingzhu runs over to her father, one hand covering her mouth, stumbling as she does so, and dropping down to the stage floor beside the prone body. Chunhua shrieks, and turns away: she tries to escape; a flash through the air is the trail of a dagger, turning end over point, that buries itself between Chunhua's shoulder blades. Her attempted escape turns into a swan dive off of the stage, her arms crooked, and she smacks face down upon the parquetry dance floor; squarish pearls slide across the polished wood from her face--teeth. The Japanese Officer bellows: "KATSU! Move and you die. Stay where you are!"
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by Dave Syrinx »

de Prorok sits, dead calm as the dream turns a hazy red. Half guessing it´s all part of the performance, he is about to applaud. Half he is amazed by the vivid effects. Then, he sees the teeth roll over the dance floor.

He collects himself and decides to actually break the tension of the situation. Hopefully someone with the proper skills can take action against the officer. One doesn´t just kill a man and his dame, while performing. That is not the way to do it. This man deserves to die. Even if de Prorok has to go out on a limb to make it him.

He stays in his seet, though. A slow clap at first, then more forceful. "BRAVO!!! What a performance."
Looking to his sides, he urges the others to join him.

Expecting someone to take the officer down, he (if that isn´t the case) says, "Dr Chee... What? Is this for real?! Dammit"
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tatsuo startles at the sound of the gunshot and stands tall and fat between the gunman and his mother. He is surprisingly relieved to see Chunhua's fall in such a violent matter. She will not be talking with her teeth spread so widely across the gaming floor.

His mother Arashi remains calm and collected. She would be knitting if she only had her yarn.

As the tension rises.. Tatsuo's ham size hand drops to grip the side of of one of his chairs. He stares intently at the man holding the gun, waiting patiently for his next move.
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

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Elisabeth screams when the shot rings out, her reverie shattered. She screams again when Chunhua is murdered. She freezes in terror, clutching Posie's hand. "Don't move," she whispers. "Whatever you do, hold still."
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by Tabs »

[ooc: Sanity checks. de Prorok's successful check stands, but I was thinking, because we are roleplaying an elaborate introduction, to not bother with SAN rolls until it's finished and we create characters. What do you think?]

The lighting for the restaurant is switched on. Japanese soldiers, armed with rifle and bayonet, are in position round the stage.


Officer Toshiro walks up to de Prorok. "Are you a brave man or just a stupid man? Mad Dog"--he indicates the tiny Malay man with the pistol--"will shoot you, and your troll-like wife." Quietly he adds: "Be still."
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by Dave Syrinx »

For once, knowing when to be silent. Byron sits down. He looks down on the floor in submission to Toshiro and stays that way.
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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables

Post by aine »

In the resulting uproar, Santiago half stands as his first thought is that a bullet meant for him has gone catastrophically astray and that he must escape a likely second bullet. As the flashing knife accurately hits the second daughter, Chunhua, he sinks back to his chair. It is not his death that was sought this time. He looks around, trying to spy his friend the monk but instead is only confused by the appearance of many Japanese soldiers. He mutters to Renwick beside him, "This doesn't look good, they're not Chinese; there's going to be trouble."
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