The Second Cycle - Background

In March 1928 on Trotsky´s request, Stalin meet with the dissident outside of Lenin's dacha, later known as Gorki Leninskije. Exactly what was being said can only be speculated upon. But through cryptic
notes from Stalin, interviews with employees and
excerpts from Stalin's daughter Svetlana Iosifovna Allilujeva´s diary, the following is known.

• Trotsky is trying to make one last attempt to get Stalin to
abandon his policy of "socialism in one country" in favor
of a world wide revolution.

• Trotsky put forward some information he received from loyal
subordinates during his tenure as president of the Soviet
electro-technical board. An object with fantastic properties had been
found. Other objects with weird features has been hinted upon.

• Trotsky put forward a new theory about humanity and how different groups should relate to each other. This new information, completely overthrows the foundation that both he and Stalin were brought up on.

• Trotsky implies there is more information. But he doessn´t want to share this before he is sure Stalin knows the ramifications of what has to be done.

Shortly after this meeting, Trotsky is exiled to Alta Alma...

Here, the story begins.
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The Second Cycle - Background

Post by Dave Syrinx »


GPU (The State Political Directorate)

Stalin´s special agenda

Directly following the meeting with Trotsky, Stalin launches a secret program with limitless resources. A scientific expedition lead by the Groznij Kvartiet. (The Formidable Quartet)
The GK is backed by the best agents GPU can muster.

The principals of the Groznij Kvartet are:

Anatoly Zelmanov
Orina Borichevskaja
Tanya Lizabeta Gaznayeva
Feodor Rahulin

(No photographs exist of these parties)

The purpose of the GK
  • To discern if there is any truth to Trotsky´s information
  • If there are such objects, find them and find a way to use them to defend the Soviet Union and The World Communism.

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Re: Option TWO - Playing the Second Cycle humans

Post by Garrett »

I vote for this one
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Re: Option TWO - Playing the Second Cycle humans

Post by Mr. Handy »

I like this option too.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
(viewforum.php?f=191)]The Ninth Planet
The Shadow Over Dunwich
The Brotherhood of Death
The Horror in the Blackout
The Masque of Nyarlathotep
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Re: Option TWO - Playing the Second Cycle humans

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Casting for the formidable quartet

Anatoly Zelmanov

Played by DrPeterson

The leader of the group is Anatoly Zelmanov. He is, in many
ways, a man who is out on deep water. It´s his
high personal standards that ultimately will determine
his fate.


Orina Borichevskaja

The group's logistics manager is Orina Borichevskai. She is
a woman with great organizational skills and her
passionate commitment to communism is both her
strength and weakness.

Tanya Lizabeta Gaznayeva

Played by Aine

The group's science officer, Tanya Lizabeta Gaznayeva
is a scientific genius whose exceptional knowledge
in a variety of fields makes her both perfect and direct danger to
the mission.

Feodor Rahulin
The group political officer is Feodor Rahulin. He is in all
honesty, a poor sod whose lack of skills in combination
with his father's high position have put him in a
situation he can´t handle.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: The Second Cycle - Background

Post by Dave Syrinx »


Anatoly Zelmanov
is a 49-year-old Georgian of Jew descent
who usually works as a Professor of Archaeology at the University
of Tbilisi. He has, to his great surprise been selected by Chairman
Stalin to lead a secret group on a scientific and archaeological
global mission with unlimited resources.

Stalin, face to face with Anatoly, explained why the
mission is so important andwhy Anatoly is the only Stalin
could trust. Now Anatoly sits every night and wonder what
he has got himself into. He does not want to betray his country and
he does not want to disappoint Chairman Stalin, or Josef
Vissarionovitj Dzjugasjvili
as Anatoly can not help but
think of himwhich - because it was his name when the two were once
young friends in Tbilisi.

He does not want to betray his friend! But, he is torn. As an intellectual
and politically informed person he is concerned about the country's
development and Stalin´s increasingly more central position,
and Anatoly can not help but worry about the impact of his
mission, what it can do to the Soviet Union and the world if it proves

Anatoly sees himself as a socialist, and he is a loyal member of
the Communist Party but has been struggling with some of the
uncompromising ideals. He has for many years toned down his Jewish
faith, and now completely hidden it. But he can not, as human and humanist
understand why people in the name of equality as citizens are not allowed
to believe in a higher power.

Despite doubts Anatoly does his utmost as a scientist to fulfill
Stalin's mission. His curiosity drives him to find the truth, and he
works ceaselessly, without regard to hisown well being. The group comes first.

He tries to lead as democratically he can - as a Soviet miniature - A dmsll cog
in the vast machinery that is the Soviet Union. He tries to be a good diplomat
and reconcile the many views of the group. Only on strictly scientific matters,
where he knows his knowledge is greater than the others, he takes a clear
command and makes crucial decisions.

The military aspect of the operation, which he has personal control over,
is scaring him, and in most cases he leaves the control of the troops to Orina
in the same way he leaves research to Tanya Lizabeta - who has more
experience resolve. He gives Feodor as little responsibility as possible as he
has little, if any, fate in him.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Re: The Second Cycle - Background

Post by Dave Syrinx »


Orina Borichevskaia is a 34-year-old Belorussian field agent of
the secret police (GPU) and was handpicked by Stalin to handle
group logistics. Her many contacts with international agents in different
countries and her ability to achieve results, regardless conditions, is what
made her perfect for the assignment. Stalin, too, only for her,
explained how the capitalist, reactionary and counter-revolutionary forces
were likely to try to stop the mission.

She has given Chairman Stalin her personal promise not to let that happen.

Two days before the February Revolution Orina Borichevskaia´s father was
tortured to death by the Czar's secret police. That he never got to see the fruit of
their hard work and all their sacrifices, grieves Orina still. But she has
vowed to devote her life to fighting the reactionary forces who stand in the way of
the international revolution.

Personally, Orina feels bad to have to resort to violence but she has, after
long reflections, determined to always do what is needed to benefit the most to the
most in the long run. If people stand in the way of a mission that has the promise
to make life more tolerable for millions, then their life has no value.
Orina has quickly realized that her work is central to the mission to succeed.
The leader, Anatoly Zelmanov is a very good scientist. And so it seems a good
socialist, but he is also undecided and impressionable and seems not to understand
neither the effort nor the threat that their group is facing. Fortunately, his
willingness to involve everyone in the decision making gives her a healthy influence.
Tanya Lizabeta Gaznayeva, the mission's science officer, is a direct threat
to the mission. Tanya Lizabeta has no political insights and her homegrown
ethics - neither thought through or consistent -only create problems. Problems they
can´t afford to deal with. Fortunately, the fourth man, Feodor is easily
manipulated. although it requires some sacrifices from Orina´s side to please him.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Re: The Second Cycle - Background

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Other agents and comrades inside The Soviet or elsewhere

Elena Orlova

Played by Mr. Handy

Age: 27
Sex: Female
Current residence: Moscow, USSR
Affiliation: UNKNOWN
Occupation: UNKNOWN

Appearance and Personality:

Elena is an attractive woman with shoulder-length black hair. She stands at five foot nine and weighs 140 pounds. Though she often comes across as friendly and polite, inside she is deadly serious. Very few people get to see the real Elena, and most of those who have are dead - usually by her hand. Elena is a dedicated Communist and is willing to do anything for the cause. While she believes that communism will inevitably triumph over capitalism no matter what, she wants to do everything in her power to hasten that victory. Though she seems cold to those few who truly know her, she does think of herself as a good person, but one who believes that the ends justify the means.

File on Elena Orlova:
From The Last Express co: Laraqua/Mr. Handy wrote:Name: Elena Orloff
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Occupation: NKVD Operative
Current residence: Moscow, USSR

STR: 10
CON: 10
SIZ: 12
DEX: 15
APP: 12
INT: 14 (Idea 70)
POW: 14 (Luck 70)
EDU: 13 (Know 65) [includes +2 for age]

Sanity: 70
phobias/mental disorders: none
Maximum Sanity: 99
Hit Points: 11
Magic Points: 14
Damage Bonus: +0

Appearance and Personality: Elena is an attractive woman with shoulder-length black hair. She stands at five foot nine and weighs 140 pounds. Though she often comes across as friendly and polite, inside she is deadly serious. Very few people get to see the real Elena, and most of those who have are dead - usually by her hand. Elena is a dedicated Communist and is willing to do anything for the cause. While she believes that communism will inevitably triumph over capitalism no matter what, she wants to do everything in her power to hasten that victory. Though she seems cold to those few who truly know her, she does think of herself as a good person, but one who believes that the ends justify the means.

Background: Elena was born in Moscow in 1901 to Vladimir and Natalja Orloff. Her parents raised her as an ardent supporter of Lenin, and she and they both assisted in the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. Both her parents' backgrounds and her natural abilities and aptitude made her well suited to espionage, and she was swiftly recruited into the newly formed NKVD. She excels at infiltration, acquiring information - and assassination, when it is necessary. She has been carrying out missions throughout Europe for over fifteen years, proving herself an invaluable and loyal asset to the Soviet Union. This and her knack for staying out of internal NKVD politics have enabled her to survive the various purges during the USSR's first two decades. Most recently she has been operating in Spain, helping the Republic against Franco and his fascist backers.

Family members: Elena's father Vladimir, 59, is a veteran of the Russo-Japanese war. After he was discharged, he participated in the failed 1905 revolution and was jailed for a few years afterwards. He considers his prison time a badge of honor. He was an early supporter of Lenin, and is known by many as a hero of the Revolution. Elena's mother Natalja, 57, was once a spy in her own right. She had operated in Germany during the Great War, funneling information back to Russia and lending support to the Spartakists who would eventually topple the Kaiser and bring an end to the war, though they themselves did not succeed in controlling postwar Germany. She had been indoctrinated into Communism during her time in Germany, and she embraced the Revolution when she returned to Russia after the war. Elena also has an older brother named Yakov, 38, who is a veteran of the Great War and is now a major in the Red Army.

Skills: (Non-default skills BOLD, Professional Skills ITALICS, Hobbies preceded by a DOT)
Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art (05%):
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Chemistry (01%):
Climb (40%):
Conceal (15%): 30%
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (01%):
.Dodge (DEX x 2): 50%
Drive Auto (20%):
Electrical Repair (10%):
Fast Talk (05%): 51%
First Aid (30%):
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%): 40%
History (20%):
Jump (25%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (25%):
.Listen (25%): 32%
Locksmith (01%):
Martial Arts (Aikido) (01%): 50%
Mechanical Repair (20%):
Medicine (05%):
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (05%):
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%):
.Other Language: French (01%): 25%
.Other Langauge: German (01%): 25%
Own Language: Russian (EDU x 5%): 65%
Persuade (15%):
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pilot Aircraft (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (05%): 50%
Ride (05%):
Sneak (10%): 40%
.Spot Hidden (25%): 40%
Swim (25%):
Throw (25%):
Track (10%):

Fist/Punch (50%):
Grapple (25%):
Head Butt (10%):
.Kick (25%): 50%
.Knife (25%): 50%

Handgun (20%): 65%
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%):
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%):

Tokarev TT M1933 semiautomatic pistol, 7.62mm Type P and .32 ACP (RoF 3, damage 1d8, base range 15 yards, magazine capacity 8, Malfunction 99 [this number is listed for a .32 automatic in the CoC rules, but the Delta Green weapons list has it as 98 for this specific weapon])
Suppressor (silencer) for above
Several extra .32 ACP magazines
Fighting knife (1d4+2 damage)
Stiletto (1d4 damage, concealed and strapped to her inner thigh)
Purse containing passport, money, toiletries, cosmetics, and other travel necessities (also has hidden compartments for her weapons)
Valise with changes of clothing and other packed luggage
Small flashlight
Cigarette lighter
Cigarettes and holder
Flask of liquor
Mickey Finns
Sonic screwdriver
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Dave Syrinx
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Re: The Second Cycle - Background

Post by Dave Syrinx »


Tanya Lizabeta is a 29 years old assistant
from the University of Tbilisi, hand-picked
for the assignment by Anatoly Zelmanov. She
is both excited and anxious about the strange
situation she has been put in. She is fascinated
by the mission and that the other seems
unaware of the consequences it might have.
They see it as a search for potent artifacts
that can benefit the USSR but ignores the philosophical,
moral and religious implications of the artifacts potential

An alien race and supernatural tools to
build pyramids is not a weapon - it's a
paradigm shift for all mankind!

Ever since she first got a book in your hands
knowledge has been her goal and calling
in life. All her teachers became aware that their
student soon became their teacher.
Academic brilliance was interspersed with personal conflicts.
Finally she landed in Tbilisi
where she accepted an underpaid service
which meant that she was a factotum of
professors and researchers in several disciplines.
It was a relief, she was not seen as a
threat to others' inflated egos, but allowed her to
conduct research on herself without stepping on any toes.
For Tanya Lizabeta knowledge - accumulation
of human knowledge - is more important
than individuals, political ideas or
communities. The ever-growing tower of
knowledge will free humanity
from all kinds of suffering in time, and therefore
it is a holy mission to both seek new
knowledge and make it available to others.

The other three approached for the assignment
lack any kind of horizons, she is forced to work
harder for the mission. She
takes meticulous notes so that all their
successes and failures can be followed
and controlled by future researchers.
Tanya Lizabeta admires Anatoly Zelmanov
for his modesty and humility.
Despite his knowledge and the proclaimed leadership
of the group, he always tries to make
joint decisions. Tanya Lizabeta is doing her
best get to guide him where his lack of
vision and abilities make it necessary.
Orina Borichevskaia is Tanya Lizabetas
main problem. She completely lacks vision and
is a brutal and short sighted politruk of the worst
kind. Tanya Lizabeta must use all of her
power to limit Orina´s influence
on the mission and limit the contempt
for the life of the other woman shows. Fortunately,
Feodor Ragulin, is easily controlled if you take him the right way.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Re: The Second Cycle - Background

Post by Dave Syrinx »




The woman who called herself Margaret Rosewood leaned against the steamboat pier in Calais. She had been lucky.
The antiquarian manager at Rue Grasse in Paris third district had specialized
on the Napoleonic era and not Egyptology. Consequently, he had not realized the goldmine naval officer
Martin Toureilles diaries from the excavations at Luxor had been. This did not prevent him from putting
a high price, but Margaret had without a moment's hesitation paid what he asked for. The sequins in her scarf
was perfect diamonds, and each of the approximately 120 she wore
could have bought his entire store with content and everything. But to Margaret knowledge was the only important
thing and with the information in the book she was one step closer to finding the ancient disc that her people had lost during
the Atlantic mishap and with which aid ancient Egypt built its wonders.
She looked forward to soon be back at the store in London. It drew closer to a new expedition and she was eager to get on with it.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Dave Syrinx
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Re: The Second Cycle - Background

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Feodor Ragaulin

Feodor is a 2S-old administrator for the Politburo. He is a former
agronomist, former engineer, before this a journalist, and that´s
the most of it. The lack of success in any
profession lead his father, a highly ranked
member of the Politburo, to give him a position where
he could neither do harm nor benefit from. At this stage, Comrade
Stalin, personally put Feodor as his
ears and eyes on the other three members of the group. Feodor, who is
acutely aware of his own shortcomings,
is about to succumb to the press but has
swore to himself not to disappoint the glorious
It's not that Feodor is untalented
in any way - on the contrary, he has an
educational level that surpasses most in the
Soviet Union - he just can´s put his knowledge
to use. Lack of imagination, lack of leadership, lack of
stress resistance and, above all, lack of
confidence, have made him a
cavalcade of failures and this have been followed
by anxiety attacks in situations where he needs to take
responsibility or make decisions.

Like others with the same tragic background
he appears rather as a coward or unsympathetic person.

Now that he promised to deliver Comrade Stalin results, his whole existence
crumbles. Failure is no option - and fail is the only thing he is capable of!
Consequently Feodor drinks to
reduce his anxiety and his self-loathing, with
potentially disastrous results...
Officially Feodor´s task in the group is to
act as a liaison between them
and Stalin, but this is rarely possible.
In the field, he fills no clear function.
The democratic standpoint of Anatoly gives
Feodor an equal voice. That makes him matter.
Orina Borichevskaia and Tanya Liza Beta Gaznayeva
are often in passionate disagreement, and both are
actively seeking his assistance. Life is very complicated.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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