
Darkness, green smog and rain. Always the rain. Weather in Los Angeles never seem to change, there´s just short respites with no downpour. It´s as if nature is fighting back against the violation of her being.
The cause of the dark hour of life on Earth is unknown but scientists theorize that over-consumption is the cause of the set back.

Most parts of Los Angeles have been depopulated due to hazardous housing. The areas deemed good enough to live in are concentrated to downtown L.A. Areas outside downtown have some inhabitants mostly consisting of Specials or criminals.
This all gives a feeling of L.A. being overpopulated. In a sense it´s true, but actions can be taken to improve the standard of conapt buildings far from downtown.

The question is: Who´s going to pay for it?

The poor, down and out people get burial lots in the cemeteries. The rich, on the other hand, can afford medical care and prolonged life – in cryonic suspension.
Some are opposed to this technology as ”we only are given a certain time here in life”. Mercerites believe that enduring the strife of life is the purpose of life and death. “To alter the way of nature is what got us where we are at now”.
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Dave Syrinx
Son of Yog-Sothoth
Son of Yog-Sothoth
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Post by Dave Syrinx »

The basics of this campaign can be found at the Obsidian Portal Front, I´ve created.

Tears in rain @OP

Press the home icon to reach more intel on the setting.

From the case files
Date: Date: Feb 3, 2018 2318hrs

Location: Location: 1218 Hayden Place – 4 Sector – Los Angeles

Crime Scene: Industrial Park Basin – Infrastructure tunnels.

Remains of eleven human beings were discovered by LAPD Robbery/Homicide detectives responding to an " Officer in distress" call.
After the dead bodies were confirmed - Robbery-Homicide assumed the case.
At first Robbery Homicide detectives thought they had a psychotic serial killer on this case – the manner of death,
subsequent crude medical examination, and mutilation to bodies gave indications these acts were committed by a non human.

Replicants are unpredictable in thought an action. The subject responsible in this case was mentally
unstable or not a human being at all.

Replicant Activity Suspected:

An area canvass by Patrol Units encountered an individual displaying unusual strength and skill. LAPD Uniform Officer Diaz tried to
affect the detention and arrest of the suspicious individual. The suspect suddenly turned and attacked. The Subject ripped off
Officer’s Diaz’ right arm savagely, took his service weapon, and stole a marked Uniform Police Spinner. Officer Diaz died at the scene.
The subject used black market technology to override the Police Spinner security protocols, disabled the tracking system and
conducted an unauthorized accent. The subject used force to remove the safety governors and activated the “air to air” combat systems.

Some flavor from the game to be:
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)

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