IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

New UNIT Scientific Advisor Dr. Valerie Kirby has mysteriously disappeared during routine inquiries in Dunwich, and a team from UNIT has been hastily assembled to go to Dunwich in order to find her and bring her back. Meanwhile, Story and his companions materialize in Dunwich and begin to explore.

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IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Post by Mr. Handy »

TARDIS Control Room
In transit through time and space

The TARDIS once more winged her way through the space-time vortex. Story and his companions had inadvertantly set off a violent clash between the human crew of Styx Base on Pluto in the year 2112 and the bizarre alien Mi-Go when he refused to allow the Mi-Go's leader to enter the TARDIS - and killed it with a fungicide hastily weaponized by the base's chemical expert. Fortunately the crew had the fungicide weapon as well and were able to use it to effect their escape, but what happened to them after that was unknown, and they would always wonder whether they had altered humanity's future history - and whether it would be for better or for worse. Records concerning Earth in the early to mid-22nd century were spotty at best thanks to the Daleks' invasion and conquest of the planet in the 2150s, which was thankfully defeated by an uprising in 2165. Or, rather, would be. Time travel could get awfully confusing, and one often never knew whether one was coming or going.

Elizabeth Young had been fascinated by her trip into the future, which in some ways was a lot like how science fiction in her day portrayed it. In other ways, it was vastly different. 1950s science fiction authors were generally very hopeful about the future, but the time she had visited was a dystopia, a brutal dictatorship with a veneer of civilization. It reminded her of what she had heard about Nazi-occupied Europe during the Second World War. Still, people were people in any time and place, and it had been a delight meeting fellow Scot Robert MacCrimmon. He had been injured badly while heroically fighting off the Mi-Go, but he had survived and headed back to Earth along with most of the base's crew.

Lucius Verres had thought his trip to 1930 had been startling, but nothing could have prepared him for venturing even further into his future. The finder from the Republic of Rome had witnessed even more strange marvels, and he had to constantly remind himself that they were based on science, not magic. The idea of ships that could sail the heavens just as easily as galleys plied the Mare Nostrum in his own time still unnerved him, but not nearly so much as his encounter with the Mi-Go. He still didn't see how the others could take this sort of thing in stride, but they had been at it for longer than he had.

Brook Davies was always interested in meeting new kinds of aliens, and the Mi-Go hadn't disappointed. They were very interesting, even if they were creepy. And seeing the world a century from her time had been a blast. Now she had to wonder what thrilling adventure would await them next. In spite of the horrors, Story had guided them all through it in one piece as he always did, and she had to believe he always would.
OOC,Feel free to talk among yourselves and roleplay. I'll let you know when the TARDIS arrives.
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by yockenthwaite »

"I wonder what happened to the humans after we left?" muses Elizabeth. "The Mi-Go were a horrible race. So terrifying, and so powerful. Much worse than anything I read in science fiction stories as a child. I'm relieved that we made it away safely anyway." She sits on one of the chairs in the control room, and wonders where they will land next.
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by Thorn »

Brook leans on the railing around the console, watching a bleeping screen, always curious as to how the TARDIS functioned. She turns her head towards Elisabeth, and answers:"Well....There are plenty of other horrible, powerful races out there, but they were creepy...As for the humans, it's hard to say. Is history altered by us being there, or is it history because we were there? Or is it even history? When is now? To me, now is 2012 or something, and to you it's the fifties. What's future and what's history? The stuff we just experienced, has it happened yet, or is it in the future? And if it's in the future, where do we fit in? We're out of time. And I don't mean we're in a hurry. Just out. Of Time. I've found if I think about it for too long, I just get a headache..."
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by jaysun81 »

Hearing Brook's description of time travel brought a brief smile to his face as he studied the console. Of course he was only pretending to be lost in the technicality of piloting the TARDIS; in fact deep in his mind he was wondering if he made the right choice in killing the Mi-Go that wished to board.
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by ImpInTraining »

Lucius says somewhat enigmatically "I wonder if perhaps it is the Human race that is the most terrible of them all." He looked to the others from where he sat, still puzzling over the strange weapon he had gained and not yet figured out. "I can't help but wonder if the only reason the MiGo were aggressive was because the soldiers there on Pluto had started it with their own abyssal behavior."
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by yockenthwaite »

"Well the General shooting the Mi-Go hardly helped," says Elizabeth. "I do wonder if things might have gone very differently if that hadn't happened. Everything went crazy after then. Then again the Mi-Go seem to have been devious and probably would not have been trustworthy long-term. But perhaps some form of diplomacy might have succeeded, at least initially."
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by Mr. Handy »

The time rotor rose and fell, and the TARDIS made its familiar trademark sound that showed it was getting ready to materialize.
OOC,[b]Story[/b], please make a Pilot(TARDIS) roll, at double your skill due to calm conditions.
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by ImpInTraining »

Sensing the end of the ride, Lucius grabbed on to something to brace himself... just in case. He said, "We were just as dubious, acting all oblidgingly, only to poison them when they asked us to leave. We can only assume they had nefarious plans. But we killed them - premeditatively sought to and succeeded in killing them. In my time, it was not uncommon to watch people die. The Republic would either swallow our neighbors up into their ranks submissively, or we would lay them to waste. I had hoped we would become more peaceful in the future, but killing just seems to be the way humans take care of their biggest problems. It's sad, really."
Last edited by ImpInTraining on Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by Thorn »

Brook braces herself at the familiar sound of the TARDIS landing. She looks to Story, eager to change the gloomy subject. "Where are we going, exactly?"
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by yockenthwaite »

Hearing the sound of the TARDIS's imminent landing Elizabeth grips the sides of her chair and readies herself for impact. She smiles at Brook's question, wondering if Story has any idea of where they will land.
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,[b]Lucius[/b] is from the Republic, before it became the Empire. It still did its share of conquering its neighbors, though.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by jaysun81 »

Looks over at Brook while patting the console. "Where ever she takes us." Looking back at the console Story begins to turn knobs and flips switches in a desperate attempt to maintain control. A moment later he grips the side of the console firmly. "Hang on!" Sadly his mind wasn't fully up to the task of piloting the vessel as his thoughts lingered on the Mi-Go.
OOC,[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3733587/]Pilot TARDIS - 20% (40% calm) (1d100=64)[/url]
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by Mr. Handy »

The landing was bumpy, and it was a good thing that everyone had gotten ready. Even Lucius was starting to get used to it. Apart from a few jolts, nothing untoward happened. The central column settled down and then stopped.
OOC,[b]Story[/b], you may make a Navigate roll to try to get a fix on where and when you've materialized.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by jaysun81 »

Loosening his grip he tries to determine where they are but has no success. "Well, I'm not sure where we are." Smiles. "But isn't that part of the adventure." Flipping a switch Story activates the viewing monitor to see the outside world.

OOC,[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3733652/]Navigate - 10% (1d100=94)[/url]
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by Mr. Handy »

The scanner screen slid open, revealing a lovely vista of a nearby beach.


Story was completely unable to determine the spatial or temporal location of the TARDIS, but the instruments showed him that oxygen, radiation, and gravity levels were all Earth normal. This might actually have been Earth, but then again it might not have been.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by yockenthwaite »

Elizabeth stands up and walks over to see the scanner screen better. "That looks lovely," she says. "I wonder where it is?"
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by jaysun81 »

Reaches for the lever which opens the door. "Let's see." Smiles and pushes the lever down. As the door begins to open he looks to his friends. "Shall we go and breathe in the beauty that awaits?" Not waiting for an answer Story walks to the door.
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by yockenthwaite »

"Definitely!" says Elizabeth, following Story, the inevitable spring in her step as they land somewhere new.
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by Thorn »

Brook files out after Elisabeth, eager to see where they've arrived. "Nice beach. Is it warm enough for a dip?" She's dressed in her usual semi goth attire, black, short dress with some frills and lace over netted pantyhose, black boots and heavy mascara. "Are we on Earth? Looks like Earth, but quite a few places do."
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Holiday on the Beach(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Broo

Post by ImpInTraining »

Lucius followed the others out, pausing a few steps out the door of the TARDIS to take in the beauty. "Quite a vast difference between this scene and our last one, yes?" He walked out to the beach, feet making tracks in the sand as he went, and observed. He looked for other signs of life... other obvious tracks down the beach, smoke billowing up in the distance, boats on the water, etc. Then he approached the water to get a closer look at it. He dipped his hand in the water and brought a small bit of it in his cupped palm to his lips to taste it and see if it were fresh or salt water.

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