Female Gamers............

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Female Gamers............

Post by Barty »

Hello everyone
My name is Barry.......Barty on this site
I have long been interested in RPG's and Cthulhu, but unfortunately not had much gaming experience due to a busy life
However I am now in a place where I can devote a little more time to my own interests and so I am trying to get involved in all aspects of Gaming, including sculpting and modeling figures, for which I have a very small talent
The reason for the post,and in particular the title,is because I have got involved in a game,which I feel would benefit greatly from a player or two with a female perspective
Many of the best stories involve women characters of various types, but unfortunately our hobby still seems to me to be far to male dominated
So ladies, please read my other post...(Adventure afoot, care to join us ? ) and please consider getting in touch
Thankyou for reading

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Re: Female Gamers............

Post by Laraqua »

I can put my hand up to being female though I have no real time for another game.
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

Oh, also, check out my new blog on roleplaying and running games: http://stwildonroleplaying.blogspot.com/
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Re: Female Gamers............

Post by Barty »

My dear lady

How cruel of you to taunt us in that way......
Perhaps you could join us intermitently,rather than as a fully involved member of the cast.
Barty(Barrington Carter-Smythe) and his dear old chum,the Reverend Rupert Trevelyan,will shortly be travelling to visit a friend from the War days,in America,New England in fact and probably rather unsuprisingly,where Barty hopes ,not only to acquire artifacts for the Dorset Museum which he regularly works for, but also hopes to avail himself of the professional services of his old friends wife ,who is an eminent psychologist with a practice in Arkham.( he has night terrors )
It will be a while before our intrepid heroes arrive

Allow me to try to persuade you (85%) to join our little adventure rather than allow your gender to be represented by hollow cardboard npc's,which will only serve to strengthen stereotypes

If you can help us my email is .......barrycarter70@hotmail.com

Thankyou for taking the time to read my message


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Re: Female Gamers............

Post by yockenthwaite »

I'm another female gamer, but can't take on another game, no matter how high your Persuade skill :lol: I'm playing in 2 games already, well 3 if you count another where we seem to have lost our Keeper, and with my MS-like illness that's more than enough for me to manage. Good luck though. Your game sounds fun.
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Re: Female Gamers............

Post by Barty »

I say ....This really is too much
Any others of the so called fair sex out there ,who would like to mock me........."Yes,I am here, but you cant have me !"......followed by high pitched screaming laughter ,no doubt

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