Bright lights, dark city -

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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Pickman37 »

That is if you are clean. Are you?
Tobias shifted nervously in his seat. Designer drugs abounded at recent parties he had attended and once or twice he did allow his inhibitions to fall to the wayside. However, how accurate would the test be? He had no way of knowing. He decided to be straight up with Elliot more or less.

"I have indulged at some parties I've attended but nothing heavy....and they were a while ago. I don't see a problem. Sure I'll agree."
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Firehouse 72
"8th floor, possible victims inside, ladder at location from precinct 14." Gomez cuts a corner quite closely. Sirens whaling the engine reaches the burning building, fifteen stories high. The eighth floor is bellowing out smoke from windowless frames. The sidewalk and street is strewn with glass. On the street, the ladder from prec-14 is reaching for the windows.

A crowd of already rescued people are being taken cared of by paramedics and police, already on scene. The night is flashing with bright lights on red and white. All geared up, the crew of Firehouse 72 feel the rush of adrenaline as the engine finds a spot to par at. "Get the hose ready Whitehouse!" Gomez directs Eric. "Dallas, Winston, get a path clear for the hose and get a stat rep from P-14!"

Tobias takes the device and presses the end to his index finger, clicking the top. A sharp sensation is felt as a needle pricks the skin. Done with it, Tobias places the device on the sideboard again.
"Thanks, Tobey" Elliot says and produces a plastic bag and puts the device in. "Just fill in those forms and we´re set. You can use one of the company cars when you´re cleared. Just show the guard in the garage the papers we draw up later this afternoon. This is great! I never thought I´d get the time to head out to Montauk." Elliot shakes Tobias hand and slips him a business card. "Call if there are any questions. Now, I have to brief the other partners on another job. They tend to arrive just about now. Thanks again."
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Mr. Handy »


Eric runs over to the hose, grabs the end, and starts playing it out, following in the wake of Dallas and Winston as they clear the way.
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

The two firefighters leave a wake for Eric to follow. At the fire hydrant he connects the hose and lets the pressure build up. The hose Eric had pulled out goes back to the engine to replenish the supply of the vehicle. Gomez has an unlit cigarette tucked behind the helmet strap on the outside of the fire insignia. He releases the valve and a jet of water at the ninth floor to cool down the surrounding areas, to avoid spreading.
The ladder is in place and fire fighters from P-14 are getting ready to climb up to get a closer look.
Whitehouse has a mask attached to his belt.
A third truck arrives at the scene. Also prec-14.
Firehouse 72´s second engine is still en route.
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Mr. Handy »


"This is a bad one," says Eric, whistling under his breath. "Definitely a four-alarmer."
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

The fire rages and smoke is bellowing out. Before soon all trucks that are called to the alarm are there. Organizing the operation is Denkins, fire captain at 14. He walks up to Eric and asks, commands, "You and your boys will take the stairs up. My team will bring up the rear and man the ladders." Checking the block, Whitehouse remembers Hobbes telling him he had a crib at East Side when they parted ways after the court martial following the hill incident in Khe Sanh.

By the look of it, the fire seemed contained to the 8th floor. If he had to guess, the fire had begun on the left side of the block - moving to the center of the building and now had reached the right side. Oddly, the fire hadn´t gained hold of the floors above. That pointed to the act of an arsonist. Only that would explain how an entire floor of such a large floor space would be over lit before the floor above even started to smoke. Or it was just plain luck for the people above.

Walking back through the corridor, Tobias hears a radio from the core lounge. "...earlier this morning a large fire cost five people their lives. Among the deceased was on of the fire fighters on scene at E66th street - York Avenue. Sources inform..." As he exits the two o´clock door he sees a young dark-haired man booting up the work station, nursing a large tea by the news paper covering part of the steel desk. He looks up when Tobias exits. "Sir?"
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Pickman37 »

Tobias is still mentally going over the forms he filled out, ensuring they were correct, as he leaves Elliot's office. He had just enough time to fill them out and thank David before the man hurried him out before his meeting...
As he exits the two o´clock door he sees a young dark-haired man booting up the work station, nursing a large tea by the news paper covering part of the steel desk. He looks up when Tobias exits. "Sir?"
"Oh sorry. I had an early meeting with Mr. Elliot. I can see myself out."
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Yes, Captain," says Eric, nodding. He turns to his men. "All right, guys, let's go in." He leads the way into the building. I hope this isn't actually where Hobbes lives, he thinks. Man, I knew something was off about Mullins when I saw those trophies, but I never imagined what a crazy ass psycho he was. I wasn't there in the village when he did all that. He quickly puts it out of his mind; distractions could get him killed. He leads the men up the stairs towards the eighth floor.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Firehouse 72

Whitehouse gets to the landing between the seventh and eight floor without any trouble. The two rookies are close behind. The door leading to the eight floor is letting out smoke from the threshold gap. The door is grey and made of steel. Visibility in the stairwell is good but the smoke stings, even through the mask. From behind the door a man´s voice can be heard. "Heelp!" The man kicks and claws at the door apparently unable to open it. It is supposed to open into the building. From above, Whitehouse hear heavy boots from fellow firemen hurrying down.


The clerk nods at Tobias and waves him past. "Of course, Sir." As Berkowiz arrives to the office of the talent agency on the lower floors of the building, he has one task before checking up on today´s work. The film from last night needs developing. When that´s done, he knows if anyone he met last night has what it takes. The drawback of having too much fun is that you pay it back tenfold when you pick up the slack. But then again, it´s soon forgotten. Another day, another drink, please.

The time is still a couple of hours before his boss or any other associates arrive. Knowing Elliot and how his work morale is, the papers should be ready before eleven. That gives Tobias ample time to get the photos ready and maybe even meet up with someone to get an audition booked.

OOC: Am I going too slow or is this too boring and or predictable? Just checking. I know I´m not super fast but I try my best.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Pickman37 »

Tobias heads to the blackroom to develop last night's photos. The meeting with Elliot, the prospect of the new gig and the multiple caffeine fixes this morning have all but erased the over-indulgence of the evening prior. He has even forgotten the unpleasantness that occurred during the meeting when Elliot inquired about Myra and the open wounds that he carries concerning that relationship. However, he is still worried about the results of the pending drug test. He could really use the additional money gained from this job and would hate to lose it due to his carelessness while partying on the scene. He tries to push this to the back of his mind as he develops the film.
OOC,No problem here. The speed is right for me as it allows me to manage the multiple characters I have going on this site with my available time. As for predictability, I have no idea where you're going with this ;) So all is well on my end!
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Stay back from the door, sir!" calls Eric. "We're FDNY, and we're going to get you out of there!" He tries to open the door inward, putting his shoulder to it if necessary. If that doesn't work, he always has his axe.
OOC,I'm fine with the pace too, and I'm just as in the dark.
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

The Dark Room-
One of the photos that slowly are coming into focus is of a dancer. All Tobias remembers is that the guy had been very enigmatic. Ilja Sovastov, or something similar comes to mind when he goes through the names of last night in his head. The usual pretty faces of aspiring models make up the rest of the snaps taken. Nothing stands out.
Maybe the image of Myra is haunting him, still.
Spending the following two hours to blow up some more snaps of Ilja, Tobias is confident he is on to something big. This guy could be his way to the big money. There´s just the detail of casting him properly and to see if he has any talent.
Surrounded by those probing eyes makes Berkowiz feel somewhat uncomfortable and he is interrupted by the phone ringing in the office.


Firehouse 72

The door is somewhat stuck, but with two bashes of the axe, the lock mechanism gives away and the door opens a few inches. Then it stops. Something on the floor is blcoking the door arc. color=#0000FF]"He-e-elp.."[[/color] the voice now comes from the right side of the door. A man staggers towards Eric. He wears a suit and tie and is full of soot from the smoke. He has been crying and tracks of the tears have smudged his face. Bewildered he comes at Eric to escape through the small passage, eyes frantic.

There´s no sign of the fire from the doorway, but the corridor on the other side is filled with smoke that comes at the door in an ominous speed. Whitehouse knows that the smoke is as deadly and hot as any fire, so he keeps his head low.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

The dice roll for getting the door open:
[dice]0[/dice] @80%
Somehow the tab for dice is missing...
It´s smoother than logging on to Invisible Castle and kept in spoiler tags it´s not that intrusive on the posts. I´ll try to use it to get a feel for it.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Keep your head down," says Eric as he uses his considerable strength to try to force the door open far enough for the man to fit through it. "Smoke rises, and you don't want to breathe any more of it in. There's something blocking the door. See if you can move it from the other side. Is there anyone else back there?"
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Pickman37 »

Tobias snaps out of his reverie upon the sound of the phone ringing. The eyes of Ilja Sovastov seem to perplex him. He cannot figure where he could place the young talent or even why his gaze even seems to rattle him. He almost welcomes the phone in such a way that it offers some form of reprieve...

"Berkowitz here. What have you got for me...?"

He answers the phone too informally but it gives him a rest from his mind, which is operating on the edge for some reason..
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Firehouse 72

"Eh-i-i´ts fallen...wait..."

There´s some scuffling and soon the door budges as the obstacle is removed.
Through the door stumbles a man wearing a green suit carrying a heap of papers to his chest. Some of the sheets fall to the floor and he stops to retrieve them.
The corridor behind the civilian is filled with smoke that´s coming at the open door in search for a space to claim.

Senterex Tower

"Hi, Toby! It´s McIntosh. Up for tonight? Gabe´s at nine, right? You a r e coming?"
As Tobias listens, the bell on the front door clings as someone enters the office. It comes to a tinkling stop without anyone saying anything. No footsteps are heard either.

The phone is located in a smaller office further in the main office. There´s no way of seeing who´s in the lobby.
McIntosh is a cam-runner from another agency who team up with Berkowiz now and then. A total nut-job but he takes awesome photos.
And sharing the tab cuts the costs down.

The Den

Ilja checks the digital alarm clock radio on the nightstand. 11:02
The digits were defying reason.
Three hours past casting.
One of those days.

He checks his reflection in the black TV-set in an alcove by the stairs. He really needs a shave. No use in keeping the wiry beard when he missed the casting, right?
Flicking on the news he catches a news feed from channel 4.

"This morning fire strikes again. Seven fires in less than a week, NYFD starts to search for a cause of a fire bug. Is someone torching the city? Hot in the city gets a new meaning. Now, over to Rachel and the weather. From one hot topic to another."
The image of a burning high rise is replaced with tall legs and a skirt.
Blonde hair.
Red lips.

Must have some black poison.

If anything is worth call valuable in the small den, it´s the espresso maker. Thirty five square-feet isn´t much. But until the big break, the penthouse loft will do.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Get him to safety outside," Eric tells one of the men with him. "I'll get the other one." He crouches low, both because smoke rises and because the other person is on the floor. He then reaches through the open door, looking and feeling around for the fallen person who had been blocking it.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Pickman37 »

Upon hearing McIntosh's voice, Tobias' mind reels. Damn! Isn't it Sunday? He searches his memory for the answer but he responds before he even finds it...
"Yeah. I'm all in buddy..." Tobias responds, transmitting with a voice that says that he is enthusiastic for this over the phone even though his body says no. As he responds, he hears the door chime...
"I got company dude. I'll get back to you in a bit..."
Before McIntosh can respond, he hangs up and glances towards the door. Perhaps Elliot has arrived with his results. He sure needed the work...
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »


True, so true - Dave Elliot stands in the lobby. "You´re green, buddy!" Elliot waves a car key on a chain with an BMW logo attached to it. "You´d better take my car to make it official Senterex business." He winks at Tobias. "4-Z lower parking."
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Firehouse 72
Gomez holds the door propped open while Eric retrieves a woman from behind the door. She is medium built and unconscious. There´s no way of knowing if she´s going to make it. Inhalation of smoke can render a man a walking corpse. You´re dying without knowing it. Whitehouse has seen his share of smoke injured people walking out by themselves. Only to fall down and die from respiratory failure.

Carrying the woman out of the expensive furnace, he steals a glance of the corridor of the building.

[A knowledge check, please.]

A note to self. "Must check up on where Hobbes is staying."
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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