Bright lights, dark city -

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Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Twenty years into the future, The Walking Dead squad find themselves in the asphalt jungle. What once had been, is no more. Once a soldier, the men from Keh Sanh are in the rat race for money and fame.

To manage to shake the experiences from the real world, to run from the nightmares, life goes ever on.


December 11, 1988

Tobias wakes up in his apartment. Another day, another opportunity. An open window has made the sheets crispy cold.

OOC: Welcome to the future pickman37!
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Pickman37 »

Tobias shakes the cobwebs from his mind and sits up in bed. The evening before at the Palladium was a helluva night. He glances down at the pile of torn pieces of paper with names and phone numbers on them strewn about with everything else he had emptied from his pockets. He cannot recollect whether these where pick-ups or aspiring actors and actresses...

He arises from bed with a groan and heads to the washroom. While there, he is consumed with the thought of trying to remember who the band was...Was it Kiss? It is at that moment, he begins to recall a strange dream he had last night. He had seen a that was familiar...of a girl. But then, that was his look at faces. He shrugged off the memory, even though he could clearly remember her looking back at him as she vanished into a mist. He began to focus on his plans for the day. He was going to stop in at the office to review some headshots and bios and then he had a late meeting with one of his Broadway clients. He cleaned himself up and proceeded on his way, hoping to grab a cappucino at one of the high end shops in his neighborhood...
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Tobias had put on a fairly clean suit. Outside, the suit looks less clean. Imagine what natural lighting does to impressions. He steers his steps towards Giovanni´s and looks forward to a session in the cave. The cave is where they develop the shots from last night. Hours in the dark-room. Not his favorite place, but the magic is worth the discomfort.

At the line to the bar woman, he decides on what to pick.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Over at the office on the 27th floor, he´d have another cup, for sure. But it feels like a good way to start any day by sucking in the atmosphere of the streets.
While queueing, he looks at the other people in the cafeteria. Two blondes, apparently in their late teens wearing jeans with cuts across the thighs gossip about MacGyver and how he always managed to save the day.
The taller of them checks Tobias out, giggles and whispers something to the shorter.

In front of the girls two suits wait in line while a female cop with red hair gets three plastic cups to-go. None of the four tables in the café are taken.

The walk to the office will take about half an hour.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Pickman37 »

Tobias enjoyed the daily walk to the office. It allowed him to mentally go over his plan for the day while engaging in his favorite past-time: people watching. The fresh, crisp air coupled with the cappucino also gave his brain a chance to clear from the excesses of the night before. He carried on, mindful of the traffic...
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Arriving at the high rise, at close to eight, Tobias would be one of the first at the office. Most partners at the agency arrived by nine or later. The lobby reception is unmanned as he walks through the glass doors. By the elevator bay a carpeted flight of stairs lead up. A restaurant at third floor has a stack of boxes awaiting delivery beside the stairs.

Among other companies in this building, Senterex is by far the largest. A buy sell and merger company who acts as consultant while cleaning out all assets. Being reminded of Senterex, Berkowiz remembers promising one of the executives up top to take some pictures for them at some facility. David Elliot 38th floor. Tobias had been asked two week earlier to visit Elliot at his office, should he need an extra gig.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Pickman37 »

Having some time to kill, Tobias decides to stop in at Elliot's office in case the man is in early. Any form of additional income didn't hurt, especially with the monthly child support check due in a few days...
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Up on the 38th floor, the carpet outside the elevator shows being as thick as the wallets of the partners of the firm. Artwork on the walls are showcasing some of the high end artist from the art scene. The lobby encircling the elevator bay has a curved brick glass wall letting light through to the center of the lobby. This gives the illusion of being an insect caught in the web of a huge spider.

The lobby desk is made of a huge slab of sheet metal. An old style type writer is placed beside a stack of binders. Also placed on the slab is an IBM work station with a printer placed on the floor beneath the desk. A band of printer paper with perforated edges fall down from the desk as a waterfall of sheets.
A water cooler stand is placed to the left of the desk.
Entry doors to various branches of Senterex are placed at 10 o´clock, 2 o´clock as well as 8 and 4 o´clock.
Elliot´s branch is behind the acquisitions door at 2 o´clock.
Above the lobby desk, a 15 feet lettering of the firm stands out in dark red.


The lobby is unmanned. The glass wall is not see-through but it shows outlines of objects close to the other side.
The elevator doors slides shut.
A faint aroma of freshly ground coffee beans fill the lobby.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Pickman37 »

The main lobby of Senterex is extravagant and reeks of money in comparison to the modest 27th floor offices of the Knox, Gillis and Partners Talent Agency where Tobias works. He is slightly envious and wishes he had pursued a degree in business as to have a shot at this lifestyle.

Noting that no one is at the desk in the lobby, Tobias hesitates for a moment or two, waiting for someone to arrive. The smell of fresh coffee signals the presence of someone around there somewhere but they are yet to appear. Finally, he decides to carry on. He steps up to the door to acquisitions, lightly rapping upon it before trying the door to go inside...
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Entering a 10 feet wide corridor leading to end of the floor with a floor to ceiling window, Tobias finds doors at irregular intervals on both sides. After passing two doors with name labels on, Adams and Leone, he comes to a rectangular alcove where a photocopy machine stands.

A few doors further down the corridor on the left side is an opening to an office pantry. A coffee maker has a fresh pitcher of pitch black with a thin layer of white-yellow foam. Passing the pantry that also have six leather chairs with side tables. A door down the corridor is ajar and the lights are on inside. The sound form a shower can be heard.

Tobias walks over to the door and reads the sign. Elliot - it says. Inside, a spacious office is sprawled in an L-shape. In the far end a rest-room is fitted with a walk-in closet. The front end of the office has a beige sofa and two couches. A green, old wooden door with a sheet of glass on top serve as a table to the group.

Over by a panoramic window with vertical white shades, a steel and glass desk sits. The front of the desk is made of copper plates, green and bronze compete to take over the area. On the desk is a gold and green reading lamp. An apple IIe crowns the desk.

Tobias takes in the scene and his eyes catch a picture on the wall above the sofa. A four colour reproduction of the same image. A stack of 100 dollar bills. Benjamin Franklin i four shades of green. On a plaque beneath it a text reads.
"B" To my friend Dave. / A.W
Reading the plaque, a voice comes from behind Tobias. "Good morning...?"
Turning to say something Tobias is interrupted by Elliot. "Ah, Berkowiz. You decided to pay me a visit. Finally." He has a towel wrapped around his waist and is drying his hair with a smaller towel.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Pickman37 »

Tobias is startled by the man and, turning slightly red, feels like an interloper...

"Oh...uh Elliot. Sorry I did not realize they had private office showers here. I just thought...." He gestures back towards the direction of the pantry outside the office where the coffee was brewing.

"Uh...if this is a bad time, I could stop in later."

He mentally scolds himself. He was so taken in by the wealth of the company that he forgot all etiquette and kind of let himself in without formal invitation...
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

"No worries." Elliot says and walks towards the bathroom again. "Help yourself to some of that coffee. My own blend." He disappears to the shower leaving Tobias alone again.

After two minutes, Elliot returns, dark blue suit and all business. He pats Tobias on the shoulder and explains. "I run through the park every morning. A wake up call, if any. Why sleep away half a day, right? " He gets a cup from a cupboard above the coffee machine and pours himself a steaming cup.

"About that job...", he starts. "Down by Patchogue, a company called Lockyear. They have some research going down there and I really would like some shots of the grounds. We´ve just purchased the company and we are printing up some folders. I know it´s not what you normally do, but you did ask if there was anything I had for you. Over at that party at Basement 40."
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Pickman37 »

Despite a few weeks passing since that night at Basement 40, Tobias can recall talking with Elliot about any available paying gigs.

"Yes, it definitely is not my usual job but times have been tough and a man has to make ends meet. I hate to say it but the competition for talent these days has been fierce and my company is not exactly big potatoes. Even if we sign the talent, we still have to arrange placement and right now we've been stuck with Broadway shows, commercials and a few low-rated network shows, notably work as walk-on extras..."

Tobias realizes that he's digressed and most likely Elliot is not interested in the day-to-day trials of a talent agent. He returns to the job offered...

"So anyways, yes I'll take the work. Will I be meeting with someone there for a tour of the grounds and if so, when?"
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

"When you get the time, but before the end of next week should be fine. The founder died four months ago, so we got it for a fair price. It´s mostly genetic technology based research. What I heard they have some ties to Asia. But all those high tech businesses do, right? So, I´ll get you a Senterex pass. I´ll just need your photo and then I´ll send it to the copy shop." He puts down his cup and walks away holding a hand up for Tobias to hold that thought. He arrives back after a few moments with a Polaroid camera. And gets a shot of Tobias. "That will work. We do need your full details, you understand, to draw up the paperwork for you to get access to the grounds." He downs the last of his coffee while drying the fresh Polaroid with his free hand flapping it up and down.

"It´s a job we lower management executives have, to visit all new firms and companies to welcome them to the Senterex fold. Nothing fancy. Shake a few hands, take a shot and eat some bad food. While you´re doing this for me, I´ll be at my boat doing some real work. As payment I´ll take you and your wife for a tour of Gardiners Bay at Mountak Point. And you´ll be getting the average fee I´m getting for those gigs. Sounds fair? Speaking about fair, how is Myra by the way?"
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Firehouse 72

Eric Whitehouse is awaken by the alarm bell at the station. Sunday morning 04:12 the Casio digital wall clock shows. Two weeks left, then vacation. That was what Cap had promised. If Christmas didn´t bring something bad to the city. And Christmas always did... Candlelight and booze never mix. Happy holidays. Sure.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Mr. Handy »


Eric springs out of bed and leaps to his feet, used to this by now. He knows the drill, and he quickly gathers his gear and runs for the fire pole to slide down and get to the engine. When it rains, it pours, he thinks.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
(viewforum.php?f=191)]The Ninth Planet
The Shadow Over Dunwich
The Brotherhood of Death
The Horror in the Blackout
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

As Eric gets up in the engine a tune spills out from the radio. He had heard it a couple of times before and it had grown on him. When the engine rolls out the doors he smiles in recognition. Gomez, by the wheel flips the code on the radio dials to 4-45. Outgoing. "Apartment building on East side." Also in the engine are Dallas and Winston two newly assigned fire fighters. Gomez has ten yeas under his belt and counts as one of the old-timers. As does Whitehouse. Somehow it had felt like that since he was in his twenties. War does that to you.


Apologies for dropping the ball in the Nam chapter. Hopefully you´ll find it a fitting background for the campaign.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,No problem! Glad to see the game moving again.

Eric spends the time it takes for the fire truck to reach the scene to double check his equipment. He knows that his life, and possibly the lives of his buddies, depends on it working properly when the time comes. He keeps his ears peeled for any more informtion coming over the radio as he does so.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Pickman37 »

"Speaking about fair, how is Myra by the way?"
The question hit Tobias like a shot. They had been separated now for just a little over two years and he couldn't understand why Elliot thought otherwise. It was then that he remembered that Elliot had met her on the street outside the office when she was dropping off the boys for his last visitation a month ago. The subject was an uncomfortable one for Tobias and it was likely that he did not make it clear to Elliot that day that he and Myra had gone their separate ways.

"Uh...we're presently separated." Tobias could feel his face begin to flush. Before Elliot could respond, Tobias attempted to lighten the situation. "Casualty of the business..." He grinned nervously, feeling his attempt at humour was falling flat. He quickly changed the subject.

"So what are these 'details' you need from me to gain access to the grounds?"

Tobias tried to project an air of business in hopes that the previous subject would be abandoned and forgotten. Despite his experiences in the war, nothing came close to the loss of his marriage and the failure he felt as a husband and a father...
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Dave Syrinx
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Re: Bright lights, dark city -

Post by Dave Syrinx »

"This might seem odd, but we do need a blood sample to clear you as fully well. The company has a policy of zero drug tolerance." He pulls out a small clickable device from his jacket pocket. "This is a sampler. It will sting and store a drop of your blood. I´ll seal it and let our techs run a test on it later today. My lunch you´ll be cleared...That is if you are clean. Are you? And do you agree to this test?" He places the small device on the side board of the pantry and continues. "Other than that, we need your address and phone number. That´s about it. I got your photo." He taps the Polaroid next to the device.

"All precautions in our time of insurance claims. You know how it is, right?"

At this both men hear the elevator arrive in the core lobby.

Elliot raises an eyebrow at Tobias.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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