IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

The confrontation with the Mi-Go turns violent, and the survivors must flee Pluto for their lives. But will the crew of Styx Base bring humanity's doom back to Earth with them?

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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by SSior.27 »

Hu glanced up to speak quietly. "I wasn't there when it happened, but just how sudden it was... it definitely was not a part of some protocol. Aliens or not, a man who pushes through that fast as judge, jury, and executioner is not to be trifled with."
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

"Indeed he is not," said Major Orlova, who looked startled when Karin made her accusation. "That fact should make us pause and think. I do recall, and it was Lt. Colonel Bruce who ordered Colonel Patel's death, not General Pryce. The general was in the colonel's custody at the time - and you were with her, Captain. We are out on the frontier, and it seemed reasonable for the security chief to carry out a summary execution to put down a mutiny. He does have the authority to do such things in an emergency situation. I would be very careful how to proceed from here. If - and I emphasize if - they have fallen under alien control, we need proof of it to be certain. There is no rush - we have ample time to find the truth. What evidence convinces you of this conclusion? Who else have you told of your suspicions? And what exactly do you suggest we do about it if our leaders are pawns of the Mi-Go? Execute them? How would that be any different from what Lt. Colonel Bruce did - aside from the fact that he had authorization and we would be breaking every rule in the book?"
Karin Bauer,[b]Natalia[/b] seemed nervous and worried now that [b]Karin[/b] had told her the situation.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by Lynx »

Juliette involuntarily took one step back as she heard what Captain Bauer had to say. "I am not one to judge anyone. Lt.col Bruce was under a lot of stress, just back from alien imprisonment. Walking into an evident mutiny. His senior boss taken prisoner by his other boss. There are protocols for his behaviour. There are also protocols concerning this discussion and they do not look good in our favor. I agree with Major Orlova. We must be very careful with what we say and presume. Under no circumstance will I be part of any conspiracy againt my peers. BUT on the other hand, it is good to hold our minds open to the fact that ANYONE amongst us can be under their influence. I have wondered why Col. Patel did mutine the way she did. She seemed rash and out of control too. There is definetely something weird going on.". She looked at all present. "Too be honest, so far my strongest suspision has been against you Capt. Bauer. You are the one that has been most exposed to both the Mi-goo, the weird strangers on the base, part of Colonel Patels mutiny as her medical aliby and the only one having access to us all in private consultations. Even so I have not made a move against you, or vented any secret suspicions, as there is no evidence of you beeing under their influence, your actions say you are on our side. And likewise we could reason on every personels actions and find argumenst to enhance our suspicions. But one thing is to have a suspicion and stay alert if they proves to be true. Another side is to act on suspicions alone. Juliette stopped to let her word sink in, studying each one, trying to judge their reactions.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by aine »

Karin rubs her eyes, "I'm glad you brought that up Captain as it is only my word against two superior officers'. Who is to say I haven't been brainwashed and this is a ploy to demobilise the two most important men on the ship? I agree with you; on the face of it it is I who should be watched carefully." She stops to ponder for a moment. "I have told everyone other than the two officers about the situation; the more humans that know the better. I have no actual proof; it is only my expertise on these matters that I have to go on. I think that I myself cannot make any decisions over this matter, it is up to the rest of you to make the correct judgements and I pray they are the right ones. I do ask that I may keep my freedom on the ship so I can continue to observe everyone's mental states."
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by Lynx »

Juliette sighs.. "I am in no position to restrict your actions. Also I have no wish for it. I just needed to explain to you, and the rest here, that we are not entiteled to go behind our superiors backs. They have protocols they follow. We must follow ours until they are out of line. And so far, they are not. But if we continue to meet like this, we are. Suspicions are just suspicions. They must be adressed correctly.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by CrackheadC. »

As Alison sat on the bridge with Sgt. Kohl, Lt. Colonel Bruce, and General Pryce she grew more nervous. I can't just sit here, if there is some way I can confirm the captain's suspicions I have to try. I won't stay on this ship for more than two months with Mi-Go in disguise.

"Lt. Colonel, General. If I may speak freely," Alison started, "We have a long trip ahead of us, I was wondering if you might tell me something. Lt. Colonel, what happened while you were with the Mi-go? Did they say anything to you or do anything to you? Did you see what happened to the crew of the Persephone? I just wonder what the might do to Lt. Barrett's body... cut it up or worse? It's all so awful."

Alison took care listening to the Lt. Colonel's responses. She had worked closer to him than the General and hoped that it would help her get the same sort of insight that the Captain had - looking for indications that he might be under control or just not himself.

Alison spoke up to the General, "And Sir, I know that the Mi-Go are awful...monstrous creatures, and I am not questioning your orders - it is far too late for that anyway, but why did you shoot the one in the medical bay and then quickly comply with their demands for us to leave?" She tried to tread as carefully as possible with her line of questioning. "Will The Kaiser be okay with us abandoning our base? Won't be be considered traitors or cowards for submitting to the aliens?"

Alison took a deep breath before her last question - the one she knew would make or break her decision and decide whether she makes it home in chains, a body bag, as a traitor or a hero."I know that Summary Execution of dangerous and seditious traitors is on the books - I mean, I pulled the trigger on Colonel Patel myself. But was there no other way? With respect sir, the Colonel's temporary relief of your command was also an acceptable course of action based on the circumstances and the hostile actions against the Mi-go."
Rolls,I'm going to make two Psych rolls, if there is anything else that might help me decide whether they are under control or not let me know. [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3624117/]Psychology (55%) for Lt. Colonel Bruce (1d100=63)[/url] [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3624122/]Psychology (55) for General Pryce (1d100=23)[/url] Hah, maybe some good luck would be in order too
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

"Well spoken, Captain Desjardins," said Natalia in the medical bay. "Someone overhearing our conversation could construe this talk as treasonous. Telling all and sundry may not have been wise, Captain Bauer. Are you certain you can trust everyone else? All it takes is one person to inform the general or the security chief, and your career is finished - possibly your life as well. And that's even assuming they're not under alien control. If they are, the consequences would be even worse. I know that Lt. Colonel Bruce must be under a cloud of suspicion considering that he was held by the aliens for some time, but the same is not true of General Pryce. And I would remind you that, if not for the general's intervention, you would have been executed right along with Colonel Patel. If they are both being influenced by the Mi-Go as you suggest, it makes no sense for them to work at cross purposes. I agree with Captain Desjardins. As long as the general and security chief pose no threat and take no hostile action, there is nothing we can do. We can observe, but without proof we cannot act."

On the bridge, Lt. Colonel Bruce first addressed Alison's questions about being in Mi-Go custody. "I was treated well, Private, all things considered," he said. "I was injured slightly when they shot me and seized me, but I will recover. They told me that they were going to negotiate my exchange for one of their own, which they did. Their underground base was fascinating. There was a room where the crew of the Persephone were housed, and I was able to speak to them as well. They gave me messages to take back to their families and friends on Earth. They were preserved alive inside metal cylinders. The technology used to do this is far in advance of our own. The Mi-Go said that the Persephone crew could be kept alive indefinitely."

"When I first saw the Mi-Go," said General Pryce, "I was so disturbed that I lost control and fired at it instinctively. I instantly regretted it, but it was too late. All I could do afterwards was to try to limit the damage I had caused. I had to agree to the Mi-Go's demands at that point. Not only were they within their rights, but it was the wisest course of action. There is value in being able to retreat when the situation calls for it. Had we stayed and fought, as Colonel Patel had wanted to do, the Mi-Go would have slaughtered all of us. Earth would never have known about the potential threat, and our fate would have been as much a mystery as that of Captain Kowalski and his crew. This way, Earth will be forewarned and can prepare a proper response. If it means war, we will be in a better position to win. And it may yet mean peace, which is my hope. Had we done otherwise, there would have been no chance for peace - the ultimate goal of the Peace Forces. As for what Alexander Kaiser will think, leave that to me. He and I are old friends, and I alone can convince him of the justness of our course of action. It was my decision alone, and it will be my responsibility alone. Everyone else was following my orders."

Lt. Colonel Bruce looked at - looked through - Alison when she asked him about Colonel Patel's execution. "There was no other way, Private. Colonel Patel's rash actions were an obvious threat to our security and our continued survival. Every second she continued to live was another opportunity for her to put us all in further danger. You did the right thing. Never doubt that."

General Pryce nodded. "Colonel Patel's mutiny was not justified, no matter how much she tried to hide behind procedures and protocols. She disagreed with my decision to evacuate, but instead of trusting and obeying her commander, she took it upon herself to change matters. She betrayed her oath and let her ambition cloud her judgment."
Alison Silver,[b]Alison[/b] couldn't tell much about [b]Lt. Colonel Bruce[/b]'s mental state, but he seemed to be as security-conscious as always. [b]General Pryce[/b] was very calm, perhaps unusually so, though he had always been extremely stable - except for that brief break in the Styx Base medical lab. Alien control was a possible explanation for his behavior, but it wasn't the only one.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by Lynx »

Juliette nodded as Major Orlova spoke.

"Captain Bauer. I am using my gutfeeling now. It has gotten me out of most of the pinches I have been in. It says to stay calm and keep our heads cool.

The Mi-goos range is possible not this farstretching. They are not following us, nor have they blown us out of the sky, which worries me enough to say that there is something not quite right here. There is something that is not as it should, but this feeling of paranoia might also be of their dooing. Getting us all so paranoid that we kill each other off by ourselves.
But that seed of disruption we can snuff out.

As for our return to earth and the possible contagion landside. What we CAN do is talk to the General and the security chief to relay our worries. The ships could dock with one of the scientific spacestations before returning to earth, definetely not at military one. Checking the ships, the computersystems, the personel for possible contagion so that we under no circumstance let the Mi-goo get an easy access to Earth. Besides, none of us should talk to Kayser in person before we are checked out. I think that a comlink would be safe, but I am not completely convinced.

Juliette paused and smiled her most reassuring smile at Captain Bauer.

"You see, I am also worried about contagion, but for now I am just praysing the fact that we are crossing the Styx the right way, moving back to the land of the living. We should have a postbattle talk and some refreshment to celebrate our release and let out some steam."

Juliette suddenly had an afterthought: "I wonder." She changed her com to the channel of the spacesuit Brook used. "Hello, is anybody in there?"
for all to see,Of course the last frase is said to the tune of Pink Floyds Comfortably numb. And I just had to do something Dr.Whoish. Like talking into a comlink that just should not reach the reciever. Hoping for a dr.who moment.
Not knowing why she did it, she had a strange feeling that if she could only get in touch with the strangers, they might have the answers she wanted.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by CrackheadC. »

Alison sighed. She worried that he line of questioning would have been seen as seditious and that her superiors would have reacted poorly - though that would have only confirmed to her that there was something wrong with them.

"In jars...and alive indefinitely? That is really disturbing. I don't know why they wouldn't have brought them along to return to Earth with us, or what it means for the fact that they took Lt. Barrett." Alison responded.

"I think you always feel something when you kill another human being. Even if you say it was the right thing to do - even if she was a traitor, it just feels wrong to kill someone." She said to the Lt. Colonel. Alison noticed his semi-robotic response, like it was almost rehearsed, but other than that she couldn't get a good read on the man. It was always business as usual for her.

But the General bothered her more. Yes, he had always been a calm man and yes, this seemed like how he should act in this situation, but it just didn't sit right with her. "As you say, sir. We could have at least sent a message to Earth ahead of us, but I guess none of us were really thinking quite straight." Colonel Patel didn't seem to want to really seize power. What would have been the endgame there? She gets control for a few hours? There is no glory, no reward involved - ambition didn't seem like a likely motivation. As for hiding behind regulations, it seemed that her superiors were doing the same.

Alison could do nothing more than wait. For the remainder of the trip she would keep a close eye on both the Lt. Colonel and the General and never be too far from her weapon. She had no love for the Kaiser and his regime, but an alien strike would just as easily ruin her life as anything they could throw at her.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by aine »

Karin smiles a little sadly, "Well, we all know where we stand. That's a good idea, Captain, about docking at a space station first; it would be good to get us all examined by experts before meeting anyone else. Including the Kaiser. And you are right; we could all do with some relief. Would you mind asking 2nd Lt. Rose, as morale officer, to organise something for us if it is acceptable with General Pryce." Karin gets up and gestures to the door for Juliette. "Just before you go Captain, is it worth carefully searching the Persephone? I'm wondering if the Mi-Go only have short range mind control then maybe some of them are closer than we think. There was only time for a short pre-flight check before we left; maybe some of them got on board while she was out on Pluto."
Mr. Handy,Once Juliette has left: Karin sits down beside Natalia. [i]"I'm sorry Major, this is a serious upheaval for you. If I'm right then you will be in charge of bringing us and our message safely home. You can count on Sergeant Kohl to help you though, he's the strong and dependable type."[/i] Karin smiles, [i]"Apart from our small alien problem and possible crew mutiny, what else is troubling you?"[/i] (Rolls, bad ones! in case I need them: [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3625746/]1d100=60, 1d100=79[/url]
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

There was no reply to Juliette's transmission. Of course, the suit's communicator only had a range of a few miles. Out here in the vastness of space, that was nothing.

Natalia nodded at her suggestion. "Yes, when we reach Earth orbit we should dock at Med Center 1," she said. "It's commonly used for medical quarantine for returning astronauts who might have been exposed to contagions, which would be standard protocol in our case. Some of the finest doctors work there, though that's no knock on your own abilities, Captain Bauer. Nobody will set foot on Earth until the staff at the space station gives them a clean bill of health."
Karin Bauer and Hu Xiang,"I am saddened at the loss of [b]Lt. Barrett[/b]," [b]Natalia[/b] told [b]Karin[/b] when [b]Juliette[/b] had left. "I wish that all of us had made it out alive, but his death was not in vain. I heard he died saving [b]Private Silver[/b]. He was a bright and accomplished scientist - not quite so much as you, [b]Lt. Hu[/b], but still a valuable member of the expedition. He was also the one who developed the aerosol fungicide, was he not? Without that, our losses would have been far worse. He will always be remembered as a hero."
Karin Bauer,[b]Natalia[/b]'s sorrow at [b]Lt. Barrett[/b]'s death struck [b]Karin[/b] as genuine. You had already rolled Medicine and Psychology for [b]Natalia[/b] in an earlier post. The [i]Persephone[/i] is a small ship, and you had seen pretty much all of it while you were aboard. It's unlikely that something the size of a Mi-Go could be hidden aboard, but not impossible. At least one of the Mi-Go was very small.
On the bridge, Lt. Colleen Rose raised an eyebrow when Alison mentioned sending a message.

"Ah, I had actually thought of it," said General Pryce. "However, the communications array had been sabotaged sometime between yesterday and this morning. Lt. Rose discovered it. We could still receive messages from Earth, but we could not transmit. I had ordered her to keep it secret for the time being while she investigated discreetly, so as not to cause undue alarm or to tip off the saboteur. It is possible that Colonel Patel was the saboteur. I hope that is the case, and that we do not have another traitor in our midst."

"We cannot rule out the possibility, sir," said Lt. Colonel Bruce. "We must maintain our vigilance. If anyone does anything suspicious, report it at once."

The general nodded. "Yes, you are right, of course."
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by aine »

"Thankyou Major, It was awful sitting in the Persephone, knowing you were all in danger on the planet below and not being able to do anything. Lt. Barrett was very brave, it is sad that he died so young." Karin sighs. "Well, I have my reports to write, thankyou Lt. Hu for your insight, I think you deserve some down-time now if the Major permits." Karin lifts an eyebrow at Natalia, "Do you think we should have some sort of get-together, a few drinks etc. It would help people find closure from Pluto and we could toast Lt. Barrett. And the original crew form the Persephone, poor sods, who are still alive down there." She adds darkly.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by Lynx »

Mr.handy,Juliette shoots Captain Bauer a displeased look, as she tells Juliette to go fix things with a handgesture and not the correct politeness Juliette would herself give one of equal rank. The observant one should notice the look. Juliette has been extremely honest with her thoughts about the Captain to check her reactions, and it is alarmingly compliant. And now she does excactly what Juliette reacts upon. Gets the one that disagrees with her out of the way. And will Juliette get into the main cabin in time to hear about the sabotage?
"Certainly Captain. I could do that. Major Orlova, Private Torres. Lt. Hu" Juliette nods at them and leaves quickly for the bridge.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

"Yes, an excellent idea," Natalia told Karin. "I'll go up to the bridge and pass it on to Lt. Rose right now. Lt. Hu, you're on your own time now. I'll see you later."

"I'd better get back to the bridge too," said Sofia. "My station's there." She followed Juliette and Natalia back to the bridge.
OOC,[b]Juliette[/b], you haven't heard anything that was said on the bridge up to this point, but you get there in time to hear what anyone says from this point forward,
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by smug_jaguar »

"How long will it take to repair the comm array?" asks Sergeant Kohl, "'We should inform the planet of any possible danger before we reach it,"
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by Lynx »

Juliette placed herself next to Heinrich as she came in on the bridge. But his comment dried her smile off her face. "Is the com-array destroyed? What is going on? I ran diagnostics just recently. What has happened?"
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

"You misunderstood, Sergeant," said General Pryce. He turned to the new arrivals and returned their salutes. "The communications array on Styx Base is the one that was sabotaged. That one would normally have the range to reach Earth, but we were unable to transmit, only to receive. I had tried to notify Earth of our discoveries earlier this morning, only to discover that I couldn't. Lt. Rose then detected the sabotage."

"I was unable to repair it," said Colleen. "A key part had been removed from the relay, and all of the spares in storage were also missing."

"Communications on the ship are working perfectly," continued the general. "Unfortunately, we do not have the range to reach Earth until we get much closer. Correct, Lt. Rose?"

"Yes, sir. We need to reach the orbit of Mars before we can get a signal through. That'll take almost two months. The shipboard communications weren't designed to communicate directly with Earth. We were able to do so on the way to Pluto because we carried the base's main array with us, which we installed when we assembled Styx Base. Even if we had had time to bring it with us, there'd be no fixing it without the proper spare."

"Can you enhance the range of our ship's communications?" asked Natalia.

"Possibly, but not by much. Even by boosting the range to maximum, we'd still need to be past the asteroid belt before we could get through."

"I see. Captain Bauer also suggested that you organize a gathering for everyone this evening to raise our morale, and that we honor the memory of Lt. Barrett."

"Good thinking," said General Pryce. "See to it, Lt. Rose."

"Yes, sir," she said.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by aine »

Karin sits at her computer, carefully writing a detailed report of everything that has happened and writing all medical details that she collected about the Mi-Go. She saves one copy in the usual file, one is hidden in amongst 'Supplies and sundries'. She prints two out, one she tapes to the inside of her med bag and the other she puts into a alu canister and tapes this inside the fuse panel of the medbay.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,Does anyone have anything specific they want to do at this point? I can move things forward more quickly if everyone agrees. All of you, please let me know what your plans are (assuming nothing unexpected happens) for the rest of the day, and then for the coming days and weeks.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Take the Long Way Home(Everyone else)

Post by smug_jaguar »

Sergeant Kohl will not let his guard down, and also work to keep himself physically fit and capable. Working out and target practice and the like.
Mr Handy,He will also get jiggy with Cpt. Desjardins if the opportunity presents itself.

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