IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

The confrontation with the Mi-Go turns violent, and the survivors must flee Pluto for their lives. But will the crew of Styx Base bring humanity's doom back to Earth with them?

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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by CrackheadC. »

Alison brings her 9mm to bear again towards the Mi-Go and fires off another round. "Just die you bastard!" Alison screams as the gun kicks in her hand.
Rolls,Shot: [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3571322/]Handgun (45%) (1d100=8)[/url] If I am not mistaken, that is an impaling shot (9 being 1/5 of 45) so two damage rolls. [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3571326/]Impaling 9mm damage (1d10=10, 1d10=9)[/url] 19 damage if I am right! Talk about a miracle.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by dormire »

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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

The airlock finished cycling, and the inner door opened. Colleen, Sofia, and George hurried aboard, leaving Lt. Hu in the airlock by himself.

The Mi-Go tried to throw off Alison's aim, but it was too slow. The bullet struck the creature right in the center of its bulbous brain. A shot like that would have killed any human being, which just drove home the point that this was anything but. Though it did not fall, the Mi-Go still appeared badly injured. It continued flying, heading out of the dome and across the barren landscape.
OOC,Nice shooting! [b]Alison[/b], you may fire three more shots this round if you wish. However, the Mi-Go will be at long range for the second and third shots, which will put you at half skill.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by CrackheadC. »

Alison stood in shock as her bullet tore through Mi-Go's head and the creature did not fall. "These things are monsters." She fired off another round, but her gun malfunctioned.
Rolls,Damn! This thing has a lot of health. All three of the next shots would have missed, but I believe the first roll, 98, is a weapon malfunction. Could I have more fluctuating luck with these rolls? [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3572105/]Three more 9mm shots. First at 45, then two at 22 (or 23 if it is 1/2 rounded up). (1d100=98, 1d100=75, 1d100=33)[/url] I guess you need to determine the nature of the malfunction?
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Alison pointed her gun at the fleeing Mi-Go and squeezed the trigger, but nothing happened. Of all the times for her weapon to jam...

The Mi-Go flew off into the distance and was swiftly no longer visible. Alison was left in the docking bay, alone except for Robert, who still lay unconscious in front of the airlock.

On the bridge of Charon's Ferry, Natalia and Juliette could see one blip leaving the docking bay and heading back in the direction from which the other seven were approaching. At this rate, those seven would arrive in about eight minutes.
OOC,The gun is jammed. Clearing the jam will require a successful Handgun or Mechanical Repair roll, whichever is higher. It will take 1d6 rounds if successful. This is not as much of an issue now that combat is over, but it may make a difference. It's not that the Mi-Go has a lot of health. It looked fairly frail, and that shot should have killed it outright. It did seem to be resistant to bullets, however. It's a good thing you had the fungicide to even the odds. Otherwise that fight would have been not just tough, but nearly impossible. I often have luck like that. It's pretty common for me to roll a 2 followed by a 99.
Edward Barrett,You're definitely still in the game in spite of your death. I'll link you to a new thread from this one when the time comes.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by CrackheadC. »

Alison curses as her gun jams and the Mi-go gets away with Lt. Barrett's corpse....he was dead wasn't he? At least he looked dead to Alison... what would the Mi-go want with him?

Alison comes to her senses and runs to Robert's side, "Rob, are you okay? Can you hear me?" She opens a channel to the rest of the base, "We killed three of the Mi-go, but one got away... he took Lt. Barrett with him...but the L.T. was dead." Her voice cracked as she spoke. "Robert needs first aid, we have to get out of here. We can't let those...things take us."
Alison's next move,I'm not 100% on the airlock situation. If Alison can move Robert into the airlock to Charon's Ferry right away - she will. If it will take longer than 6 rounds before she can move him into the airlock - she will attempt to unjam her gun.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by Lynx »

Juliette stared at the blip on the screen. She listened to what Alison said, and got visible upset. " We can not let them take his body away. They said something earlier that the crew of the persephone were rescued, when they were damaged, an preserved?. What happens to his soul if he is captured here on Pluto?" Juliette got up. "Mam, I have to take the fighter out. Stop the Things from "preserving" him...!"
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by CrackheadC. »

"They said 'damaged' when talking about the Persephone's crew. I am telling you he is dead. It doesn't matter what they do to him now, even if they preserve him It won't be the L.T." Alison retorted, "If you leave, what are the rest of us going to do? You're the pilot, do you think we can pick up the controls to the ship on the fly? We need to get out of here and you need to pilot us to do it."

Alison waited by the ship's airlock with Robert. "And besides, if there is a god, the L.T.'s soul will be out of his body by now."
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

"This is Sergeant Kohl," Heinrich said on everyone's communicator. "Our ETA is now eight minutes. Good job, Private Silver. Do what you can for MacCrimmon. You've had first aid training. We're on our way."

On the bridge, Natalia turned to Juliette. "Private Silver is right, Captain. Lt. Barrett is dead and beyond our help. We need to do what we can for the living, and we will need you to fly Charon's Ferry."

Lt. Hu Xiang sealed the inner door and began depressurizing the airlock. Colleen, Sofia, and George hurried towards their stations.
OOC,It will take another nine rounds before the airlock is depressurized once more, which gives you enough time both to try to unjam your pistol and to try to treat [b]Robert[/b] with First Aid. If you succeed at that, roll 1d3 to see how many HP he recovers. You can go ahead and roll for both actions if you like.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by CrackheadC. »

Alison crouches over Robert and begins treating his wounds and despite her pounding chest and constant looking over her should to make sure the Mi-go hadn't returned, she had great success with her first aid.

With Robert taken care of she turned her attention to her gun to fix the jam, reload the weapon, and hopefully not need to use it. Unfortunately her hands seem to be a little too shakytoo shaky to properly fix the gun.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by SSior.27 »

After the airlock closes again, Hu paces back and forth in the small airlock. He thinks of times and reports and is worried that... "More will be here by the time the airlock finishes."

He opens a com to the ship. "We're not going to have enough time. I'm going to try to override the safety and open the door before it's done depressurization." And with that he goes to the control panel and tries to override the safety protocol to no immediate result.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

"Sir, this is Charon's Ferry," Natalia reported to General Pryce on the comm. "All but one of the Mi-Go in the base were destroyed, and the other one escaped. Lt. Barrett is dead, and the Mi-Go took his body. MacCrimmon is wounded. It looks like we'll be able to get everyone aboard before any additional Mi-Go arrive, with the possible exception of Sergeant Kohl. If he doesn't get here in time, we may have to take off without him. Fortunately, the visitors haven't left yet. If he has to, he can catch a ride with them."

"Understood, Major," replied General Pryce. "We've cut off our acceleration. After you take off, you can catch up with us and dock. Then Captain Bauer can see to anyone who is wounded."

Since she couldn't undo the seals on Robert's spacesuit in the depressurized docking bay, Alison's options were limited, but she used the suit's built-in controls to adjust the internal temperature enough to warm him up. That did the trick, and he soon came to his senses. "Ach..." he moaned. "Alison? What happened?" He adjusted the controls further while Alison worked on her gun until they were perfect. He felt much better and was able to stand once again. "Jammed? I can help you with that if you like."

Xiang could not hack into the airlock's system to override the safety protocols. It seemed to him that even Sofia probably wouldn't have been able to do it. Whoever designed the system apparently took safety really seriously.
OOC,The failed Computer Use roll means that you will be unable to override the protocols before the airlock finishes cycling.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by CrackheadC. »

"Yeah, the damn thing just jammed up on me and doesn't seem to want to help me at all." Alison laughed nervously, "If you could clear it for me that would be great." Alison handed her gun over to Robert. She leaned against the wall waiting for the airlock to open and slowly slid to the floor into a seated position to wait. The entire time, her eyes kept darting towards where the Mi-Go had taken the L.T.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

"You're trying to force it," said Robert, taking the pistol. "You've got to be gentle with it, just like..." He blushed. "Well, you know." He skillfully and patiently worked at it until he finally managed to eject the offending slug. "There you go." He returned the gun to Alison.

A short time afterwards, the airlock finished repressurizing and the outer door slid open to reveal Lt. Hu Xiang, who had his blaster ready.

George split off and ran to the engine room, while Colleen and Sofia reached the bridge where Natalia and Juliette were. They took up their positions.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by CrackheadC. »

OOC,Am I right in assuming that with the airlock open and ready Alison, Robert and Xu can finally get onto the ship and get off this rock?
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by Lynx »

Juliette, beeing on foot greeted Sofia as she entered. "Private Torres. Good to see you. Can you remotely override the airlocks so that Heinrich... Sergeant Kohl... can get here in time? Is there anyway of speeding the process up? As they are all wearing suits it should not be such a great risk. If not I have to ask Sergeant Kohl to double back and take his chances with the strange visitors. If I understand things correctly we have control over the docking bay and can get in the last of our people in a short time?" Juliette was pale and her cheeks flushed. She was showing of more emotions than normal. "I do under no circumstance want to risk more of our people beeing caught by those monsters."
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Sofia smiled at Juliette and saluted. "I'm glad to see you too, ma'am!" she said, sliding into her station. "That's a great idea! Let me see what I can do." She worked feverishly at her console.

"Lt. Rose," said Natalia, "now that you're here, you can take over communications with the Persephone."

"Yes, ma'am," said Colleen as she sat down at the communications station.

Sofia quickly tapped into the base's airlock controls and overrode the protocols. "There, I did it!"

"Excellent," said Natalia. "We won't have to leave Sergeant Kohl behind after all. Let him know what you've done and get a revised ETA."

"Yes, ma'am," said Sofia. She spoke into her communicator. "Sergeant Kohl, this is Private Torres. I've just overridden the safety protocls on the airlocks between you and the docking bay, so you don't need to wait for them to cycle. The base will now depressurize since the docking bay is open to the atmosphere, so you'll need to make sure your suits remain sealed. How long will it take you to reach us now?"

"I estimate about another four minutes under the circumstances."

Natalia nodded. "We have seven minutes before any incoming arrive. Let him know we'll wait for him."

Sofia checked the scanners. "We'll wait for you before we lift off, Sergeant. The Mi-Go won't arrive for another seven minutes."

"General Pryce, this is Lt. Rose," said Colleen on the ship-to-ship communicator. "I'm on the bridge of Charon's Ferry now. We should be lifting off in about four minutes, and we will be able to bring Sergeant Kohl with us. We're just waiting for him to get back. The next group of Mi-Go is seven minutes away."

"Roger that, Lieutenant," replied the general.
OOC,[b]Alison[/b], [b]Robert[/b], and [b]Lt. Hu[/b] can all board the ship now. It looks like you'll be able to lift off too.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by CrackheadC. »

Alison helps Robert into the ship - walking shakily herself, but ever keeping an eye towards the sky.

Once aboard she collapses into a seat and calls to Juliette, "Tell the Sarge to hurry his ass up and say his goodbyes, I don't want to be on this rock a second longer with those creatures... It's too bad we can't make sure these monsters don't follow us or leave the planet."
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by Lynx »

Juliette walked the few steps to give Sofia a pat on the shoulder. "Good work, Sofia . Really good work. " She smiled her brilliant smile at her. She then got back into her seat and plotted in the trajectory for a quick takeoff. Her mood better now that she needn't leave anyone behind. But it would not be completely good before she got off this dratted rock.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-Last Dance(Everyone else)

Post by SSior.27 »

Hu makes room for the others to join him in the airlock, blaster at the ready and eyes scanning everywhere in case there are some uninvited guests. Once everyone's aboard, he closes the latch and lets the airlock cycle, connecting to the pilot, "We're on!"
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